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Fairchild helped make computer

components for the apollo program
-late 1800s-
San Francisco port helped make a hub of
the early telegraph and radio industries
many of the "traitorous Eight" left
Fairchild and founded thier own
-1933- the microprocessor was introduce,
which today is basically the
fundamental driving force and brain of
all of the companies
Companies Atari, Apple, and Oracle
were all founded in the area

-1940- eightShockley's
Shockley employees grow tired of
demeanor and left the

San Jose became home to one of
the US's first radio stations.
-1955- Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce
founded their own company in Santa
Clara called Intel

-Sep. 18,1957-
Ames Research Center was
founded in the area
-Early 1960s-
the Stanford Research Institute
became one of the four nodes of
William Shockley coinvented the -Late 1960s-
transistor while at Bell Labs

-1968- Journalist Don Hoefler titled a 3-part

report on the semiconductor

The Navy purchased Moffett Field to

dock and maintain the USS Macon

-1970- Shockley left Bell and founded his

own company-Shockley
Semiconductor Labs
William Hewlett and Dave Packard
founded Hewlett-Packard in Palo
Xerox opened its PARC lab in Palo
Silicon Valley became the widely
accepted center of the computer -1980s-eBay, Yahoo, PayPal, and Google are
just some of the companies founded
in the area.
HP made radar and artillery
technology Facebook, Twitter, Uber, and Tesla
-2000s- founded in the area Bell Labs
scientists discovered the transistor

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