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Spoken English


 Vocabulary
 Grammar Rule
 Small Expression
 Topic

1. Vocabulary

No. Word No. Word

1 Outrage 13 Mostly
2 Slumber 14 Almost everyday
3 Particular 15 Once in a blue moon
4 Never 16 A bit / A little / to some extent
5 Cover 17 More
6 Sometime 18 Adequate / Sufficient /Plenty/
7 Often 19 Scarcity / Deficiency/ lack
of/in demand /Lower
8 Rarely / Occasionally 20 Exactly /Close to
9 Frequently 21 Different
10 Intermittently 22 Drawback / Loophole /Lacuna
11 At an interval 23 Out of control
12 Quite some time 24 Moderate
2.Grammar Rule
4 Types of sentences
1. Declarative: My smartphone allows me to take pictures and record
audio messages. Adam is good at cricket.
2. Interrogative: Where do you live?
3. Imperative: Lock the door
4. Exclamatory: It is a beautiful building!

3. Small Expression

4. Topic: Talk about Swami Vivekananda

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