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6th grade History

The Odyssey, Chp. 2

II. Circe

1. Odysseus gladly left the island of the Laestrygonians with 1 ship.

2. After many days they sighted the shores of Circe, a fair green island in the waste of blue sea.

3. How did Odysseus feel for the first couple of days at Aeaea? Why?

Odysseus and his crew were miserable…down to one ship, missing all of their comrades.

4. What did Odysseus do that seems to bring renewed energy to his men and himself?

Odysseus went sight-seeing and was able to kill a stag. This nourished his men and brought
them back to life a bit.

5. Who is Eurylochus? What did he have to do?

Eurylochus is one of Odysseus’ trusted me. Odysseus sent Eurylochus and 22 others to see if
there were people on Aeaea and if the people were friendly.

6. What was strange about the lions and wolves that Eurylochus and his 22 men met at the house?

The wolves and lions that Eurylochus and the other men met were NOT wild, they were
7. Who is Circe?

Circe is an enchantress. She changes visitors from men into animals like wolves, pigs, and

8. What did Eurylochus see as he hid? (Why was he hidden in the first place?)

Eurylochus sees the men go into Circe’s home. Then they disappear. He did not go in with
him because he had a bad feeling, he was fearful.

9. Where was Odysseus while all this was happening?

Odysseus and 22 other men were waiting by the shore.

10. What does Hermes tell “Unfortunate Odysseus”?

Hermes tell Odysseus how to avoid becoming an animal, how to keep Circe from her tricks.

11. How is Odysseus able to free his friends?

Odysseus follows Hermes’ directions. He eats the moly, then he tells Circe that he can never
trust her because of what she has done to his friends. He will not eat her food until he can
trust her. Circe then gets ointment that she puts on the men/pigs. They return to becoming
men again!

12. How is Odysseus able to convince his friends (even Eurylochus!) that they may eat with Circe?
He tells them that she has turned everyone back to a man, and that he has secrets from
Hermes to protect them.

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