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Reading passage lecture

Deforestation has many benefits that Author has not considered long term
helps improve people’s lives effect of deforestation
He gives an example of Brazil, where
80% of rain forest has been cut down
for farming purposes
The reading passage mentions that Even if the population is rising, there
we need to clear forests to provide are alternative ways to farming that
enough food for the rising population do not require a lot of land

He gives an example of hydroponic

Technological advancement
should not be focused on how to
destroy more, but how to preserve
what we have and look for
The reading passage argues that The professor refutes this and says
there is an economic benefit to the that these projects only benefits a
local economy, as supplus products few few people. He adds that while it
can be sold. is lucrative to build residential areas
and make a lot of money, we
shouldn’t be focused on profits.

Furthermore, the reading passage

only provides examples in
developing countries, such as Brazil
and india, where workers are paid
very low wages. Thus , it is not true
that deforestation has an economic
benefit to the local population.
The reading passage ar
The reading passage introduces the topic of deforestation, which is the process of clearing
down forests for farming. The writer presents several benefits of this process, but the
professor casts doubt on these benefits and argues that the writer has not considered the
long term effects of deforestation.

The reading passage argues ( says, points out that ....) The professor refutes this points
because ....( The professor disagrees and argues that ...

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