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Erica Shaine P.

E ect of timing on treatment outcomes and surgical
complications of orthognathic surgery in Class II patients

It is common knowledge that oral and maxillofacial surgeons are skilled in

treating a broad range of illnesses and wounds that a ect the head, neck,
mouth, jaw, and face. Misaligned jaws, impacted wisdom teeth, oral
reconstructive surgery and cancers of the head and neck to name a few
are conditions oral surgeons treat to be speci c. In this journal article
regarding orthodontics and orthognatic surgery, I learned that Class II
malocclusions can be corrected using a combination of orthognathic
surgery and orthodontic treatment. The degree of the malocclusion and
the patient's development potential are key considerations when choosing
a course of treatment. In interdisciplinary treatment, Oral surgery helps to
maintain the long-lasting bene ts of orthodontics like extracting tooth for a
straighter smile when patients need braces. In this journal i also learned
that in comparison to older patients, younger patients who underwent
orthognathic surgery to treat a Class II malocclusion experienced
comparable orthodontic treatment outcomes and acute postoperative
sequelae. The younger patients' improved skeletal connections following
orthognathic surgery may have been in uenced by ongoing mandibular
growth. Overall, there were no di erences in surgical complications
between younger and older patients following mandibular advancement
surgery. It was an informative article and I am amazed to know that
regardless of age, there is little to no di erence when it comes to surgical
complications but it is good to know that since younger patients still have
ongoing mandibular growth, that can be a key factor as to why younger
patients have better skeletal connections that older patients.

As i read this, My interest in the relationship between orthodontics and oral

surgery suddenly went up and as mentioned before, oral surgeons are an
orthodontist’s best friend to keep that straight beautiful smile permanent.
Not just in orthodontics, but oral surgeons also play a helping role in other
elds such as in endodontics and in periodontics like removing a
periapical abscess from a mobile tooth or an apicoectomy after a root
canal treatment. Oral surgeons in interdisciplinary treatment are essential
when it comes to treatment planning because they restore the for, and
function of the jaw and the oral and maxillofacial area.

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