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1. Has McLuhan’s ideal of a ‘global village’ become a reality?

Yes, the concept of the global village as forth by McLuhan has come to pass. A
"global village" is an envisioned society in which people are increasingly connected to one
another as a result of global media creation and technology advancements, according to
McLuhan. The foundation of McLuhan's theory is an awareness of how media is used to
facilitate simultaneous human connection across borders. Connecting individuals via the
internet and other types of communication linkage is the decentralized platform known as
the "global village." The global village is a virtual reality brought about by electronic
interconnectedness. An active online community was made feasible by the advent of
globalization and technical breakthroughs.
2. To what extent does global media serve as guardians of free speech, democracy,
and justice?
The global media presents the community with the thoughts and ideas of others,
protecting free speech, democracy, and justice. Media freedom is the fundamental right of
all media, including print, radio, television, and internet media, to function freely in society
without interference from or censorship by the government. Speech freedom is an
essential human right. Every human right is reinforced. They were therefore permitting
civilization to progress and grow. Encouraging social change requires the freedom to
speak our thoughts and voice our ideas. Additionally, by using the media, the family is able
to bring the guilty party to justice and raise awareness among the general public. The
media is always on the side of people who need help, and they are unbiased.
3. What is the ‘message’ of new social media?
The "message" of new social media is that people are communicating more on the
Internet and around the world as a result of the development of digital media. Through
user-generated media such as blogs, websites, movies, and images, it has made it
possible for people to express themselves. In addition, these media messages frequently
begin with one of the following goals in mind: to inform, amuse, or convince viewers to buy
a product.

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