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Exercise 1:

Fill in the blanks:

1. The word cardiogenic (kar-de_-o _-GEN-ik) means originating in the_ HEART_.
2. Interatrial (in-ter-A-tre-al) means between the _RIGHT AND LEFT ATRIA_.
3. The word ventriculotomy (ven-trik-u_-LOT-o _-me _) means surgical incision of
4. A valvuloplasty (val-vu_-lo_-PLAS-te_) is plastic repair of a(n) _VALVES_.
Write the adjective for each of the following definitions. The proper suffix is given for each.
5. Pertaining to the heart (-ac) __CARDIAC__
6. Pertaining to the myocardium (-al; ending differs from
adjective ending for the heart) __MYOCARDIAL___
7. Pertaining to an atrium (-al) __ATRIAL__
8. Pertaining to the pericardium (-al) ___PERICARDIAL__
9. Pertaining to a ventricle (-ar) __VENTRICULAR__
10. Pertaining to a valve (-ar) _VALVAR__
Following the example, write a word for each of the following definitions pertaining to the
tissues of the heart:
11. Inflammation of the lining of the heart (usually at a valve) endocarditis
12. Inflammation of the heart muscle myocarditis
13. Inflammation of the fibrous sac around the heart pericarditis
Write a word for each of the following definitions:
14. Study (-logy) of the heart ___CARDIOLOGY___
15. Enlargement (-megaly) of the heart ___CARDIOMEGALY___
16. Between (inter-) the ventricles ___INTERVENTRICULAR___
17. Pertaining to an atrium and a ventricle __ATRIOVENTRICULAR__
18. Surgical incision of a valve __VALVULOTOMY___

Exercise 2:
Fill in the blanks:
1. Vasospasm (vas-o_-spazm) means sudden contraction of a(n) __VESSEL__.
2. Endarterectomy (end-ar-ter-EK-to_-me _) is removal of the inner lining of a(n)_ARTERY_.
3. Angioedema (an-je_-o_-e-DE_-ma) is localized swelling caused by changes in_VESSEL__.
4. Aortosclerosis (a_-or-to_-skle-RO-sis) is hardening of the __AORTA__.
5. The term microvascular (mi_-kro_-VAS-ku_-lar) means pertaining to small_BLOOD
6. Arteriolitis is inflammation of an __ARTERY__.
Define the following words:
7. angiitis (an-je_-I_-tis) (note spelling); also angitis or vasculitis___ Inflammation ___.
8. cardiovascular (kar-de_-o_-VAS-ku_-lar) __ Pertaining to a heart and blood vessel__.
9. arteriorrhexis (ar-te_-re_-o_-REK-sis) __Rupture the artery__
10. intra-aortic (in-tra-a_-OR-tik) ___ situated or occurring within the aorta __.
11. phlebitis (fleb-I_-tis) __Inflammation the veins___________________.
Use the ending -gram to form a word for a radiograph of each of the following:
12. vessels (use angi/o) _____Angiogram________________.
13. aorta____Aortogram_________________.
14. veins____Venogram_________________.
Use the root angi/o to write a word with each of the following meanings:
15. Surgical removal (-ectomy) of a vessel VASCULECTOMY
16. Dilatation (-ectasis) of a vessel VASCULECTASIS
17. Formation (-genesis) of a vessel VASCULOGENESIS
18. Plastic repair of a vessel VASCULOPLASTY
Use the appropriate root to write a word with each of the following meanings:
19. Narrowing (-stenosis) of the aorta____AORTOSTENOSIS___.
20. Incision of an artery__ARTERIOTOMY___.
21. Within (intra-) a vein__INTRAVENO__.
22. Excision of a vein___PHLEBECTOMY__
Exercises: Past simple and past continuous:
Last week the students of CMMS (visit) _______________ Al-HadaMilitary Hospital. While the
teacher (tell) ________________ about the trip, the students (be) _____________ very excited.
They (start) _____________ their journey at 8:00. They (talk) _______________ to each other
when the bus (stop) ____________ at the hospital gate. They (begin) _____________ their tour
from the cardiac ward. The doctor (explain) _______________about cardiac diseases while they
(listen) ________________ attentively. He (give) _______________ them very interesting
information. Then they (go) ______________ to the surgical ward. When they (reach)
_____________ there, the doctor (talk) _______________ to the patients. They (visit)
________________ different sections of the hospital. Their teacher (explain)
_________________ various hospital protocols while they (visit)_________________ various
wards. They (conclude) __________________their trip at 11:30. While they (return)
________________ to the college campus, they (think) ________________ about their
wonderful educational trip.

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