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Memoranda & Electronic mails

 Used for indicating:
• New policies
• Company procedures
• Decisions that have been made
• Technical reports
 They are sent out to the employees of a particular business
and relate directly to them.
 They are formal.
 Present the facts to the reader so that they fully understand
the purpose of your message.
 Ideally a memo should address one subject.
Basic Memo Plans
Direct plan
• Supply the most important points first and the supporting details
are provided second.
• Used to relay information or share news.

Indirect plan
• Opens with an appeal to employees and presents evidence to
verify the urgency of the need.
• It is created to arouse interest and seek desired response.

Balanced plan
• Combines both approaches and is useful when you are providing
unpleasant news.
Memo Format
Heading segment:
• Company’s name and logo to be presented centred, at the top
of the page
• “To” & “From” need to be included to ensure your message is
sent to the correct audience
• Date

Opening Segment:
• Contain the purpose, problem to be addressed & specific task
at hand
• Prepares the reader for what is to come
• Make sure your introduction answers: Who? What? When?
Where? Why?
Summary Segment:
• Describes content of the memo
• Include all important and relevant information
Discussion Segment:
• Provide background information that led to the topic being discussed.
• Names and titles of those who made decisions
• Dates of earlier memos pertinent to the subject
• Subheadings: makes the memo easier to read
• Situation
• Problem
• Solution
• Evaluation
Closing Segment:
• Tells reader what he/she must do with the information
• Provide them with the necessary steps to take
• Include your actions and deadlines
• End off with a signature/initials of the sender
1. Request memo
• Explains a particular situation
• Requests the readers to respond in a specific manner
• Dates should be indicated when the response is required
The auditors from KPG will arrive on 1 September. Please have all your reports
prepared by that date and your files ready for them to review. Refer to
supervisors for further details and preparations..

2. Confirmation memo
• Informs the reader that previous information sent regarding policy
or procedure is meant to be followed
• Informs the reader of the official, company-wide approach to
specific procedures
Home Affairs requires that all employees currently working for South African
companies present their work permits or proof of citizenship. Companies are
required to keep these documents on file in the human resources department.
Please arrange and bring your documentation to your HR practitioner within the
next seven days. The deadline is 12 August 2022.
3. Periodic report

• requires consistent reporting on a certain matter at regular

• also known as a template report - specifies particular information
that must be submitted
4. Ideas and suggestions

• Allows employees to offer their input on how to approach specific

aspects of morale, customer service or workplace organization
• Usually specific in nature
• Provides a deadline for responses

5. Informal study results

• Responds or gives results to a survey or study that was done about a

particular procedure or policy
• Its purpose is to keep the employees informed of the information
received, potential conclusions and recommendations


Popular in recent years.

Be careful of:
• The mail you send can be forwarded to
others, this means that it can be critiqued
and analysed by others.
• Misunderstanding.
Ensure that you stick to formal style and
Guidelines for emails
 Keep it short
 Be clear
 Use jargon relevant to the industry you and the recipient are in.
 Phrase questions so that short answers are possible.
 Represent yourself in a friendly, positive and professional manner
 Avoid informal terms and phrases
 Maintain formal structure- appropriate greeting and proper
complimentary close
 Check attachments
 Proofread (5C’s) before sending
Professional etiquette for responding to emails

o Respond as soon as possible

o Do not forward chain mail
o Reply to all: ensure everyone actually needs to
read the email
o Proofread your reply
Emails must be carefully composed because:

• They serve as proof of documentation as they are

• They can be read by others

 Must be clear, courteous, correct, concise and

Elements of a memo that distinguish it from a business letter


• used for in-company information to employees

• information that impacts on job functions of staff or solve problems,
request permission or express approval
• less formal and more friendly
• appropriate style and tone must be used
• has simpler, more direct layout

Business letter:

• they are sent outside the company

• more formal, grammatically correct sentences
• appropriate style and tone must be used
• has more components

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