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Name of Student: Miranda, Denise May E. Activity Title: Activity 2.1

Year and Section: BSIT 2 – ST. ANTHONY Date Submitted: 11/06/23

1. Complete the table below by providing the correct information per item.
A. Explain the Framing Risk Management. (Own words)
B. Explain the Likelihood. (Own Words)
C. Differentiate the Threat Event and Threat Source.

 Acceptable Work is 0% - 20% plagiarized only.
o Attach your plug scan here.
 Submit the activity, Activity 2.1 to your class representative, then your class representative
will submit it to me on November 6, 2023 after your examination.

A. Explain the Framing Risk Management. (Own words)
Framing Risk Management is a systematic approach to understanding and
addressing potential risks in an organized manner. It involves identifying,
assessing, and mitigating risks that could affect an organization's goals and

For example, if a company is planning an outdoor event, they would consider

potential risks such as bad weather, security concerns, or logistical challenges.
By framing risk management, they can develop contingency plans and take
preventive measures to minimize the impact of these risks.

B. Explain the Likelihood. (Own Words)

Likelihood refers to the probability or chance of a specific event occurring. In
risk management, it helps to assess the likelihood of different risks happening
and prioritize them accordingly.

For instance, if a person is considering investing in stocks, they would evaluate

the likelihood of market fluctuations or economic factors affecting their
investment. Based on the likelihood, they can make informed decisions about
the level of risk they are willing to take.
C. Differentiate the Threat Event and Threat Source.
A threat event is a specific incident or occurrence that poses a risk to an
organization. It is an actual event that could cause harm or damage. For
example, a threat event for a bank could be a robbery or a cyber-attack on its
computer systems.

On the other hand, a threat source is the origin or cause of a potential threat. It
is the entity or factor that has the potential to initiate or carry out a threat event.
In the bank robbery example, the threat source could be an individual or a
group attempting to steal money, while in the case of a cyber-attack, the threat
source could be a hacker or a malicious software.




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