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Discussion Guide Suggestions

Name: _______________
Other Demographic questions (age, income, locality, etc)

1. Understanding Altruistic Behavior:

-Can you share examples of times when you've engaged in altruistic behavior or witnessed
others doing so?
-What motivates you, or people in general, to engage in acts of kindness or altruism?
-Do you think societal influences, such as religion or cultural norms, play a role in promoting
altruistic behavior?
-How does engaging in altruistic behavior make you feel? Do you derive personal satisfaction
or other emotional benefits from it?
-How important is it for you to contribute to the economic empowerment of marginalized
communities when making product choices?
-Does the idea of purchasing aloe vera gel produced by tribal women from a self-help group
resonate with you? Why or why not?

2. Altruism and Consumer Behavior:

-Have you ever purchased products or services because the company was associated with a
charitable cause or self-help group?
-What factors influence your decision to choose brands that support such causes? Is it solely
about the cause or are there other considerations?
-Do you believe that companies genuinely care about the causes they support, or do you
think it's often just a marketing strategy?
-How do you think your conscious mind evaluates the decision to support a brand associated
with altruism?
-Are there any instances where you've felt conflicted about supporting a cause-related
brand? If yes, why?

3. Subconscious Factors and Brand Perception:

-Can you recall a time when you were drawn to a brand's association with a specific cause on
a subconscious level?
-How much do you think emotions play a role in your decision-making when it comes to
supporting cause-related brands?
-Are there certain values or beliefs that you associate with self-help groups or similar causes?
-How do these associations influence your perception of a brand?
-Have you noticed any influence of social media, peer recommendations, or community
involvement in your decisions to support cause-related brands?
-Are you more inclined to try aloe vera gel that is sourced from natural and community-
based initiatives?
-How does knowing that the aloe vera gel is produced by tribal women impact your
perception of its quality and authenticity?

4. Premium for Brand's Association with Self-Help Groups:

-Imagine a scenario where a brand supports women from self-help groups and charges a
higher price for its products. Would you be willing to pay a premium for such a brand? Why
or why not?
-What factors would enhance your willingness to pay a premium for a brand's association
with self-help groups?
-Can you think of any potential drawbacks or concerns associated with paying more for such
a brand?

5. Product Experience and recommendations:

-If you were to try this aloe vera gel, what would your expectations be in terms of quality and
-Would you be more likely to recommend this product to friends and family due to its
association with a self-help group?

6. Reflection and Closure:

-Based on our discussion, what do you think are the key drivers behind altruistic behavior
and consumer decisions related to cause-related brands?
-Is there anything else you'd like to share or any suggestions you have for making this
initiative more appealing to potential customers?
-Is there anything else you'd like to add regarding this topic?

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