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The Odyssey

Study Guide

Odysseus - King of Ithaca, married to Penelope, father of Telemachus, brave/clever/famous for his
intellect, adored by Athena.

Penelope - Devoted wife of Odysseus, mother of Telemachus, also clever.

Telemachus - Son of Odysseus/Penelope.

Anticleia - Mother of Odysseus, died of a broken heart (missed Odysseus), she sees Odysseus in the

Laertes - Father of Odysseus, heartsick about Odysseus' absence, stays far away from the house at
the family farm, lives like a peasant while Odysseus is away.

Eurycleia - Loyal nurse of Odysseus and then Telemachus.

Argus - Odysseus' dog, dies after he sees that Odysseus has returned home.

Polyphemus - Cyclops, son of Poseidon, his eye was impaled by Odysseus, promises to get even.

Scylla - 12 legs, 6 heads, yaps like a dog, can snatch 6 men from a ship and eat them all at once!

Charybdis - A dangerous whirlpool, can suck down a ship, destroy it, and they spit the pieces out.

Sirens - Creatures who sing such beautiful music that sailors get distracted and either lose their ships
on the rocks or starve to death listening to the songs, Odysseus ties himself to the ship's mast to
ensure he does not get confused by their music.

Circe - An enchantress who turns men into animals (pigs, wolves, lions).

Calypso - Lives on the island of Ogygia, she is immortal, ever young, and beautiful, She keeps
Odysseus with her for 7 years until Athena forces Calypso to release him.

Aeolus - Lives in Aeolia, he is the wind God and a gracious host to Odysseus. He gives Odysseus a
perfect breeze to sail back to Ithaca, unfortunately the bag full of "bad wind" was opened right in front
of Ithaca's shores.....

Lotus-eaters - They are peaceful and lazy from eating the lotus flower all day. Odysseus do not stay
very long with the Lotus-eaters!

Ino - After Odysseus loses his raft (after escaping from Calypso), Ino (water nymph of sorts) gives him
a scarf to wrap around his waist. This magic veil will keep Odysseus from drowning.

Antinous - Aggressively pursues Penelope, insults Telemachus and Odysseus, was the first suitor to
die, an arrow through the neck as he drank wine.

Eurymachus - Aggressively pursues Penelope, insults Telemachus and Odysseus, tries to reason with
Odysseus offering to repay him for all the food/wine. It did not work.

Ctesippus - A noble from Same, wants to marry Penelope, throws a bone at Odysseus, killed by

Apollo - Sun god, the "Bow Contest" started on a festival to Apollo.
Athena - Goddess of Wisdom, a special friend to Odysseus, loved him for his intelligence.

Hermes - Messenger God, goes to Ogygia for Zeus/Athena to tell Calypso to release Odysseus.

Zeus - King of the Gods, intervenes on behalf of Odysseus with Calypso and later with the families of
the suitors.

Hades - King of the Underworld, Odysseus visits the Underworld to see Teiresias and get instructions.

Proteus - The Old Man of the Sea, Menelaus trapped Proteus so that Proteus would tell him why the
Gods were angry with him and why he could not return home. Proteus told Menelaus that he must go
back to Egypt and give the Gods a proper sacrifice. Once he did that and the Gods felt honored,
Menelaus would be able to return home to Sparta.

Eidothea - Daughter of Proteus, told Menelaus how to trap her father so he could find out what Gods
he angered.

Agamemnon - King of Mycenae, brother of Menelaus, fought at Troy.

Menelaus - King of Sparta, married to Helen, hosted Telemachus, fought at Troy.

Helen - Queen of Sparta, married to Menelaus, started the Trojan War by leaving Sparta with Paris.

Nestor - King of Pylos, host to Telemachus, considered to be wise.

Alcinous - King of Phaeacia, father of Nausicaa, married to Arete.

Nausicaa - Daughter of Alcinous, brought Odysseus to her home, of an age to marry.

Eumaeus - Loyal servant, swineherd, loved Odysseus and his family, stolen from his own home by a
vengeful servant, helped Odysseus fight the suitors.

Philoetius - Odysseus' cowherd, loyal to Odysseus, helped him fight the suitors.

Medon - Odysseus' servant, told Penelope about the suitors' plot to kill Telemachus, spared by
Odysseus for being loyal.

Melanthius - Goatherd, not loyal to Odysseus, attached himself to the suitors, hoping that his situation
would improve after one of them married Penelope, killed by Odysseus.

Phemius - Odysseus' minstrel, sang for the suitors, but spared by Odysseus because as a minstrel his
job is to simply sing and he sang so well.

Teiresias - Greatest Seer (future-teller) in the world, Odysseus visited him in the Underworld, he told
Odysseus not to allow his men to eat the cattle of the sun, he predicted that Odysseus would make it
home and have a peaceful happy life (one day) back in Ithaca.

Elpenor - Youngest member of Odysseus party returning from the war, he fell from Circe's roof and
broke his neck and died, he pleaded with Odysseus to give him a proper burial so that his spirit could
be put to rest.

Noemon - Lives in Ithaca, lends Telemachus a boat so that Telemachus can go to Pylos and get news
about Odysseus.
Theoclymenus - Met Telemachus in Pylos. He asked Telemachus if he could accompany Telemachus
back to Ithaca because he was being pursued by family members of a person he killed. Theoclymenus
thought they would not chase him to Ithaca. Theoclymenus has the power to see the future.

Irus - Lazy/fat, likes to be fed and do no work, he entertains the suitors so that they will let him eat
Odysseus' food. Irus challengeed disguised (old/beggar) to a fight, Odysseus clobbered him.

Ithaca - Rocky/small kingdom (very few horses!), beloved by Odysseus and his family.

Pylos - Across the sea from Ithaca, King Nestor ruled there.

Sparta - A splendid kingdom ruled by Menelaus, a long chariot ride from Pylos.

Troy - Ruled by King Priam, the location of the 10 year war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The
Greeks won....Trojan Horse, Troy was left in ruins.

Aeolia - Ruled by King Aeolus.

Ogygia - Calypso lived here.

Phaeacia - Ruled by Alcinous and Arete, the Phaeacians were excellent sailor and dancers!

Thrinacia - This is where the Cattle of the Sun live, Odysseus ship gets stuck here for weeks, the men
are starving to death and decide to eat the cattle.....

Telepylus - Ruled by King Antiphates and his very large wife. The people who live here are called the
Laestrygonians and they like to eat other people!

Land of Hades - Underworld, Odysseus visits this land to speak to Teiresias, ruled by Hades.

Essay Question....

Men and Gods alike admire Odysseus. What qualities does Odysseus posses that make him so
beloved and admired? Pick three of Odysseus' virtues. Explain Odysseus' admirable traits.
Have examples to illustrate Odysseus demonstrating these qualities.

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