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Basic Statistics- Summary Measures of Dispersions

Population Mean (μ) Range

Population Variance (σ2)

Sample Variance (S2)

Sample Mean (ӯ)

Standard Deviation

Square root ( √) of Variance

σ-population Standard Deviation

S-Sample Standard Deviation

Inter Quartile Range (IQR)

Harmonic Mean (H)

Location of Quartiles

Geometric Mean (G)

Scale Factor

Coefficient of Variability (CV)

Hypothesis Testing
Joint probability P(A and B)
H0; Null Hypothesis
HA; Alternative Hypothesis

P (A or B)

Conditional Probability Rejection Rule

 If IZI>1.96 Reject H0, Do not

If two variables are independent Confidence Interval (CI)

Standard Normal Distribution (Z

distribution) T Distribution
μ=0 ,σ=1

Comparison of Two Populations

Probability associated with sample mean

If σ12 and σ22 are known

Paired observations

(Paired t test)
When observations are depended.

Pooled Variance (Sp2 )

If σ12 and σ22 are unknown and σ12= σ22= σ2

(Pooled t test)

If ltl>tn1+n2-2 Reject H0 Studying Relationships

Variance Ratio Test ( F test) Estimate of Xij

df=degree of freedom

Goodness of fit

(Chi square test)

If F> fdf1,df2,α Reject H0

Studying Relationships

statistical model

By Dinuka Madhushan

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