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Pick a biography, autobiography, personal essay or another memoir from the

library, a bookstore, or the internet. Then write a 500-word critique based on the
following elements: 1. Overall impression 2. Mechanics
After browsing through the memoirs section of the library. I decided to pick up
‘Educated by Tara Westover. The book is a memoir of the author’s upbringing in a
strict and isolated household in rural Idaho, and her journey towards education
and self-discovery
Overall, I was thoroughly impressed with Educated. The author’s writing is both
raw and eloquent, and her story is one that is both heartbreaking and inspiring I
found myself completely immersed in the back, unable to put it down until I had
finished reading it in its entirety,
One of the things that stood out to me the most about Educated was the author’s
ability to capture the complexities of her relationships with her family members.
While her parents and siblings were often abusive and neglectful. Westover also
expresses a deep love and loyalty towards them. This nuance made the book feel
both honest and authentic.
In terms of mechanics, the book is well-written and engaging Westover’s prose is
descriptive and vivid, allowing the reader to truly visualize the landscapes and
events of her life Additionally, the book is structured in a way that keeps the
reader engaged with each chapter building upon the lost and leading towards a
satisfying conclusion.
One minor critique I have of the book is that of times, it felt as though the author
was holding back. There were moments where I wished she had delved deeper
into her emotions and experiences, rather than simply recounting them However,
this is a minor issue and did not detract from my overall enjoyment of the book.
In conclusion, I highly recommend Educated to anyone looking for a powerful and
moving memoir the book is a testament to the power of education and the
human spirit, and is sure to leave a lasting impact on its readers.

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