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• Protagonist of Illiad – Achilles

• Son of Zeus that was killed – Sarpedon
• Creator of Armor – Hephaestus
• The person who asked Hephaestus to create an armor for Achilles – his mother (Thetis)
• How long was the Trojan War? – 10 years
• What is the Prophecy? – Achilles will die if he fights with the Greek or he will die of an old age if he owns up (Achilles chose to die for honor
and glory)
• How did Achilles desecrate the body of Hector? – Achilles strips off Hector’s armor and fastens his naked body to his chariot by the heels.
Then he gallops off, dragging the corpse behind him in disgrace
• Who felt insulted from what Achilles did to Hector’s body? – Priam
• What did Priam do? – he went to Achilles with the help of the gods to take Hector back to Troy (Hermes)
• How did Priam reach the camp of Achilles safe and sound? – Priam was escorted by the Gods
• What help did Priam received from the Gods? – everyone was put to sleep in order for them not to be seen by the Myrmidons
• Reason why Achilles softened – Priam reminded Achilles the feelings he has for his own dead father
• How was the ransom determined? – depending on the body weight of Hector
• Description of Achilles’ new armor – the new shield alone is a masterpiece, being built up of five layers and having on it a representation of
the signs of the zodiac and of two cities engaged in all the peaceful and warlike activities of mankind.
• What led to the killing of Patroclus – he was mistaken as Achilles because he was wearing his armor
• Who killed Patroclus? - Hector
• Who is the wife of Hector? - Andromache
• Relationship of Achilles and Patroclus – Best friends
• Who is victorious in the war? – Greeks
• Who do you think contributed a lot for the victory of Greeks? – Achilles
• Why was Odysseus called one of the cleverest warriors? – thought of Trojan Horse
• Who was the spy who opened the Trojan horse? – Sinon
• What did the Greek do to Astyanax? - he was thrown over the walls/battlement of Troy by Achilles' son Neoptolemus
• What happened to King Priam? - Priam is killed during the Sack of Troy by Achilles' son Neoptolemus
• Major themes of Iliad – War
• What is the consequence of the war – Death of many people
• Love & Friendship – shown by Achilles & Patroclus’s friendship
• Fate & Free Will – shown by Achilles’ two fates about old life and short life of glory

• In Ithaca, who is the wife of Odysseus? – Queen Penelope
• Who was their son? –Telemachus
• How long was Odysseus away from home – 20 Years
• Who imprisoned him for 7 years – Calypso
• How was Odysseus freed from Calypso? - Zeus instructs the messenger-god Hermes to inform Calypso to allow Odysseus to leave.
• What is the name of the enchantress that transformed Odysseus men as swine and pigs? – Circe
• How did they turn back as humans? – Odysseus consumed the medicinal herb (MOLY), resisting Circe’s spell and forcing her to change them
back into men again
• Who gave Odysseus and his men the Moly? - Hermes
• What is the effect of the Lotus eater? – they lose all interest and forget in returning home thus only wanting to remain with the Lotus
• What is the name of the group of women with beautiful voices? – Sirens
• What did Odysseus do for him not to hear the voices of the Siren? – taking a large block of beeswax, Odysseus breaks it into small pieces
and gives one to each of his men. He tells them to soften it and put it in their ears.
• What is the name of the race of one-eyed giants – Cyclops
• Who are the Cyclops who owned the cave that Odysseus entered? – Polyphemus
• Where was Polyphemus during the time Odysseus entered his home? – He was outside pasturing his sheep
• What name did Odysseus used to introduce himself to Polyphemus – Nobody
• Why did Odysseus call himself “Nobody”? - Odysseus tells the Cyclops his name is Nobody as he knows that when he attacks, the Cyclops
will cry out and be asked by other Cyclopes if it needs help.
• What did Odysseus offer to show friendship after introducing himself as nobody? Wine (Wine of the Gods)
• Effect of the wine to Polyphemus – he became drunk, making him vomit
• What idea came to the mind of Odysseus while Polyphemus sleeping dead drunk? – blinded him by plunging a burning stake into his eye
while he lay asleep
• What made him decide not to kill Polyphemus? – If they killed him, they’ll be trapped inside the cave because the rock is too heavy for the
men to move it.
• What strategy did Odysseus use for them not be noticed by Polyphemus? – by clingy to the bellies of the sheep (3 Sheeps)
• What was the last one Odysseus used for him to go out of the cave? – hide beneath a large sheep (a ram)
• Who did Polyphemus prayed to? – Poseidon
• What is the relationship of Polyphemus with Poseidon – son of Poseidon
• Who is the king of the Winds? – Aeolus
• What did Aeolus give to Odysseus so the sea will become calm? – a bag of winds
• What is the reason why they are being blown away? – The two sailors opened the bag. The winds in the bag escaped and created a furious
storm that drove the ships backwards.
• Who is the blind prophet? – Tiresias
Dangers in the Mediterranean Seas:
• Scylla (six-headed monster, who swallows one sailor for each head) – compared to octopus
• Charybdis (a violent whirlpool)
• Who is Nausicaa? – daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of Phaecia
• Who is Alcinous? – the King of Phaecia
• What did King Alcinous give to Odysseus to help him go back in his home? – Gave him a boat so he will be able to go home to Ithaca
• Why was he not recognized when he was in Ithaca? – He disguised as a beggar
• Who is the God/Goddess that advised Odysseus to disguise as a beggar? - Athena
• What was the reaction of the other suitors when Odysseus tried to join them? – they ridiculed Odysseus
• Who is the nurse maid who washed Odysseus? – Eurycleia
• How did Eurycleia recognize Odysseus? – she found out the wound (scar) on Odysseus legs
• Who is the pet dog? – Argos
• What happened to the dog? – the dog died
• What is the test given by Penelope to all the suitors to win her heart? – she would marry whoever could string Odysseus’s bow and fire it
through 12 axes
• Where will Odysseus shoot the last arrow? – Antinous, one of Penelope’s suitors
• What was Penelope kept on weaving during the day and ripping it at night? – Great funeral shroud for her Father-in-law
• What was the test given to Odysseus by Penelope? – to remove the bed from her bed-chamber to the hall outside
• Reasons why the bed cannot be removed – he builds their bedroom around the olive tree and used top of the tree to make bedpost
• Who is the father of Odysseus? – Laertes
• What was the order of Zeus? – The family of suitors who were killed wants to retaliate however, Zeus ordered them to live in peace and
order. He did not allow them to take revenge.
• What virtue Penelope shows in the story? – Faithfulness
• Who is the narrator of the adventure of Odysseus? – Odysseus
• Lesson of the story – temptation can lead to death, being obedient can save your life, and trust your instincts.

• Who is the author of Oedipus? – Sophocles
• Where is the setting of Oedipus? – Thebes
• Who is protagonist in Oedipus? – Oedipus
• Who is the king and Queen in Oedipus? - Laius and his wife Jocasta
• The King and Queen of Oedipus went to what prophecy? - Oracle of Delphi
• Oracle of Delphi - Apollo
• Horrifying prophecy - Oedipus will murder his father and marry his own mother
• A mountain that Oedipus was abandoned? - Mount Cithaeron
• Meaning of Oedipus name - A swollen foot
• Why did the baby (Oedipus) has a swollen foot? - His feet were binded by his parents as he was bound by a prophecy and fate.
• Who put the baby at the hill? – Thebein Shepherd
• Who took up Oedipus as a baby? – Corinthian Shepherd
• Who raised Oedipus? - King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth
• Why did Oedipus leave Corinth? - He left Corinth to prevent the oracle
• Who did Oedipus killed in the crossroads? - King Laius
• After killing someone in the crossroad, he headed to what city? - Thebes
• The city was suffering from a Monster, what is it? - Sphinx
• What is a Sphinx? - mythological creature with a lion's body and a human head
• What did the sphinx do when a person unable to answer her riddle? – Devour/Eat them
• The Sphinx has to be fed with what? - Youth
• What was the riddle? - "What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?” – Man (infant, adult, old age)
• What was the reward who can answer the riddle of the sphinx? - Becoming the rulers of Thebes and the hand of Jocasta
• What made Oedipus seek the help of Delphic oracle? - To lift the plague that threatening the city
• What was the cause of the plague when Oedipus became king? - the plague was caused by the unpunished murderer who killed Laius
• What did the oracle say? - They need to know who the killer of the past king is
• Who was made to find out the killer of the past king? - Tiresias
• Who were people who conspired against Oedipus? - Tiresias and Creon
• What will be the punishment of the killer? - The murderer will be exiled
• Who were called to testify that the killer is Oedipus? - Messenger from Corinth, Thebeans Shepherd, member of the group where king Laius
is riding, and the Corinthian shepherd
• Who was the killer according to Jocasta – a band of thieves?
• Who testified that Oedipus was the killer? – the lone survivor from the band of thieves
• Sad fate was brought by? - Gods
• What did Jocasta do? - Jocasta hanged herself
• What was the punishment Oedipus did to himself? - He blinded both of his eyes
• Who is the companion of Oedipus when he was blind in his exile? - Antigone
• Where was Oedipus exiled? - Colonus
• Who became the rulers of Thebes? – Creon
• Two sons of Jocasta - Eteocles and Polynices
➢ Sight vs. Blindness
➢ Fate vs. Free Will
➢ Hubris
• What is the meaning of excessive pride? - Hubris
• Symbolism of Freedom of Choice/Free Will and Fate – Crossroads

• Who is the author of Medea? – Euripides
• Where is the setting of Medea? – Corinth
• Who is the protagonist in Medea? – Medea
• Medea is princess of what country? - Colchis
• Jason is the leader of what? - Argaunots
• Who is the father of Jason? - Aeson
• Who is the mother of Jason? - Alcimede
• When Aeson die, who became the rules of their kingdom? - Pelias
• Who Pelias’ son who went with the Argonauts? - Acastus
• What was the name of the kingdom when Pelias became the king? - Iolchus
• Who brought/ raised Jason? - Chiron raised Jason until he was an adult
• Is Chiron a human? - Centaur
• Describe a centaur - Half-man and half-horse
• What was the prophecy given to Pelias in regard to the stealing the kingdom? - Beware of a man who is wearing one sandal
• What was the task given to Jason? - Retrieve the Golden Fleece
• What does the Golden Fleece represent? - The fleece is a symbol of authority and kingship.
• Where did Jason traveled to get the Golden Fleece? - Colchis
• Who was the king in the Colchis? - Aeetes
• Who was the princess of the Colchis? – Medea
• What were the 3 Task given by Jason?
1. He must yoke fire-breathing bulls
2. Plough and sow a field with dragons' teeth
3. Overcome the warriors who will rise from the furrows.
• Who helped Jason to accomplish all the task? – Medea
• What was the promise between Medea and Jason? - He promised to marry Medea
• How did Jason get the golden fleece? - By putting the dragon to sleep through her narcotic drugs
• What did Medea do to showcase her magical abilities? - As a show of her powers Medea cuts up a ram, throws the pieces in a boiling
cauldron, and brings it back to life.
• Why was Jason and Medea exiled from Iolchus? – Medea deceived Pelias’ daughters to cut him up and boil him. Medea withholds her
magic, leaving Pelias dead.
• Name of the younger brother that Medea took as a hostage. – Apsyrtus
• Where did Medea and Jason got married? - Greece
• Who was the king of the Corinth that time? - Creon
• On what condition did Creon allowed them to stay? - To marry the princess, Glauce
• Who was the princess of Corinth? - Glauce
• Why did Jason decided to marry the Glauce? - Throne and the appearance of Glauce
• What did Creon decided to do against Medea? - He wants to exile her
• What was the evil plan of Medea? - For Glauce, she plans to put poison gifts and afterwards, she will kill their children
• What are the poison gifts for Medea? - Coronet and Dress
• Who brought the poison kids to the palace? - Her children
• What did Medea receive that thrilled her heart? - The death of Glauce and the King
• Climax of the Medea - When she killed her sons
• Why did Medea kill her two sons? -To hurt Jason and stop him from having a happy life
• Where did Medea escaped? - In Athens
• Who was the king of Athens? - Aegeus
• What was the deal between Medea and Aegeus? - He offers Medea sanctuary in his home city in exchange for her knowledge of certain
drugs that can cure his sterility.
• How was Medea able to escape? - By the Golden chariots that is being pulled by the dragon
• The Sun god and grandfather of Medea – Helios
• What happened to Aegeus and Medea? – They got married
• What are the two betrayals?
➢ When Jason cheated to Medea
➢ When Medea betrayed her family by helping Jason get the Golden Fleece
➢ Betrayal, Passion, Revenge, Exile, Feminine Power
• Uncontrolled passion was destructive - Medea's love for Jason turns into a consuming and vengeful force
• Feminine power - She is portrayed as cunning, intellectual, and challenges the societal norm
• Exile - Medea was forced to flee from her homeland of Colchis to help Jason secure the Golden Fleece. Then, she and Jason were exiled as
murderers from Jason's homeland of Iolcus because Medea attempted to wrest ruling power for her and Jason from the corrupt king,

• Who is the author of Aeneid? – Virgil
• Who is the friend of Virgil? – Augustus Caesar
• Who is the protagonist in Aeneid? - Aeneas
• Where is the destination of Aeneas and his men? – Italy
• Who is the leader of the expedition to Italy? - Aeneas
• What is the mission that Aeneas must do in Italy? - To become the founder of Rome
• Who helped Aeneas to escape without being noticed by the Greeks (Mother of Aeneas)? - Venus
• Who is the Father of Aeneas? - Anchises
• Who is the wife of Aeneas? - Creusa
• Who is the son of Aeneas? - Ascanius
• Who is Venus in Greek mythology? - Aphrodite
• What is the name of the place that is newly founded in Aeneid? - Carthage
• Who was the Queen and Founder of Carthage? – Dido
• Who is Dido’s husband and killed by Pygmalion? - Sychaeus
• Who is Dido’s sister? - Anna
• What is the original kingdom of Dido? – Cartage in Tunusia
• Why did Dido run away from Tyrus? – Her husband was killed by her brother Pygmalion, she was worried she was next
• Who is the brother of Dido? - Pygmalion
• What did Dido do when Aeneas left her? - She committed suicide
• What weapon did Dido used? - Aeneas' warrior sword, his gift to Dido, becomes her weapon of suicide.
• What is the city already by a king? - Latium
• Who is the king of Latium? - Latinus
• Who is the queen of Latium? - Amata
• Who is the princess of Latium? - Lavinia
• One of the choices of Amata for Lavinia's husband. - Turnus
• Latinus's choice for Lavinia's husband - Aeneas
• Who was Amata’s choice for Lavinia? – Turnus
• What is the basis of King Latinus in choosing Aeneas as Lavinia's husband? Prophecy. The one that Lavinia marry must be a stranger or a
foreigner, and he believes that Aeneas is the one since he is not from their kingdom.
• What did Turnus decide to do? - He decided to go and fight Aeneas alone for the kingdom and Lavinia's hand.
• What made Aeneas decide to kill Turnus? - He catches sight of the belt of Pallas, which Turnus is wearing.
• Who is the father of Pallas? - Evander
• Who became the successor of King Latinus? - Aeneas
• From Latium, the kingdom's name was changed to? - Lavinium
• What is named after Romulus? - Rome
• Who is the twin brother of Romulus? – Remus
• What is the animal that suckled Romulus and Remus? – She-wolf
• Who is the friend of Virgil that he told that Aeneid should be destroyed? – Augustus Caesar
• Who became the first Roman Emperor? – Augustus Caesar
• What is the masterpiece of Virgil? - Aeneid
• What was the name of the Goddess who hates Trojans? - Juno
• Why did Juno hate the Trojans? - Juno holds a permanent grudge against Troy because another Trojan, Paris, judged Juno's rival Venus
fairest in a divine beauty contest.
• What was the condition set for Juno to appease her anger? - Trojans will unite with Latinum and study their language. Deal between Juno,
Jupiter, and Venus about Juno’s grudge about Trojans – unification of Trojans and Latins
• Who assassinated Julius Caesar? – Brutus and Cassius
• What are the virtues tied to Aeneas? – loyalty, reverence for the gods, patriotism/nationalism
• What is the place ruled by Ascanius? – Alba Longa
• What tribe is Turnus from? - Rutulian tribe
➢ Inevitability of Fates
➢ Destiny of Rome
➢ Honor and Respect
➢ Will of Gods

• Who is the king of Danes? - King Hrothgar
• Name of the hall that he built for his people? - Heorot
• Why did Grendel attack Heorot? - Because of the noise coming from the celebration
• Where does Grendel live? - In Swampland
• What served as the trophy for Beowulf's victory over Grendel? - Grendel's arm
• What was the trophy that Beowulf got from fighting Grendel's mother? - Her head
• What did Beowulf use to behead the mother? - a sword forged for a giant/ giant magic sword
• What happened to the giant sword after slaying Grendel’s mother? – It melted
• What was the sword given to him before he beheaded the mother? - Hrunting
• Who owns the sword Hrunting? - Unferth
• Name of Beowulf's sword. - Naegling
• Who was the young lad who fought together with Beowulf when he was already old? - Wiglaf
• What was the kingdom that Beowulf ruled? – Geatsland
• Who was the uncle of Beowulf that ruled the Geats? - Hygelac
• How long has been Beowulf ruling Geatsland? – 50 years
• Who became the King of Geatsland after Beowulf’s death? – Wiglaf
• What is the name of the Geatland monster? - the unnamed dragon
• Why did the dragon attack the people of Geats? - Someone stole his treasure, the Golden goblet.
• What did the hoarding dragon symbolize? – Greed
• How many did Beowulf take with him to fight the dragon? - 11
• Beowulf’s strength (hand grip) is compared to how many men? – 30 men
• What did Beowulf give to Wiglaf as a sign of gratitude? - A golden necklace/chain, helmet, and ring
• What is the chief activity of the Danes nobleman? – War
• The major theme of Beowulf - Good vs. Evil
• Themes – reputation, good vs. evil, heroic code, generosity, revenge, courage, loyalty

• Who wrote the Song of Roland? – Turold

• What is the name of Roland’s magic horn? – Oliphant
• What do you call the sword of Roland? – Durendal
• What do you call the Germanic tribe that settled in France and Spain? – Franks
• Who is the king of the Franks? – Charlemagne
• Who is the best friend of Roland? – Olivier
• Who is the brave priest who participated in the Song of Roland? – Turpin
• Who is the stepfather of Roland? - Ganelon
• What is the city that Charlemagne was not able to convert to Christianity? – Saragossa
• Who was the king of Saragossa? – King Marsilla
• How many men did he chose to go along with him? – 20,000
• What are the relics embedded in Durendal:
➢ Tooth of Saint Peter
➢ Blood of Saint Basil
➢ Hair of Saint Denis
➢ Piece of raiment of the Virgin Mary
• Where were the French rear guards of Roland ambushed? – Roncevaux Pass
• Where is the Roncevaux Pass located? – Pyrenees Mountains
• Why did Charlemagne withdraw French rear guards from Spain? – Marsilla and his men promised to be converted to Christianity
• How did Charlemagne learn of the predicament of Roland at Roncevaux Pass? – Roland blew his (horn) Oliphant
• Who became the mediator to settle the argument between Roland and Olivier? - Turpin
• What is the century of Song of Roland most likely composed? – 12th Century
• Who is the Greek God that is worshipped by the Muslims in the epic? – Apollo
• What was the last action of Roland before he died? – He offers his love to God
• Who interposed between Charlemagne and God? – St. Gabriel
• How is Marsilla injured at Roncevaux? – Marsilla’s right hand was chopped off by Roland
• Where is the sword of Roland after he died? – embedded in a rock in Rocamaddour
• Who are the Saracens in the Song of Roland? – Muslims in Spain
• In what particularly place was Charlemagne able to catch up with the fleeing Saracens? – River Ebro


• Why is the crossroad is the symbol of faith and awesome power of prophecy rather than freedom and choice? – crossroads are
traditionally a symbol of life choices that lead you to different places depending on which path you choose, and Sophocles is trying to
show that when it comes to fate we completely don’t have a choice. (OEDIPUS)
• Why did Medea take along with her younger brother in escape? When the father (Aetees) was about to catch up with them, he used
his younger brother’s body by cutting his younger brother into pieces and throw them into the sea, then the father saw it and he
collects every piece in order to give his son a decent burial, while the father picking up the pieces of the body, Now Medea had the
chance to run/escape without being caught up by her father. (MEDEA)
• How did the gifts, the poisoned gifts and the crown contribute to the death of Glauce? – Glauce wore the two gifts that’s why she dies.
• Why did Alcimede hid the young Jason and gave Jason to the centaur Chiron? – to keep him safe from Pelias, because Pelias want to
kill Jason, because Jason is the heir. (MEDEA)
• In the quest of golden fleece, why Pelias allow his son Acastus to go to the expedition to get the golden fleece when he knew that it
was a dangerous mission? Because the presence of Acastus will prevent Pelias from sabotaging the journey. (MEDEA)
• What is the dramatic action used by Euripides in the play about Medea, so that the sympathy of the audience was transferred from
Medea to Jason? By Medea killing her sons, and Jason attempted to save his son, but it’s already too late. (MEDEA)
• How did Venus help Aeneas and his family to escape? – Venus disguised herself, and guided her son to Carthage after rapping him in
the mist of invisibility? (AENID)
• How was Aeneas able to take revenge on the death of Pallas that was killed by Turnus? When he saw the belt of Pallad wrapped
around him, then killed Turnus
• Why did Dido runaway to Carthage and started to build a new city there? – because her brother killed her husband, and was afraid
that her brother might kill her too. (AENID)
• After the fight of Beowulf and Grendel his son, and Grendel right arm was removed from its socket, what did Beowulf do after he
defeated his son? Beowulf let Grendel escape to the swamp and allow him to die there. (Beowulf)
• Why Beowulf became the next king after Hygelac died? – when Hygelac died, queen Hygd offered Beowulf to take the throne as
heardred, her son, was too young to rule the Geats, another thing is Beowulf is Hygelac’s nephew that’s why he became the next king.
• Why is the fire breathing dragon is a symbol of greed? The dragon hoarded the treasure in its cave. (Beowulf)
• Why Unferth is jealous of Beowulf bravery? Because Unferth can’t manage to defeat the demons Grendel, and a foreigner that is not a
member of the tribe and the foreigner keeps boasting about battling one on one with Grendel. (Beowulf)
• What strategy did Beowulf used first so that he will know how to attack Grendel? - Beowulf crouched quietly allowing Grendel to
snatch at the first geat he came to see. (Beowulf)

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