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Breaking the Mold: Unveiling Gender Biases in the Workplace


Division - B

Group Members are:

Aditya Khandelwal - 920321

Aman Shah - 921454

Mudita Panpaliya - 920320

Shubh Khandelwal -921211

Zaid Hawa - 920565

Gender bias at Khandelwal Jewellers

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate dynamics, the pursuit of workplace equality remains
a paramount concern. This report delves into the intricate tapestry of gender biases within
professional settings, with a particular focus on the renowned Khandelwal Jewellers. By
engaging in candid conversations with employees, we sought to unravel the subtle nuances and
pervasive stereotypes that may shape the experiences of individuals within this esteemed
As society inches toward a more inclusive future, the examination of gender biases becomes an
imperative task. Khandelwal Jewellers, a name synonymous with craftsmanship and tradition,
serves as a microcosm for broader industry practices. This report strives to illuminate the
challenges faced by employees, providing a platform for their voices to be heard and fostering a
dialogue that propels us toward equitable workplaces.
Join us on a journey through the perspectives of Khandelwal Jewellers' workforce as we
navigate the delicate terrain of gender biases. Together, let us confront preconceptions,
celebrate diversity, and advocate for a workplace culture that transcends the limitations of
gender stereotypes. The insights gleaned from these interviews are not just a reflection of a
single organization; they serve as a mirror reflecting the state of gender dynamics in workplaces
at large.
The organization follows a 35:65 Female to Male ratio.
Questions that we asked to the Employees of the organization:

● Can you share your overall experience working at Khandelwal Jewellers?

● How do you perceive the organizational culture in terms of gender dynamics?
● In your opinion, what challenges, if any, have you or your colleagues faced related to
gender in the workplace?
● How do you believe the organization can promote a more inclusive and gender-neutral
work environment?

Based on the following questions mentioned above we have got the following responses from
the following individuals working in the organization:

Employee Responses: Voices Amidst the Silence

1. Pooja Mehra, Marketing Executive:

"At Khandelwal Jewellers, I've had the privilege of contributing to a brand that values artistry.
However, behind the sparkle of our creations, there are shadows of gender biases that
occasionally dim the workplace glow. Navigating through subtle prejudices can be challenging,
but it's time we polish our work culture to shine as brightly as our jewelry."

2. Rajat Kapoor, Operations Manager:* "As a male in a predominantly female-centric industry,

I've encountered unexpected biases that often go unnoticed. We need to redefine stereotypes
and acknowledge that diversity doesn't just mean gender; it encompasses a spectrum of
experiences. It's time to set aside antiquated notions and let everyone's skills speak louder than

3. Ananya Singh, Sales Associate: "Gender biases are like hidden gemstones in our workplace.
They're there, but not everyone sees them. Sometimes, it's the little things – assumptions about
who's better at certain tasks or who should take on more responsibility. It's high time we
reassess these notions and let everyone shine regardless of their gender."
4. Aditya Sharma, Design Team Lead:
"As someone leading a creative team, I believe innovation knows no gender. Yet, I've noticed
instances where ideas from female team members are overlooked. It's disheartening. Our
designs should reflect diversity not only in aesthetics but also in the voices that shape them. It's
time to embrace an equal design narrative."

5. Sneha Patel, Human Resources Specialist:

"The journey toward gender equality in the workplace is like crafting a masterpiece. It requires
meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to dismantling biases. I've seen progress, but
there's still work to be done. Let's ensure that every employee feels valued and empowered,
irrespective of gender."

Following the interaction with the employees we took our case to the owner himself
and had the following conversation:

US : Good afternoon, Mr. Khandelwal. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I
recently visited your showroom and had some enlightening conversations with your staff
regarding gender bias in the workplace.

OWNER : Good afternoon. I appreciate your interest. Please, go on. What did you discuss with
my team?

US: I spoke with Pooja Mehra, Rajat Kapoor, Ananya Singh, Aditya Sharma, and Sneha Patel.
They shared their perspectives on gender bias at Khandelwal Jewellers.

OWNER : I see. Could you summarize what you gathered from them?

US : Certainly. Pooja Mehra, the Marketing Executive, highlighted that while contributing to the
brand's artistry, there are subtle gender biases that occasionally affect the workplace glow.
Rajat Kapoor, the Operations Manager, emphasized the need to redefine stereotypes and
recognize diversity beyond gender. Ananya Singh, the Sales Associate, compared gender biases
to hidden gemstones in the workplace and stressed the importance of reassessing notions.
Aditya Sharma, the Design Team Lead, expressed concern about overlooking ideas from female
team members and urged for an equal design narrative. Sneha Patel, the Human Resources
Specialist, described the journey toward gender equality as crafting a masterpiece that requires
attention to detail and a commitment to dismantling biases.

OWNER : I appreciate your initiative in bringing these concerns to my attention. It's essential to
ensure a workplace that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also fair and inclusive. What
specific recommendations do you have?

US : Based on the discussions, there's a consensus that we need to actively address and
challenge existing biases. This could involve implementing training programs to raise awareness,
fostering an inclusive culture that celebrates diversity, and ensuring that decision-making
processes are unbiased.

OWNER : I see the merit in these suggestions. It's crucial for the growth and success of our
brand. I appreciate your effort in shedding light on these issues. I will consider these
recommendations seriously and work towards creating a workplace that truly values and
empowers every employee, irrespective of gender.

US : Thank you, Mr. Khandelwal. I believe these changes will not only enhance the work culture
at Khandelwal Jewellers but also contribute to the overall success and reputation of the brand.

OWNER : You're welcome. I appreciate your dedication to this cause. Let's work together to
make Khandelwal Jewellers a beacon of equality and diversity in the industry.

Conclusion: Shaping a Future of Equality

"We as a Group feel that the narratives shared by Khandelwal Jewellers' employees serve as
poignant testimonials, casting a revealing light on the nuanced landscape of gender biases
within the organization. These voices, each a unique brushstroke in a larger canvas, paint a
picture of a workplace grappling with the shadows of traditional norms and subtle prejudices.
As we navigate this path forward, the commitment to change is not just a professional
obligation but a moral imperative. The very essence of Khandelwal Jewellers lies not just in the
brilliance of its creations but in the diverse talents that converge to shape its identity. We
envision a workplace where every employee, regardless of gender, feels empowered, valued,
and heard.
To achieve this vision, ongoing initiatives will include comprehensive awareness programs,
leadership training, mentorship initiatives, regular diversity and inclusion audits, and the
establishment of open dialogue platforms. These efforts signify a collective pledge to cultivate a
workplace where every individual can contribute to the organization's brilliance, unencumbered
by the constraints of gender biases.
In closing, the journey toward gender equality is not without challenges, but it is a journey
worth taking. Khandelwal Jewellers, as a collective, is poised to steer this course, mindful of the
transformative power of diversity and the promise of a future where every employee's unique
brilliance shines brightly, adding to the luster of the organization's enduring legacy."

Charting the Path Forward: A Commitment to Change

To address the gender biases unveiled by these voices, we have decided to spread more
awareness starting by the following steps:
1. Comprehensive Awareness Programs:Implementing organization-wide awareness programs
to dismantle unconscious biases and cultivate a culture that recognizes and values diversity.
2. Open Dialogue Platforms: Establishing forums for open dialogues where employees can
share their experiences and contribute ideas for a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

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