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6th grade History

The Odyssey, Chp. 15

XV Odysseus meets his Son

1. Odysseus tells Eumaeus that he will go to town and beg there to prevent Eumaeus from having to
share what little he has. How does Eumaeus respond?

Eumaeus tells (disguised) Odysseus that as long as he has food, he is happy to share it with

2. How does Eumaeus predict that the suitors will treat him (disguised Odysseus)?

Eumaeus tells Odysseus that he will be abused at the house, insulted and mistreated.
Eumaeus tells Odysseus that the suitors will not want to share with him.

3. What does Eumaeus tell disguised Odysseus about Laertes and Anticleia?

Eumaeus tells Odysseus that when he was a little boy Anticleia was kind to him. He goes on
to say that Anticleia is dead, she suffered greatly from the absence of Odysseus. He also says
that Laertes is living away from the house, away from the suitors so that he does not have to
watch these men disrespect the house in Odysseus’ absence.

4. What story does Eumaeus share about himself?

Eumaeus said that he was a son of a king, and that he was stolen and sold as a slave. He was
purchased by Laertes and treated well by Anticleia and Laertes.

5. After Telemachus landed at Ithaca, he headed to Eumaeus’s home.

6. How is Telemachus greeted at the swineherd’s home by the dogs and Eumaeus?

Telemachus is greeted joyously by Eumaeus and his dogs.

7. What does Telemachus tell Odysseus (old man/beggar) about the conditions at his home?

Telemachus describes the conditions at his house…the suitors, their greed, their behavior…

8. What does Telemachus ask Eumaeus to tell Penelope?

Telemachus asks Eumaeus to tell Penelope that he is home and safe. Telemachus does not
want Penelope to worry about him any longer.

9. When Athene appears only to Odysseus at the swineherd’s home, what does she tell Odysseus to
do? What does she do to Odysseus so that Telemachus will recognize him?

Athena tells Odysseus that the time has come for him to reveal himself to Telemachus.
Athena then touches Odysseus and he returns to his former, younger/stronger self.

10. What plan do Telemachus and Odysseus start to work on?

Telemachus and Odysseus start to devise a plan to kill the suitors and take their home back.

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