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PE 3 – Officiating in Volleyball

I. Module Overview

Volleyball is a team sport played between two teams of six players each. The main objective of the game
is to ground the ball into the opponent’s court by hitting the ball with the player’s hands. This sport has been
a famous game played by the both mean and women and is played in the different types of athletic meets.
This module is designed to explore the knowledge in officiating volleyball as 1st Referee, 2nd referee,
Score Keeper, Assistant Scorer or libero tracker and line judge. The learner will be demonstrating the hand
signals used in officiating.

II. Desired Learning Outcome

At the end of this topic, the students should be able to:
1. Officiate and demonstrate signals properly
2. Apply rules and regulations of the game in the actual game.
3. Perform the duties and responsibilities of its officials

III. Content focus


• First Referee
o He directs the match from start until the end. He has the full authority over all members of
the refereeing corps and the members of the team.
o During the match, the first referee’s decisions are final. He is authorized to overrule
decisions of other member of the refereeing corps if it is noticed that they are mistaken.
• Second Referee/ Umpire
o The second referee performs his functions standing outside the plating court near the
post, on the opposite side facing the first referee.
o The second referee authorizes the interruptions, controls the duration and reject improper
o The second referee may, without whistling, also signal faults outside his range of
jurisdiction but may not insist them to the referee.
• Scorer
o The scorer performs his/her functions seated at the scorer’s table on the opposite side of
the court facing the first referee.
o He/she keeps the score sheet according to the rules, co-operating with the second
o During the match, the scorer records the points scored.
• Line Judges
o The line judges perform his functions by using flags to signal:
▪ The ball “in” and “out” whenever the ball lands near their lines
▪ The ball touching the antenna, the served ball crossing the net outside the
crossing space
▪ The foot fault of the server

Referee’s official hand signals

Ball not tossed Delay in service Expulsion Ball “out”

Blocking Fault Ball “In” Four Hits Time out

1|P age
Double Fault Substitution Net touch Reaching fault

Ball touched Disqualification Delay Warning End of set or match

Line Judges’ Official Flag Signals

Ball Touched Crossing Space fault Imposible to Judge Ball out


FIVB, FIVB official Volleyball Rules 2001- 2004, New Edition. Aug, 9, 2000

Referee's Official Hand Signals -

2|P age

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