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6th grade History

The Odyssey, Chp. 6

VI. Nausicaa

1. The daughter of King Alcinous was named Nausicaa.

2. The kingdom of King Alcinous was called Phaeacia.

3. Why does Nausicaa decide she must go to the river?

Nausicaa had a dream that she thinks instructs her to go the river to do laundry to prepare
for marriage.

4. Nausicaa’s mother’s name is Arete.

5. How did Nausicaa her servants end up meeting Odysseus?

When Nausicaa chases a ball, she discovers Odysseus under an olive tree.

6. What does Odysseus think of Nausicaa?

Odysseus is impressed with Nausicaa. Even though she is young, she is not afraid of him.

7. How does Nausicaa treat Odysseus?

Nausicaa promises Odysseus that he will be her guest and that he will be treated kindly.

8. Why does Nausicaa ask Odysseus to wait by the poplar trees outside the city?

Nausicaa asks Odysseus to wait by the poplars outside of the city so that people do not see
Odysseus with Nausicaa, their princess, and gossip about them.

9. The Phaeacians were a sea-loving people, they built their assembly place close to the harbour.

10. How do King Alcinous and Queen Arete treat Odysseus?

King Alcinous and Queen Arete treat Odysseus warmly, they are kind to him.

11. What does King Alcinous offer to Odysseus?

King Alcinous says that Odysseus may marry his daughter, Nausicaa.

12. How does Odysseus respond?

Odysseus is honored by this offer. When Odysseus does not respond immediately, King
Alcinous offers to help Odysseus sail home safely.

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