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Department of Software Engineering

Daffodil International University

Quiz 03
Semester: Fall 2023
Course Code: ENG 101
Course Title: English I

Duration: 30 Minutes Full Marks: 15

[Please note that all portions of each question must be answered as per the instruction.]

Social networks are filled with a large amount of misinformation, which often misleads the
public to make wrong decisions, stimulates negative public emotions, and poses serious
threats to public safety and social order. The spread of misinformation in social networks has
also become a widespread concern among scholars. In most cases, the spread of
misinformation on social media is influenced by content features and different emotions and
consequently produces different changes. In a nut shell, a large amount of false information
and the spread of rumors and misleading information on social media platforms not only
cause public concern and pose a threat to the public’s physical and psychological health but
also bring serious challenges to the governance and stability of social order
Now, construct an essay discussing the cause and effect of ‘The Domino Effect of
Misinformation: From Social Media to Real-World Consequences’. Your description
must include a thesis statement, the body of the essay, and a concluding paragraph.

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