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Thesis: Cry is associated to negative emotions. However, we need to cry frequently for health
reason. Why so?
Arguments: During crying, our body produces natural chemical compounds. These natural
chemicals give your brain that “soothing” and “empty” feeling that takes over after you've been
crying. These hormones are associated with relief, love, and happiness, and can help you
manage powerful emotions associated with grief and loss.
Reiteration: Even though crying is one of a sign of negative emotion, the after effect of crying
can help us recover our emotion. So, it's completely okay when you cry whenever you want to
1. The following statement is incorrect from the text above..
(Choose more than one answer)

a. Crying makes us feel unhealthy

b. Crying produces natural compounds in the body
c. We must not cry
d. Crying is a sign that we are mentally unhealthy
e. Crying restore emotional

2. By crying we can?
(Choose one corret answer)
a. Sad
b. Hopeless
c. Restore Emotions
d. Crazy
e. Sick

3. Match the following statements!

Question Answer
1. Cry is associated to (………)   a. Manage Emotions

2. Natural chemical compounds give the brain feelings (……..)   b. Negative Emotions

3. Crying can help in (……..)   c. Shooting and Empty

4. True or false statements
No Statements True False
1. These hormones are associated with relief, love, and happiness 
2. Crying has an impact on mental health 
3. During crying, our body produces natural chemical compounds 

5. The after effects of crying can help us recover ...

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