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The charts below illustrate that consuming and generation of coffee in 2017 and

2018, in terms of countries. We can see two countries that featured as production
and consumption immediately. (In all countries, except Brazil, the only little change of
production numbers appeared slightly between 2017 and 2018)> Also, there is the
country that has significant difference between production and consumption>
개괄적이기보다 콕 찝은 느낌, 앞 표현이 뜻은 동일하지만 더 낫다.

Also, all countries produced more coffee than they consumed. 요약 어떻게 해야
하는지 애매

In production part, Brazil was standsstood out from other countries as the amount of
produced coffee in both years. Similarly, following Brazil, Vietnam also recorded as
high figures in 2017 and 2018, with 30.5million and 29.5 million respectively.
However, the amount of producing for coffee decreased in 2018, unlike that of in
Brazil in same year. The country that has lowest figures in both years was Mexico.
In all countries, except Brazil, the only little change of production numbers appeared
slightly between 2017 and 2018.

When comparing the two tables, we can see immediately that five countries
consumed less than they produced. the Consuming of coffee in Brazil was the
highest data than other countries in both years at 21.2 million, 22.0 million
respectfully, (as like the production part,) lower than produce part with 52.7 million in
2017, 61.2 million in 2018 . In addition, the amount of consumption coffee in Brazil
increased by around 0.8 million in 2018. Indonesia recorded high figures in 2017 and
2018 both, with 4.7 million, following Brazil, consuming the lower amount than
produced coffee. On the other hand,In addition, Vietnam has also much lower figures
in the consumption part compared its production part in both years at 2.4 million. The
country that consumes that has the lowest amount of coffee was Columbia over both

생산,소비 간 비교 넣기(수치 언급) 내 분석은 그냥 양에 따른 단순 나열이다.

190 자

구구절절 xx 눈에 띄는 필수적인 것만 적자> 빠르고 직관적으로 캐치해야함

비교(국가별 비교가 아니라 표 두개-생산, 소비 비교)넣고, 문장 조밀하게

라이팅도 복붙되는지 알아보기

시간 부족했음, 분석 정확히 하고 어리바리타지말기

The tables below indicate the amount of coffee prepared for the market and used
domestically in 2017 and 2018 in five countries with major coffee exports. Overall,
each country produced more coffee than it consumed, and the statistics gerally
remained steady between the two years, with one clear exception.

문제에 나온 표현 끝까지 잘 보기
When comparing the two tables, one can readily see that the five countries produced
more coffee than they consumed.

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