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4/2/23, 9:36 PM Batch processing in ETL.

Batch processing in ETL.

Batch processing is a common method used in ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to
collect and process large volumes of data. It involves the processing of data in batches,
rather than in real-time or as individual records.

In a batch processing ETL process, data is extracted from various sources and stored
temporarily in a staging area. Then, the data is transformed and cleaned to meet the
specific requirements of the target system. Finally, the transformed data is loaded into the
target system in batches, typically during off-peak hours when the system usage is low.

Batch processing is often used when dealing with large volumes of data, as it allows for
efficient processing of the data in smaller, manageable chunks. It also enables parallel
processing, where multiple batches can be processed simultaneously to reduce the overall
processing time.

While batch processing may not be suitable for real-time or near real-time processing
needs, it is a reliable and cost-effective method for many ETL use cases.

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Data warehousing is the process of collecting, storing, and managing large sets of data
from various sources to support business intelligence and decision-making processes. Data
warehousing involves several key concepts, including:

1. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): The process of extracting data from various sources,
transforming it into a format suitable for analysis, and loading it into a data warehouse.
2. Data Modeling: The process of creating a logical or physical representation of data in a
data warehouse. This includes defining data structures, relationships, and hierarchies.
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3. Dimensional Modeling: A modeling technique that organizes data into dimensions and
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4 Data Mart: A subset of a data warehouse that contains a specific set of data intended for 1/1

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