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v1.0a(2017.2.3):Release beta
v1.0b(2017.2.10):Now supported v7.02.
v1.0c(2017.2.14):Added huskar, phantom_assassin, crystal_maiden.
Optimized the operation of picking up the runes.
v1.0d(2017.2.23):Added centaur,doom,slardar,veno.
Now the ai team will pick random lineup.
v1.0e(2017.3.1):Added ursa,silencer,skeleton_king,lion,legion_commander.
V1.1 (2017.3.19):
1. Added luna, necrolyte, undying, treant, tidal hunter, slark, riki,
spirit_breaker, vengefulspirit, clinkz.
2. Optimize the decision to buyback, AI only buyback at a critical moment now.
3. Temporarily enable the default lane assignment system, AI will now leave the
lane that player wants.
4. Added the usage of shrine, AI will take the initiative to use shrine and notify
other players now.
5. Optimize the operation of the courier, the courier will stay in the secret store
for 10 seconds, rather than immediately go home. AI will use the courier's burst
spped skill now. The messenger will avoid the enemy's attack.
6. Fix the hero sometimes follow the courier bug.
7. Delayed AI push time, when their level is low, they will tend to level up at
8. Improved Chaos Knight and viper's item building.
9. Improved a number of skills casting details.
10.AI will purchase support items, including wards and dusts now.
11. Hero talent upgrade is no longer affected by the dota update.
12. Added the operation to buy items at the sideshops.
Added qop,dazzle,leshrac,jakiro,drow ranger.
Fixed shrines' bug.
Fixed item building bug when human player bought courier.
Improved spirit breaker's charge of darkness usage.
Added dk,stealer,bane,lich,nevermore.
Fixed the bug of item building.
Updated Tranquil Boots' recipe.
Added the use of some items.
1.Added 10 heroes:night stalker, juggernaut, axe, razor, sand king,oracle, sniper,
blood seeker, bristle back and earth shaker
2.Fixed life stealer attempt to use ult on enemy hero.
3.Improved the usage of shrine.
4.Fixed item picking.
5.Improved spirit breaker's charge usage, he will use it more carefully.
6.Improved crystal maiden's nova usage.
7.AI will not pick rune when human player coming.
8.Improved usage and purchase of Anti-hidden item.
V1.1e (2017.5.16)
1. Updated the 7.06 item recipe.
2. Now all heroes will try to purchase six items.
3. Optimized the item building of some heroes.
4. Improved the warding system (thanks to Improved Default Bots)
5. Fixed the bot will use tower glyph after tower destroyed.
6. Fixed the Queen of pain stuck in the woods.
7. Fixed the Axe the probability of stuck after blink.
V1.1f (2017.5.21)
1. Added the Spectre, Sven, winter wyvern, pugna, antimage, faceless void.
2. Fixed Lion can not use ultimate ability.
3. Fixed some heroes (oracle, drow ranger, earthshaker, silence) items building
4. Fixed some heroes who have blink that may be stuck in the woods.
5. Fixed the logic of the spirit breaker charge into the crowd, and now he will
only charge into crowd with allys' help.
6. Improved spirit breaker's charge, and now he will never charge into the enemy
high ground in the early game.
7. Improved necrolyte's ultimate ability, and now he will use the ult move earlier
8. Fixed treant can not use the tree eyes.
9. Improved use of riki's ultimate ability, and now he will use ult when the nearby
enemy is enough.
10. Improved use of all blink ability.
11. AI's hero selection time will be delayed by 10 seconds.
12. A slight increase in script performance.
1. Improved AI to be more cautious when they into the side shop.
2. Improved the purchase of anti-invisible item.
3. Huskar, chaos knight now will build armlet.
4. AI will buy gems in the later game.
5. Most heroes will not waste skills when enemy has immune buff such as abaddon's
borrowed time, winter wyvern's winters curse, Linken's Sphere.
6. Improved dazzle's ability 1 to save magic.
7. Improved qop's ability 1 to reduce the tower diving.
8. Improved winter wyvern's ability 3 to avoid interference with teammates to kill,
and in more cases to help teammates in the non-combat state to restore life.
9. Temporarily removed the signal when using shrine.
Now the program uses the GPLv3 open source protocol license, the use of the source
code should follow the agreement.
1. Added warlock, windrunner, omniknight, tiny, death prophet.
2. Fixed lich can not level up talents correctly.
3. Fixed lich can not build items correctly.
4. Fixed skywrathmage,lina,huskar,abaddon can't use ability.
5. Fixed a bug where the necrolyte would cause the game to crash.
6. Improved some heroes item building.
7. Improved pugna's decrepify usage.
8. Fixed the bug that did not properly sell the other boots after buying the travel
9. Improved the ability usage of some heroes.
10. Earthshaker will now buy aghanim's scepter.
11. Fixed silencer do not use ultimate ability.
12. Removed debugging information from the release version
13. Fixed the bug of contending for the courier.
14. Now AI will share the tango. (Thanks to BOT EXPERIMENT's author)
1. Added Team Gank system: AI will buy and use the smoke to kill the enemy hero
2. Improve the Rune system, AI will recognize the type of the rune, and consider
whether it is suitable to pick up the rune. AI will leave the rune to the most
suitable hero. AI will avoid possible dangers.
3. Improve the lane assignment system, AI team will first consider the lane of
human players, and then select the most suitable route. Thanks BOT EXPERIMENT
author: Arizona, I used part of its function.
4. Improve the item purchase system, AI will ensure their own security before going
to sideshop.
5. Improve the Shrine usage, AI will be waiting for the nearby human players before
using shrine. (not tested.)
6. Improve the use of the courier, the courier will try to escape the danger zone.
The courier will pick up the items in advance to save time. The courier may wait
more time when the human player uses it.
7. Improve the use of tower Glyph.
8. Raise the priority of the line mode.
9. Slightly lower the priority of the warding.
10. Fixed When the hero item slot is full, the courier will still try to deliver
the item.
11. Fixed qop, antimage, faceless void, can not correctly use the blink error.
12. Fixed dazzle can not correctly use the shadow wave (ability 3) in some cases.
13. Fixed jakiro use ability 1 on the friendly heroes
14. Fixed lion use ability 1 on the friendly heroes
15. Fixed death of the prophet use ability 1 on the friendly heroes
16. Fixed tide hunter blink into the friendly heroes group.
17. Fixed undying use ability 1 on the friendly heroes
18. Fixed ursa blink into the friendly heroes group.
19. Fixed shadow shaman can not correctly use hex in some cases
20. Fixed silence Warlock sometimes can not open 2 abilitys ball error
21. Fixed spectre can not use ability 1 when stuck
22. Fixed spirit breaker wrongly calculate the enemy power in some cases.
23. Fixed winter wyvern wrongly calculation damage caused by the use of 4 abilitys
24. Fixed part of the hero can not use the ability to kill jungle creeps.
25. Improve Faceless void to use ult ability better, it will avoid affecting
friendly heroes.
26. Improve Bane to use nightmare better, to avoid interfering friendly heroes.
27. Improve slark to use ult ability better, it will be more likely to use this
ability when attacking.
28. Improve venomancer to use ability 3 better, it will be more active to damage
enemy heroes
29. Improve sven to use ability 1 better, it will be less used to clear the lane.
30. Improve warlock to use ability 3 better, it will use this ability later
31. Improve riki to use ability 2 more often, it will be more active consumption of
enemy heroes
32. Improve axe to use ability 2 better, it will not use the abilitys before using
the blink.
33. Improve necrolyte to use ability 2 better, it will use the skills in more cases
34. Slightly improve doom to use ability 3 better.
35. Slightly improve pugna to use ability 3 better.
36. Updated some hero's item building (lina, ursa, zues, jakiro, omniknight, riki,
lion, luna, nevermore, facelessvoid, ogre magi, phantom assassin.)
37. Fixed some heroes stuck in item building.
38. Improved some hero's ability building.
1.Added 5 new heroes, alchemist, ancient apparition, arc warden, gyrocopter
2.Significant improvement in AI defense system.
3.Slightly improve the courier behavior.
4.Slightly improve the team smoking roam system.
5.Fixed some early items that were not sold at the later game
6.Fixed AI can not correctly carry TP problems.
7.Fixed can not correctly buy items in secret shops and side shops.
8.Fixed Life stealer will use ultimate ability to itself, thus solving the stuck
9.Improved Leshrac to use ability 2 better.
10.Improved Undying to use ability 1 more accurate
11.Improved rune pick up in game starting.
12.Improved the purchase time of gem, and now a team will only buy a gem
13.Improved ability build of Venomancer.
v1.3 (2017.10.30)
1. New push system, AI will be scattered stations when push, and will choose a more
appropriate time to push the tower. AI treatment of the lane also improved. (Thanks
to Army Bots author pilaoda, I made improvements on its basis)
2. Improved warding system.
3. Supported the captain mode. (Thanks BOT EXPERIMENT author Arizona Fauzie, I used
some of his code)
4. Fixed some heroes trying to buy a observer ward when there was no inventory.
5. Fixed some of the heroes will send debugging information.
6. Fixed Dazzle rarely use the shadow wave in the teamfight problem.
7. Fixed a problem that the courier sometimes stuck after being attacked.
8. Fixed a small problem with Huskar.
9. Fixed Sniper always like to use the ultimate ability on the very far enemies.
10. Lion and Warlock will be interrupted casting in dangerous conditions, to
prevent being killed.
11. Fixed Winter Wyvern sometimes use the ultimate ability only on one hero.
12. Fixed Riki sometimes dive tower when he use the blink strike.
13. Slightly lower the desire of rune.
14. Slightly adjust the team smoke ganking system.
v1.3b (2017.11.3)
1. Update item components, ward position to adapt 7.07 version.
2. Slightly improve the push system, AI station will be more appropriate.
3. Now heroes will not use their ability on friendly illusions.
4. Fixed some issues of the Bane, Earth shaker, Lion, Warlock and Death prophet.
v1.3c (2017.11.7)
1. Fixed a lot of bugs made by the Valve updated the internal structure of the game
API. Now the hero can correctly upgrade abilities.
2. Fixed a few items building bugs.
3. Optimize the script program structure.
v1.4 (2018.1.1)
1. Added 20 new heroes: batrider, beastmaster, bounty hunter, brewmaster,
broodmother, chen, dark seer, disruptor, earth spirit, elder titan, enchantress,
enigma, keeper of the light, lycan, magnataur, medusa, mirana, monkey king, pudge,
sand king.
2. Update all heroes talents and abilities building to fit the latest version.
3. To commemorate the famous professional player, the AI will now use professional
player name of TI's history.
4. Several bug fixes.
v1.4b (2018.1.8)
1.Overall improved push system, the game process will be greatly accelerated. AI
will be based on the positioning of the hero to push or farm, but also the push
timing has been delayed.
2.Improve the use of courier, players will now use the courier priority. (Thanks
BOT EXPERIMENT author Arizona Fauzie, I used some of his code)
3.Added 7.07 new item usage.
4.Adjust the warding desire, there will be more time warding.
5.Adjust the hero selection phase, now the team will not be able to continuously
select five heroes.
6.Improve the item building system to prevent the equipment synthesis failed.
7.Improve the use of Sven' storm bolt, and now he will rarely use a storm_bolt to
clean the creeps.
8.Improve the use of Keep of the light' illuminate, and now he will predict enemy?
беs position.
9.Fixed some heroes who use the wrong recipes of Force Staff and Monkey King Bar.
10.Fixed Zeus does not use the lightning chain to farm.
11.Fixed Tide Hunter does not use the ultimate ability.
12.Fixed Monkey King does not upgrade the skills.
13.Fixed some ability bugs of Winter Wyvern, Lycan, Ancient Apparition and Arc
14.Fixed some heroes will interrupt casting in sometimes.
v1.4c (2018.2.28)
1.Improve the lineup selection, now AI will consider the player's heroic position
to build a team with one hero in each position. (This change is done by DblTap,
thanks for his effort! His Steam link: Github link:
2.Fixed some bugs.
v1.4d (2018.3.3)
1. Improved Lane assignment, now AI will choose more suitable for their own lane,
and where possible, give player the lane.
2. Fixed AI can not choose all implemented heroes.
3. Improve: Now support heroes will give priority to ward on their own lanes.
4. Fixed heroes can not switch power treads.
5. Fixed Mirana can not level ability after level 12.
6. Fixed Spirit Breaker sometimes abnormal cancel the charge of darkness.
7. Fixed some heroes do not purchase ward.
8. Fixed unused issues after purchase courier.
9. Fixed heroes may wander in pushing.
V1.4e (2018.3.23) Commit by zmcmcc
1. Updated the Alchemist's item and ability building. Now the alchemist will choose
Battle Fury instead of Radiance. After the update, the alchemist is expected to
increase the speed of farming.
2. Updated the Phantom Assassin's item building. Now the Phantom Assassin will get
the Black King Bar earlier to ensure survival.
3. Updated the Antimage's item and ability building.
4. Updated the Crystal Maiden's item and ability building. Now the Crystal Maiden
will provide better mana support in the early stage.
5. Temporarily remove Spirit Breakers from the selection lineup.
6. Updated the Jakiro's item and ability building.
7. Updated the death prophet's item and ability building.
8. Improved Chen's willingness to summon monsters.
9. Updated Lich's ability building.
10. Updated Sand King's ability building.
11. Updated Mirana's item building, now Mirana will have an Aghanim's Scepter
12. Updated Dazzle's item and ability building, now Dazzle prefers treatment.
13. Try to fix some bugs about courier.
v1.4f(2018.3.25) Commit by zmcmcc
1. Updated the Juggernaut's item and ability building.
2. Updated the Shadow Fiend's item and ability building. Fixed a bug that SF cannot
learn lv.15 talent correctly.
3. Removed travel boots from Alchemist's item building, due to bots' poor use of
4. Updated the Centaur's item and ability building.
5. Updated the Magnus' item and ability building. Now Mag will purchase blink
earlier, and will use skewer more likely on retrating rather than chasing enemies.
6. Updated the Faceless Void's item and ability building. Now void plays carry
rather can offlaner.
7. Updated the Wraith King's item and ability building.
8. Updated the Sven's item and ability building.
9. Updated the Treant's item and ability building.
10. Updated the Medusa's item and ability building.
v1.4g(2018.3.25) commit by zmcmcc
11.Fixed some bugs caused by former updates.
v1.4h(2018.3.31) committed by zmcmcc
1. Updated the hero selection and role allocation. Bots will try to avoid picking
heros with duplicated roles. Also slightly changed the hero selection pace. now
ally bots will not wait until you pick a hero, but the duration of two picks was
slightly prolonged.
2. Temporarily remove these heros: Alchemist, Antimage, Spectre.
3. Get Chen back.
4. Optimized the Captain Mode. Now if you let Bots to ban/pick, they will try to
ban/pick with the same hero pool as in AP mode, and will pick in this order:
Offlaner, support1, midlaner, support2, safelane carry. I also try to let them have
a 311 distribution, like professional game(If the feedback is bad,it's easy to go
back to 212).
Two important things:a.If you are the captain, please follow the Offlaner,
support1, midlaner,support2,safelane carry order to pick! The bots will only go to
the right place in this case. b.In some extreme cases bots will pick two same
heros(I tested 15 games, one occurs). If that happened, just quit and start another
5. Now bots will be laning more peacefully in the first 6-7 minutes without
frequent team fight in mid lane.
6. The following heroes are either in item building, ability usage or bug fixed:
Batrider, Centaur, Chen, Death prophet, Disruptor, Dragon kignt, Faceless void,
Huskar, jakiro, Juggernaut, Legion commander, Leshrac, Lina, Luna, Mirana,
Necrolyte, Phantom assassin, Pudge, Riki, Sniper, Sven, Tidehunter, Tiny, Treant,
Undying, Windrunner, Zeus.
7. Fixed some bugs.
v1.5(2018.4.8) committed by zmcmcc
Thanks the author of Bot Experiment Master, Arizona Fauzie。 I used and modified
part of his code.
1. Fixed the bug that bots cannot ward; temporarily remove the purchase of gem and
2. (Not sure)Seem to have fixed the bug that bots won't release couriers.
3. Now your supports will share you a single tangle, no matter what role you play.
Please stay in fountain for about 10 seconds.
4. Doom now will be able to devour netrual creeps, although still in low frequency.
5. Enchantress now will be able to charm netrual creeps, although still in low
6. Temporarily removed Spirit breaker and Elder Titan because of some serious bugs.
7. Re-added Antimage, Spectre and Alchemist, but their performance is still lower
than expected.
8. Improved the ability and item building of the following heros:Skeleton King,
Sven, Doom, Enchantress, Chen, Broodmother, Queen of pain, Lich, Crystal Maiden,
Bounty hunter, Blood seeker, Dark seer, Luna, Gyrocopter, Void, Beast Master, Zeus,
Lycan, Pugna, Sniper, Clinkz, Chaos Knight, Drow Ranger, Razor, Keeper of the
light, VS.
9. Optimized the retreating decision for most heros. Now bots will only use
abilities with stuns or other debuffs when they must retreat.
10. Some detailed optimizations about initial item building.
11. Some bugs fixed.
v1.5b(2018.4.13) committed by zmcmcc
1. Added new hero Outworld Destroyer, Naga Siren, Terrorblade and Templar Assassin.
2. Now if bots didn't choose a safe lane support, the other support will buy the
3. Some heroes will now purchase Aeon Disk.
4. Fixed the bug that bots will pick duplicated heroes in Captain mode.
5. Slightly adjust the ability usage of Centaur, Slardar, Ursa etc. so that they
are less likely to miss their stuns.
6. Rewrite the ability usage of skeleton king. Although he still can't use his
third ability correctly, he has better ability use now.
7. Rewrite the ability usage of pugna. Now his ult still has some problems(Similar
to SB and ET) but has better ability use now.
8. Rewrite the ability usage of tidehunter. Now he can use gush correctly.
v1.5c(2018.4.19) committed by zmcmcc
1. Added new hero weaver and shadow demon. However, he cannot use his shukuchi like
2. Added recent created heroes in Captain mode.
3. Fixed a bug that Witch Doctor, Lina and Oracle cannot buy items.(May also be the
reason why sometime bots didn't buy courier).
4. Added Witch Doctor in AP mode.(A mistake in previous versions)
5. Optimized windrunner, Pugna, monkey King, alchemist,venomancer, doom, OB and
6. Now bots can give you two tangos if you play locally.Please don't buy tangos
until they give you.
7. Fixed a bug that you can get extra tangos if you drop tangos on the ground.
8. Fixed a bug that bots buy couriers in 3 minutes and don't release it. Now if
bots don't buy courier in the beginning, it means they will never buy it. Buy one
by yourself then(lol).
Update item building of Dota2 v7.14
v1.5e(2018.5.6) committed by zmcmcc
1. Added new hero Phantom Lancer, Troll Warlord and Nyx assassin. For now NA cannot
use burrow.
2. Kunkka is back with better ability use(not perfect though).
3. Temporarily removed Tiny due to his third skill bugs.
4. Optimized ability usage of Centaur, Disruptor, Bristleback, Winter wyvern,
Weaver, TA, Medusa, wind runner, Antimage, QoP, batrider, skeleton King, OD, bounty
hunter and brewmaster.
5. Optimized the usage of magic stick,wand and bottle.
6. Further optimized the usage of stomp-like abilities. Now enemies' movement speed
and cast delay will be better considered.
7. Added judgement of whether stuck on cliff for broodmother, slark and earth
8. Fixed some bugs caused by v7.14.
v1.5f(2018.5.16) committed by zmcmcc
1. Added new heroes Tusk, Shredder and Furion.
2. Optimized ability usage of TA, QoP, Underlord, Disruptor, Wind Runner, Sniper,
NA and Drow Ranger.
3. FIxed some bugs.
4. Updated v7.15 bounty runes.
V1.5g (2018.6.6)
1. Fixes the issue that Dazzle is not able to use 3rd ability shadow waves at
2. Fixed the issue that Broodmother, Earth spirit, Faceless void, Slark sometimes
stuck in the woods.
3. Fixed the issue that prophets could not use 1st ability and 4nd ability.
4. Fixed the issue that the illusions of some heroes (Arc warden) would buy back.
5. Fixed a problem where kunkka may not be able to use abilities.
6. Fixed possible problems with Naga siren.
7. Fixed the issue that the Timber could not use skills
8. Fixed the issue that the Templar Assassins could not use the ultimate ability.
9. Try to fix the problem that Troll warlord will not be able to use abilities
10. Optimize the usage of Weaver's ultimate ability, and now it will use this
ability to offset a lot of damage.
11. Fixed the problem of bristleback can not purchasing items.
12. Add Invoker's position to the middle to fix the problem.
13. Now AI will buy more TP and dust.
1. Update all hero talent building and ability building to the latest version.
V1.6 (2018.12.21)
1. Full support for version 7.20.
2. Fixed several bugs.
3. Refactor some of the code to improve efficiency and reduce the possibility of
V1.6b (2019.1.31)
1. Update the item building of 7.21.
2. Reduce the desire of the team pushing to reduce the situation of gathering in
the middle lane.
3. Improve some code with displacement ability heroes to reduce their chances of
being stuck in the terrain.
4. Add TI8 champion player ID. And add the suffix RMMAI to all hero IDs to better
identify this AI.
5. The update announcement will now be sent at the beginning of the game.
v1.6c (2019.3.13)
1. Update item building of most heroes to fit the latest version.
v1.6d (2019.4.15)
1. Add All Random, 1 VS 1, Turbo Mode, and Mid Only mode support.
2. Added the ability to manually select heroes for AI. If you want to make the bots
pick certain hero for allies you can Team Chat the hero name or All Chat for
picking hero for enemy. You don't have to type full name of the hero just some text
that closed to hero name.
But the hero's internal name and game title are not the same, please refer to this
3. You can decide how lane assignment of your team done through Chat by typing 5
lane ( between "top", "mid", and "bot" ) separated with " " (space) in game
Strategy Phase or Pre Game. For example, if you're Radiant and want to solo off-
lane you can type "top mid bot bot bot" if you are on the first slot.
1. Update new Rune system.
2. Update new farming system. (the efficiency of farming may be improved in the
later gaming)
3. Fix the issue that Arc Warden, Spectre, Templar Assassin and Tiny could not
upgrade skills.
4. Fix the issue that Doom and Centaur could not use skills.
5. Optimize the ability using of Doom and Arc Warden.
6. Temporarily closed the team roaming system.
7. Remove Monkey King from the lineup.
8. Warlock will now cancel the channeling of 3rd ability at the appropriate time.
v1.6f (2019.12.19)
1. Update the item building of 7.23.
2. Update warding location of 7.23.
3. Fix courier related issues.
4. Update the title of the professional teams in TI9.
5. Refactor item building system to automatically adapt to recipe changes caused by
game version.
v1.7.0 (2021.03.24) Updated by AaronSong321
1. Update to support 7.28c.
v1.7.1 (2021.04.10) Updated by AaronSong321
1. Decrease desire of target ability usage at targets with spell block;
2. Prevent target ability usage at friend illusions;
3. Decrease desire of passive toggle abilities to save mana;
4. Fix terrorblade, dark_seer, antimage, necrolyte, kunkka et al. cannot use
5. Add medusa split arrow; add medusa toggle shield off to save mana;
6. Add item purchase (witch_blade, falcon_blade, holy_locket, gleipnir, wind_waker,
7. Remove courier purchase;
8. Fix some heroes fail to add some of their abilities according to version 7.28;
9. Fix TA doesn't purchase any boots;
10. Change ability usage of CM, AM.
v1.7.2 (2021.04.14) Updated by AaronSong321
1. Update to support 7.29.
2. Fixed the ability usage of alchemist, earth spirit, leshrac, broodmother, lich,
lycan, medusa, TA.
3. Fix item purchase of doom and lycan;
4. Modify ability level up mode so that reloading scripts while gaming doesn't
break ability level up and item purchase;
5. Try automatically add lv 27-30 talents;
6. Modify furion's sprout not to block friend melee heroes;
7. Add better behaviour to antimage abilities;
v1.7.3 (2021.04.26) Updated by AaronSong321
1. Temporarily remove rune mode;
2. Add battle power evaluation of illusion;
3. Change ability building tree of Chen, Dazzle, Kotl;
4. Implement Life_stealer, Dragon_knight, Leshrac, Magnataur, Phantom_assassin
shard abilities;
5. Try to improve Kunkka’s x-mark combo;
6. Fix bugs in Alchemist, Bane, Kunkka;
v1.7.4 (2021.05.08) Updated by AaronSong321
1. Fix lots of bugs;
2. Add Ember Spirit.
v1.7.5 (2021.05.17)
1. Fix the warding system;
2. Temporarily remove armlet to fix game slowdown.
v1.7.6 (2021.08.18)
Optimize Item Purchase for 7.29.
1. Add Wind Waker for heroes who plan to buy Cyclone.
2. Add Octarine Core for heroes who plan to buy Aether Lens.
3. Add Aghanim's Shard for heroes whose Shard ability is powerful and easy to use.
4. Add Aghanim's Blessing for heroes who have Aghanim's Scepter in late game.
5. Add an extra item for heroes whose last item is Aghanim's Blessing.
6. Optimize the item purchasing lists of Dark Seeker and Orge Magi.
7. Fix typo in item_purchase_treant.
8. Remove Item Necronomicon.
9. Change item purchase order to relieve backpack congestion.
v1.7.7 (2021.08.27)
Full update for 7.30.
1. Optimize AI's lane desire, now AI will lane more in the early game.
2. Optimize AI's push desire, now AI will not push too fast in the early game.
3. Add the function to get Outpost.
4. Improve the function of shopping in secret shops.
5. Remove some outdated files.
6. Update item purchasing for 7.30.
7. Many small bug fixes.
v1.7.8 (2021.09.05)
1. Fix many ability usage issues in the 7.30 version
2. Fix the issue of AI picking up runes.
3. Update warding position for 7.30.
4. Fix the issue of AI selecting lane in the early game.
5. Fix many abilities that could not be used.
6. Temporarily remove Hoodwink.
v1.7.9 (2021.10.05)
1. Add team purchase mechanism of Mekansm, Dust and Guardian Greaves.
2. Try to fix the issue where the illusion can use abilities.
3. Fix the issue of Medusa, Clinkz, Drow ranger, Silencer can not auto cast
4. Fix many small issues.
v1.7.10 (2022.05.04)
Update to 7.31b
1. Fix Doom not using abilities.
2. Fix the abilities usage of Tusk and Ember Spirit.
3. Fix Shadow Demon, Nyx Assasin casting certain abilities on creep heroes.
4. Fix Omniknight never using Purification on damaged allies when mana is enough.
5. Ogre Magi now prefers to use Bloodlust on allies with higher battle power.
6. Decrease the desire of Zeus to use Thundergods Wrath at far enemies.
7. Decrease Necrophos and Zeus (again) use ultimate to steal kills.
8. Temporarily Disable Brewmaster Drunken Brawler.
9. Fix Faceless Void item building.
10. Remove Battle Fury and Radiance from item building lists of some heroes.
11. Add Arcane Boots and Guardian Greaves to team purchase lists.
v1.7.11 (2022.07.01)
Update to 7.31c
1. Prevent crystal_maiden from casting frostbite on antimage_counterspell;
2. Add doom_bringer auto-cast devour when devouring better creeps;
3. Decrease desire of lich casting frost_armour on creeps;
4. Add necrolyte casting reapers_scythe on teleporting enemies;
5. Prevent slardar from casting corrosive_haze on affected units;
6. Decrease desire of undying casting decay on creeps;
7. Change brewmaster, viper ability level-up up to 7.31c;
8. Prevent nyx_assassin casting impale on magic immune targets;
9. Prevent venomancer casting venomous_gale on magic immune targets;
10. Decrease desire of warlock casting upheavel on creeps;
11. Change item build lists of some heroes;
12. Forbid bane casting nightmare on transforming lone_druid;
13. Fix legion_commander;
14. Fix abaddon cast certain abilities on creep heroes;
15. Fix drow_ranger, clinkz, silencer auto-cast abilities cast whenever possible;
16. Fix jakiro doesn't cast liquid_fire, liquid_frost on buildings;
17. Fix abyssal_underlord casting pit_of_malice on non-teleporting enemeis;
18. Fix mirana casting moon_shadow on creep heroes;
19. Fix typos in winter_wyvern source;
20. Fix errors in slardar;
21. Fix bounty_hunter uses track at ally lone_druid_bear;
22. Fix chen ability level up to 7.31c;
23. Fix enchantress_enchant neutral creep level limit to 7.31c;
24. Fix terrorblade uses reflection or sunder at creep heroes;
25. Fix abyssal errors;
Update to 7.32d
1. Update item building lists.
2. Update ability and talent building lists.
3. AI now correctly use bloodstone and eternal shroud.
4. Fix several mode issues.
5. Fix many small issues.
Update to 7.32e
1. Update item building lists.
2. Update ability and talent building lists.
3. Include Ti10 and Ti11 finalists in the bot naming pool.
4. Fix talent building lists for some heroes.
Update to 7.33c
1. Improve the behavior of hero Buyback.
2. Improve the mechanism and desire calculation of push mode.
3. Improve the behavior of ward mode and rune mode at the beginning of the game.
4. Fix lane assignment in turbo mode, and now you can play the turbo mode.
5. Fix power treads switching issue temporary.
6. Fix the problem that many heroes could not use ultimate skills.
7. Fix the problem that heroes sometimes get stuck in the secret shop.
Update to 7.33e
1. Fix many heroes abilities.
2. Improved item purchasing system to sell items when inventory is full.
3. Fix runtime error in buyback.
4. Fix minor issues in purchasing and courier.
5. Improve the farming methods of some heroes.

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