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Sources and Impacts of Uncertainty in Uncalibrated

Bioretention Models Using SWMM 5.1.012

Elizabeth Fassman-Beck, Ph.D., M.ASCE 1; and Firas Saleh, Ph.D. 2
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Abstract: Using the USEPA’s Storm Water Management Model version 5.1.012 (SWMM), a case study of a street right-of-way bioretention
system (ROWB) configured as a storage node is compared against SWMM’s Low Impact Development (LID) Controls for urban runoff
retention, detention, and the timing of discharge. Through 12,000 one-year continuous simulations, single parameter perturbations and
Monte-Carlo simulation of the uncalibrated models result in predicted annual runoff coefficients (representing stormwater retention) of
0.19–0.55 for an exfiltrating ROWB compared to 0.61 and 0.72 for a storage node with low and high assumed exfiltration capacity,
respectively. Stormwater detention was represented by the frequency of event peak discharges exceeding an arbitrary low threshold value.
The storage node simulations predicted peak discharges near or exceeding the upper values for the LID Control simulations. The dynamic
representation of flow through porous media in the LID Control predicts greater retention and detention compared to the storage node over the
range of uncalibrated models investigated. Sensitivity analysis of the LID Control parameterization indicates that the relative difference
between the engineered media’s porosity and field capacity have the most significant influence on predicted performance. Poor runoff
retention results in scenarios where the engineered media exhibits a high field capacity relative to its porosity, whereas high field capacity
is a desirable trait that should lead to superior performance. The model’s calculation procedures and neglect of unsaturated flow or preferential
pathways bias model output toward more frequent runoff bypass. The sensitivity analysis also demonstrates that the timing and duration of
the discharge hydrograph are highly variable depending on parameterization. The wide range of potential performance generated from
uncalibrated model parameterization leads to significant concerns for infrastructure planning and implementation, leading potentially to
underperforming infrastructure, or excessive cost. Allocating resources to collect field performance data that enables robust model develop-
ment, calibration, and verification at the green infrastructure (GI) stormwater control measure (SCM) scale offers the opportunity to reduce
uncertainty in model predictions. DOI: 10.1061/JSWBAY.0000944. © 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Bioretention; Hydrologic modeling; Green infrastructure; Low impact development (LID); Sensitivity analysis;
Uncertainty; Storm water management model (SWMM); Stormwater.

Introduction Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements and total maxi-

mum daily load (TMDL) plans to restore the quality of impaired
Increasingly, solutions to manage stormwater and comply with waterways, as per Section 303 of the Clean Water Act (1992).
state and federal environmental regulations in the US rely on green Smaller communities are also subject to CSO and MS4 regulations.
infrastructure (GI) or low impact development (LID) technologies. For example, the USEPA reports that the majority of combined
Billion dollar–level investments in GI in cities including (among sewer systems (CSSs) in nearly 860 communities serve fewer than
others) New York City, Philadelphia, Omaha, Columbus (Ohio), 10,000 people each (USEPA 2018). Likewise, NPDES permits are
and Washington DC are in progress to reduce the frequency and required for communities across the US for MS4s serving popula-
volume of combined sewer overflows (CSOs), and to comply with tions as small as 10,000 people, among other dischargers.
federal legislation such as the Combined Sewer Overflow Control Achieving the hydrologic mitigation and water quality objec-
Policy (USEPA 1994) and Wet Weather Quality Act of 2000. In tives associated with CSO mitigation and MS4 permits increasingly
Seattle and Portland (Oregon), GI implementation to keep conta- relies on GI and LID solutions that integrate a combination of
minated runoff out of receiving waters is driven largely by the 1. Reducing the volume of runoff entering a combined or separate
federal Endangered Species Act (1973). Elsewhere across the storm sewer through on-site stormwater retention. Processes
US, such as in Southern California, investments of hundreds of mil- contributing to retention include promoting runoff to infiltrate
lions of dollars in GI are aimed to address Municipal Separate into in-situ soils [including exfiltration from a stormwater con-
Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge trol measure (SCM) to the surrounding soils], storing runoff in
soils (or engineered media) for subsequent evapotranspiration
Principal Engineer, Southern California Coastal Water Research (ET), or rainwater harvesting and reuse;
Project, 3535 Harbor Blvd., Suite 110, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (corre- 2. Reducing the peak flow rate of runoff entering the combined or
sponding author). ORCID: Email: separate storm sewer through stormwater detention. Detention is achieved by temporarily storing runoff for later release off-site
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Ocean Engi-
(e.g., into the downstream sewer); and
neering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 13, 2020; approved on
3. Staggering the arrival of peak flows into the combined or sep-
December 16, 2020; published online on April 5, 2021. Discussion period arate storm sewer by manipulating the timing of subcatchment
open until September 5, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted for peak discharges. Timing of discharges depends on relative lo-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Sustainable Water cations of GI SCMs, impervious area, sewer inlets, buried
in the Built Environment, © ASCE, ISSN 2379-6111. pipes, etc.

© ASCE 04021006-1 J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.

J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2021, 7(3): 04021006

Each of the mitigating functions are related: retention affects ponding zone infiltrates through the surface according to the
detention and timing, while detention affects timing. In each case, Green-Ampt model (Rossman and Huber 2016). Runoff is retained
hydrologic models are critical tools for developing urban runoff (stored) within the engineered media up to a volumetric water con-
mitigation strategies, in particular by quantifying the influence tent (θ) equivalent to the media’s field capacity (θfc ). Excess water
of GI SCMs. Flow through engineered media is the key operational is detained (temporarily stored), up to a maximum θ equal to the
process in GI SCMs such as bioretention, green (living) roofs, and porosity (ϕ) of the media. Water percolates out of the media accord-
permeable pavement to mitigate runoff hydrology. Flow through ing to Darcy’s Law, and into the underlying storage layer (usually a
engineered media provides stormwater retention and detention re- gravel layer). Lateral exfiltration (through the sides of the SCM) is
gardless of the potential for the GI SCM to exfiltrate to in-situ soils. not simulated. The storage layer may or may not have underdrains.
While empirical assessments of individual GI SCMs is rapidly Without underdrains [Fig. 1(a)], water that percolates through the
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increasing, modeling approaches have been slow to evolve. Ac- media to the storage layer exfiltrates to the surrounding soils. In a
cording to an industry survey, one typical approach is to model continuous simulation, drying of the media through ET provides
a media-filled GI SCM as a storage node or stormwater pond, storage recovery. SWMM restricts the media’s lowest moisture
whose storage capacity is dictated by the porosity of the media, content to its wilting point (θwp ). Various mass balance checks be-
and other relevant elements (such as a surface ponding zone and tween SCM layers impose additional constraints on flow through
possible underlying stone storage layer in the case of bioretention) the system (Rossman and Huber 2016). If a unique runoff event is
(Arcadis 2016). Flow routing calculations have been applied as a bounded from the time of the onset of rainfall to the cessation of
steady-discharge (e.g., constant rate exfiltration to subsoils or free drainage from the SCM (exfiltration or underdrain flow), these
through underdrains), or through an adaptation of reservoir-routing. processes are summarized as
From an operational perspective, the active storage available to θmin ≥ θwp : initial moisture content at the onset of storm
manage a runoff event in a stormwater pond is an empty reservoir θwp ≤ θðtÞ < θfc : runoff infiltrating from ponding zone is re-
(a bucket) that fills from the bottom up, and drains by gravity. Con- tained in the media
versely, water flow through a media-filled GI SCM follows a tor- θfc ≤ θðtÞ < ϕ: additional runoff infiltrates from the ponding
tuous path, the rate of which is controlled largely by characteristics zone according to Green-Ampt, is temporarily detained in the me-
of the media and the media’s moisture conditions (which change dia, and percolates to gravel storage layer according to Darcy’s Law
throughout the duration of a runoff event). In underdrained media- Uncalibrated SWMM models are found in the literature
filled GI SCMs, the characteristics of the underdrain can also in- to evaluate bioretention placement for stormwater mitigation
fluence runoff control. In simplistic terms, flow routing through a (Bahrami et al. 2019; Dietrich et al. 2017; Fry and Maxwell 2017;
stormwater pond versus a media-filled GI SCM can be compared to Yang 2018), to prioritize bioretention implementation within mar-
filling and draining a bucket with a hole in it versus watering a ginalized communities (Garcia-Cuerva et al. 2018), to evaluate
potted plant. SCM mitigation under climate change scenarios (Zahmatkesh
The USEPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) version et al. 2014), and for GI cost-benefit and triple bottom line analysis
5.1 (2010) was the first open source model to provide routines to (Huang et al. 2018; Li et al 2017; Mei et al. 2018).
explicitly model the processes thought to govern the hydrology of Calibrated studies of the SWMM LID Controls using experi-
media-filled GI SCMs. These routines have recently been incorpo- mental or empirical data are limited. At the watershed scale, Rosa
rated into commercial software, such as InfoWorks ICM (Inno- et al. (2015) successfully calibrated and verified a SWMM model
vyze). SWMM uses the term LID Control, rather than GI SCM. using watershed parameters as calibration parameters, rather than
LID is an industry term that predates GI, and is often used inter- parameters within the LID Controls. Textbook values were used for
changeably by engineers (Fletcher et al. 2014). In the SWMM LID the GI SCM parameterization. Avellaneda et al. (2017) used outfall
Control, runoff from the catchment temporarily ponds on the sur- flow-duration curves to calibrate the hydrologic simulation of a res-
face of a GI SCM such as a bioretention system (Fig. 1), prior to idential neighborhood with 58 individual SCMs. Bioretention
seepage into the engineered media, or bypass through the overflow. SCMs were parameterized using unspecified field data and text-
Once the engineered media surface is saturated, water in the book values. Liu and Fassman-Beck (2016b, 2017) demonstrated

Fig. 1. Bioretention configuration: (a) exfiltrating system that discharges to surrounding in-situ soils; and (b) underdrained system with discharge of
managed flows to a downstream system such as a storm or combined sewer.

© ASCE 04021006-2 J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.

J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2021, 7(3): 04021006

the importance of measured hydrologic parameters to calibrate 2014). The ROWB is designed to exfiltrate to surrounding soils
SWMM for laboratory columns of bioretention and green (living) [i.e., there are no underdrains nor bottom impervious liner, as per
roof media when simulating large storm events. The assumption Fig. 1(a)].
that percolation from the media to the storage layer does not occur
until field capacity is reached created substantial error in predicting
SWMM Configurations
the timing of bioretention outflow, while the actual magnitude of
peak flow and discharge volume were well reproduced (Liu and
Fassman-Beck 2017). The method to quantify the field capacity Catchment Hydrology
substantially influenced model error; better model predictions were The study site was modeled using SWMM version 5.1.012
observed when the field capacity was calibrated as the residual (Gironás et al. 2010). For each model configuration, a continuous
simulation was executed at a 60-s time step using hourly rainfall
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moisture content after columns ceased gravity drainage compared

to a nominal measurement using a tension test at −10 kPa. Gülbaz data from 2008 available from John F. Kennedy (JFK) International
and Kazezyılmaz-Alhan (2017) combined some measured media Airport (National Weather Service, n.d.) (Fig. 3). NYCDEP adopts
properties with user-manual parameterization to assess SWMM 2008 as the “average hydrologic year” for its long term control
predictions for outflow from laboratory columns, without further planning for CSO mitigation and for measuring compliance with
calibration. Peak flow and outflow volume were underpredicted a 2012 Consent Order (Arcadis 2016). The total annual accumu-
compared to measured column outflow. Hohaia et al. (2011) ob- lated precipitation in 2008 was 117.5 cm. Over the long-term,
served a significant influence of nonphysically based parameters small storms dominate the rainfall record. Analysis of 24-h rainfall
describing underdrain functions in calibrating SWMM for per- totals at JFK 1948–2017 indicate that 85% of daily rainfall delivers
meable pavement. 2.5 cm or less.
Limited studies have explored the impact of parameterization Runoff from the catchment to the ROWB was modeled using the
in SWMM hydrology (Ahmed et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2013; full dynamic wave flow routing option based on the Saint-Venant
Zhang et al. 2018), but no studies to date have investigated the rep- equations (de Saint-Venant 1871). Daily ET was calculated by
resentation and parameterization of flow processes within the SCM. SWMM according to the Hargreaves method using temperature
Few experimental studies measure engineered media characteristics data downloaded from the same weather station at JFK.
required to parameterize Green-Ampt infiltration or Darcy’s Law Storage Node ROWB
percolation in the SWMM LID Control SWMM (Aravena and For consistency with the industry’s current common approach, the
Dussaillant 2009; Brown et al. 2013; Dussaillant et al. 2005; ROWB was modeled using a storage node with a static maximum
Fassman-Beck et al. 2015; Liu and Fassman-Beck 2016b; Torbati capture capacity equal to 2.54 cm of runoff from the managed
2010), thus introducing one source of uncertainty for uncalibrated drainage area, in accordance with design documentation (Arcadis
models. Overall, while the theoretical development of SWMM’s 2016). The volumetric properties of a storage node are described by
LID Controls appears reasonable, its accuracy has yet to be a function or table of surface area versus depth. The storage node
assessed. was modeled with a 9.3-m2 footprint equivalent to the actual
Considering the massive investment in GI, the importance of ROWB (Table 1); thus it is 1.0-m-deep to accommodate the total
modeling accuracy and/or understanding uncertainty is evident. required storage volume. Runoff in excess of 2.54 cm bypasses
Through sensitivity analysis, the investigation presented in this pa- the system. The model depletes runoff captured in a storage node
per explores sources of uncertainty introduced by uncalibrated through surface evaporation, modeled using the Hargreaves’ method,
models for a GI SCM, and quantifies their impact on predicting and vertical exfiltration into in-situ soil at an assumed rate of
runoff retention and detention. A SWMM case study of a street 4.4 cm=h. Assumptions regarding evaporation or ET have not been
right-of-way bioretention system (ROWB) configured as a SWMM investigated herein. It would be unusual to find homogenous soils in
storage node is compared against configuration using the SWMM an urban environment; therefore, for comparison, the storage node
LID Control. The effects of flow process representation and input configuration was also simulated with an arbitrarily assumed lower
variable parameterization on retention and detention performance exfiltration rate of 1.3 cm=h.
metrics, and an example of their influence on hydrograph timing
predictions are considered. The overall objective of this research SWMM LID Control (GI-Specific Representation):
is to highlight sources of uncertainty in model predictions, and Exfiltrating ROWB
use this knowledge to prioritize future monitoring and/or modeling For the purposes of the present study, only an exfiltrating ROWB
efforts. configuration is considered [Fig. 1(a)]. SWMM conceptualizes an
exfiltrating bioretention system as three layers: surface, soil, and
storage (Rossman and Huber 2016). In the model, each of the layers
Methods are described according to their depth and a series of parameters
quantifying their hydrologic properties
• Surface: maximum ponding depth, vegetation coverage, Mann-
Site Description
ing’s roughness, slope;
An existing ROWB on Junius St., Brooklyn, NY is the basis of this • Soil (engineered media): media depth, porosity, field capacity,
sensitivity analysis. This catchment is part of the New York City wilting point, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity slope, and
Department of Environmental Protection’s (NYCDEP) comprehen- suction head. These parameters are used in the Green-Ampt sur-
sive program for GI implementation to support CSO mitigation face infiltration and Darcy’s Law percolation calculations; and
(NYCDEP 2014). The area is largely occupied by land used for • Storage: depth, void ratio, and seepage rate.
industrial, manufacturing, transportation, or utility activities. Ranges of engineered media parameter values were defined
The ROWB’s drainage area is 366 m2 of urban street (assumed from the literature for various soil classes and a few actual biore-
98% impervious), and is served by a combined sewer (Fig. 2). The tention systems. Collating information from the experimental stud-
ROWB is straight-sided, with dimensions described in Table 1. The ies that quantify engineered media characteristics created ranges of
fill media of the ROWB is characterized as loamy sand (NYCDEP parameter values generally wider than the ranges reported as typical

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Fig. 2. The modeled ROWB and tributary drainage area on Junius St., Brooklyn, New York. Source of lower panel is Google Earth. (©2020 Google
Earth, Data SIO, NOAA, US Navy, NGA, GEBCO.)

Table 1. ROWB specifications for the study site

Specification Value
Length (m) 6.1
Width (m) 1.5
Depth of engineered media (m) 0.6
Depth of storage layer (m) 0.6
Managed area (m2 ) 366.2
Source: Data from NYCDEP (2014).

for bioretention media in the SWMM user manual (Table 2). The
values in the SWMM user manual are predominantly sourced from
jurisdictional design manuals (Rossman and Huber 2016), without
further reference. Larger values of parameters such as field capacity
or porosity, and such as the upper bounds of parameter values used
herein, are not surprising for GI SCM engineered media. Engi-
neered media are often comprised of materials that maximize
stormwater storage and retention. For example, engineered media Fig. 3. Observed 2008 precipitation at John F. Kennedy International
derived from pumice yields very high field capacity because pum- Airport.
ice holds water within the aggregate itself, unlike a marine sand or
iron sand (Fassman-Beck et al. 2015; Liu and Fassman-Beck
2016a). Because SWMM’s flux calculations between layers dic-
tates that porosity must exceed field capacity to avoid a numerical
Sensitivity Analysis
error, the upper limit of porosity in the allowable range for the cur-
rent analysis is forced reasonably high (0.7), but is not too far above A sensitivity analysis framework was implemented for parameter
the range measured by Liu and Fassman-Beck (2016a). For surface combinations built by sampling values for each parameter from
and storage layers, parameter defaults were adopted as per the uniform distributions. Limited parameterization of the surface layer
user’s manual (Rossman and Huber 2016). and storage layers was also investigated.

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J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2021, 7(3): 04021006

Table 2. Engineered media characteristics for model parameterization
Parameter SWMM manual vol. 3 This study Literature sources
Saturated hydraulic 5.1–14.0 cm=h 1–89 cm=h Aravena and Dussaillant (2009), Brown et al. (2013), Dussaillant
conductivity et al. (2005), Liu and Fassman-Beck (2016b), Rawls et al. (1983)a,
and Torbati (2010)
Porosity, ϕ 0.45–0.60 cm3 =cm3 0.25–0.70 cm3 =cm3 Brown et al. (2013), Fassman-Beck et al. (2015), Liu and
Fassman-Beck (2016b), Rawls et al. (1983)a, and Torbati (2010)
Field capacity, θfc 0.15–0.25 cm3 =cm3 0.1–0.4 cm3 =cm3 Brown et al. (2013), Fassman-Beck et al. (2015), Liu and
Wilting point, θwp 0.05–0.15 cm3 =cm3 0.01–0.16 cm3 =cm3 Fassman-Beck (2016b), and Torbati (2010)
Conductivity slope 30–55 30–60 Rawls et al. (1983)a
5.1–10.2 cm 1–45.7 cm Rawls et al. (1983)a
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Soil suction head

Textbook values for natural soils, with textures sandy loam to sand.

The sensitivity analysis framework was controlled by a set of pressure transducer coupled with a primary device, based on expe-
automated Python and R scripts that generate LID Control param- rience of the first author. It does not indicate conditions that could
eters, pre and postprocess inputs/outputs, and coordinate the ex- cause a CSO or any other critical in-sewer conditions. The assumed
change of files between the generated random parameters of the interevent time is 6 h (Driscoll et al. 1989). The assumptions of the
ROWB and the SWMM input files (Fig. 4). The SWMM project magnitude of the threshold flow rate and interevent time influence
file (named with a .INP extension) contains all the information used the model’s determination of individual events. It is used here for
to model the study area and was generated for each sensitivity comparative purposes only, because the conditions are applied con-
analysis simulation to cover all the combinations of generated sistently across all simulations.
ROWB parameters for this site. To provide example insight into the effects of model parameter-
Initially, the sensitivity analysis was performed by systemati- ization on prediction of the timing of discharges from an ROWB,
cally perturbing a single input parameter at a time. However, the runoff hydrograph predicted by multiple model configurations
SWMM’s calculation procedure depends on interactions between were compared for a single storm of approximately 3.9 cm occur-
parameters, e.g., the available storage capacity and the hydraulic ring February 1–2, 2008. This storm was chosen because it is close
conductivity influence water movement from the ponding (surface) to the theoretical 95th percentile event for total depth, which is in
layer to the soil (engineered media) layer, and vary throughout a the range of common design storms recommended for GI SCM
single storm event. Therefore, a Monte Carlo simulation was also design in many jurisdictions in the US.
performed to investigate the effect of randomly and simultaneously
perturbing input parameters within the allowable ranges.
Results and Discussion
Performance Metrics
LID Control Sensitivity to Parameterization for
Runoff retention and detention for the catchment were selected as Retention
metrics for evaluating model sensitivity. The annual runoff coeffi-
cient was selected to quantify retention. It is the ratio of runoff vol- The sensitivity analysis includes 12,000 simulations to quantify
ume discharging from the catchment to annual rainfall, calculated and analyze model output variability caused by the assumed
according to ROWB input parameter values (Table 3). It must be emphasized
that these results are for comparison of how model configuration
Runoff Coefficient influences results, and highlights the uncertainty inherent in the use
Annual Runoff Volume into Combined Sewer of an uncalibrated model. Accuracy cannot be assessed because
¼ ð1Þ there is no comparison to observed performance.
Annual Rainfall
Single-parameter sensitivity analysis for an exfiltrating ROWB
In the current analysis, the runoff volume discharging from the using the LID Control showed that the runoff coefficient is not sen-
catchment is determined as runoff bypassing the ROWB, which sitive to surface or storage layer parameterization. Likewise, the
subsequently enters the combined sewer. runoff coefficient was not influenced by the engineered media’s
The metric for evaluating runoff detention was arbitrarily se- wilting point, hydraulic conductivity, conductivity slope, or soil
lected as the number of peak flows occurring with magnitude suction head (Table 3). It is hypothesized that the wilting point
greater than 0.6 L=s during the simulated 2008 year. The threshold could emerge as a sensitive parameter depending on ET assump-
of 0.6 L=s was identified as a low flowrate that could be feasibly tions. Studies have shown that ET from GI differs substantially
measured with typical field monitoring equipment, such as a from common ET estimates derived from climate data and readily
provided by climate stations, especially during periods when water
is limited (Poë et al. 2015; Voyde et al. 2010; Berretta et al. 2014;
DiGiovanni et al. 2013; Voyde 2011; Wadzuk et al. 2013; Hess
et al. 2017).
The single-parameter sensitivity analysis approach suggests that
the runoff coefficient predicted by the model is predominantly sen-
sitive to field capacity (Table 3). Deeper investigation indicates that
the relative difference between field capacity and porosity is the
most influential factor in SWMM’s LID Control calculations.
SWMM assumes that all water entering the ROWB media layer
Fig. 4. SWMM sensitivity analysis framework.
is retained until the moisture content reaches the engineered

© ASCE 04021006-5 J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.

J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2021, 7(3): 04021006

Table 3. Sensitivity analysis: LID Control input parameter ranges and resultant runoff coefficients
SWMM Allowable Number of Default Other Runoff
layer Parameter Units range runs value parameters coefficienta
Surface Manning’s n Dimensionless 0.025–0.3 1,000 0.1 Default 0.2
Soil Porosity, ϕ Volume/volume 0.25–0.70 1,000 0.41 Default 0.2–0.3
Soil Field capacity, θfc Volume/volume 0.1–0.4 1,000 0.19 Default 0.2–0.55
1,000 0.19 ϕ = 0.61 0.2–0.21
Soil Wilting point, θwp Volume/volume 0.01–0.16 1,000 0.085 Default 0.2
Soil Saturated hydraulic conductivity cm/h 1–89 1,000 38 Default 0.22
1,000 38 ϕ = 0.61 0.22
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Soil Conductivity slope Dimensionless 30–60 1,000 40 Default 0.2–0.22

Soil Suction head cm 1–45.7 1,000 11 Default 0.2
Storage Void ratio Volume/volume 0.25–0.70 1,000 0.4 Default 0.2
Storage Seepage rate cm/h 0.03–89 1,000 4.4 Default 0.2
Monte Carlo simulations 1,000 Parameters randomly and 0.19–0.50
simultaneously perturbed
Bold values indicate sensitive parameters. A single value indicates the model is not sensitive to perturbations in this parameter.

media’s field capacity (Rossman and Huber 2016). Until this state temporary storage is always low even if percolation is significant,
of moisture content, the model assumes there is no percolation out minimizing infiltration from the surface and thereby causing an in-
of the media into the underlying storage layer. In other words, there crease in system overflow (bypass). In practice, preferential flow
is no unsaturated flow that can create flow out of the media. Once paths are available (Liu and Fassman-Beck 2017), inflow may
field capacity is reached, additional runoff entering the media, up to not be uniformly distributed over the surface (Brown et al. 2015),
the capacity dictated by its porosity, is temporarily stored (de- and the media is not necessarily saturated when infiltration and per-
tained). The amount of water entering the media layer from the colation occur (Carpenter and Hallam 2010; Liu and Fassman-Beck
ponding layer at any time step is limited by the media layer’s avail- 2018). Assumptions that percolation out of the media does not oc-
able storage. Available storage is determined by the balance be- cur until the field capacity is satisfied, and that temporary available
tween the difference between the actual moisture content at any storage is limited by the relationship between field capacity and
time and the porosity, and the rate at which water percolates out porosity, are seen as limitations to the LID Control calculations that
of the media and into the underlying storage layer. This latter step introduce error and uncertainty.
is not usually limiting, because the storage layer in an ROWB is The range of model results in Fig. 6(a) from the single parameter
usually large rock that drains freely. However, water in the ponding perturbation sensitivity analysis reflect the ROWB when there is a
zone cannot infiltrate into the engineered media if there is no avail- relatively large difference between field capacity and porosity
able storage in a given time step, and any new inflow bypasses the (Fig. 5). There is always substantial available storage and the an-
ROWB via the overflow. nual runoff coefficient shows little variation (0.2–0.3), suggesting
The difference between the field capacity and porosity can be an the ROWB retains and exfiltrates substantial runoff. However,
important performance-limiting artefact introduced by the LID when the field capacity approaches the assumed porosity (Fig. 5),
Control’s calculation procedure, rather than an actual physical phe- there is little available storage, so water cannot infiltrate the media
nomenon. The LID Control calculates significant available pore from the surface ponding layer [Fig. 6(b), in this case, above a field
space for water to infiltrate into the media layer during runoff con- capacity of approximately 0.3 when porosity is fixed at 0.41]. In-
ditions with an engineered media characterized by low field capac- stead, it bypasses the system and results in high values of the annual
ity relative to porosity (Fig. 5). Conversely, infiltration from the runoff coefficient. Concurrently, little water is available to percolate
surface is substantially limited at any time after the media’s mois- out of the media into the storage layer, and into the surrounding
ture content equals field capacity, when the media’s field capacity soils, shown as a decrease in annual exfiltration for high values
value is close to the porosity (Fig. 5). In this case, the available of field capacity [Fig. 6(c)]. Under these conditions with imposed
limitations on available storage, the runoff coefficient varies more
substantially from 0.2 to 0.55.
The change in runoff response is not easily predicted when all
parameters are perturbed using the Monte Carlo simulation [com-
paring Fig. 7 with Figs. 6(a and b)]. A soil’s actual porosity, field
capacity, wilting point, and hydraulic conductivity will change with
environmental conditions. For example, field capacity at any time is
partly a function of pore size distribution (affected by media set-
tling/compaction), and organic content, both of which will change
over time, while porosity will be substantially affected by media
settling/compaction. Root growth enhances hydraulic conductivity
Fig. 5. Conceptual representation of the importance of field capacity by providing structure, and counteracting clogging and/or compac-
versus porosity. The bucket represents the total volume of engineered
tion from long-term operation (Hatt et al. 2009; Muerdter et al.
media. The water in the bucket represents the maximum retained runoff
2018). While these variations are not expressly modeled, the high
for medias with high and low field capacity. Temporary available sto-
variability in the runoff coefficient resultant from random pertur-
rage for runoff detention depends on the relative difference between the
bation could be considered more representative of the day-to-
media porosity and field capacity.
day variation in operating conditions.

© ASCE 04021006-6 J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.

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Fig. 6. Example effects of the interaction between field capacity and porosity on the (a and b) runoff coefficient; and (c) exfiltration to surrounding
soils in the SWMM 5.1.012 LID Control.

hydrologic mitigation functions to achieve CSO and MS4 objec-

tives in areas with poor in-situ infiltration capacity, extensive sub-
surface utilities, high groundwater, subsurface transit (such as
subways), or contaminated soils. LID guidance manuals frequently
promote site design to extend the postdevelopment catchment time
of concentration. GI SCMs that delay downstream discharge may
reduce the volume and duration of excess loading to CSS (Davis
et al. 2011, 2012), particularly in sewersheds with short times of
concentration. Nissen et al. (2020) suggest that accurately quanti-
fying the timing of GI SCM discharges is essential to strategic plan-
ning for CSO mitigation.
As discussed, retention, detention, and timing are linked
phenomenon. It is therefore unsurprising that the variability in
the uncalibrated LID Control model retention prediction due to en-
gineered media parameterization is likewise observed in the mod-
els’ predictions of runoff detention or timing. The Monte Carlo
simulations yield a detention performance metric that nearly dou-
Fig. 7. Annual runoff coefficient prediction using Monte Carlo bles over the range of potential outcomes, predicting the occurrence
Simulation for an exfiltrating ROWB modeled using the SWMM of 17–28 peak flows exceeding 0.6 L=s, depending on the engi-
5.1.012 LID Control. neered media’s parameterization.
Simulations of a single runoff event using the LID Control dem-
onstrates uncertainty generated by an uncalibrated model on the
timing of the runoff hydrograph (Fig. 8). The compiled Monte
The Monte Carlo simulation demonstrates that the uncalibrated
Carlo simulations for an approximately 3.9-cm storm suggest that
LID Control models can produce a wide range of uncertainty; the
the most significant influence is in the timing of the rising limb. The
predicted value of the annual runoff coefficient more than doubled
delay in initial discharge from the ROWB underdrain to the down-
over the scenarios tested. Best case planning would adopt GI SCM
stream sewer is anywhere from none to approximately 6 h in these
parameters that produced the lowest runoff coefficients. Two
simulations. The relationships between porosity, field capacity, and
significant risks emerge: (1) that engineered media properties of
temporary available storage previously discussed also impact de-
the as-built SCMs do not match the model parameterization; and tention and timing prediction because they directly influence the
(2) implementation fails to adequately mitigate stormwater impacts frequency and magnitude of flow bypass.
and/or protect the downstream environment. Worst case planning
risks excessive expenditure for infrastructure design, implementa-
tion, and long-term operation and maintenance because more LID Control versus Storage Node
and/or larger SCMs would be required to satisfy objectives. Allo- The storage node approach consistently yields more conservative
cating resources to collect field performance data that enables estimates of ROWB hydrologic mitigation for retention or deten-
robust model development, calibration, and verification offers the tion compared to the LID Control (Table 4). The assumed value of
opportunity to reduce uncertainty in model predictions, and narrow the exfiltration rate for the storage node resulted in a runoff coef-
the gap between best and worst case scenarios. ficient of 0.61 and 0.72, for a high and low exfiltration rate, respec-
tively, compared to 0.19–0.55 over all parameterizations of the LID
Control. Likewise, the storage node with a higher assumed exfil-
Detention and Runoff Timing Sensitivity to LID Control
tration rate (4.4 cm=h) yielded peak flow control that is only as
good as the worst case scenario for detention in the LID Control.
Runoff detention and timing receive less attention in the GI SCM ROWB hydrology as represented by the LID Control incorpo-
literature compared to retention; however, they are essential rates highly dynamic flow processes, incorporating retention and

© ASCE 04021006-7 J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.

J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2021, 7(3): 04021006

While the theoretical development of the SWMM LID
Control should represent the complex flow process that occurs
in bioretention SCMs, the 12,000 uncalibrated models investigated
result in a large range of predicted runoff coefficients and occur-
rences of peak flows: doubling or tripling the performance metrics
representing runoff retention and detention. Likewise, the brief
look at a single runoff hydrograph for a representative storm event
shows quite substantial variation in the timing of the outflow and
outflow hydrograph duration. The LID Control requires substantial
parameterization, often for properties where data are not readily
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available. On the other hand, the sensitivity analysis indicates

that the only critical parameters influencing predictions of runoff
control for an exfiltrating ROWB are the engineered media’s field
capacity and porosity. Most importantly, SWMM version 5.1.012
assumptions neglecting unsaturated flow and constraints on fluxes
between the ponding zone and the media layer bias results towards
greater bypass, artificially underestimating GI SCM performance in
Fig. 8. Runoff variability for a single storm event predicted using
runoff mitigation. Specifically, engineered media characterized by
Monte Carlo simulation for a subcatchment with an exfiltrating ROWB
high field capacity relative to porosity results in a higher annual
modeled using the SWMM 5.1.012 LID Control.
runoff coefficient, contrary to empirical science encouraging these
properties in media design.
A storage node approach is much simpler, but results are con-
sistent with the upper end of the ranges, i.e., a more conservative
Table 4. Comparative performance
estimate of runoff control, and likely underestimation of perfor-
Number of peak Runoff mance. It is abundantly clear that where uncalibrated models are
Scenario flows >0.6 L=s coefficient applied in planning and design, variable parameterization should
Baseline (no GI) 63 0.96 be tested, and performance variation should be expected and re-
Storage node model 27 0.61 ported. This is not current common practice.
(exfiltration at 4.4 cm=h) An optimal GI SCM parameterization and deterministic runoff
Storage node model 36 0.72 estimates from an uncalibrated model are difficult to quantify be-
(exfiltration at 1.3 cm=h) cause they are cross-dependent. Different parameters can have the
SWMM LID control 17–28a 0.19–0.55
same effect on the hydrologic modeling outputs, as demonstrated
Monte Carlo simulation: all parameters perturbed over allowable ranges by a Monte Carlo simulation. The importance of calibration and
(Table 2). verification with observed data cannot be underestimated, regard-
less of the algorithm (i.e., representing a GI SCM as a storage node
or using the LID Control). This contributes to the growing literature
detention influences of flow through porous media. The compara-
that shows the importance of GI SCM design and parametrization
tive underestimation of hydrologic mitigation from the storage
(Kaini et al. 2012) and capacities (Youn et al. 2012).
node approach arises from the static estimate of maximum capture
Integrated at a sewershed scale, the implications for predicting
potential, equal to the volume of the node, and the fill and drain
CSO occurrence (or prevention), MS4 compliance or other storm-
flow representation. Greater investment in GI SCMs would be re-
water management planning with an uncalibrated model are baffling.
quired to achieve mitigation objectives if the storage node approach
Literally, billions of dollars are being invested across the US in GI
were used rather than the LID Control for GI SCM planning, ac-
SCMs to minimize, protect, or restore water resources from the im-
cording to most model configurations evaluated. It is worth repeat-
pacts of urban stormwater runoff. Management and policy decisions
ing that there are no claims as to the accuracy of any of the
on these strategies and specific project implementation rely heavily
predictions herein. It is the responsibility of the modeler to under-
on hydrologic modeling. The scenarios in this paper suggest that
stand the limitations and opportunities of any model, and convey
the information to decision-makers. In this case, the comparison substantial investment in GI SCM data collection to support hydro-
between the use of the LID Control and the storage node is used logic model calibration and/or development is imperative. After all, it
to demonstrate the effects of how flow through the ROWB is si- is ethically the responsibility of civil engineers to “hold paramount
mulated overall within the model. the safety, health and welfare of the public” (ASCE 2017).

Summary and Conclusions Data Availability Statement

A sensitivity analysis was used to investigate model prediction un- Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
certainty derived from ROWB flow process representation in study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
SWMM version 5.1.012, comparing scenarios where the ROWB request.
was modeled as a storage node or using the LID Control, and un-
certainty derived from parameterization of the ROWB within the
LID Control. The LID Control simulates flow through the engi- Acknowledgments
neered media of a bioretention system using a modified form of
Green-Ampt infiltration coupled with Darcy’s Law, whereas the This work was funded by Riverkeeper, Inc. through the New York
storage node is an empty reservoir that fills and drains independent City Stormwater Infrastructure Matters (SWIM) Coalition. Stevens
of media. Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ) provided in-kind support.

© ASCE 04021006-8 J. Sustainable Water Built Environ.

J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2021, 7(3): 04021006

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