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1. What the word motivation means to you? / How do you define it?

2. Can some people destroy your motivation?

3. What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers?

4. Are you motivated more when someone praise you or criticize you?

5. How do you motivate your friends or coworkers?

6. What are three things that motivate you to learn English?

7. How can a teacher motivate students?

8. Do you feel motivated while learning something new?

9. How do you get your motivation back after a failure?

10.Do you usually share your goals and plans with others?

11.Have you ever tried to motivate someone else to do something? If so, how

did you feel after that?

12.What do you think about motivational speakers and do you have a

favourite one?

13.Have you read any good motivational books?

14.What does it mean ''Seize the day''?

15.Is there any kind of music you listen to when you want to get things done?

16.What are some activities you are not motivated for?

17.Does motivation come from inside ourselves or is it an external factor?

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