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The Odyssey Film Guide

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1.       What does Odysseus say is "the proudest day of

The day his son was born
my life"?

2.      To what city do Odysseus' ships sail so that the Troy

men may fight an opposing army?

3. Why is the war being fought? because he had in the past sought the hand of Helen and
had sworn an oath to protect her
4.      What does Odysseus tell Penelope she must do if
She must remarry
he has not returned before their son has a beard on his

5.      On the ship, what does the goddess Athena tell he will fight the Trojans and must defeat them
Odysseus he is to do?

6.      Who is the "defender of Troy"; its greatest Hector


7.      Finish the words of the soothsayer: "Beware the Greeks and their gifts
_________ and their ____________.

8.      What do Odysseus and his men build that finally Odysseus and his men build the Trojan Horse to enter Troy.
allows them to enter the gates of the opposing army?

They fought the war for 10 (ten) years.

9.      How many years have they fought the war?

10.      What does Poseidon say Odysseus will do as a Poseidon says Odysseus will suffer for his actions and never
result of Odysseus' pride and arrogance? see the shores of Ithaca again.

11.  How does Poseidon separate Odysseus' ship from He made the sea foggy so they couldn't see
the others in the fleet and prevent Odysseus from
returning home?

12.   When the cyclops asks for his name, what does Odysseus tell the cyclops his name is Nohbody to trick him.
Odysseus answer? Why doesn't he give his real name?

13.   How do Odysseus and his men escape the cyclops' They escape the cyclops by crawling out under the sheep skin.

14.   Who speaks to Odysseus at the waterfall where Aeolus speaks to Odysseus at the waterfall.
Odysseus collects water?

a bag of wind
15.   What does the god at the waterfall give Odysseus?
The Odyssey Film Guide
Aeolus helps Odysseus because he thinks Posiedon is
16.   Why does he want to help Odysseus?
arrogant and odysseus is the first mortal to use his mind

17.   On the island of the goddess Circe, one of O's One of Odysseus' men is turned into a paid at Circe.
men is turned into a _______________.

Odysseus' mother dies by drowning herself.

18.  How does O's mother die?

19.   How long do O and his men remain on the island 5 years
of Circe? How is she able to keep them there for so

20.   Where must O travel to gain information on how the underworld

to return home?

to marry her
21.  Why have the noblemen come to see Penelope?

22.   What was the one item that O carried into the a goat

23.  Tiresias: "It is the _________ itself that makes up journey

your life."

24.  What does Tiresias say the O should look for in Thrincia
order to find his way home?

25.  What person from his past does O see in the his mother

26.  Penelope promises the noblemen that she will

her tapestry
choose a husband from among them when she finishes
__________________________ .

27.  Describe the monster that O and his men a 3 headed snake
encounter in the Straits of Scylla.

28.  How many of O's men are lost traveling through all of them
the Strait of Scylla?

29.  Why do Calypso's maids giggle when they see O? he is the first man they have ever seen
The Odyssey Film Guide
23.  Athena: "The gods must _____________ for man not do; must do
what man _________________ for himself."

31.  Where does Athena tell Telemachus to sail to in Sparta

search of his father?

32.   How does Penelope keep O's shroud in an she rips it at night
unfinished state?

33.  After O returns to the island of Ithaca, how does she turns him into beggar
Athena change his appearance so he won't be

to kill him
34.  What are the suitors' plans for Telemachus?

35.  How is the woman servant able to identify O? the scar on his leg

36.  What task does Penelope tell the suitors that they shoot an arrow cleanly through all the axes
must perform to win her hand in marriage?

they died
37.  What happens to the suitors at the end of the film?

trying to steal his world

38.  According to O, what was the suitors' crime?

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