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Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Science of

the Total Environment

Manuscript Draft

Manuscript Number: STOTEN-D-18-07582R1

Title: Impact of Mg Rich Synthetic Gypsum Application on the Environment

and Palm Oil Quality

Article Type: Research Paper

Keywords: cytotoxic; heavy metals; kieserite; magnesium; rare earth


Corresponding Author: Dr. Che Fauziah Ishak, Ph.D.

Corresponding Author's Institution:

First Author: Sahibin Abd Rahim, PhD

Order of Authors: Sahibin Abd Rahim, PhD; Shamshuddin Jusop, PhD; Che
Fauziah Ishak, Ph.D.; Radziah Othman, PhD; Wan Mohd Razi Idris, PhD; Enio
Mohd Sufian Kang, PhD

Abstract: A study was conducted in an oil palm plantation in Peninsular

Malaysia to elucidate the effects of applying Magnesium Rich Synthetic
Gypsum (MRSG), a by-product of chemical plant, on the chemical properties
of soil, the uptake of heavy metals by the palm trees, the oil quality
and its impact on the surrounding environment. The results showed that
MRSG application onto soil cropped to oil palm could bring positive
impact in terms of soil chemical properties and oil palm production. The
quality of the oil was not significantly affected by the continuous MRSG
application as shown by the low heavy metals and trace elements of
concern content (Cu: 0.062 mg/kg; Fe: 2.10 mg/kg; Mn: 1.93 mg/kg; Pb:
0.006 mg/kg; Zn: 0.103 mg/kg; Cr: 0.354 mg/kg; Ni: 0.037 mg/kg). From the
I-geochem index, the soil was found to have values ranging from -3.81 to
-1.03 which is considered as uncontaminated. Further, its application did
not result in negative impact on the surrounding environment; hence, the
quality of the soil and surface water in the plantation and/or the
surrounding area remained intact. Phytotoxic elements in the oil palm
tissue (As: 0.12 mg/kg; Se: 0.05 mg/kg; Zn: 1.48 mg/kg; Ce: 0.47 mg/kg;
La: 0.26 mg/kg; Sr: 3.03 mg/kg) and cytotoxic elements in the oil were
below the acceptable limit. Based on the results of the Environmental
Monitoring out during the period of the study, it was concluded that
application of the by-product of the chemical plant as a source of Mg to
enhance soil fertility in the oil palm plantation was considered safe and
sustainable. The effects of applying MRSG and Chinese kieserite was
almost similar. So, MRSG can be used as a possible source of Mg to
replace Chinese kieserite for oil palm production on the Ultisols in
Peninsular Malaysia.

Response to Reviewers: Abstract: To rewrite again, please avoid to repeat

sentences or expressions.
Response to Reviewer comment: The abstract has been rewritten and
repeated sentences has been removed accordingly.
Graphical abstract: Personally I consider that is a lack of respect (to
your future readers) to send a graphic like this one. Please, improve the
quality and specially the description: the brown and black circle is a
fruit? The triangles represent the MRSG uptake by plant? Use labels,
Response to Reviewer comment: The graphical abstract has been improved.

Line 44: "Malaysia has currently more than 5 million ha cultivated with
oil palm
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Line 53: delete "The" at the beginning of the sentence

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Line 54:…..presence "of "Al3+

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Lines 56-59: repetitive, please rephrase

Response to Reviewer comment:Has been rephrased accordingly.

Line 65: add "elements" after rare earth, "produces" instead of "is
Response to Reviewer comment:Has been improved accordingly.

Line 68. Add the reference/year

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been added.

Line 73: to rephrase! It's the same as line 72

Response to Reviewer comment:Repeated sentence has been removed.

Line 75: replace "quantity" by "amount"

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been replaced accordingly.

Line79: to rephrase! It's the same as line 75

Response to Reviewer comment:Has been rephrased accordingly.

Lines 83-84: not clear. If the concentration of rare elements compounds

are below 1% why are they included in the concern list? Based on what?

Response to Reviewer comment: The reason is La and Ce are cytotoxic

elements. This sentence has been inserted in the paragraph.

Lines 90-93:
aims instead of objectives,
1) "to characterize the soil", in terms of what?
2) "on the surrounding environment", be clearer
3) "its oil quality" instead of "the quality of its soil"
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved according to suggestion.

In my opinion is better to start with the description of the study area

(plus experimental site), then talk about the sampling (soils, surface
water, palm tissues, palm oil), soil properties, determination of heavy
metals and others (in subsections, maybe separated by matrix?) and
finally pollution indexes. I would also include all application details
(ex. Dates) in Table 1.
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved according to suggestion.
Lines 100-102: please rephrased? …its elemental composition was
determined by ICP-OES using aqua regia solution, how many gr of sample
were used?
Response to Reviewer comment: The weight of sample has been stated.

Lines 104-109: rephrased. Delete the last part: "the current paper
concentrates (by the way, is focus, not concentrates) only on
explaining……..", we already know what is the aim of your paper, no need
to explain it again.
Response to Reviewer comment: The sentence has been deleted.

Lines 111-114: what was the criteria to choose the "appropriate

location"? As you might know, soil properties and composition can be
highly variable within the same study area.
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Lines 123-130:
define "GML"
how many oil palms were collected within each experimental plot?
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved. GML has been defined in
section 1.0. Number of palms in an experimental plot has been stated.

Line 127-128: delete "it was followed by" and replace by "The rest of the
application took place"
Response to Reviewer comment: This paragraph has been reconstructed to
follow the flow suggested.

Lines 129-130: repetitive…..-baseline data- and -reference information-

Response to Reviewer comment: Repetation has been removed.

Line 133: why from frond 17? Explain it.

Response to Reviewer comment: Reason has been explained.

Lines 133-134: what "appropriate times and locations" means? Is very

subjective. Be clearer or complete information given in Table 1.
Response to Reviewer comment: Information has been given in table.

Lines 138-140: not clear, please explain it better

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Lines 144-145: "Topsoils from all experimental blocks were sampled and
analyzed to get the baseline data before applying the treatments".
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.

Lines 150-154: what about water properties (like pH)? I would consider it
within the "water baseline data", how do you perform the sampling? Water
were collected on which type of bottles? Were they stored? Acidified?
Immediately analyzed for heavy metals concentration?
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Lines 161-165: again, there is no details about the sampling itself.

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Line 174: define "OER"

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been defined.
Line 179: pipette method? Add a reference please. Replace: "The clay
fraction of the topsoil was X-rayed" by "was determined by Xray".
Response to Reviewer comment:Has been improved.

Lines 191-197: how many gr of soil were weighted?. The samples were
digested on hotplate or microwave? What about certified reference
materials, recoveries for each metal, number of blanks for each batch of
samples, number of replicates if it's the case?. Without this information
you can't validate your data! It's crucial information that must be
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.

Lines 199-231: include number of equation within the text and also at the
beginning of each one. What is the Bn value? Response to Reviewer
comment: Has been included.

Line 215: " a factor of"

Response to Reviewer comment:Has been improved.

Lines 218-223: not clear, rephrase.

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Lines 234-243: same problem describe for the section 2.10 (Lines 191-
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.

Lines 253-256: not clear and repetitive "the elements present….were

identified by FESEM-EDX" and then again "The elemental composition of
….determined by the FESEM-EDX"…."were at best a semi-quantitative
measurement", do you mean that is the best method to semi-quantify the
elemental composition?
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly. Repetation
has been deleted.

Lines 257-261: repetitive first you write "…detailed elemental

composition of…..Table 2" and then again "the concentration of heavy
metals… shown in Table 2".
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.

Line 261: define SIRIM and DOA.

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been defined accordingly.

Lines 263-264: in my opinion, Cd concentration is not that low. The

accumulation of heavy metals from MRSG depends also on the application
rates. Have you considered this parameter?. What about rare elements?
They mention earlier that these elements are also of concern. What about
other toxic heavy metals (such as Cr, Co or Ni)?
Response to Reviewer comment: In this project, MRSG is used as a source
of Mg. So the rate is reflecting the amount of Mg needed in the soil. Mg
is needed in a small amount in the field, so the concentration of TEOC is
not that high.

Section 3.2: instead of describing soil colors it would be better to

discuss more about mineral soil composition and how it affects the
physicochemical properties.
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly.
Lines 292-295: I think that table 3 must be cited here. You mention that
topsoil pH was 4.9, is this a mean value?, if yes, you have to include
SD. And where are the data of topsoils? you should include them.
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved accordingly

Lines 309-310: the whole sentence doesn't make sense.

Lines 330-332: the whole sentence doesn't make sense.
Response to Reviewer comment: The sentences has been removed.

Lines 334-336: define what a "soil investigation level" is.

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been defined accordingly.

Lines 343-346: in the table you must show the difference between control
1 and control 2, if not it's impossible to know when you're talking about
kieserite or GML application. Response to Reviewer comment: Has been
improved accordingly.

Lines 348-356: more references about rare elements has to be included.

Are the Chinese and Sweden soil studies the same? They have the same
reference, if not please add it.
Response to Reviewer comment:We couldnt find the literature relating to

Lines 365-370: how can you affirm that there is a positive impact on Mg,
Ca and S content in soils if you only have considered the baseline data,
shown in Table 3? Have you measured the concentration of these elements
after treatment?
Response to Reviewer comment: This paper focuses more on TEOC and HM.
Other elements have been discussed in earlier paper.

Line 377: is Th a harmful element?

Response to Reviewer comment: Yes. It is slightly radioactive. But the
level is too low and cannot be detected in the surface water, oil and

Lines 387-392: this sentence looks more like a final conclusion.

Response to Reviewer comment: Sentences have been removed.

Line 401: "palm oil safe limit" compared to what? Literature or

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.

"Highly appreciated?" Personally I would use constructions like: the

authors would like to thank, we also want to express our gratitude, we
want to thank……
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.

Table 1: I would include more info, for example dates (see my comments
Response to Reviewer comment:Has been improved.

Table 2: what does "trace" mean? you must include limits of detection or
quantification. Ppm is for mg/kg of dry sample? Response to Reviewer
comment: Has been improved.

Table 4: there is a typing error (I guess) it's B (for Boron) and not Bo!
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been corrected.
Table 5: "not detected", the same problem as "trace", see my comment
above. Please include a mark to make the difference between control 1 and
Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.

Table 9: concentrations for As are 0? How is that possible? Response

to Reviewer comment:Has been improved.

Table 10: why not compare the results with European regulations about
trace metals in food or with the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius? If they are
available of course.
Response to Reviewer comment:Has been inserted.

Figure 1: for me this figure is pointless.

Response to Reviewer comment:Figure has been removed.

Figure 2: include GPS points within the map

Response to Reviewer comment:GPS has been included

Figure 3: typing error, block 2 (next to block 3) should be block 4.

Response to Reviewer comment: Has been improved.
Cover Letter
Title Page

Impact of Mg Rich Synthetic Gypsum Application on the Environment and Palm Oil
1 Quality
3 Sahibin Abd Rahima, Shamshuddin Jusopb, Che Fauziah Ishakb*, Radziah Othmanb, Wan
5 Mohd Razi Idrisc and Enio Mohd Sufian Kangd
8 a
9 Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti
10 Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
13 b
Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
15 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
18 c
School of Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences, Faculty of Science and
20 Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
23 d
Department of Science and Technical Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti
Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
28 *Correspondence:; Tel: +603-8947 4938
*Responses to Reviewers Comments

Comments Rebuttal
Abstract: To rewrite again, please avoid to repeat The abstract has been rewritten
sentences or expressions. and repeated sentences has been
removed accordingly.
Graphical abstract: Personally I consider that is a lack of The graphical abstract has been
respect (to your future readers) to send a graphic like this improved.
one. Please, improve the quality and specially the
description: the brown and black circle is a fruit? The
triangles represent the MRSG uptake by plant? Use
labels, arrows
Line 44: "Malaysia has currently more than 5 million ha Has been improved accordingly.
cultivated with oil palm
Line 53: delete "The" at the beginning of the sentence Has been improved accordingly.
Line 54:…..presence "of "Al3+ Has been improved accordingly.
Lines 56-59: repetitive, please rephrase Has been rephrased accordingly.
Line 65: add "elements" after rare earth, "produces" Has been improved accordingly.
instead of "is producing"
Line 68. Add the reference/year Has been added.
Line 73: to rephrase! It's the same as line 72 Repeated sentence has been
Line 75: replace "quantity" by "amount" Has been replaced accordingly.
Line79: to rephrase! It's the same as line 75 Has been rephrased accordingly.
Lines 83-84: not clear. If the concentration of rare The reason is La and Ce are
elements compounds are below 1% why are they cytotoxic elements. This sentence
included in the concern list? Based on what? has been inserted in the
Lines 90-93: Has been improved according to
aims instead of objectives, suggestion.
1) "to characterize the soil", in terms of what?
2) "on the surrounding environment", be clearer
3) "its oil quality" instead of "the quality of its soil"
In my opinion is better to start with the description of the Has been improved according to
study area (plus experimental site), then talk about the suggestion.
sampling (soils, surface water, palm tissues, palm oil),
soil properties, determination of heavy metals and others
(in subsections, maybe separated by matrix?) and finally
pollution indexes. I would also include all application
details (ex. Dates) in Table 1.
Lines 100-102: please rephrased? …its elemental The weight of sample has been
composition was determined by ICP-OES using aqua stated.
regia solution, how many gr of sample were used?
Lines 104-109: rephrased. Delete the last part: "the The sentence has been deleted.
current paper concentrates (by the way, is focus, not
concentrates) only on explaining……..", we already
know what is the aim of your paper, no need to explain it
Lines 111-114: what was the criteria to choose the Has been improved accordingly.
"appropriate location"? As you might know, soil
properties and composition can be highly variable within
the same study area.
Lines 123-130: Has been improved. GML has
define "GML" been defined in section 1.0.
how many oil palms were collected within each Number of palms in an
experimental plot? experimental plot has been stated.
Line 127-128: delete "it was followed by" and replace by This paragraph has been
"The rest of the application took place" reconstructed to follow the flow
Lines 129-130: repetitive…..-baseline data- and - Repetation has been removed.
reference information-
Line 133: why from frond 17? Explain it. Reason has been explained.
Lines 133-134: what "appropriate times and locations" Information has been given in
means? Is very subjective. Be clearer or complete table.
information given in Table 1.
Lines 138-140: not clear, please explain it better Has been improved accordingly.
Lines 144-145: "Topsoils from all experimental blocks Has been improved.
were sampled and analyzed to get the baseline data
before applying the treatments".
Lines 150-154: what about water properties (like pH)? I Has been improved accordingly.
would consider it within the "water baseline data", how
do you perform the sampling? Water were collected on
which type of bottles? Were they stored? Acidified?
Immediately analyzed for heavy metals concentration?
Lines 161-165: again, there is no details about the Has been improved accordingly.
sampling itself.
Has been defined.
Line 174: define "OER"
Line 179: pipette method? Add a reference please. Has been improved.
Replace: "The clay fraction of the topsoil was X-rayed"
by "was determined by Xray".
Lines 191-197: how many gr of soil were weighted?. The Has been improved.
samples were digested on hotplate or microwave? What
about certified reference materials, recoveries for each
metal, number of blanks for each batch of samples,
number of replicates if it's the case?. Without this
information you can't validate your data! It's crucial
information that must be included.
Lines 199-231: include number of equation within the Has been included.
text and also at the beginning of each one. What is the Bn
Line 215: " a factor of" Has been improved.
Lines 218-223: not clear, rephrase. Has been improved accordingly.

Lines 234-243: same problem describe for the section Has been improved.
2.10 (Lines 191-197).
Lines 253-256: not clear and repetitive "the elements Has been improved accordingly.
present….were identified by FESEM-EDX" and then Repetation has been deleted.
again "The elemental composition of ….determined by
the FESEM-EDX"…."were at best a semi-quantitative
measurement", do you mean that is the best method to
semi-quantify the elemental composition?
Lines 257-261: repetitive first you write "…detailed Has been improved accordingly.
elemental composition of…..Table 2" and then again "the
concentration of heavy metals… shown in Table 2".
Line 261: define SIRIM and DOA. Has been defined accordingly.
Lines 263-264: in my opinion, Cd concentration is not In this project, MRSG is used as a
that low. The accumulation of heavy metals from MRSG source of Mg. So the rate is
depends also on the application rates. Have you reflecting the amount of Mg
considered this parameter?. What about rare elements? needed in the soil. Mg is needed
They mention earlier that these elements are also of in a small amount in the field, so
concern. What about other toxic heavy metals (such as the concentration of TEOC is not
Cr, Co or Ni)? that high.
Section 3.2: instead of describing soil colors it would be Has been improved accordingly.
better to discuss more about mineral soil composition and
how it affects the physicochemical properties.
Lines 292-295: I think that table 3 must be cited here. Has been improved accordingly
You mention that topsoil pH was 4.9, is this a mean
value?, if yes, you have to include SD. And where are the
data of topsoils? you should include them.
Lines 309-310: the whole sentence doesn't make sense. The sentences has been removed.
Lines 330-332: the whole sentence doesn't make sense.
Lines 334-336: define what a "soil investigation level" is. Has been defined accordingly.

Lines 343-346: in the table you must show the difference Has been improved accordingly.
between control 1 and control 2, if not it's impossible to
know when you're talking about kieserite or GML
Lines 348-356: more references about rare elements has We couldnt find the literature
to be included. Are the Chinese and Sweden soil studies relating to this.
the same? They have the same reference, if not please
add it.
Lines 365-370: how can you affirm that there is a This paper focuses more on
positive impact on Mg, Ca and S content in soils if you TEOC and HM. Other elements
only have considered the baseline data, shown in Table have been discussed in earlier
3? Have you measured the concentration of these paper.
elements after treatment?

Line 377: is Th a harmful element? Yes. It is slightly radioactive. But

the level is too low and cannot be
detected in the surface water, oil
and soil.
Lines 387-392: this sentence looks more like a final Sentences have been removed.

Line 401: "palm oil safe limit" compared to what? Has been improved.
Literature or regulations?
"Highly appreciated?" Personally I would use Has been improved.
constructions like: the authors would like to thank, we
also want to express our gratitude, we want to thank……
Table 1: I would include more info, for example dates Has been improved.
(see my comments above).
Table 2: what does "trace" mean? you must include limits Has been improved.
of detection or quantification. Ppm is for mg/kg of dry
Table 4: there is a typing error (I guess) it's B (for Boron) Has been corrected.
and not Bo!

Table 5: "not detected", the same problem as "trace", see Has been improved.
my comment above. Please include a mark to make the
difference between control 1 and 2.
Table 9: concentrations for As are 0? How is that Has been improved.
Table 10: why not compare the results with European Has been inserted.
regulations about trace metals in food or with the
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius? If they are available of
Figure 1: for me this figure is pointless. Figure has been removed.
Figure 2: include GPS points within the map GPS has been included

Figure 3: typing error, block 2 (next to block 3) should be Has been improved.
block 4.
*Revised manuscript with changes marked
Click here to view linked References

1 Impact of Mg Rich Synthetic Gypsum Application on the Environment and Palm Oil

2 Quality

4 Sahibin1, A. R., J. Shamshuddin2, C.I. Fauziah2*, O. Radziah2, I. Wan Mohd Razi3 and M.S.K.
5 Enio4
7 Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia
8 Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
10 Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
11 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
13 School of Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology,
14 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
16 Department of Science and Technical Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti
17 Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
19 Correspondence:; Tel: +603-8947 4938

21 Abstract

22 A study was conducted in an oil palm plantation in Peninsular Malaysia to elucidate the effects

23 of applying Magnesium Rich Synthetic Gypsum (MRSG), a by-product of chemical plant, on the

24 chemical properties of soil, the uptake of heavy metals by the palm trees, the oil quality and its

25 impact on the surrounding environment. The results showed that MRSG application onto soil

26 cropped to oil palm could bring positive impact in terms of soil chemical properties and oil palm

27 production. The quality of the oil was not significantly affected by the continuous MRSG

28 application as shown by the low heavy metals and trace elements of concern content (Cu: 0.062

29 mg/kg; Fe: 2.10 mg/kg; Mn: 1.93 mg/kg; Pb: 0.006 mg/kg; Zn: 0.103 mg/kg; Cr: 0.354 mg/kg;

30 Ni: 0.037 mg/kg). From the I-geochem index, the soil was found to have values ranging from -

31 3.81 to -1.03 which is considered as uncontaminated. Further, its application did not result in

32 negative impact on the surrounding environment; hence, the quality of the soil and surface water


33 in the plantation and/or the surrounding area remained intact. Phytotoxic elements in the oil palm

34 tissue (As: 0.12 mg/kg; Se: 0.05 mg/kg; Zn: 1.48 mg/kg; Ce: 0.47 mg/kg; La: 0.26 mg/kg; Sr:

35 3.03 mg/kg) and cytotoxic elements in the oil were below the acceptable limit. Based on the

36 results of the Environmental Monitoring out during the period of the study, it was concluded that

37 application of the by-product of the chemical plant as a source of Mg to enhance soil fertility in

38 the oil palm plantation was considered safe and sustainable. The effects of applying MRSG and

39 Chinese kieserite was almost similar. So, MRSG can be used as a possible source of Mg to

40 replace Chinese kieserite for oil palm production on the Ultisols in Peninsular Malaysia.

41 Keywords: cytotoxic; heavy metals; kieserite; magnesium; rare earth element


43 1.0 Introduction

44 Over the last few decades, the main sources of magnesium fertilizer for oil palm plantation in

45 Malaysia are kieserite from Germany and ground magnesium limestone (GML) which is locally

46 mined. Synthetic magnesium sulphate from China (Chinese kieserite) has also made some in

47 road since the late 1990’s although its scale of use is significantly less than the two fertilizers

48 stated earlier.


50 The high price of Germany kieserite and low reactivity of GML make it feasible for the

51 plantation industry to seek for an alternative source of magnesium fertilizer. The chemical plant

52 in Malaysia that extract rare earth elements produces a by-product called Neutralization

53 Underflow (NUF) residue. This material, also called Mg Rich Synthetic Gypsum (MRSG), can

54 be applied in oil palm plantations as a source of Mg fertilizer. The MRSG is classified as

55 Scheduled Waste (SW205) by the Department of Environment (DoE), Ministry of Natural


56 Resources and Environment, Malaysia (DOE, 1974). The Atomic Energy Licensing Board

57 (AELB, 2008) of Malaysia had confirmed that MRSG was non-radioactive. It means that the

58 material has the potential to be utilized in agriculture. It is therefore worthwhile to determine if

59 this MRSG can replace the imported kieserite as Mg source to sustain oil palm growth and palm

60 oil production in the long run. Since this by-product contains some trace elements of concern

61 (TEOC) (As, Cd, Se, Zn, Ce, La and Sr), so its impact on the environment needs to be evaluated

62 before it can be recommended for application. However, there were several studies that showed

63 very little accumulation of heavy metals in upper plant biomass of oil crops as reported by

64 Violina et al. (2005); Sengalevitch (1999); Szyczewski et al. (2016) and Tyler (2004).


66 Malaysia has currently more than 5 million ha cultivated with oil palm, which constitutes the

67 biggest arable land area allocated to agriculture in the country. Soils in Peninsular Malaysia used

68 for growing oil palm are Ultisols, dominated by kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite in the

69 clay fraction (Shamshuddin and Ismail, 1995; Shamshuddin and Fauziah, 2010). According to

70 Shamshuddin et al. (1991), the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of Ultisols was low, resulting in

71 low retention in the soil and thus low availability of Mg and Ca that limits crop productivity.

72 With low pH, Al3+ is present in amount that affects the growth oil palm roots.


74 Oil palm productivity is limited by the infertile nature of the soils; hence, fertilizer application

75 become an important issue to sustain production. Ultisols usually have plant nutrients

76 insufficient for normal production, unless they are adequately fertilized. About 60% of the cost

77 of palm oil production comes from fertilizer that requires to supply the needed nutrients.


78 Ca, Mg and S are needed by oil palm under production in high amount for its healthy growth

79 and/or production, and it is believed that these macronutrients can be added into soils in the

80 plantations by continuous application of MRSG. Besides, by virtue of being alkaline (the pH of

81 MRSG is 8.8), due to the presence of magnesium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and some

82 calcium carbonate, soil pH can be raised to the desired level for oil palm cultivation.

83 Furthermore, MRSG contained some Si that may help prevent certain oil palm disease prevailing

84 in the plantations throughout the country (Najihah et al., 2014).


86 Components of MRSG include rare earth compounds lanthanum (La) and cerium (Ce); both

87 were present at about 1 %. However, La and Ce are cytotoxic. Therefore, these two elements

88 were included in the chemicals of concern list. Several other metals were present as impurities;

89 however, these metals were present at low levels (< 1 % of the MRSG product). According to

90 Golder Associates of Australia (reported in 2014), the metals which need to be monitored when

91 MRSG is land applied are arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr) and zinc

92 (Zn).


94 The aims of this study were: 1) To determine the impact of MRSG application on the

95 environmental quality of the soils, plant tissue, oil and the surface water; and 2) To investigate

96 the uptake heavy metals by the oil palm and its oil quality.


98 2.0 Materials and Methods

99 2.1 Experimental site


100 The study was conducted in an oil palm plantation in Bera, Pahang (GPS 03.27362 N, 102.58044

101 E). The soil in the plantation was formed on the rocks of Bera Formation of Permian age (Figure

102 1).


104 2.2 Investigating soil properties at the study site

105 A 3-year field trial was conducted, beginning in 2015, to test the efficacy of MRSG as a source

106 of Mg fertilizer at an oil palm plantation in Bera, Peninsular Malaysia. The results of the field

107 trial on the agronomic effects and soil/nutrient loss will be published elsewhere. A soil survey

108 was carried out to determine the soil series and subsequently classified them according to Soil

109 Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).


111 2.3 Experimental layout

112 The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD). There are five

113 treatments applied as shown in Table 1. These treatments are replicated in four blocks (Figure 2).

114 Each plot comprised six palms. Each treatment plot is separated by a small ditches and the

115 blocks are separated by larger drains to prevent trans-boundary movement of the applied

116 materials. Topsoil samples in each block of the field trial were collected to obtain the baseline

117 data (before treatment). The NPK fertilizers required to sustain oil palm growth/production were

118 applied every 6 months at the appropriate rates. MRSG, kieserite, and GML were applied 4 times

119 in the experimental plots were broadcasted and ploughed under to a depth of 15 cm within the

120 weeded circle of each palm (1.5 m from the trunk base) at an interval of six months. Only soil

121 from the highest MRSG application rate (T3) and the control (Chinese kieserite) (T4) treatments

122 were sampled and analysed.


123 2.4 Sampling of soils

124 Topsoils from all experimental blocks were sampled and analyzed to get the baseline data before

125 applying the treatments (Figure 2). Soil samplings after MRSG application were carried out five

126 times as shown in Table 5. The soils were sampled in the weeded circle for each palm in the plot

127 and were composited.


129 2.5 Sampling of surface water

130 The surface water flowed from east to west (from point 1 to point 5) (Figure 2). Point 1 to point

131 3 is the stream receiving runoff water from the experimental plots. Point 4 and 5 represents the

132 water of the river before receival of water from the stream and after receiving water from the

133 stream, respectively, and can be used as a control. For the EMP, the samplings of the water were

134 carried out six times as shown in Table 6. The water were sampled a day after rainfall events.


136 For the purpose of comparing the EMP values of the surface water, data from all the three points of the

137 stream were pooled as a value for the stream, while the value for the river were taken from the average

138 value of the two points in the river. All water samples collected for laboratory analysis were kept

139 in an ice box of temperature below 4oC and added with several drops of HNO3 acid to control

140 pH below 2. These water samples were kept in a refrigerator below 4oC in the lab before

141 analysis. Water analysis followed the standard methods proposed by APHA (2005). The stream

142 values were compared with those of river using t-test as well as the water quality indices.


144 2.6 Sampling of oil palm tissue

145 Frond 17 is the indicator frond to show the nutrient status of matured palm. To get the baseline

146 data, frond 17 of the oil palm in the research plots were sampled for tissue analysis before


147 treatments were applied. Frond 17 were chosen since it reflects single nutrient critical level in oil

148 palm. The oil palm tissues for the analyses after MRSG application were sampled four times as

149 shown in Table 8.

150 2.7 Sampling of fruitlets for the determination of palm oil quality

151 Oil palm fruitlets for extracting the oil to analyze heavy metals and other trace elements of

152 concern in it were sampled at the end of the project duration. This was about 2 years after MRSG

153 was first applied in the research plots. About 30 fruitlets were collected from each palm

154 harvested from each experimental plot and were put in separate envelopes. Overall, there were

155 180 fruitlets collected from each treatment in each block. In total, there were 720 fruitlets

156 collected and were brought to the laboratory. A quarter of these fruitlets were then randomly

157 chose and the mesocarp were chipped and composited for oil extraction.


159 2.8 Mineralogical Analysis of MRSG

160 The MRSG used in the current study was grounded to powder form and was mounted onto a

161 diamond stud to be examined under Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM).

162 The elements present were identified using the Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) attached to the

163 FESEM. The mineralogical composition (%) of the MRSG was determined by XRD analysis.


165 2.9 Chemical analyses of MRSG

166 Elemental composition of MRSG was extracted using the aqua-regia (3:1 ratio of concentrated

167 HCl to concentrated HNO3 acid) extractant and determined by ICP-OES. The elements

168 determined include La, As, Cd, Ce, Se, Sr and Zn.



170 2.10 Determination of soil physico-chemical properties

171 Determination of the soil particle-size distribution (sand, silt, and clay) of the topsoil was carried

172 out by the pipette method developed by Olmstead et al., (1930). The clay fraction of the topsoil

173 was determined by Xray. Soil pH was determined at soil to water ratio of 1:2.5. Cation exchange

174 capacity (CEC) was determined by the summation method of McLean (1965). Basic

175 exchangeable cations were extracted using 100 mL of 1 M ammonium acetate buffered at pH 7.

176 The concentration of Ca and Mg in the solutions was determined by atomic absorption

177 spectrophotometer (AAS). Available P was extracted using Bray and Kurtz No. 2 extractant and

178 determined by the method of Murphy and Riley (1962), while organic C was determined by the

179 method of Walkley-Black (1947). Total carbon and total N in the soil were determined by dry

180 combustion techniques, using LECO CR-412 Carbon Analyser. Exchangeable Al was extracted

181 using 1 M KCl and Al in the extract was measured by inductively coupled plasma optical

182 emission spectrometry (ICP-OES).


184 2.11 Analysis of heavy metals and other elements of concern in soil

185 One gram of air-dried soil containing rare earth (Ce, La) and other elements of concern (As, Cd,

186 Se, Sr, Th, Zn, B, Mn, Pb, Cr, Ag, Ba, Al and Hg) was treated with nitric acid and perchloric

187 acid at the ratio of 3:1 with the addition of hydrogen peroxide (USEPA, 1996). The samples were

188 then digested on a hot plate. The metals and other elements of concern in the solution were

189 determined by ICP-MS Perkin Elmers Elan 9000 Model.





193 2.12 Analysis of heavy metals and other elements of concern in surface water

194 The surface water collected from the stream and river were analyzed by the method of APHA

195 (2005) and determined using ICP-MS Perkin Elmers Elan 9000 Model.


197 2.13 Analysis of heavy metals and other elements of concern in oil palm tissue

198 Oil palm tissues from frond 17 were analyzed for the presence of heavy metals and other

199 elements of concern using wet digestion method. The elements were extracted with nitric acid

200 and hydrogen peroxide at the ratio of 3:1 as proposed by US EPA (1996). The elements

201 determined by ICP-MS were As, Cd, Ce, La, Se, Sr, Th, Zn, B, Mn, Pb, Cr, Ag, Ba, Al and Hg.


203 2.14 Extraction of palm oil from fruitlets and analysis of heavy metals and elements of

204 concern in the oil

205 Oil palm fruitlets sampled from fresh fruit bunches (FFB) were brought to the laboratory in

206 Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang to get its oil extracted. The mesocarp of the oil palm fruitlets

207 was chopped into small pieces and subsequently weighed before wrapping them with filter paper

208 inside a thimble. The wrapped mesocarp was later placed into a flask and hexane was added as

209 the solvent. The extraction of the oil was automatically run by a Soxhlet Unit (Gerhardt

210 Soxtherm). After 4 hours of extraction, the extracted oil was placed in an oven to let all the

211 remaining solvent to evaporate. When a constant weight of the oil was obtained, the oil

212 extraction rate (OER) was determined using the method of National Research Centre of Oil Palm

213 (2008).



215 The oil extracted from oil palm fruitlets was analyzed by ICP-MS. The results obtained were

216 compared to those of the other edible oils as reported by Ashraf (2014), Zhu et al. (2011),

217 Pehlivan et al. (2008) and Mendil et al. (2009).


219 2.15 Determination of pollution indices

220 There are several ways to determine the pollution indices, which are:-

221 2.15.1 Biological Accumulation Coefficient

222 The Biological Accumulation Coefficient (BAC), which is an indicator of the ability of a plant to

223 accumulate a specific metal in contrast to the concentration of the metal in the soil substrate

224 (Ghosh and Singh, 2005) was calculated by equation 1 as follows:


226 (Equation1)---------------


228 where, heavy metal concentration in the edible parts of the plant and the soil are represented by

229 metal concentration in plant and metal concentration in soil, respectively.

230 2.15.2 Geo-accumulation Index


232 Established by Muller (1969), the Geo-accumulation Index (I-geo) was used to discover how

233 much metal has built up in soils/sediments and has been employed in a number of applications

234 and research purposes. I-geo is mathematically expressed in equation 2 below:

235 (Equation 2)------------- I-geo = log2 (Cn/1.5Bn)

236 where:

237 Cn = Concentration of element in the soil sample


238 Bn = Geochemical background value.

239 Table A. Geochemical background value, Bn, based on shale

Bn value (in mg/kg)*

Co 19
Cr 90
Cu 45
Fe 47200
Mn 850
Ni 68
Zn 95
As 13
Cd 0.3
Ce 59
La 92
Se 0.6
Sr 300
Th 12
Pb 20
Ag 0.07
Ba 580
Hg 0.4
B 100
U 3.7
240 * Muller (1969)

241 A factor of 1.5 is used in the equation, in order to take into consideration the chance of

242 disparities in background data because of lithogenic factors. The geo-accumulation index (I-geo)

243 scale is made up of seven levels (0 – 6), from no contamination (0) to heavy pollution (6).

244 2.15.3 Pollution Load Index

245 The Pollution Load Index (PLI) is gathered as contamination Factors (CF), which is the quotient

246 given by dividing the metals concentration by a baseline concentration for each metal.

247 Concentration factor CF is made of four levels (0 – 3, low CF to high CF) (Hakanson, 1980).


248 The PLI of the site was estimated by gathering the n-root from the CFs which were found from

249 the metals the PLI gathered from each location (Soares et al., 1999). The pollution load index

250 (PLI) was created by Tomlinson et al. (1980) as it is seen below:

251 CF = Cmetal / Cbackground value.

252 where:

253 CF = contamination factor,

254 n = number of metals

255 C metal = metal concentration in soil sample

256 C Background value = background value of that metal.

257 According to Cabrera et al. (1999), a PLI value equal to 1 signifies the absence of pollution,

258 while when PLI > 1 the soil is considered polluted.


260 2.16 Quality assurance

262 Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) was addressed by including blanks and replicates for
263 the water, soil, and plant tissue samples. Standard Reference Material (SRM) of National
264 Institute and Technology (NIST, 1640a for water), SRM-2711a Montana II Soil, and CRM-
265 LGC7162 Strawberry leaf) and internal reference materials were used for precision, quality
266 assurance and control (QA/QC) for selected metal measurements. Average values of three
267 replicates were taken for each determination. The precision of analytical procedures was
268 expressed as Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) which ranged from 5-15% and was calculated
269 from the standard deviation divided by the mean. The recovery rates of studied metals were
270 within 85±15%. Chemicals, stock solutions, and reagents were obtained from
271 Sigma/Fluka/Merck and were of analytical grade. All glassware were washed with distilled
272 water, soaked in nitric acid (30%) overnight, rinsed in deionized water and air-dried before use.


274 2.17 Statistical analysis

275 All data on EMP were statistically analyzed by ANOVA for analysis of variance using Microsoft

276 Excel and significance between mean separations were tested using the t-test.


278 3.0 Results and discussion

279 3.1 Morphological and mineralogical characterization of the MRSG

280 The study area was occupied by the rocks of Bera Formation of Permian age (Shafeea et al.,

281 2000), which formed the soil of Jempol Series. The parent material is shale mixed with tuff

282 (Shafeea et al., 2000). Having high amount of clay content throughout its depth, the color of the

283 soil was reddish, indicating the presence of hematite, proven by XRD analysis. Morphological

284 observation of the soil profile in the soil pit showed the presence of an argillic diagnostic horizon

285 (Bt). The occurrence of the Bt horizon was confirmed by the significant accumulation of the clay

286 content in that zone. The presence of other iron minerals, goethite and hematite, resulted in the

287 phenomenon of low CEC; this notion was consistent with the findings of Shamshuddin et al.

288 (1991) and Ismail et al. (1993).


290 The soil was moderately well-drained, which was suitable for oil palm production (Shamshuddin

291 et al., 2018). The somewhat slow water movement down the soil profile was due in part to the

292 presence of more than 75% clay in the soil. Organic matter content in topsoil was high, mostly

293 contributed partly by the debris from the cut fronds and/or empty fruit bunches, which had been

294 laid out in the inter-row of the oil palm. Due to the presence of Bt horizon together with low

295 exchangeable Ca and Mg as well as low CEC, the soil was classified as an Ultisol as defined by

296 the Soil Survey Staff (2014).


297 The topsoil pH was 4.4, meaning that Al was present in a soluble form which, to a certain extent,

298 affected oil palm growth (Table 3). At this pH level, Al3+ in the soil solution would be

299 hydrolysed, resulting in further decrease of soil pH. Oil palm may be able to grow normally on

300 the soil as it is acid-tolerant, which can even survive at the soil pH of 4.3 (Auxtero and

301 Shamshuddin, 1991). In the topsoil, the exchangeable Ca (0.64 cmolc/kg) and Mg (0.23

302 cmolc/kg) were within the normal limit for an Ultisol of the tropics. The main problem with soil

303 for oil palm production is the lack of Mg and/or Ca.

304 Figure 3 shows the FESEM micrograph of the MRSG under study. The acicular-shaped mineral

305 in the micrograph was gypsum. The elements present at the three locations (spectrum 1, 2 and 3)

306 in the micrograph were identified by FESEM-EDX (Figure 4). A spectrum analysis indicating

307 the presence of certain elements were made.


309 3.2 Chemical characterization of the MRSG

310 The level of their concentration was below the critical limit set by the Standard and Industrial

311 Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) and the Department of Agriculture (DOA) (Table 2),

312 which are the relevant authorities/agencies in Malaysia responsible for introducing guidelines for

313 the usage of schedule wastes on agriculture land. The concentration of As and Cd in the MRSG

314 were far below the guideline limit. It means that the MRSG used in the current study has the

315 potential to be safely applied on agricultural land for oil palm production.


317 3.3 Physico-chemical properties of the soil in the study area

318 The soil was sampled prior to treatments application and also during the duration of the

319 experiment.


320 3.3.1 The baseline data on soil

321 The topsoil in the experimental blocks before the application of MRSG was analysed and the

322 results are presented in Table 3 (for physico-chemical properties) and Table 4 (for heavy metals

323 and other elements of concern). These data were used as baseline information that could be used

324 for comparison after applying MRSG.


326 Soil data presented in Table 3 indicated that the soil was fertile having moderately high

327 exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, which were rather uncommon for an Ultisol cropped to oil palm in

328 Peninsular Malaysia. The soil samples from the 4 experimental blocks analysed for the baseline

329 data were taken from the weeded circle as well as in the inter-rows of the oil palm in the

330 plantation where cut fronds and/or empty fruit bunches were once laid down as mulching

331 materials to conserve water or to keep the soil moist. This notion was evidence by the presence

332 of high amount of organic matter (Table 3). On the other hand, the concentration of heavy metals

333 and other elements of concern in the soil from the experimental blocks (Table 4) were below the

334 guidelines set by SIRIM and DOA presented in Table 2.


336 3.4 Effects of MRSG application on soil

337 Determination of the soil quality (Table 5) was based on various indices, namely Biological

338 Accumulation Coefficient (BAC) (Ghosh and Singh, 2005), Geological Index (I-geo) (Muller,

339 1969), Contamination Factor (CF) Hakanson (1980) and Pollution Load Index (PLi) (Tomlinson

340 et al., 1980). Heavy metals content and other elements of concern present in the soil under study

341 (Table 5) and those of the surface water (Table 6) were evaluated based on the above-mentioned

342 indices and the results are presented in Table 7. The results showed that the BAC was low to


343 moderate for As, Cd and Se, and was intensive for Zn. However, intensive level for Zn was

344 probably not due to the result of applying MRSG as small amount of Zn was present in the

345 MRSG (Table 2). Note that Zn is a micronutrient; hence, it is needed in small amount to sustain

346 the growth of the oil palm in the plantation and/or for its FFB production.


348 The level of heavy metals present in the treated soil was lower than their respective value or

349 reference (Table 5). The heavy metals contents and other elements of concern in the soil of the

350 experimental plots were below the soil investigation level, which means the concentrations of a

351 contaminant above which further appropriate investigation and evaluation will be required

352 (Zarcinas et al., 2004) and Eco-SSL (USEPA, 2007). Heavy metals and other elements of

353 concern in the surface water before and after MRSG application were below the bench mark

354 value of Ministry of Health Malaysia (2000) (Table 6). The drinking water standard of Malaysia

355 is adopted from World Health Organizations standard. Environmental risk analysis (Table 7)

356 showed that the soil was not contaminated, evidenced by the low contamination factor

357 (Hakanson, 1980) with low pollution load index (Tomlinson et al., 1980).


359 The content of the heavy metals and other elements of concern in the soil of the research plots in

360 the study area were not affected by the application of MRSG, kieserite and GML, with no

361 significant differences among treatments (Table 5). This means that MRSG and kieserite

362 treatment had produced comparable or similar results.


364 The critical toxic concentration of La and Ce in soils throughout the world is unavailable at the

365 moment. However, the mean concentration of the two rare earth elements in some common soils


366 of Japan and China had been determined; the respective concentration was 18 and 40 mg/kg,

367 while that of Chinese soils was 44 and 86 mg/kg. For the topsoil in the forest of Sweden, the

368 corresponding concentration was 5-5-33.2 and 11-68 mg/kg (Tyler, 2004). It is believed that their

369 concentration in the soil under study due to MRSG application would not exceed the amount

370 present in the soils of Japan or China, which were evidenced from data presented in Table 5. For

371 Sr, according to Forum of European Geological Survey (FOREGS, 2018) database, its median

372 concentration in the topsoil is 89.0 mg/kg and 0.50 mg/L in water.


374 3.5 Effect of MRSG application on surface water quality

375 Heavy metals and other elements of concern in the surface water before and after MRSG

376 application were below the bench mark value of Ministry of Health Malaysia (2000) for all the

377 sampling dates (Table 6). There are no significant differences between the concentration of

378 TEOC between the stream and the river in the study site. The pH of surface water was slightly

379 acidic. The values were fluctuating slightly through the study period. The pH of water in the

380 surface water were within the Class IV of the NWQS standard.


382 3.6 Effects of MRSG application on oil palm tissue

383 During the course of its growth, the oil palm in the plantation under production had taken up all

384 sorts of plant nutrients as well as other elements contained in the soil on which it was growing

385 that could be detected in the leaves. The concentration of the heavy metals in the oil palm tissue

386 from frond 17 was not affected by treatments (Table 8). Hence; there was no significant

387 difference in the results due to treatment with MRSG and kieserite.



389 Cytotoxic (As, Cd, and Se) and phytotoxic (Zn) elements have also been determined in the oil

390 palm tissues (Table 8). Based on the results of the EMP carried out during the period of the 3-

391 year field trial, it was concluded that application of MRSG as Mg fertilizer source in the oil palm

392 plantation was not significantly different from the baseline data. Therefore, long-term application

393 of MRSG in the plantation can be beneficial for oil palm growth and its yield in terms of fresh

394 fruit bunches as it was able to supply the much needed Mg, Ca and S, required to sustain its

395 growth and/or production.


397 3.7 Effects of MRSG application on palm oil

398 The ultimate test on the impact of applying MRSG on the soil cropped to oil palm is the quality

399 of its oil which was still within the acceptable levels in terms of the heavy metals content and the

400 elements of concern. The concentration of the said elements in the palm oil presented in Table 9

401 was compared to those of the edible oils on sale at the marketplace shown in Table 10. The

402 results of the comparison did not show any indication of the accumulation of heavy metals and

403 other elements of concern in the palm oil under investigation. This is in line with the finding of

404 other studies by Violina et al. (2011); Sengalevitch (1999); Szyczewski et al. (2016) and Tyler

405 (2004) on oil crops that show there is little accumulation of heavy metals in the oil. This study

406 shows that in the extracted oil, the heavy metals were much lower than those found/reported by

407 other researchers (Table 10). Palm oil quality resulting from the soil being treated with MRSG

408 and kieserite were similar.

409 To further enhance the conclusion of this study, cytotoxic (As, Cd, and Se) and phytotoxic (Zn)

410 elements have also been determined in the palm oil (Table 9). The results showed that both

411 groups of elements were below the known guideline limit.


412 4.0 Conclusion

413 The results of the field trial in Bera, Peninsular Malaysia showed that MRSG application could

414 bring about positive impact on Malaysian palm oil industry. The quality of the palm oil was not

415 significantly affected by the application of MRSG, producing results similar with those of the

416 kieserite. It was also proven that MRSG application did not result in negative impact on the

417 environment; thus, the quality of the soil and surface water in the oil palm plantation and/or in

418 the surrounding area remained intact. The respective phytotoxic and cytotoxic elements in the

419 tissues of the oil palm and palm oil were below the concentration of other studies. Furthermore,

420 long-term application of MRSG in the oil palm plantation could have positive impact on the

421 fresh fruit bunches production. Hence, it is recommended that MRSG be applied in oil palm

422 plantations in Peninsular Malaysia occupied by the highly weathered Ultisols to sustain palm oil

423 production in the long run.


425 Acknowledgements

426 The authors would like to thank Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd for the financial support. We also want

427 to express our gratitude to Universiti Putra Malaysia as well as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

428 for the technical support. The approval by the Department of Environment, Malaysia for

429 allowing us to use the MRSG for research purposes is highly appreciated. We also wish to thank

430 individuals or group of people, either in or outside the country, who in one way or another helped

431 towards the successful and timely implementation of the research project in good time.




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564 technological production processes. Archives of Environ. Protect. 42(3),37–40. Doi:
565 10.1515/aep-2016-0029.
567 The New Dutch List, 2000. Target values, Soil Remediation Intervention Values and Indicative
568 Levels for Serious Contamination. Department of Soil Protection, The Hague, Netherland.
570 Tomlinson, D.L., Wilson, J.G., Harris, C.R., Jeffney, D.W., 1980. Problems in the assessment of
571 heavy metal levels in estuaries and the formation of a pollution index. Helgol. Wiss.
572 Meeresunters. 33, 566-572. doi: 10.1007/BF02414780.


574 Tyler, G., 2004. Rare earth elements in soil and plant system - A review. Plant and Soil. 267,
575 191-206. doi: 10.1007/s11104-005-4888-2.
577 US EPA, 1996. Method 3050B: Acid Digestion of Sediments, Sludges, and Soils, in: Selected
578 Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM).
580 sludges-and-soils. (Accessed on February 5, 2018).
582 US EPA, 2007. Guidance for Developing Ecological Soil Screening Levels.
584 (Accessed February 5, 2018).
586 Violina, A., Radka, I., Ivanov, K., 2005. Heavy metal accumulation and distribution in oil crops.
587 Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 35(17-18), 2551-2566, doi: 10.1081/LCSS-200030368.
589 Walkley, A., 1947. A critical examination of a rapid method for determination of organic carbon
590 in soils - effect of variations in digestion conditions and of inorganic soil constituents. Soil Sci.
591 63, 51-257.
593 Zarcinas, B.A., Ishak, C.F., McLaughlin, M.J., Cozens, G., 2004. Heavy metals in soils and
594 crops in Southeast Asia. 1. Peninsular Malaysia. Environ. Geochem. Health. 26(4), 343-357.
595 doi:10.1007/s10653-005-4669-0.
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598 in nine varieties of edible vegetable oils consumed in China. Food Chem. Toxic. 49(12), 3081-
599 3085. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2011.09.019.


*Graphical Abstract


Heavy Metal:
As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn,
By-product Pb, Zn

Trace Elements of
Concern (TEOC):
0 – 25 cm
Se, Ce, La, Sr, Th, B

Weeded circle

*Highlights (for review : 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters including spaces per bullet point)

 MRSG supplies Mg and Ca for oil palm growth

 Metal content in soil, plant tissue and oil are below the permitted concentration
 Oil palm treated with MRSG produces non-cytotoxic oil, hence is safe for
 MRSG application does not affect the soil, plant tissue, water and palm oil quality
 MRSG is practical and sustainable as a soil amendment in oil palm plantation
*Revised manuscript with no changes marked (double-spaced and continuously LINE and PAGE numbered)
Click here to view linked References

1 Impact of Mg Rich Synthetic Gypsum Application on the Environment and Palm Oil

2 Quality

4 Sahibin1, A. R., J. Shamshuddin2, C.I. Fauziah2*, O. Radziah2, I. Wan Mohd Razi3 and M.S.K.
5 Enio4
7 Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Universiti Malaysia
8 Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
10 Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400
11 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
13 School of Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology,
14 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
16 Department of Science and Technical Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti
17 Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
19 Correspondence:; Tel: +603-8947 4938

21 Abstract

22 A study was conducted in an oil palm plantation in Peninsular Malaysia to elucidate the effects

23 of applying Magnesium Rich Synthetic Gypsum (MRSG), a by-product of chemical plant, on the

24 chemical properties of soil, the uptake of heavy metals by the palm trees, the oil quality and its

25 impact on the surrounding environment. The results showed that MRSG application onto soil

26 cropped to oil palm could bring positive impact in terms of soil chemical properties and oil palm

27 production. The quality of the oil was not significantly affected by the continuous MRSG

28 application as shown by the low heavy metals and trace elements of concern content (Cu: 0.062

29 mg/kg; Fe: 2.10 mg/kg; Mn: 1.93 mg/kg; Pb: 0.006 mg/kg; Zn: 0.103 mg/kg; Cr: 0.354 mg/kg;

30 Ni: 0.037 mg/kg). From the I-geochem index, the soil was found to have values ranging from -

31 3.81 to -1.03 which is considered as uncontaminated. Further, its application did not result in

32 negative impact on the surrounding environment; hence, the quality of the soil and surface water


33 in the plantation and/or the surrounding area remained intact. Phytotoxic elements in the oil palm

34 tissue (As: 0.12 mg/kg; Se: 0.05 mg/kg; Zn: 1.48 mg/kg; Ce: 0.47 mg/kg; La: 0.26 mg/kg; Sr:

35 3.03 mg/kg) and cytotoxic elements in the oil were below the acceptable limit. Based on the

36 results of the Environmental Monitoring out during the period of the study, it was concluded that

37 application of the by-product of the chemical plant as a source of Mg to enhance soil fertility in

38 the oil palm plantation was considered safe and sustainable. The effects of applying MRSG and

39 Chinese kieserite was almost similar. So, MRSG can be used as a possible source of Mg to

40 replace Chinese kieserite for oil palm production on the Ultisols in Peninsular Malaysia.

41 Keywords: cytotoxic; heavy metals; kieserite; magnesium; rare earth element


43 1.0 Introduction

44 Over the last few decades, the main sources of magnesium fertilizer for oil palm plantation in

45 Malaysia are kieserite from Germany and ground magnesium limestone (GML) which is locally

46 mined. Synthetic magnesium sulphate from China (Chinese kieserite) has also made some in

47 road since the late 1990’s although its scale of use is significantly less than the two fertilizers

48 stated earlier.


50 The high price of Germany kieserite and low reactivity of GML make it feasible for the

51 plantation industry to seek for an alternative source of magnesium fertilizer. The chemical plant

52 in Malaysia that extract rare earth elements produces a by-product called Neutralization

53 Underflow (NUF) residue. This material, also called Mg Rich Synthetic Gypsum (MRSG), can

54 be applied in oil palm plantations as a source of Mg fertilizer. The MRSG is classified as

55 Scheduled Waste (SW205) by the Department of Environment (DoE), Ministry of Natural


56 Resources and Environment, Malaysia (DOE, 1974). The Atomic Energy Licensing Board

57 (AELB, 2008) of Malaysia had confirmed that MRSG was non-radioactive. It means that the

58 material has the potential to be utilized in agriculture. It is therefore worthwhile to determine if

59 this MRSG can replace the imported kieserite as Mg source to sustain oil palm growth and palm

60 oil production in the long run. Since this by-product contains some trace elements of concern

61 (TEOC) (As, Cd, Se, Zn, Ce, La and Sr), so its impact on the environment needs to be evaluated

62 before it can be recommended for application. However, there were several studies that showed

63 very little accumulation of heavy metals in upper plant biomass of oil crops as reported by

64 Violina et al. (2005); Sengalevitch (1999); Szyczewski et al. (2016) and Tyler (2004).


66 Malaysia has currently more than 5 million ha cultivated with oil palm, which constitutes the

67 biggest arable land area allocated to agriculture in the country. Soils in Peninsular Malaysia used

68 for growing oil palm are Ultisols, dominated by kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite and hematite in the

69 clay fraction (Shamshuddin and Ismail, 1995; Shamshuddin and Fauziah, 2010). According to

70 Shamshuddin et al. (1991), the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of Ultisols was low, resulting in

71 low retention in the soil and thus low availability of Mg and Ca that limits crop productivity.

72 With low pH, Al3+ is present in amount that affects the growth oil palm roots.


74 Oil palm productivity is limited by the infertile nature of the soils; hence, fertilizer application

75 become an important issue to sustain production. Ultisols usually have plant nutrients

76 insufficient for normal production, unless they are adequately fertilized. About 60% of the cost

77 of palm oil production comes from fertilizer that requires to supply the needed nutrients.


78 Ca, Mg and S are needed by oil palm under production in high amount for its healthy growth

79 and/or production, and it is believed that these macronutrients can be added into soils in the

80 plantations by continuous application of MRSG. Besides, by virtue of being alkaline (the pH of

81 MRSG is 8.8), due to the presence of magnesium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide and some

82 calcium carbonate, soil pH can be raised to the desired level for oil palm cultivation.

83 Furthermore, MRSG contained some Si that may help prevent certain oil palm disease prevailing

84 in the plantations throughout the country (Najihah et al., 2014).


86 Components of MRSG include rare earth compounds lanthanum (La) and cerium (Ce); both

87 were present at about 1 %. However, La and Ce are cytotoxic. Therefore, these two elements

88 were included in the chemicals of concern list. Several other metals were present as impurities;

89 however, these metals were present at low levels (< 1 % of the MRSG product). According to

90 Golder Associates of Australia (reported in 2014), the metals which need to be monitored when

91 MRSG is land applied are arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se), strontium (Sr) and zinc

92 (Zn).


94 The aims of this study were: 1) To determine the impact of MRSG application on the

95 environmental quality of the soils, plant tissue, oil and the surface water; and 2) To investigate

96 the uptake heavy metals by the oil palm and its oil quality.







102 2.0 Materials and Methods

103 2.1 Experimental site

104 The study was conducted in an oil palm plantation in Bera, Pahang (GPS 03.27362 N, 102.58044

105 E). The soil in the plantation was formed on the rocks of Bera Formation of Permian age (Figure

106 1).


108 2.2 Investigating soil properties at the study site

109 A 3-year field trial was conducted, beginning in 2015, to test the efficacy of MRSG as a source

110 of Mg fertilizer at an oil palm plantation in Bera, Peninsular Malaysia. The results of the field

111 trial on the agronomic effects and soil/nutrient loss will be published elsewhere. A soil survey

112 was carried out to determine the soil series and subsequently classified them according to Soil

113 Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).


115 2.3 Experimental layout

116 The experimental design used was randomized complete block design (RCBD). There are five

117 treatments applied as shown in Table 1. These treatments are replicated in four blocks (Figure 2).

118 Each plot comprised six palms. Each treatment plot is separated by a small ditches and the

119 blocks are separated by larger drains to prevent trans-boundary movement of the applied

120 materials. Topsoil samples in each block of the field trial were collected to obtain the baseline

121 data (before treatment). The NPK fertilizers required to sustain oil palm growth/production were

122 applied every 6 months at the appropriate rates. MRSG, kieserite, and GML were applied 4 times

123 in the experimental plots were broadcasted and ploughed under to a depth of 15 cm within the


124 weeded circle of each palm (1.5 m from the trunk base) at an interval of six months. Only soil

125 from the highest MRSG application rate (T3) and the control (Chinese kieserite) (T4) treatments

126 were sampled and analysed.


128 2.4 Sampling of soils

129 Topsoils from all experimental blocks were sampled and analyzed to get the baseline data before

130 applying the treatments (Figure 2). Soil samplings after MRSG application were carried out five

131 times as shown in Table 5. The soils were sampled in the weeded circle for each palm in the plot

132 and were composited.


134 2.5 Sampling of surface water

135 The surface water flowed from east to west (from point 1 to point 5) (Figure 2). Point 1 to point

136 3 is the stream receiving runoff water from the experimental plots. Point 4 and 5 represents the

137 water of the river before receival of water from the stream and after receiving water from the

138 stream, respectively, and can be used as a control. For the EMP, the samplings of the water were

139 carried out six times as shown in Table 6. The water were sampled a day after rainfall events.


141 For the purpose of comparing the EMP values of the surface water, data from all the three points of the

142 stream were pooled as a value for the stream, while the value for the river were taken from the average

143 value of the two points in the river. All water samples collected for laboratory analysis were kept

144 in an ice box of temperature below 4oC and added with several drops of HNO3 acid to control

145 pH below 2. These water samples were kept in a refrigerator below 4oC in the lab before

146 analysis. Water analysis followed the standard methods proposed by APHA (2005). The stream

147 values were compared with those of river using t-test as well as the water quality indices.



149 2.6 Sampling of oil palm tissue

150 Frond 17 is the indicator frond to show the nutrient status of matured palm. To get the baseline

151 data, frond 17 of the oil palm in the research plots were sampled for tissue analysis before

152 treatments were applied. Frond 17 were chosen since it reflects single nutrient critical level in oil

153 palm. The oil palm tissues for the analyses after MRSG application were sampled four times as

154 shown in Table 8.


156 2.7 Sampling of fruitlets for the determination of palm oil quality

157 Oil palm fruitlets for extracting the oil to analyze heavy metals and other trace elements of

158 concern in it were sampled at the end of the project duration. This was about 2 years after MRSG

159 was first applied in the research plots. About 30 fruitlets were collected from each palm

160 harvested from each experimental plot and were put in separate envelopes. Overall, there were

161 180 fruitlets collected from each treatment in each block. In total, there were 720 fruitlets

162 collected and were brought to the laboratory. A quarter of these fruitlets were then randomly

163 chose and the mesocarp were chipped and composited for oil extraction.


165 2.8 Mineralogical Analysis of MRSG

166 The MRSG used in the current study was grounded to powder form and was mounted onto a

167 diamond stud to be examined under Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM).

168 The elements present were identified using the Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) attached to the

169 FESEM. The mineralogical composition (%) of the MRSG was determined by XRD analysis.




172 2.9 Chemical analyses of MRSG

173 Elemental composition of MRSG was extracted using the aqua-regia (3:1 ratio of concentrated

174 HCl to concentrated HNO3 acid) extractant and determined by ICP-OES. The elements

175 determined include La, As, Cd, Ce, Se, Sr and Zn.


177 2.10 Determination of soil physico-chemical properties

178 Determination of the soil particle-size distribution (sand, silt, and clay) of the topsoil was carried

179 out by the pipette method developed by Olmstead et al., (1930). The clay fraction of the topsoil

180 was determined by Xray. Soil pH was determined at soil to water ratio of 1:2.5. Cation exchange

181 capacity (CEC) was determined by the summation method of McLean (1965). Basic

182 exchangeable cations were extracted using 100 mL of 1 M ammonium acetate buffered at pH 7.

183 The concentration of Ca and Mg in the solutions was determined by atomic absorption

184 spectrophotometer (AAS). Available P was extracted using Bray and Kurtz No. 2 extractant and

185 determined by the method of Murphy and Riley (1962), while organic C was determined by the

186 method of Walkley-Black (1947). Total carbon and total N in the soil were determined by dry

187 combustion techniques, using LECO CR-412 Carbon Analyser. Exchangeable Al was extracted

188 using 1 M KCl and Al in the extract was measured by inductively coupled plasma optical

189 emission spectrometry (ICP-OES).


191 2.11 Analysis of heavy metals and other elements of concern in soil

192 One gram of air-dried soil containing rare earth (Ce, La) and other elements of concern (As, Cd,

193 Se, Sr, Th, Zn, B, Mn, Pb, Cr, Ag, Ba, Al and Hg) was treated with nitric acid and perchloric


194 acid at the ratio of 3:1 with the addition of hydrogen peroxide (USEPA, 1996). The samples were

195 then digested on a hot plate. The metals and other elements of concern in the solution were

196 determined by ICP-MS Perkin Elmers Elan 9000 Model.


198 2.12 Analysis of heavy metals and other elements of concern in surface water

199 The surface water collected from the stream and river were analyzed by the method of APHA

200 (2005) and determined using ICP-MS Perkin Elmers Elan 9000 Model.


202 2.13 Analysis of heavy metals and other elements of concern in oil palm tissue

203 Oil palm tissues from frond 17 were analyzed for the presence of heavy metals and other

204 elements of concern using wet digestion method. The elements were extracted with nitric acid

205 and hydrogen peroxide at the ratio of 3:1 as proposed by US EPA (1996). The elements

206 determined by ICP-MS were As, Cd, Ce, La, Se, Sr, Th, Zn, B, Mn, Pb, Cr, Ag, Ba, Al and Hg.


208 2.14 Extraction of palm oil from fruitlets and analysis of heavy metals and elements of

209 concern in the oil

210 Oil palm fruitlets sampled from fresh fruit bunches (FFB) were brought to the laboratory in

211 Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang to get its oil extracted. The mesocarp of the oil palm fruitlets

212 was chopped into small pieces and subsequently weighed before wrapping them with filter paper

213 inside a thimble. The wrapped mesocarp was later placed into a flask and hexane was added as

214 the solvent. The extraction of the oil was automatically run by a Soxhlet Unit (Gerhardt

215 Soxtherm). After 4 hours of extraction, the extracted oil was placed in an oven to let all the

216 remaining solvent to evaporate. When a constant weight of the oil was obtained, the oil


217 extraction rate (OER) was determined using the method of National Research Centre of Oil Palm

218 (2008).

219 The oil extracted from oil palm fruitlets was analyzed by ICP-MS. The results obtained were

220 compared to those of the other edible oils as reported by Ashraf (2014), Zhu et al. (2011),

221 Pehlivan et al. (2008) and Mendil et al. (2009).


223 2.15 Determination of pollution indices

224 There are several ways to determine the pollution indices, which are:-

225 2.15.1 Biological Accumulation Coefficient

226 The Biological Accumulation Coefficient (BAC), which is an indicator of the ability of a plant to

227 accumulate a specific metal in contrast to the concentration of the metal in the soil substrate

228 (Ghosh and Singh, 2005) was calculated by equation 1 as follows:


230 (Equation1)---------------


232 where, heavy metal concentration in the edible parts of the plant and the soil are represented by

233 metal concentration in plant and metal concentration in soil, respectively.

234 2.15.2 Geo-accumulation Index


236 Established by Muller (1969), the Geo-accumulation Index (I-geo) was used to discover how

237 much metal has built up in soils/sediments and has been employed in a number of applications

238 and research purposes. I-geo is mathematically expressed in equation 2 below:

239 (Equation 2)------------- I-geo = log2 (Cn/1.5Bn)


240 where:

241 Cn = Concentration of element in the soil sample

242 Bn = Geochemical background value.

243 Table A. Geochemical background value, Bn, based on shale

Bn value (in mg/kg)*

Co 19
Cr 90
Cu 45
Fe 47200
Mn 850
Ni 68
Zn 95
As 13
Cd 0.3
Ce 59
La 92
Se 0.6
Sr 300
Th 12
Pb 20
Ag 0.07
Ba 580
Hg 0.4
B 100
U 3.7
244 * Muller (1969)

245 A factor of 1.5 is used in the equation, in order to take into consideration the chance of

246 disparities in background data because of lithogenic factors. The geo-accumulation index (I-geo)

247 scale is made up of seven levels (0 – 6), from no contamination (0) to heavy pollution (6).


249 2.15.3 Pollution Load Index


250 The Pollution Load Index (PLI) is gathered as contamination Factors (CF), which is the quotient

251 given by dividing the metals concentration by a baseline concentration for each metal.

252 Concentration factor CF is made of four levels (0 – 3, low CF to high CF) (Hakanson, 1980).

253 The PLI of the site was estimated by gathering the n-root from the CFs which were found from

254 the metals the PLI gathered from each location (Soares et al., 1999). The pollution load index

255 (PLI) was created by Tomlinson et al. (1980) as it is seen below:

256 CF = Cmetal / Cbackground value.

257 where:

258 CF = contamination factor,

259 n = number of metals

260 C metal = metal concentration in soil sample

261 C Background value = background value of that metal.

262 According to Cabrera et al. (1999), a PLI value equal to 1 signifies the absence of pollution,

263 while when PLI > 1 the soil is considered polluted.


265 2.16 Quality assurance

267 Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) was addressed by including blanks and replicates for
268 the water, soil, and plant tissue samples. Standard Reference Material (SRM) of National
269 Institute and Technology (NIST, 1640a for water), SRM-2711a Montana II Soil, and CRM-
270 LGC7162 Strawberry leaf) and internal reference materials were used for precision, quality
271 assurance and control (QA/QC) for selected metal measurements. Average values of three
272 replicates were taken for each determination. The precision of analytical procedures was
273 expressed as Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) which ranged from 5-15% and was calculated
274 from the standard deviation divided by the mean. The recovery rates of studied metals were


275 within 85±15%. Chemicals, stock solutions, and reagents were obtained from
276 Sigma/Fluka/Merck and were of analytical grade. All glassware were washed with distilled
277 water, soaked in nitric acid (30%) overnight, rinsed in deionized water and air-dried before use.

279 2.17 Statistical analysis

280 All data on EMP were statistically analyzed by ANOVA for analysis of variance using Microsoft

281 Excel and significance between mean separations were tested using the t-test.


283 3.0 Results and discussion

284 3.1 Morphological and mineralogical characterization of the MRSG

285 The study area was occupied by the rocks of Bera Formation of Permian age (Shafeea et al.,

286 2000), which formed the soil of Jempol Series. The parent material is shale mixed with tuff

287 (Shafeea et al., 2000). Having high amount of clay content throughout its depth, the color of the

288 soil was reddish, indicating the presence of hematite, proven by XRD analysis. Morphological

289 observation of the soil profile in the soil pit showed the presence of an argillic diagnostic horizon

290 (Bt). The occurrence of the Bt horizon was confirmed by the significant accumulation of the clay

291 content in that zone. The presence of other iron minerals, goethite and hematite, resulted in the

292 phenomenon of low CEC; this notion was consistent with the findings of Shamshuddin et al.

293 (1991) and Ismail et al. (1993).


295 The soil was moderately well-drained, which was suitable for oil palm production (Shamshuddin

296 et al., 2018). The somewhat slow water movement down the soil profile was due in part to the

297 presence of more than 75% clay in the soil. Organic matter content in topsoil was high, mostly

298 contributed partly by the debris from the cut fronds and/or empty fruit bunches, which had been


299 laid out in the inter-row of the oil palm. Due to the presence of Bt horizon together with low

300 exchangeable Ca and Mg as well as low CEC, the soil was classified as an Ultisol as defined by

301 the Soil Survey Staff (2014).


303 The topsoil pH was 4.4, meaning that Al was present in a soluble form which, to a certain extent,

304 affected oil palm growth (Table 3). At this pH level, Al3+ in the soil solution would be

305 hydrolysed, resulting in further decrease of soil pH. Oil palm may be able to grow normally on

306 the soil as it is acid-tolerant, which can even survive at the soil pH of 4.3 (Auxtero and

307 Shamshuddin, 1991). In the topsoil, the exchangeable Ca (0.64 cmolc/kg) and Mg (0.23

308 cmolc/kg) were within the normal limit for an Ultisol of the tropics. The main problem with soil

309 for oil palm production is the lack of Mg and/or Ca.


311 Figure 3 shows the FESEM micrograph of the MRSG under study. The acicular-shaped mineral

312 in the micrograph was gypsum. The elements present at the three locations (spectrum 1, 2 and 3)

313 in the micrograph were identified by FESEM-EDX (Figure 4). A spectrum analysis indicating

314 the presence of certain elements were made.


316 3.2 Chemical characterization of the MRSG

317 The level of their concentration was below the critical limit set by the Standard and Industrial

318 Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) and the Department of Agriculture (DOA) (Table 2),

319 which are the relevant authorities/agencies in Malaysia responsible for introducing guidelines for

320 the usage of schedule wastes on agriculture land. The concentration of As and Cd in the MRSG


321 were far below the guideline limit. It means that the MRSG used in the current study has the

322 potential to be safely applied on agricultural land for oil palm production.

323 3.3 Physico-chemical properties of the soil in the study area

324 The soil was sampled prior to treatments application and also during the duration of the

325 experiment.


327 3.3.1 The baseline data on soil

328 The topsoil in the experimental blocks before the application of MRSG was analysed and the

329 results are presented in Table 3 (for physico-chemical properties) and Table 4 (for heavy metals

330 and other elements of concern). These data were used as baseline information that could be used

331 for comparison after applying MRSG.


333 Soil data presented in Table 3 indicated that the soil was fertile having moderately high

334 exchangeable Ca, Mg and K, which were rather uncommon for an Ultisol cropped to oil palm in

335 Peninsular Malaysia. The soil samples from the 4 experimental blocks analysed for the baseline

336 data were taken from the weeded circle as well as in the inter-rows of the oil palm in the

337 plantation where cut fronds and/or empty fruit bunches were once laid down as mulching

338 materials to conserve water or to keep the soil moist. This notion was evidence by the presence

339 of high amount of organic matter (Table 3). On the other hand, the concentration of heavy metals

340 and other elements of concern in the soil from the experimental blocks (Table 4) were below the

341 guidelines set by SIRIM and DOA presented in Table 2.


343 3.4 Effects of MRSG application on soil


344 Determination of the soil quality (Table 5) was based on various indices, namely Biological

345 Accumulation Coefficient (BAC) (Ghosh and Singh, 2005), Geological Index (I-geo) (Muller,

346 1969), Contamination Factor (CF) Hakanson (1980) and Pollution Load Index (PLi) (Tomlinson

347 et al., 1980). Heavy metals content and other elements of concern present in the soil under study

348 (Table 5) and those of the surface water (Table 6) were evaluated based on the above-mentioned

349 indices and the results are presented in Table 7. The results showed that the BAC was low to

350 moderate for As, Cd and Se, and was intensive for Zn. However, intensive level for Zn was

351 probably not due to the result of applying MRSG as small amount of Zn was present in the

352 MRSG (Table 2). Note that Zn is a micronutrient; hence, it is needed in small amount to sustain

353 the growth of the oil palm in the plantation and/or for its FFB production.


355 The level of heavy metals present in the treated soil was lower than their respective value or

356 reference (Table 5). The heavy metals contents and other elements of concern in the soil of the

357 experimental plots were below the soil investigation level, which means the concentrations of a

358 contaminant above which further appropriate investigation and evaluation will be required

359 (Zarcinas et al., 2004) and Eco-SSL (USEPA, 2007). Heavy metals and other elements of

360 concern in the surface water before and after MRSG application were below the bench mark

361 value of Ministry of Health Malaysia (2000) (Table 6). The drinking water standard of Malaysia

362 is adopted from World Health Organizations standard. Environmental risk analysis (Table 7)

363 showed that the soil was not contaminated, evidenced by the low contamination factor

364 (Hakanson, 1980) with low pollution load index (Tomlinson et al., 1980).



366 The content of the heavy metals and other elements of concern in the soil of the research plots in

367 the study area were not affected by the application of MRSG, kieserite and GML, with no

368 significant differences among treatments (Table 5). This means that MRSG and kieserite

369 treatment had produced comparable or similar results.


371 The critical toxic concentration of La and Ce in soils throughout the world is unavailable at the

372 moment. However, the mean concentration of the two rare earth elements in some common soils

373 of Japan and China had been determined; the respective concentration was 18 and 40 mg/kg,

374 while that of Chinese soils was 44 and 86 mg/kg. For the topsoil in the forest of Sweden, the

375 corresponding concentration was 5-5-33.2 and 11-68 mg/kg (Tyler, 2004). It is believed that their

376 concentration in the soil under study due to MRSG application would not exceed the amount

377 present in the soils of Japan or China, which were evidenced from data presented in Table 5. For

378 Sr, according to Forum of European Geological Survey (FOREGS, 2018) database, its median

379 concentration in the topsoil is 89.0 mg/kg and 0.50 mg/L in water.


381 3.5 Effect of MRSG application on surface water quality

382 Heavy metals and other elements of concern in the surface water before and after MRSG

383 application were below the bench mark value of Ministry of Health Malaysia (2000) for all the

384 sampling dates (Table 6). There are no significant differences between the concentration of

385 TEOC between the stream and the river in the study site. The pH of surface water was slightly

386 acidic. The values were fluctuating slightly through the study period. The pH of water in the

387 surface water were within the Class IV of the NWQS standard.





391 3.6 Effects of MRSG application on oil palm tissue

392 During the course of its growth, the oil palm in the plantation under production had taken up all

393 sorts of plant nutrients as well as other elements contained in the soil on which it was growing

394 that could be detected in the leaves. The concentration of the heavy metals in the oil palm tissue

395 from frond 17 was not affected by treatments (Table 8). Hence; there was no significant

396 difference in the results due to treatment with MRSG and kieserite.


398 Cytotoxic (As, Cd, and Se) and phytotoxic (Zn) elements have also been determined in the oil

399 palm tissues (Table 8). Based on the results of the EMP carried out during the period of the 3-

400 year field trial, it was concluded that application of MRSG as Mg fertilizer source in the oil palm

401 plantation was not significantly different from the baseline data. Therefore, long-term application

402 of MRSG in the plantation can be beneficial for oil palm growth and its yield in terms of fresh

403 fruit bunches as it was able to supply the much needed Mg, Ca and S, required to sustain its

404 growth and/or production.


406 3.7 Effects of MRSG application on palm oil

407 The ultimate test on the impact of applying MRSG on the soil cropped to oil palm is the quality

408 of its oil which was still within the acceptable levels in terms of the heavy metals content and the

409 elements of concern. The concentration of the said elements in the palm oil presented in Table 9

410 was compared to those of the edible oils on sale at the marketplace shown in Table 10. The

411 results of the comparison did not show any indication of the accumulation of heavy metals and


412 other elements of concern in the palm oil under investigation. This is in line with the finding of

413 other studies by Violina et al. (2011); Sengalevitch (1999); Szyczewski et al. (2016) and Tyler

414 (2004) on oil crops that show there is little accumulation of heavy metals in the oil. This study

415 shows that in the extracted oil, the heavy metals were much lower than those found/reported by

416 other researchers (Table 10). Palm oil quality resulting from the soil being treated with MRSG

417 and kieserite were similar.


419 To further enhance the conclusion of this study, cytotoxic (As, Cd, and Se) and phytotoxic (Zn)

420 elements have also been determined in the palm oil (Table 9). The results showed that both

421 groups of elements were below the known guideline limit.


423 4.0 Conclusion

424 The results of the field trial in Bera, Peninsular Malaysia showed that MRSG application could

425 bring about positive impact on Malaysian palm oil industry. The quality of the palm oil was not

426 significantly affected by the application of MRSG, producing results similar with those of the

427 kieserite. It was also proven that MRSG application did not result in negative impact on the

428 environment; thus, the quality of the soil and surface water in the oil palm plantation and/or in

429 the surrounding area remained intact. The respective phytotoxic and cytotoxic elements in the

430 tissues of the oil palm and palm oil were below the concentration of other studies. Furthermore,

431 long-term application of MRSG in the oil palm plantation could have positive impact on the

432 fresh fruit bunches production. Hence, it is recommended that MRSG be applied in oil palm

433 plantations in Peninsular Malaysia occupied by the highly weathered Ultisols to sustain palm oil

434 production in the long run.




437 Acknowledgements

438 The authors would like to thank Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd for the financial support. We also want

439 to express our gratitude to Universiti Putra Malaysia as well as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

440 for the technical support. The approval by the Department of Environment, Malaysia for

441 allowing us to use the MRSG for research purposes is highly appreciated. We also wish to thank

442 individuals or group of people, either in or outside the country, who in one way or another helped

443 towards the successful and timely implementation of the research project in good time.




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Click here to download Table: Table 5Oct.docx

Table 1. GML, MRSG and kieserite applied in the research plots

Treatment Rate of application

T0 (Control 1) 1.25 kg/palm application of GML

T1 1.1 kg/palm application of MRSG

T2 1.45 kg/palm application of MRSG

T3* 2.4 kg/palm application of MRSG

T4 (Control 2)* 0.5 kg/palm application of kieserite

*Only these treatment plots were sampled for TEOC

Table 2. Heavy metals and other elements of concern in MRSG and the guidelines limit by

MRSG Associates Guidelines
Material Guidelines
(this study) Report limit Guidelines
(2014) Regulation limit +
7(1) MS1517:2012 φ
Gypsum (%) 54.6 75-95
Mg hydroxide (%) 5-12
Calcium <1
Oxides/hydroxide (%)
Calcium carbonate (%) 1-3
Silica (amorphous) (%) 0.1-0.4
Silicon (%) bdl
Lanthanum hydroxide <1
Lanthanum (%) 0.33
Cerium hydroxide (%) <1
Arsenic (mg/kg) bdl 500 50 50
Cadmium (mg/kg) 0.80 N.A. 5 5
Cerium (mg/kg) 3460.53 N.A N.A N.A
Lanthanum (mg/kg) 3272.49 N.A N.A N.A
Selenium (mg/kg) 0.35 3500 N.A N.A
Strontium (mg/kg) 85.21 N.A N.A N.A
Zinc (mg/kg) 38.63 N.A. N.A N.A
bdl= below detection limit
MS1517:2012: Organic Fertilizers-Specification (1st Revision); N.A = not available
MS2532:2013: Fortified Organic Fertilizers-Specification
Table 3. The baseline data of the studied area for the EMP

Soil parameter Block

1 2 3 4 S.D
Sand (%) 11.00 9.00 7.00 5.00 2.39
Very Coarse sand 2-1 mm 1.16 1.12 0.50 0.22 0.43
Coarse sand 1.0-0.5mm 1.46 1.40 1.42 0.72 0.33
Medium sand 0.5-0.25mm 2.28 1.89 1.32 1.15 0.48
Fine sand 0.25-0.125 mm 2.98 2.20 1.96 1.52 0.57
Very fine sand 0.125-0.063mm 3.12 2.39 1.80 1.39 0.70
silt (%) 0.063-0.002mm 14.00 17.00 17.00 10.00 3.07
Clay (%) <0.002mm 75.00 74.00 76.00 86.00 5.15
Organic matter (%) 6.63 8.72 7.34 7.27 0.81
Organic carbon (%) 1.74 2.10 1.86 1.77 0.15
pH Water (1:2.5) 4.33 4.54 4.44 4.40 0.08
Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm) 2480 2460 2390 2410 38.91
Exchangeable Al (cmolc/kg) 0.90 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.38
Exchangeable H (cmolc/kg) 0.70 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.14
Exchangeable Ca (cmolc/kg) 0.97 1.20 1.24 0.87 0.17
Exchangeable Mg (cmolc/kg) 0.98 1.12 0.80 0.71 0.17
Exchangeable Na (cmolc/kg) 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.01
Exchangeable K (cmolc/kg) 0.61 0.26 0.24 0.50 0.17
Cation exch capacity (cmolc/kg) 4.22 3.04 2.73 3.04 0.61
Total N (%) 2.36 2.30 2.14 2.30 0.09
Total S (%) 0.16 0.11 0.15 0.10 0.03
Total C (%) 2.17 3.28 2.79 2.54
*S.D= standard deviation
Table 4. Heavy metals and other elements of concern in the soil of the oil palm plantation
before treatment

1 2 3 4
Element mg/kg

As 1.44 0.60 0.17 0.12

Cd 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Ce 2.31 4.96 1.61 2.96
La 0.91 2.26 1.21 1.00
Se 1.09 2.00 1.61 2.07
Sr 2.31 1.93 2.12 1.50
Th 0.83 0.13 0.98 0.87
Zn 14.56 16.60 15.86 13.93
B 1.50 0.66 1.75 0.85
Mn 144.97 709.61 187.86 174.36
Table 5. Heavy metals and other elements of concern in the soil before and after MRGS application

# @
Metal 12/3/15 05/10/2015 22/1/2016 22/5/2016 20/9/2016 *Soil CSQ Eco-SSL
(mg/kg) Baseline Investigati G (mg/kg)
on Levels (mg/k
(mg/kg) g)
As 1.75 4.50 5.07 1.40 1.93 1.67 0.82 2.57 1.50 60 12 18
cd b b d cd d e c d
Cd 0.03 bdl bdl 0.002 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.3 1.4 32
b c b b b b b
Se 0.65 0.83 0.77 0.08 0.06 0.60 0.73 0.43 0.58 NA 1.0 0.52
ab a a d d b a c b
Zn 19.82 15.31 17.40 12.36 15.08 5.82 5.39 2.09 1.94 95 200 160
a b a c b d d e e
Ce 6.16 4.18 5.78 10.70 13.97 2.87 2.32 4.77 3.89 NA NA NA
c c c b a d d c c
La 2.64 1.63 2.38 7.15 7.11 1.15 1.09 1.91 1.83 NA NA NA
c d c a a e e cd cd
Sr 5.07 2.57 5.30 1.79 2.25 2.15 0.46 11.58 20.04 NA NA NA
c d c d d d e b a

Means followed by different letter within same row are significantly different at p≤0.05
bdl= below detection limit; NA=not available; Cont = control
*Zarcinas et al. (2004); #CSQG= Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines (CCME, 2007)
@ Ecological Soil Screening Level for plant as a receptor (USEPA, 2007)
Table 6. Heavy metals and other elements of concern in the surface water before and after MRSG application

22/5/2016 20/9/2016 29/11/2016 10/5/2017 ark
Stream River Stream River Stream River Stream River
As 0.85 1.01 1.03 1.69 1.75 3.74 1.79 1.84 10
a a b a b a a a
Cd 0.02 0.03 0.23 0.09 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.06 3
a a a b a a a a
Se 0.22 0.28 0.06 0.19 0.24 0.30 0.06 0.14 10
a a b a a a b a
Zn 105.20 135.39 51.02 63.67 61.51 35.10 56.27 49.39 3000
a a a a a b a a
Ce 0.41 0.82 1.29 1.31 0.60 0.60 3.11 2.33 NA
a a a a a a a b
La 0.16 0.37 0.55 0.62 0.24 0.30 1.25 1.00 NA
a a a a a a a a
Sr 18.30 22.58 9.46 26.88 12.66 25.96 18.54 30.79 NA
a a b a b a b a
pH 5.08a 5.02a 5.73b 5.97a 6.00a 6.02a 5.78a 5.08b 5-9#
Means followed by different letter from each rainfall event are significantly different at p≤0.05 for each element
*Ministry of Health Malaysia (2000); NA= not available
#Malaysian Environmental Quality Report (2006) (Class IV).
Table 7. Biological Accumulation Coefficient of heavy metals in frond 17 and soil contamination levels following MRSG treatment

Metal Index* Value Note

As BAC 0.31 Moderate
I-geo -2.97 Uncontaminated
CF 0.29 low CF
Cd BAC 0.90 Moderate
I-geo -3.58 Uncontaminated
CF 0.14 low CF
Se BAC 0.34 Moderate
I-geo -1.03 Uncontaminated
CF 0.90 low CF
Zn BAC 1.16 Intensive
I-geo -3.81 Uncontaminated
CF 0.14 low CF
PLi 0.70 Not polluted
BAC - Biological Accumulation Coefficient; Igeo - Geological Index;
CF- Contamination Factor; and PLI - Pollution Load Index
Table 8. Heavy metals and other elements of concern in frond 17

*Normal or
Metal 5/10/2015
22/1/2016 22/5/2016 21/7/2016 1/12/2016 Sufficient
(mg/kg) Baseline

Control MRSG Control MRSG Control MRSG Control MRSG Control MRSG

1.38 0.88 0.41 0.50 2.32 2.30 0.64 0.70 0.11 0.12
As 1-1.7
b c e e a a d d f f
0.02 0.02 0.005 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.29 0.29 0.04
Cd bdl 0.05-0.2
d d e b cd cd a a c
0.18 0.04 0.12 0.17 0.08 0.09 0.54 0.44 0.04 0.05
Se 0.01-2
c e d c d d a b e e
42.73 46.70 31.51 22.55 20.01 17.09 20.48 23.05 4.26 1.48
Zn 27-150
a a b c c d c c e f
0.36 0.22 2.32 4.12 2.31 1.95 0.55 0.55 0.43 0.47
d e b a b b c c cd d
0.28 0.22 1.69 3.81 1.42 1.24 0.61 0.55 0.21 0.26
e f b a bc c d d f e
10.61 8.84 6.37 7.26 5.03 4.71 16.76 18.89 2.11 3.03
b c cd c d d a a e e
Means followed by different letter within same row are significantly different at p≤0.05
*Kabata-Pendias (2011); NA= not available; bdl=below detection limit
Table 9. Heavy metals and other elements of concern in the palm oil
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
0.0690 0.0600 0.0580 0.0430 0.1220
a a a a ab
bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
a a a a a
bdl bdl 0.0001 bdl bdl
ab b a b ab
0.0001 0.0014 0.0024 0.0016 0.0028
b ab ab ab ab
0.0004 0.0007 0.0014 0.0001 0.0013
b ab a ab ab
bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
a a a a a
0.0240 0.0160 0.0130 0.0160 0.0100
a a a a a
bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
a a a a a
0.1030 0.0700 0.0430 0.0420 0.0520
a a a a a
0.0210 0.0200 0.0170 1.9300 0.0190
a a a a a
0.0040 0.0060 0.0050 0.0020 0.0040
a a a a a
0.0090 0.0060 0.0080 0.3540 0.0090
a a a a a
0.0001 0.0001 bdl bdl bdl
ab a c c bc
0.0100 0.0090 0.0120 0.0130 0.0070
a a a a a
bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
a a a a a
bdl bdl bdl bdl bdl
a a a a a
0.0100 0.0050 0.0040 0.0370 0.0030
a a a a a
0.0560 0.0620 0.0300 0.0260 0.0250
a a a a a
0.0010 0.0030 0.0030 0.0090 0.0030
a a a a a
0.0010 0.0010 0.0020 0.0020 0.0030
a a a a a
1.1530 0.6300 0.6200 0.6290 1.0400
a a a a a
0.2280 0.7050 0.1050 2.0990 0.2240
a a a a a
Means followed by different letter within same row are significantly different at p≤0.05
bdl=below detection limit
Table 10. Concentration of heavy metals in edible oils

(mg/kg) Corn Sunflower Soybean Peanut Sesame Olive Rapeseed Palm Reference
Oil oil oil oil oil oil oil
As 0.011 0.013 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.013 0.018 - (1)
0.012 0.011 0.015 0.013 0.019 0.012 0.015 - (2)
0.002 (5)
- (6)
- (7)
bdl this study
Cd 0.006 0.003 0.005 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.006 - (1)
0.008 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.003 0.006 - (2)
0.045 (5)
0.065 (6)
- (7)
bdl this study
Cu 0.035 0.062 0.052 0.178 0.049 0.286 0.193 - (1)
0.0138 0.0026 0.073 - - 0.0155 - - (3)
1.200 (6)
0.4 (7)
0.062 this study
Fe 17.3 33.4 24.3 37.8 43.8 57.8 26.8 - (1)
52 105.3 - - - 139 - - (4)
0.0195 0.0107 0.0129 - - 0.0295 - - (3)
130 (6)
5.0 (7)
2.10 this study
Mn 0.097 0.347 0.13 0.586 0.269 0.186 0.178 - (1)
1.64 0.12 - - - 0.14 - - (4)
0.0017 0.0026 0.022 - - 0.0065 - - (3)
9.250 (6)
- (7)
1.930 this study
Pb bdl 0.011 0.014 0.013 0.017 bdl 0.011 - (1)
0.009 0.01 0.015 0.012 0.018 0.013 0.012 - (2)
bdl 0.0016 bdl - - 0.0074 - - (3)
0.038 (5)
0.042 (6)
- (7)
0.006 this study
Zn 3.1 1.54 1.36 1.78 0.955 1.88 1.67 - (1)
2.56 1.23 0.742 1.3 0.883 1.41 1.57 - (2)
3.08 1.10 - - - 1.03 - - (4)
8.470 (6)
- (7)
0.103 this study
1) Ashraf (2014), (2) Zhu et al. (2011), (3) Pehlivan et al. (2008), (4) Mendil et al. (2009), (5)
Adepoju-bello et al. (2012), (6) Nnorom et al. (2014), (7) FAO/WHO (2015); bdl=below detection
Click here to download Figure: Figures 5Oct.docx

Figure 1. The geology map of Bera area, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia

(modified from Mohd Shafeea et al., 2000)
(A=Bera Formation; B= Semantan Formation; C= Sandstone)

*2 columns image
Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of the experimental blocks in the study area; the red
diamonds indicated the sites where surface water was sampled

*2 columns image
Figure 3. FESEM micrograph of the MRSG used in the study

*Single column image

Figure 4. FESEM-EDX diffractogram of the MRSG

*Single column image

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