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1st decade: For the protection of the first responders, doctors, nurses and hospital staff who care

those made critically ill by the coronavirus and other serious illnesses, especially those whose names
appear here on the screen. Our Lady, Help of Christian, intercede for us.

2nd decade: For a full and speedy recovery for those suffering from the coronavirus and other serious
illnesses. For protection of their family members and all those who are at risk of getting or transmitting
these diseases. We pray especially for the healing of those whose names appear here on the screen. Our
Lady, Help of Christian, intercede for us.

3rd decade: For God’s abundant mercy on the souls of those who have died from the coronavirus and
other serious illnesses. For strength and consolation for their grieving families. We pray especially for
the eternal repose of those whose names appear here on the screen. Our Lady, Help of Christian,
intercede for us.

4th decade: For protection on those who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus and other serious
illnesses, as well as both natural and man-made calamities. We pray for the enlightenment of our
government, for the basic human rights of every Filipino, for economic freedom and moral reformation.
And for those whose names appear here on the screen. Our Lady, Help of Christian, intercede for us.

5th decade: For an expedient halt to the spread of the virus. For churches and schools to be reopened,
and for people to be able to return to their normal daily activities with a deepened faith and love for
God. We also offer all other personal intentions. Our Lady, Help of Christian, intercede for us.

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