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Case analysis

Case: DSWD orders shut down of QC orphanage Gentle Hands, Inc.

Background of Gentle Hands, Inc.:

Gentle Hands, Inc. is a private orphanage located in Quezon City, Philippines.

Established to provide care and support to vulnerable children facing crises, trauma, and abuse,
the orphanage has been a refuge for children from diverse backgrounds and situations. With a
mission centered around holistic care, Gentle Hands, Inc. has aimed to create a safe and
nurturing environment for these children, often housing over 100 children of various ages.

The orphanage's operations have relied on financial support from individuals and
churches that believe in their cause. Through the contributions of these supporters, the
organization has been able to offer comprehensive care and educational opportunities for the
children under their guardianship. Additionally, the orphanage has played a role in facilitating
adoptions, helping children find forever families and stable homes.

The decision to issue a cease-and-desist order against Gentle Hands Inc. and potentially
shut down the orphanage is based on a series of significant concerns and violations that have
been identified. These concerns encompass various aspects that collectively jeopardize the
safety, well-being, and rights of the children under the care of the institution. The specific details
that have led to the need for shutting down the orphanage include:

In the summary of the most essential context in the article;

 Violation of Child Protection Laws: The cornerstone of the cease-and-desist order is

the alleged violation of Republic Act No. 7610, a law designed to shield children from
abuse, exploitation, and discrimination. Any transgressions against these rights and
safeguards demand urgent intervention.
 Non-Compliance with Minimum Standards: Reports reveal that the orphanage failed
to meet the essential minimum standards mandated for residential facilities catering to
children. This failure casts doubt on the quality of care provided and raises concerns
about their living conditions and safety.
 Imminent Danger: Secretary Rex Gatchalian's surprise inspection underscored a state
of "imminent danger" faced by the children. Overcrowding, compromised ventilation, and
fire safety issues were the pivotal factors contributing to this distressing determination.
 Educational Inadequacies: The orphanage's educational practices were called into
question, highlighting issues of overcrowded classrooms and the use of unauthorized

educational materials. The provision of quality education is integral to nurturing the

children's holistic development.
 Non-Compliance with Protocols: The presence of domestic helpers instead of
mandated social workers during the inspection signifies a lack of adherence to
established protocols. Adequate supervision is essential for ensuring the well-being and
security of the children.
 Persistent Issues and Prior Complaints: The institution's history of facing prior
complaints and ongoing investigations by the DSWD indicates a pattern of issues that
persist despite official attention. This background underscores the urgency of the cease-
and-desist order.
 DSWD's Responsibility: At the core of this decision lies the DSWD's responsibility to
safeguard the rights and well-being of children. The agency's mandate involves
preventing neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and any circumstances detrimental to
children's development.

Case: DSWD orders shut down of QC orphanage Gentle Hands, Inc.

The closure of Gentle Hands, Inc., a Quezon City orphanage, serves as reminder of
the complexities inherent in social work administration. This case highlights the importance of
applying social work administration principles to ensure the effective operation of child welfare
organizations. By examining potential lapses in the agency's operations and areas for
improvement, we gain insights into how to better serve vulnerable populations and uphold the
values of social work. At the heart of social work administration lies the imperative of regulatory
compliance. The closure of Gentle Hands, Inc. may have been influenced by non-compliance
with regulations set forth by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and
other relevant authorities.

As the summarization of the article DSWD orders shut down of QC orphanage Gentle
Hands, Inc. in the application of social work administration we can’t change the fact that the
agency was already shutting down but there are things that I understand in order to avoid this
kind of tragic event especially for those children within the institution. In the institution would
operate again there are area that they need to improve. The DSWD had also responsibility to
enhance the monitoring within the agency. Regular inspections and evaluations to ensure that
the compliance has been met. It also assures that the children in welfare institutions provided
adequate support and ensure their safety. The agency should streamline its response
mechanisms to ensure that reported concerns are addressed promptly and effectively. They
should also try to figure out some concerns especially in the allocation of resources. I still

haven’t figured out if the agency that has been shutdown given enough support or have financial
adequacy to provide necessary support to children in need.

They also need to strengthen communication within the interrelation of different levels of
agency. It is also one of the most essential for improvement because Improving communication
channels between different branches and levels of the DSWD can lead to better coordination
and faster resolution of issues. Other one is partnering with non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) specializing in child protection can provide additional expertise, resources, and
perspectives in preventing violations, they could provide essential idea and information how to
strengthen the operation to ensure the effective operation of child welfare organizations. they
need also prioritize the best interests and rights of the children in all its actions, policies, and
decisions. They also need to strengthen the capacity of the staff if they are eligible to do the job.
Ethical dilemmas are inherent in child welfare. The worker should have strong ethical framework
that guides their decisions, ensuring that every action aligns with the highest standards of
integrity and the best interests of the child because we all know that agency have threats of
external factors to gain self-interest. They need to secured that the worker has sense of
responsibility since the job need integrity and accountability.

In conclusion, the cease-and-desist order against Gentle Hands Inc. serves as a lesson
for reevaluating and strengthening the DSWD's child welfare administration. I’ve learned the
importance management, leadership, and the application of professional competence in
addressing the possible lapses in monitoring, response, communication, training, and
collaboration, the agency can better fulfill its mandate of protecting children's rights and
preventing violations. This case underscores the significance of adaptive and proactive
approaches in ensuring the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable members of society.

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