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FIN303 Fundamentals of Financial Management SDU University Semester 1, 2023-2024


Due Date: Week Beginning 20 November 2023. In-class group presentations.

The written report (10%) must be submitted electronically via Turnitin on

General Rules and Requirements:

This is a group assignment (each group should have a minimum of three or a maximum of four
Word limit is 2,500 words.
Font type - Times New Roman
Font size-12
Paragraph spacing - 1.5

Format Requirements:
Title page
This must include:
Name of the University (SDU University)
The assignment title
The name and code of the course
Full details of the students who prepared the report (official names and student numbers)
The due date of the report
Full name of the lecturer
Table of Contents
The final report should include the list of the headings and appendices. It is vital to double-check that
the correct page numbers are shown opposite each section of the report.
In the introduction section, you should provide enough details about the purpose of the report,
essential tasks and generally what the report will cover.
Answers to questions should be organised under appropriate headings and sub-headings. It is vital to
include analysis of the sources you are using to answer the questions and report on your research
In the final section of the report, you are expected to summarise all the main points of the report. You
will need to list all the findings that are directly linked to the objectives of the report.
Reference List
Includes a full list of references you have used to complete your report. Please follow a Harvard style
system of referencing.
Each appendix includes typically tables, figures, annual financial statements, which are too detailed
for them to be included in the body of the report. Appendices are placed at the very end of the report.
Each appendix should have a separate number.

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Group Assignment Task Semester 1, 2023-2024
FIN303 Fundamentals of Financial Management SDU University Semester 1, 2023-2024

Part I (10 points)

Please follow the link

Students are required to read the case and answer questions listed in the case study.

Prepare a written report on the case study.

Part II (10 points)

Group presentation of the findings in class.

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Group Assignment Task Semester 1, 2023-2024

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