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Development. 2.0, banana studios.

Project Name:
The Battle Arena
Development Type:
Game Development
gema aka mrmongkeyy
+ 3 days, was failed.
+ 6 days, i will try to focus.
Development Progress:
Developer Notes:

1. Type dari gamenya adalah action,

dan unsur aksinya sudah di develop.
2. Udah ado 3 enemy, karena enemy sangat
penting dalam game ini.
3. Walaupun enemy yang ke3 belum optimal.
4. The next thing i wanna do is maybe,
making the new enemy again.
5. Note for enemy(barbar), this enemy
only can attack the player when its on
attackin mode(slidingmode), so when player
attacking this enemy, this enemy not hit
the player.
6. And actually i cant emplem this functionality
why?, i dont know!. Maybe this will be the feature
of this game, haha.
7. Thats working well, and know i have code
chameleon enemys, the type of this enemy is not
realy dangerous, but its has so big healthy.
8. IDK, but this is feels like am loosing the motivation
for working on godot. Its like godot not really fun engine
for making game.
9. Maybe i wanna try to make a game using js. I wanna use
pixi js as framework for code the game!

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