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Q1: U.S.

News included this mapmaking occupation one of its 25 Best Jobs of 2019,
anticipating a rise in demand?

The crrect Answer is: a cartographer

Q2: It's a "canine" term for a gemstone collector?

The crrect Answer is: a rock hound

Q3: The DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) is a member of this group, the NSC?

The crrect Answer is: National Security Council

Q4: "Shogun: A Novel of ____"?

The crrect Answer is: Japan

Q5: He went from the Warriors to the Nets & in 2021 became the top scorer in U.S. Olympic
men's basketball history?

The crrect Answer is: Durant

Q6: Used in acoustics, it's a 2-pronged metal instrument that emits a tone of fixed pitch
when struck?

The crrect Answer is: a tuning fork

Q7: The Palace of Nations lies near the shore of this Swiss lake?

The crrect Answer is: Lake Geneva

Q8: In 1741 Jonathan Edwards gave his "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon &
this Prussian king conquered Silesia?

The crrect Answer is: Frederick the Great

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