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CIci greets Aisyah to her house, Aisyah opened the door and greeted cici too.

Cici took Aisyah for a walk

to the park. In the park they met Adi and Edo. CIci, Aisyah, Adi and Edo play in the park. Adi and Edo fish
in the pond in the park. While Cici and Aisyah run ariund the garden while smelling the fragnant flowers.
They also run after butterflies.

Cici : Assalamu’alaikum Aisyah

Aisyah : Wa’alaikumsalam, Cici

Cici : Aisyah, let’s go for a walk to the park

Aisyah : Ok, let’s go

In the park ….

Cici : Hai, I am Cici, This is my friend. Her name is Aisyah

Adi : Hai, my name is Adi, this is my friend Edo

Cici : We are friends, let’s play together

Edo : Ok. We will fish in that pond

Aisyah : I smell a nice smell, what is that smell?

Adi : It is the smell of flowers

CIci : Aisyah, lots of butterflies

Aisyah : Let’s go run to catch it, Cici



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