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Instructions: Read the scenario below and create 2 paragraph essay and each paragraph’s
must contain 5sentences. Please be guided on the scoring rubrics on the next
page. Write your answer on another sheet of paper (20 Points)

Arniel, a grade 11 student likes to eat junk food. Every after class, he goes to the nearest 7/11 store and
buys different kind of junk food. In a week, Arniel will be able to consume 8 different kind of junk food without
proper drinking of water and proper exercise. One day, Arniel felt dizzy and cannot concentrate on answering his
modules. His mother sent him to the clinic and found out that Arniel has complications on his body due to lack of
nutrition and lack of exercise. If you were the doctor assisting Arniel, what would be your advice to him?

If I were the doctor assisting Arniel, I’d tell him that what he had been doing in the past
weeks can impair his daily health and wellbeing and reduce his ability to lead an enjoyable
and active life. In the short term, his poor nutrition and unhealthy eating habits can contribute
to stress, tiredness and capacity to work or do his school tasks and overtime, it can contribute
to the risk of developing some illnesses and other health problems such as obesity, tooth
decay, high-blood pressure, diabetes, depression, eating disorders and many more.

What I would advice Arniel is to start a good variety of healthy foods from the five food
groups each day and everytime he starts to crave unhealthy food he may eat his favorite fruit
or vegetable as a substitute. He also has to drink fresh, clean tap water instead of sugary
drinks. He may also want to engage in physical activities or do at-home workout because it
helps in increasing energy level. Of course there are a lot on the lists to improve someone’s
poor nutrition but these are the good plans to start living a healthy life. And to finish i’ll drop
him a quote that we eat to live and not live to eat.

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