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Name- Rajeev Kumar Kamat

Student Id- 2332735

Journal Assignment

Chinese photinias are a species of flowering plant in the

Rosaceae family that I selected as the subject of my study.
It is only found naturally in eastern Asia, which includes
areas of China and Taiwan. This little evergreen tree or
shrub is recognized for its bright red berries, white
blossoms, and glossy green leaves. There are therefore a
number of ecological considerations. For instance, the
Chinese photinia tree's components have long been utilized
as remedies in several cultures. Leaves, roots, and other
plant parts can be used for a number of purposes. The
shade provided by the Chinese photinia tree is
advantageous, especially in urban and suburban settings.
It reduces the impact of the urban heat island, helps to cool
the area's microclimate, increases the comfort of outdoor
spaces, etc.
Day 1 is October 14, 2023.

My week-long study of the Chinese photinia tree in my backyard

in British Columbia will begin today. The tree's leaves are still
primarily green, but I could see a faint trace of yellow edging and
with some red cherries on it. There hasn't been any evidence of
frost yet this autumn, which has been mild. It's a cold, cloudy day,
and I'm looking forward to the upcoming rain.
With its leaves gently rustling in the wind, the Chinese photinia
stands tall and dignified. It fascinates me how this tree manages
to keep its vibrant green hue despite the surrounding environment
beginning to shift. It almost feels hesitant to say goodbye to

Day 2: October 15, 2023

The anticipated downpour has arrived, and a light mist is already

soaking the ground near the Chinese photinia. Although the
majority of its leaves are still green, there has been a notable
change to yellow, especially on the outside branches. The rains
sparkle like diamonds on the leaves, giving the tree's change a
special charm.
I can hear the rain hitting the leaves after a long time. It's a
calming sound that serves as a reminder that nature's cycles
continue even in a changing environment.

Day 3: October 16, 2023

Rain fell all night long and far into the next day. The Chinese
photinia is saturated, and the yellow tone of its leaves has
intensified. The green and yellow stand out dramatically in
comparison. Each raindrop acts as a soft hand leading the
transformation, as if the tree is quietly turning the pages of a vivid
Rain seems to bring out a richer, deeper color in the leaves, and
the air is filled with the smell of moist earth. A tranquil, meditative
scene, the environment around the tree is painted in green and
grey tones.

Day 4 of October 17, 2023

The leaves of the Chinese photinia are currently a stunning

mosaic of green and gold, and the rain has no indications of
stopping. The tree's limbs elegantly sway in the rain, suggesting
that it has come to terms with the passing of the seasons.
The tree seems resilient despite the persistent downpour. It
serves as a reminder that change, even when it is unavoidable,
may be graceful and lovely. Even if the rain is still a constant
companion, I am nonetheless enthusiastic about this observation.

Day 5: October 18, 2023

The rain stops on the fifth day of my observation. The Chinese

photinia is slightly damaged from the days of nonstop rain, but its
leaves now have a pleasing combination of green and yellow and
orange. Muddy earth surrounds the tree, and a crisp, energizing
aroma fills the air.
The tree appears to be soaking up the sunshine that sporadically
penetrates the clouds today. In my backyard, the contrast
between the rain-soaked foliage and the little periods of
brightness makes a beautiful scene. The tree appears to be
relishing its change.

Day 6: October 19, 2023

Even though it has started to rain again, today is different. The

Chinese photography seemed to have accepted the transition
wholeheartedly. The formerly green leaves have largely turned
yellow and some have already started to fall. The tree's branches
now have a fusion of green, yellow, and red decorations, and they
sway in the rain.
I can't help but be reminded as I observe how beauty is transient
and how change is inevitable. The photinia tree is a
representation of fortitude and acceptance, and the bright
changes it undergoes perfectly capture the spirit of the changing

Day 7 is October 20, 2023.

Even if it continues to rain, the tree has undergone an amazing

makeover. The bulk of its leaves are now a brilliant yellow, and
the ground below is covered with a carpet of crumpled leaves.
As the tree says farewell to its summer foliage, it is a bittersweet
sight. However, I discover a deep feeling of appreciation for the
beauty of the environment around us as a result of this
adjustment. I'm happy to have seen the Chinese photinia's
change over the previous week as it elegantly ushered in the
autumnal season.
Day 8: October 21, 2023

Thank goodness it didn't rain today so I could admire this

evergreen tree, which have long puzzled and delighted me. I
didn't get wet. The changing of the leaves' colors as fall
approaches is a sight to witness. The glossy green leaves are
changing to bright orange and red. I looked at the change for a
while this afternoon.
Day 9: October 22, 2023

These days, the Chinese Photinias are even more remarkable.

The backyard appears to be a painting due to the arrangement of
green, red, and orange leaves. A few birds were perched on the
branches, perhaps drawn there by the hues or looking for cover.
This only highlights how lovely this tree is.

Day 10: October 23, 2023

Today's chilly breeze rustled the leaves, causing them to sparkle

and enhancing the Chinese Photinias' exquisite appeal. The
subtlety and enchantment of nature's beauty is amazing. I can't
wait to see how the colours change as October approaches.
Day 11: October 24, 2023

Our backyard has been graced with autumn rains, and after a
thorough watering, the Chinese Photinias seem even more
brilliant. I can see some leaves starting to fall and creating a
vibrant carpet under the shrubs. I can't help but notice how these
plants represent the cyclical nature of life and how the seasons
are changing.

Day 12: October 25, 2023

I spent some time today to use my camera to capture the

breathtaking colours of the Chinese Photinias. It is very amazing
to see the contrast between the green leaves and the shifting red
and orange foliage. I can't wait to show my friends these pictures.
Day13: October 26, 2023

The Chinese Photinias are looking more brilliant because of the

recent bright weather. More leaves are dropping now, and the
ground is turning into an orange and crimson mosaic. In addition,
I've noticed that when more birds and insects seek cover or food
from the trees and shrubs, their numbers are growing.
Day 14: October 27, 2023

The Chinese Photinias keep changing as the days pass. I can tell
that the leaves are getting close to reaching their seasonal
pinnacle of beauty because of their deeper colour. I'm already
thinking about how I'm going to capture this magnificent scene for
the winter.

Day 15: October 28, 2023

As the leaves start to fall and more of the Chinese Photinias'

branches show, I can't help but feel a little depressed. These vivid
colours will soon become a distant memory as winter draws near.
Still, I'm appreciative of the experience and the insights these
plants provide regarding rebirth and transformation.
Day 16: October 29, 2023

Even with the leaves still falling, the Chinese Photinias remain a
sight to behold. Now that I can see the trees' framework more
clearly, I'm beginning to consider how I may take care of them in
the impending winter to make sure they bloom even more
gorgeously in the spring.

Day 17: October 30, 2023

The Chinese Photinias are losing more leaves every day, and the
backyard is getting progressively more barren. A muted colour
scheme has replaced the vibrant reds and oranges, serving as a
moving reminder of life's transience. I'll keep an eye on these
plants' development and be ready for the upcoming colder days.

Day 18: October 31, 2023.

Now that Halloween has arrived, the Chinese Photinias have lost
most of their vibrant foliage. It appears they have taken off their
masks to show who they really are. I've written a note to
investigate how to take care of them throughout the winter so that
in springtime, they stay happy and healthy.

Day 19: November 1, 2023

It's clear that the Chinese Photinias are entering their winter
phase as November approaches. The focal points are the berries
and branches, and I've seen several inquisitive squirrels
investigating the backyard. It serves as a reminder that every
season has an allure all its own.

Day 20: November 2, 2023

The Chinese Photinias are naked and sturdy now, and the garden
is much calmer. I'm motivated by their capacity to withstand the
varying seasons and eagerly anticipate the moment when fresh
foliage emerges, ushering in a fresh cycle of beauty.
Day 21: November 3, 2023
I got up early today because it was my midterm. It was still dark
outside, but I still looked at my tree and noticed that it appeared to
have had a nighttime shower because of the wonderfully
refreshing scent that emanated from it. Because of the tree's
minor slant, it appears unhappy. Or maybe trees hate
examinations too.

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