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Introduction to Organizational Behavior


1) Which of the following terms describes presence of individual differences based on

gender, race and ethnicity, age, able-bodiedness, and sexual orientation in an
a. Inclusion
b. Multiculturalism
c. Team building
d. Workforce diversity
2) Which of the following is a category of managers based on ethics in decision making?
a. Immoral manager
b. Immortal manager
c. Immovable manager
d. Inappropriate manager
3) Which of the following is a category of managers doesn't subscribe to any ethical
principles, making decisions and acting to gain best personal? ‫ميد‬
a. Ameral inanazor
b. Immoral manager
c. cleader manager
d. Moral manager
4) Which of the following is an ability to turn knowledge into effective action?
a. Controlling
b. Leading
c. Managing
d. Skills
5) What is the quantity and quality of work produced called?
a. Goal achievement
b. Job satisfaction
c. Task performance
d. Effective management
6) Which of the following means tailoring communications in ways to encourage certain
interpretations and discourage others?
a. Controlling
b. Framing
c. Managing
d. Organizing
7) Which of the following term defines the “shared set of beliefs and values within an

a. Organizational behavior
b. Organizational climate
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational structure
Organizational climate represents shared perceptions of members regarding what the
organization is like in terms of management policies and practices.
8) Which of the following means the study of human behavior in organizations?
a. Organizational behavior
b. Organizational climate
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational structure
9) Which of the following is correct about organizational behavior? +‫مقالي‬
a. Study of human behavior in economic exchange
b. Study of human behavior in organization
c. Study of human behavior in present and past
d. Study of human behavior in society
10) Which of the following type of management uses hard facets and empirical evidence
to make decisions?
a. Behavioral management
b. Evidence-based management
c. Human resource management
d. Team management
11) What is culture?
a. A person’s major beliefs and personal orientation concerning a range of issues.
b. The learned, shared way of doing things in a particular society.
c. The way a person gathers and evaluates information
d. The way someone appears to others when interacting in social settings
12) Which of the following is a way of thinking where “solutions of a problem must be
crafted to best fit the circumstances and people involved”?
a. Common thinking
b. Contingency thinking
c. Continuous thinking
d. Controlled thinking
13) Which of the following refers to pluralism and respect for diversity at the workplace
in an organization?
a. Inclusion -> the degree to which an organization's culture respects and values diversity.
b. Multiculturalism
c. Organization climate
d. Valuing diversity

14) Which of the following involves learning continuously from day-to-day experiences?
a. Cross cultural learning
b. Lifelong learning
c. Quest for evidence
d. Social learning
15) Which of the following refers as understanding our emotions and their impact on
ourselves and others?
a. Self-awareness
b. Self-management
c. Social awareness
d. Relationship management
16) Which of the following skills is reflect expertise or ability to perform a specific work
a. Conceptual.
b. Financial.
c. Interpersonal.
d. Technical.


1. List the big five personality traits.? ‫مقالي ميد‬

• Extraversion blues
• Agreeableness
• Conscientiousness
• Emotional stability
• Openness to experience
2. Which of the following “leads a person to see the world as a threatening place and to
regard authority as absolute which personal conception trait”?
a. Authoritarianism
b. Dogmatism
c. Locus of control
d. Self-monitoring
3. Which of the following refers to a person who sees the world as a threatening place and
to regard authority as absolute?
a. Authoritarianism
b. Dogmatism
c. Machiavellian
d. Self-Monitoring
4. Which of the following terms is a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect
how a person looks, thinks, acts, and feels?

a. Attitude
b. Cognition
c. Perception
d. personality
5. Which of the following term is an individual’s belief about the likelihood of successfully
completing a specific task?
a. Self-awareness
b. Self-concept
c. Self-efficacy
d. Self-monitoring
6. Which of the following personality dimensions consider as being outgoing, sociable,
a. Extraversion
b. Agreeableness-> Being good-natured, trusting, cooperative.
c. Conscientiousness-> Being responsible, dependable, persistent.
d. Emotional stability-> Being unworried, secure, relaxed.
7. Which of the following personality trait refers to the degree to which someone is
responsible, dependable, persistent? ‫ميد‬
a. Agreeableness
b. Conscientiousness
c. Emotional stability
d. Extraversion
8. How you may describe the extent to which a person feels able to control his or her own
a. Locus of control
b. Sensitive
c. Intuitive thinking
d. Sensation-thinking
9. The extent to which a person feels able to control his or her own life is the concern with
a person’s internal-external orientation. This called
a. Locus of control
b. Sensitive
c. Intuitive thinking
b. Sensation-thinking

10.Which of the following best explain the learned and shared way of thinking and acting
among a group of people or society?
a. Cultural values
b. Value congruence

c. Terminal values
d. Instrumental values
11.Which of the following is an example of the instrumental values?
a. Ambitious
b. A comfortable life
c. An exciting life
d. Equality

12.What is Machiavellianism?
a. Is tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional value and obey recognized
b. Person’s ability to adjust his or her behavior to external situational factors
c. Cause someone to view and manipulate other purely for personal gain
d. Is a disposition that identifies whether or not individuals act to influence their
13.Which of the following personality approaches situations logically and thoughtfully and
even capable of lying to achieve personal goals?
a. Persons with high Machiavellian personality
b. Persons with Low Machiavellian personality
c. Person with high self-monitoring personality
d. Person with Low self-monitoring personality
14.Which of the following is a way to build self-efficacy?
a. Gaining confidence through positive experience
b. Gaining confidence through maintaining the same level of performance
c. Gaining confidence through staying away from others
d. Gaining confidence through taking some rest
15.Which of the following is an invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from
rising above a certain level of an organization?
a. Discrimination
b. Glass ceiling effect
c. Leaking pipeline
d. Race and ethnicity
16.Which of the below given factors form personality?
a. Communication skills
b. Heredity and environment
c. Physical appearance and health
d. Social skills and personal skills

17.Which of the following is one of the big five personality traits?

a. Agreeableness +Extraversion+ Conscientiousness+ stability Emotional+ experience to Openness
b. Creative
c. Contingency thinking
d. Laziness
18.Which type of stress has a positive impact on both attitudes and performance?
a. Constructive stress
b. Efficient stress
c. Natural stress
d. Statutory stress
19.Which of the following is a state of tension experienced by individuals facing
extraordinary demands, constraints or opportunities?
a. Diversity
b. Personality
c. Stress
d. Values
20.Which of the following is an act of display among engaged healthcare employees?
a. More distracted on patient care and treatment
b. More focused on individual care
c. More focused on patient care and treatment
d. More focused on personal care
21.Why women do not reached the highest levels of organizations?
a. Higher representation of female
b. Low representation of female
c. Due to leaking pipeline
d. Women do not want to work on higher position
22.Which of the following theory developed to understand the psychological basis of
a. Social awareness theory
b. social identity theory
c. Social intelligence theory
d. Social learning theory
23.Which one of the following traits reflect the way a person appears to others when
interacting in various community settings?
a. Capital Traits
b. Deep Level Traits
c. Informal Traits
d. Social Traits

24.Which of the following traits relates to how much an individual experiences emotional
distress or displays unacceptable acts?
a. Emotional adjustment trait
b. Emotional empathy trait
c. Social empathy trait
d. Social intelligence trait
25.Which of the following refers to individual differences in attribates such as personality
and values.? ‫ميد‬
a. Deep-level diversity
b. Self-awareness
c. Self-efficacy
d. Surface-level diversity


1. What are the Common Perceptual Distortions? ‫مقالي ميد‬

• Stereotypes
• Halo Effects
• Selective Perception
• Projection
• Contrast Effects
• Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
2. Which of the following term is the creation of a new behavior by the positive
reinforcement of successive approximations to it?
a. Extinction
b. Punishment
c. Reinforcement
d. Shaping
3. During which stage of the perceptual process does the strongest impact of selective
perception occur?
a. Attention
b. Organization
c. Retrieval
d. Sorting
4. Which of the following is a common stereotype? Common Stereotypes
a. Money • Racial
• Ethnic
b. Ethnicity
• Gender
c. Education • Ability
d. Talent • Age
5. Which of the following is a common stereotype?’

a. Authority
b. Gender
c. Individual
d. Power
6. Which of the following term use to create or find in another situation or individual that
which one expected to find in the first place?
a. Attribution
b. Contrast effects
c. Selective perception
d. Self-fulfilling prophecy
7. What is projection mean?
a. The assignment of population attributes to other group
b. Assignment of someone else attributes to other individuals
c. The assignment of one’s personal attributes to other individuals
d. A classic projection is an illustration by team leaders

8. Which one of the following statement refer to stimulus?

a. Administration of a consequence as a result of a behavior
b. Something that incites action and draws forth a response
c. Mechanism that reflect action and draws forth no response
d. All mentioned above are correct

9. Which of the following is related to person schemas?

a. A knowledge of framework that describes the appropriate sequence of event in a given
b. Contains information about a persons own appearance, behavior and personality
c. Refer to the way individuals sort others into categories such as types of groups in terms
of similar perceived features
d. Combines schemas built around persons and events
10.What is Halo effects?
a. Occurs when one attribute of a person is used to develop an overall impression of
the individual or situation
b. Process of developing explanations or assigning perceived causes for events
c. The assignment of one’s personal attributes to other individuals
d. The meaning or interpretation of something
11.Which of the following occurs when one attribute of a person or situation is used to
develop an overall impression of that individual or situation?
a. Contrast error
b. Halo effect

c. Projection error
d. Statutory effect
12.Which of the following statements refer to perception?
a. Although important, perceptions have only a minor impact on the way people respond
to various situations
b. Process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to information
from the world around them
c. Attempt to identify where behavioral tendencies are similar and where they are
d. The way people respond to various situations
13.What does Social Learning Theory explain?
a. How knowledge build
b. How learning takes place
c. How social relations build
d. How behavior theories built
14.Which of the following are two types of selective screening?
a. Controlled processing and organizing
b. Controlled processing and motivate others
c. Controlled processing and screening without conscious awareness
d. Controlled processing and screening with conscious awareness

15.Negative reinforcement is also known as?

a. Advance learning
b. Advantage learning
c. Allied learning
d. Avoidance learning
16.Which of the following states that a reward should be given as soon as possible after the
desired behavior occurs?
a. Law of contingent reinforcement
b. Law of continuous reinforcement
c. Law of immediate reinforcement
d. Law of incremental reinforcement
17.What is the main goal of reinforcement principles?
a. Creation of a new behavior
b. Positively valued work outcomes
c. Systematically reinforce desirable behavior and discourage undesirable behavior
d. The administration of only negative consequences
18.Which of the following refers to the assignment of one’s personal attributes to other

a. Contrast effect
b. Halo effect
c. Projection
d. Selective perception
19.Which of the following refers to the process of controlling behavior by manipulating its
a. Classical conditioning
b. Operant conditioning
c. Reinforcement conditioning
d. Stimulus conditioning
20.Which of the following type of schemas sort people into categories-types or groups, in
terms of similar perceived features?
a. Person schema
b. Person in situation schema
c. Script schema
d. Self-schema
21.Which of the following refers to the process by which people select, organize, interpret,
retrieve, respond to information?
a. Attribution
b. Motivation
c. Perception
d. Projection
22.Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to underestimate the influence of
situational factors and to overestimate the influence of personal factors when
evaluating someone else's behavior? ‫جاء بلميد‬
a. Fundamental attribution error
b. Glass ceiling effect
c. Impression management
d. Self-serving bias-> underestimates internal factors and overestimates external factors as influences on
someone’s behavior.
23.Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to underestimates internal factors
and overestimates external factors as influences on someone’s behavior? ‫جاء بلميد‬
a. Fundamental attribution error
b. Glass ceiling effect
c. Impression management
d. Self-serving bias
24.Which of the following terms is the tendency to define problems from one's own point
of view.? ‫ميد‬
a. Behavior management
b. Halo effect

c. Impression management
d. Selective perception


1) What are the common facets of job satisfaction? ‫مقالي ميد‬

• The work itself
• Quality of supervision
• Relationships with co-workers
• Promotion opportunities
• Rewards Pay
2) Which of the following is the ability to understand emotions in ourselves and others and
to use that understanding to manage relationship effectively?
a. Attitude
b. Emotional intelligence
c. Feelings
d. Moods
3) Which of the following terms refers as strong positive or negative feelings directed
toward someone or something?
a. Attitude
b. Emotions
c. Mood
d. Self-awareness
4) Which of the following is a predisposition to respond positively or negatively to
someone or something ? ‫ميد‬
a. Attitude
b. Emotions
c. Halo effects
d. Self-efficacy
5) Which of the following statement can result in Employee absenteeism and turnover?
a. Can result in loss of awareness
b. Can result in loss of manger
c. Can result in loss of experience + Replacement costs for recruitment and training
d. Can result in loss of healthy life
6) Which of the following is one of the four Emotional Intelligence competencies?
a. Self-emotions
b. Self-management
c. Social emotions
d. Social management

7) Which of the following according to emotional intelligence has the ability to think
before acting and to control disruptive impulses?
a. Emotional contagion
b. Self-awareness
c. Self-management
d. Social awareness

8) How you may differentiate between mood and emotions?

a. Emotions causes are usually hard to identify compared with mood
b. Emotions are less action oriented compared with mood
c. Mood can be in a variety of forms and types unlike emotions
d. Mood can be last long compared with emotions
9) Which statement about moods is accurate?
1. A positive or negative mood can influence emotions
2. Moods are more intense, compared with emotions
3. Moods always lack a contextual stimulus
4. Moods are more fleeting than emotions

10) What is social emotions?

a. Emotions arises from external sources + (pity, envy, jealousy) and information.
b. Emotions arises from internal sources
c. Emotion shown by family members
d. Emotion shown by general population
Self-conscious emotions Arise from internal sources (shame, guilt, embarrassment, pride)
and helps individuals regulate their relationships with others.

11) Which of the following is correct about Social emotions?

a. Arise from internal sources (pity, envy, jealousy) and information
b. Arise from external sources (pity, envy, jealousy) and information
c. Arise from external sources (shame, guilt, embarrassment, pride) and helps
individuals regulate their relationships with others
d. Arise from the person abilities
12) Which of the following emotions help individuals stay aware of and regulate their
relationships with others?
a. Internal
b. Open
c. Recognized
d. Self-conscious

13) Which of the following is true about emotions?

a. Emotion and mood have same effect
b. Emotions are strong positive or negative feelings directed toward something or
c. Emotions could not be managed or controlled
d. Emotions have no effect on the behavior

14) What does affective component of attitude explain?

a. No feelings at all
b. Only negative feeling to someone or something
c. Only positive feeling to someone or something
d. Positive and negative feeling to someone or something
15) What is attitude?
a. Predisposition to ignore someone or something in one’s environment
b. Predisposition to respond in only negative way to someone or something in one’s
c. Predisposition to respond in a positive or negative way to someone or something in
one’s environment
d. Predisposition to respond in only a positive way to someone or something in one’s

16) Degree of loyalty an individual feel towards organization is called.

a. Individual commitment
b. Job commitment
c. Organizational commitment
d. Personal commitment
17) Which of the following statement defines Job Satisfaction?
a. An attitude reflecting a person’s positive and negative feelings toward a job, co-
workers, and
b. Describes a state of inconsistency between an individual’s attitude and/or between
c. Extent to which an individual is dedicated to a job
d. Intention to behave in a certain way based on the affect in one’s attitude

18) Which of the following is not considered one of the six major types of emotions?
a. Anger
b. Joy
c. Love
d. Interest

19) What is the meaning of Organizational Citizenship?

a. Willingness to “go beyond the call of duty” or “go the extra mile” in one’s work
b. Dissatisfied workers are absent more frequently, more like to quit, or at least on the
lookout for different employment
c. Degree of loyalty an individual feel toward an organization
d. Reflects feelings that job serves one’s financial, developmental, and professional
20) Which of the following defines extent to which an individual is dedicated to a job?
a. Emotional commitment
b. Employee engagement
c. Job involvement
d. Job satisfaction
21) Which of the following defines spillover effects of one’s emotions and mood onto
others? Emotional labor – relates to the need to show certain emotions in order
a. Emotion and mood contagion to perform a job well.
b. Emotional dissonance Emotional dissonance – emotions we actually feel are inconsistent with
c. Emotional Intelligence the emotions we try to project.
d. Emotional labor
22) Which of the following terms refers to the emotions and moods that people
experience in their life context?
a. Affect
b. Attitude
c. Effect
d. Emotional intelligence
23) Which of the following term refers to feeling "a profound connection" with the
organization and "a passion" for one's job.? ‫ميد‬
a. Emotional commitment
b. Employee engagement
c. Psychological withdrawal
d. Rational commitment


1. List 4 of the ways that employees and workers might engage to reduce perceived
negative inequity. ‫مقالي ميد‬
• Reduce work inputs
• Change the outcomes received
• Leave the situation
• Change the comparison points
• Psychologically distort things
• Try to change the efforts of the comparison person

2. Which h of the following is the correct order as per Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs from
the lowest (lower-order need) to the highest (higher-order need)?
a. Safety, social physiological, esteem, and self-actualization
b. Esteem, safety, social, physiological, and self-actualization
c. Social, esteem, self-actualization, physiological, and safety
d. Physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization

3. Which one of the following theories identifies five levels of individuals needs
a. Maslow’s needs theory
b. Process theories
c. Physiological theories
d. Safety theories
4. Which of the following needs old Maslow describe as higher-order needs?
a. Esteem, social, and safety
b. Safety, self-actualization, and social
c. Self-actualization and esteem
d. Social and esteem
5. Which of the following is the higher order need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
a. Esteem
b. Physiological
c. Safety
d. Social
6. How do we label motivating people towards higher performance by encouraging the
setting of higher performance goals?
a. Motivational feedback
b. Performance feedback
c. Task feedback
d. Work feedback

7. What is meant by the feeling of negative inequity in the context of equity theory?
a. Individual feels he/she always receive higher valuing than others
b. Individual feels he/she has received relatively less than others
c. Individual feels others have received relatively less than him/her
d. Individual feels that no one should receive more than him/her
8. Which of the following actions may result in Felt positive in-equity?
a. Receiving less payment for more qualification
b. Receiving relatively less than others in proportion to work inputs
c. Receiving relatively more than others
d. Receiving same as other workers

9. Which of the following exists when an individual believes that he or she has received
relatively less than others in proportion to work efforts?
a. Felt negative inequity
b. Felt positive inequity
c. Over reward inequity
d. Procedural justice
10.Which of the following is a one way of restoring a sense of equity?
a. Change the comparison points • Reduce work inputs.
b. Have stable outcomes • Change the outcomes received.
c. Increase work inputs • Leave the situation.
• Psychologically distort things.
d. Keep the same effort of the comparison person
• Try to change the efforts of the comparison person.

11.In the context of motivation, persistence refers to which of the following?

a. An individual’s choice when presented with several possible alternatives
b. The amount of effort a person puts forth
c. The different needs that an individual is trying to satisfy
d. The length of time a person sticks with a given action
12.In the context of motivation, Level refers to which of the following?
a. An individual’s choice when presented with several possible alternatives
b. The amount of effort a person puts forth
c. The different needs that an individual is trying to satisfy
d. The length of time a person sticks with a given action
13.In the context of motivation, Direction refers to which of the following?
a. An individual’s choice when presented with several possible alternatives
b. The amount of effort a person puts forth
c. The different needs that an individual is trying to satisfy
d. The length of time a person sticks with a given action
14.Which of the following statement is correct, in the context of motivation level?
a. The length of time a person sticks with a given action
b. The amount of effort a person puts forth
c. When presented with a number of possible alternatives
d. The different needs that an individual is trying to satisfy
15.How do you define level in motivation?
a. The amount of effort a person puts forth
b. The amount of money a person invests
c. The amount of money a person makes
d. The amount of time a person dedicates

16.Which of the following defines the degree to which rules are always properly followed
to implement policies?
• 2-Distributive justice - degree to which all people are treated the same
a. Commutative justice under a policy, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age or any other
b. Distributive justice demographic characteristic.
c. Interactional justice • 3-Interactional justice - degree to which the people affected by a decision
are treated with dignity and respect.
d. Procedural justice
• 4-Commutative Justice – degree to which exchanges and transactions
among parties is considered free and fair.
17.Which of the following refers to the degree to which all people are treated the same
rules with no one getting special favors or exceptions?
a. Commutative justice.
b. Distributive justice.
c. Interactional justice.
d. Procedural justice.

18.What is meant by the need of power in the context of acquired needs theory?
a. Desire to control family
b. Desire to control friends
c. Desire to control others
d. Desire to control events

19.Which of the following is a type of motivation theories?

a. Content theory +Process theories
b. Direction theory
c. Needs theory
d. Persistence theory
20.Which of the following theory identifies job context as the source of job dissatisfaction
and job content as the source of job satisfaction?
a. Alderfer’s ERG Theory
b. Content theories
c. Process theories
d. Two factor theory +Also known Hygiene factors
21.Which of the following are sources of job satisfaction found in job content? ‫جاء بلميد‬
A. Attitude
B. Hygiene factors
C. Motivator factors
D. Self-efficacy

22.Which of the following are sources of job dissatisfaction found in job context? ‫ميد‬
A. Attitude

B. Hygiene factors
C. Motivator factors
D. Self-efficacy

23.Which of the following is an example of the hygiene factors in Herzberg theory?

a. Achievement
b. Base wage
c. Growth
d. Recognition

24.Which of the following are the desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships?
a. Existence needs Existence: Desires for physiological and material well-being
b. Growth needs
c. Relatedness needs Growth: Desires for continued personal growth and development.
d. Social needs
25.Which of the following theories is classified as a content theory?
a. Expectancy theory
b. Equity theory
c. ERG theory + Alderfer’s ERG Theory of Motivation
d. Goal-setting theory
26.Which of the following best suit for the satisfied job designs that provide a sense of
meaning and importance in work?
a. Need to acquire
b. Need to bond
c. Need to comprehend
d. Need to defend

27.Which of the following content theories of motivation is associated with the needs for
achievement, affiliation, and power?
a. Acquired needs theory
b. Hierarchy of needs theory
c. Motivation-hygiene theory
d. Two-factor theory
28.Which of the following theories defines any perceived inequity becomes a motivating
state of mind?

a. Equity theory
b. Social identity theory
c. Social justice theory
d. Social learning theory
29.Which of the following is an ability to turn knowledge into action that results in a
desired performance?
a. Controlling
b. Leading
c. Managing
d. Skills
30.Which of the following refers to the process of developing, negotiating, and formalizing
the targets or objectives that a person is responsible for accomplishing?
a. Equity restoration
b. Expectancy
c. Felt positive inequity
d. Goal setting
31.Which of the following describes the value attached by the individual to various work
a. Expectancy -> effort will yield acceptable performance
b. Instrumentality-> performance will be rewarded
c. Motivation
d. Valence
32.Which of the following is a content theory of motivation? ‫ميد‬
A. Equity theory
B. Expectancy theory
C. Management by objectives
D. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
33.Which of the following is a process theory of motivation? ‫ميد‬
A. Acquired needs theory
B. Expectancy theory
C. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
D. Two factors theory


1. What of the following is the main criticisms for using profit- sharing plans?
a. Employee felt inequality
b. Employees earn more
c. More competitive work environment
d. Profit is not always a direct result of employees’ efforts

2. What is 360 evaluation?

a. Evaluation for internal and external workers’ social interactions
b. Evaluation of employees’ performance by their direct supervisor only
c. Evaluation of the educational level and skills for each employee
d. Evaluations from a person’s managers, peers, and subordinates, as well as internal
and external customers and self-ratings
3. Which of the following make assessments based on a combination of feedback from a
person's bosses, peers and subordinates, internal and external customers, and self-
ratings? ‫ميد‬
A. 360° Review
B. Critical incident diaries
C. Ranking
D. Task identity
4. Which of the following is a comparative of performance assessment? ‫ميد‬
A. A 360° Review
B. Cntical incident diaries
C. Ranking + Paired Comparisons + Forced Distribution
D. Task identity
5. How can we define intrinsic rewards?
a. Valued outcome received directly as internal enjoyment of task performance
b. Valued outcome received for massive achievement
c. Valued outcome received from external source or person
d. Valued outcome recommended based on annual performance evaluation
Extrinsic rewards- Positively valued work outcomes that are given to an individual or group
by some other person or source in the work setting.

6. How will you label the compensation system that directly ties an individual’s salary
increase to measure the performance accomplishments during a specific time period?
a. Bonus
b. Merit pay
c. Pay for performance
d. Salary
7. Which of the following defines reward people for acquiring and developing job relevant
a. Cain sharing
b. Profit sharing plan
c. Skill based pay
d. Stock options

8. Which of the following creates management and organizational practices that would
increase people’s efficiency at work?
a. Job enlargement
b. Job rotation
c. Job simplification
d. Scientific management
9. Which of the following is one of the purposes of performance management?
a. Evaluation
b. Evolvement
c. Examination
d. Exploration
10.Which of the following statement is related to “Pay for Performance”?
a. When pay is good it can help organizations attract and retain highly capable workers
b. When pay is good it encourages organizations to fire highly capable workers
c. When pay is low it encourages organizations to hire large number of workers
d. When pay is low it encourages workers to work hard
11.What is the purpose of alternative work arrangements?
a. Keep more busy in work life and family life
b. Make work life hard and family life easy
c. No relation with work life and family life
d. Provide work life balance and more family friendly employer
12.Which of the following is a pay system that links pay and performance by giving the
workers the opportunity to share in productivity gains through increased earnings?
a. Gain sharing
b. Performance pay
c. Sanctioned pay
d. Skill based pay
13.Which of the following means that they actually measure something of direct referance
to job performance.? ‫ميد‬
a. Merit pay
b. Performance-contingent pay
c. Reliability
d. Validity
14.Which of the following refers to the process of specifying job tasks and work
arrangements that allow them to be accomplished.? ‫ميد‬
A. Job design
B. Job involvement
C. Job rotation
D. Job satisfaction

.... ‫نهاية الميد‬


1. When a decision maker faces two or more ethically uncomfortable alternatives, it is

referred to as which of the following?
a. Criteria question
b. Justice decision
c. Moral dilemma
d. Rational decision
2. Which decision simply implement solutions that have already been determined by past
e. Crisis Decision
f. Non-programmed Decision
g. Programmed Decision
h. Uncertainty Decision
3. Which of the following are routine problems that arise on a regular basis and which can
be addressed through standard responses?
a. Arbitrary decisions
b. Non-programmed decisions
c. Programmed decisions
d. Standardized decisions
4. Which of the following decisions made as standardized response to recurring situation
and routine problem?
a. Crisis decision
b. non-programmed decision
c. Programmed decision
d. Uncertainty
5. Which of the following terms approaches problems in a rational and analytical fashion?
a. Behavioral Decision
b. Classical Decision Intuitive Thinking Problem approach that is flexible and spontaneous. A key
element of decision-making under risky and uncertainty conditions.
c. Intuitive Thinking
d. Systematic Thinking
6. Which of the following problem approaches that flexible and spontaneous?
a. Heuristics thinking
b. Intuitive thinking
c. Judgmental thinking
d. Systematic thinking

7. Which of the following is NOT one of the five basic steps involved in the rational
decision model?
a. Recognize and define the problem or opportunity 1
b. Identify and analyze alternative courses of action, and estimate their effects on the
problem or opportunity 2 4. Implement the preferred course of action
c. Choose a preferred course of action 3
5. Evaluate results and follow up as necessary
d. Conduct a stakeholders needs analysis

8. What is the first step in the rational decision model?

a. Choosing a preferred course of action 3
b. Identifying the alternative courses of action 2
c. Implementing the preferred course of action 4
d. Recognizing and defining the problem or opportunity

9. Which of the following terms base a decision on recent events relating to the situation in
a. Adjustment Heuristic anchoring and adjustment heuristic bases a decision on incremental
adjustments to an initial value determined by historical precedent or some
b. Anchoring Heuristic
reference point.
c. Availability Heuristic
d. Representativeness HeuristicRepresentativeness heuristic bases a decision on similarities between the
situation at hand and stereotypes of similar occurrences.

10.What decisions are made by one individual after seeking input from or consulting with
the members of a group?
Individual decisions, or authority decisions, are made by one person on
a. Alternative Decision
behalf of the team.
b. Consultative Decision
c. Individual Decision Team decisions are made by all members of the team.

d. Team Decision
11.When important people are excluded from the decision-making process, the situation is
a. Lack of decision support
b. Lack of knowledge
c. Lack of participation error
d. Lack of team management
12.Which of the following is the process of choosing a course of action for dealing with a
problem or opportunity?
a. Decision-making
b. Information-processing
c. Judgment resolution
d. Opportunity analysis

13.Which one of the following conflicts can be caused by rivalries and personality
differences? Levels of Conflict in Organizations
a. Intergroup conflict
• Intrapersonal Pressure from incompatible (internal) goals or expectations
b. Inter-organizational conflict • Intergroup Causes are substantive (competition for resources) or
c. Interpersonal conflict emotional
d. Intrapersonal conflict • Inter-organizational Competition for market share
14.Which of the following explains when decision maker faces two or more ethically
uncomfortable alternatives?
Causes are
a. Ethical alternative
b. Ethical decision substantive

c. Moral dilemma (competition for

d. Recognition resources) or
15.Which of the following defines team leader receives input from other people and then,
based on this information, makes a decision?
a. Authority decision
b. Bias decision
c. consultative decision
d. Team decision
16.Which of the following is a personal creativity driver?
a. Creative membership
b. Decision techniques
c. External
d. Task expertise +Task motivation+ Creativity skill set
17.Which of the following involves anticipating risks and factoring them into decision
a. Behavior decision
b. Classical decision
c. Risk management
d. Satisficing decision


1. How you may describe the process of focusing the attention of potentially conflicting
individuals and teams on one mutually desirable conclusion?
a. Altering scripts and myths
b. Appeal to common goals
C. Managed interdependence
c. Upward referral

2. How you may specify the action of a manager which is part of a team whose members
are negotiating?
a. Constituency negotiation
b. Group negotiation
c. Intergroup negotiation
d. Two-party negotiation

3. In which of the following negotiations managers negotiate directly with one other
a. Constituency negotiation
b. Group negotiation
c. Intergroup negotiation
d. Two party negotiation

4. How you may classify the positive constructive disagreement?

a. Dysfunctional conflict - Destructive to an individual or team.
b. Felt conflict
c. Functional conflict
d. Personal conflict
2. Which of the following term is another name of dysfunctional conflict?
a. Constructive conflict
b. Destructive conflict
c. Functional conflict
d. Inter-organizational conflict
3. Which of the following is the process of making joint decisions when the parties
involved have different preferences? .‫عملية اتخاذ قرارات مشتركة عندما يكون لألطراف المعنية تفضيالت مختلفة‬
a. Conflict
b. Communication
c. Competition
d. Negotiation
4. In which one of the following stages of conflicts the substantive or emotional differences
are sensed?
a. Antecedent conditions
b. Felt conflict
c. Manifest conflict
d. Perceived conflict

5. Which of the following negotiation focuses on the merits of the issues and the parties
involved try to enlarge the available pie rather? Ch10/P.226
a. Distributive negotiation ‫ يركز على مزايا القضايا‬.‫يسمى أحيانا التفاوض المبدئي‬
b. Effective negotiation
Distributive negotiation Focuses on positions staked out or declared by the
c. Integrative negotiation conflicting parties.
d. Soft distributive negotiation
‫التفاوض التوزيعي يركز على المواقف المعلقة أو المعلن عنها من قبل األطراف المتنازعة‬

6. Which one of the following conflicts occurs between persons or group working at the
same hierarchical level? o Vertical conflict Occurs between levels and commonly involves supervisor-
a. Horizontal conflict subordinate and team-leader disagreements over resources, goals,
deadlines, or performance results.
b. Line-staff conflict
o Line-staff conflict Involves disagreements between line and staff personnel
c. Role ambiguity conflicts over who has authority and control over decisions on matters such as
d. Vertical conflict budgets, technology, and human resource practices.
o Role ambiguity conflicts: Occur when the communication of task
expectations is unclear or upsetting in some way.

7. Which of the following defines situation which the underlying reasons for a given
destructive conflict are eliminated?
a. Conflict antecedents
b. Conflict resolution
c. Culture and conflict
d. Functional conflict
8. Which of the following is a benefit of functional conflict?
a. Can decrease performance and job satisfaction Potential benefits of functional conflict
-Brings important problems to the surface so they
b. Hurts group cohesion
can be addressed.
c. Promotes interpersonal hostilities -Causes decisions to be carefully considered.
d. Provides opportunities for creativity -Increases amount of information used for decision
-Provides opportunities for creativity.

9. Which of the following defines a range between one party’s minimum reservation point
and the other party’s maximum reservation point?
a. Bargaining zone
b. Distributive negotiation
c. Integrative negotiation
d. Effective negotiation


1. Which of the following power arises from influence with a powerful person on whom
other depends?
Connection Power The ability to call on connections and networks both inside
a. Association power and outside the organization for support in getting things done and in
meeting one’s goals.

b. Connection power
c. Coercive power
d. Legitimate power
2. Which of the following is a type of a position power in an organization?
a. Connection Power
1-Legitimate 2-Reward 3-Coercive
b. Legitimate Power
c. Personal Power 4-Process 5-Information 6-Representative
d. Referent Power
3. What type of right is expressed in legitimate power equation between the managers
and subordinates?
a. Right to command
b. Right to respect
c. Right to complain
d. Right to argue
4. When manager use subordinates’ internalized values or beliefs that the boss has a right
of command, is called?
a. Coercive power
b. Hierarchical thinking
c. Legitimate power
d. Personal power
5. Which of the following is a type of position power?
a. Connection
b. Information
c. Personal
d. Position
6. How you may define the power that made the employees work against their will in an
a. Control Power
b. Dependency
c. Force
d. Social Power
7. What is force?
a. Dependency upon others
b. Natural power
c. Being rewarded by others
d. Power made operative against another's will
8. Which of the following is power that comes from the ability to influence another in a
social relation?
a. Group power

b. Individual power
c. Organizational power
d. Social Power
9. Which of the following term is the use of punishment when others do not comply with
influence attempts?
a. Coercive power
b. Legitimate power
c. Personal power
d. Reward power

10.Which of the following means, "system to accomplish a task or goal when the normal
process or method isn't producing the desired result"?
a. Force
b. Network
c. Power base
d. Workarounds
11.Which of the following is termed as shared perceptions about the political nature of the
a. General Politics
b. Individual Politics
c. Organizational Political Climate
d. Organizational Politics

12.According to Structural Holes theory who bridges the gaps between individuals and
groups in a social network?
a. Brokers
b. Managers
c. Stake holders
d. Traders
13.Which of the following helps individuals navigate politics in organization?
a. Building Local Bases
b. Building Personal Bases
c. Building Personnel Bases
d. Building Power Bases
14.Which of the following is the problem of powerlessness?
a. Abundance of autonomy and participation
b. High control over selves and work
c. Lack of autonomy and participation
d. Lack of helplessness and alienation

15.Which among the following statements defines power most appropriately?

a. Ability to influence others
b. Being rewarded by others
c. Dependency upon others
d. Forceful behaviour of an individual
16.When one person or group relies on another person or group to get what they want, or
need is called?
a. Delivery
b. Dependency
c. Diplomacy
d. Diversity
17.Which of the following statement explains Zero sum game?
a. I win, you lose
b. Some win, sum lose, some remain neutral.
c. Together all of us win
d. You win, I lose.
18.Which of the following term represents a belief that "for me to gain power, you must
lose power"?
a. Empowerment
b. Iron Law of Responsibility
c. Powerlessness
d. Zero sum game

19.In Networking, Human capital brings what type of assets in the workplace?
a. Financial assets
b. Intellectual assets
c. Potential connections
d. Social connections
20.Which among the following is a true characteristic of Connection power?
a. Expert Opinion
b. Formal Access
c. Legitimacy
d. Network Centrality

21. Which of the following is a source of power?

a. Permanent Personal power
• Expert Power – The power a person has because of special skills
b. Personal + Referent Power and abilities that others need but do not possess themselves.
c. Plural • Referent Power – The ability to alter another’s behavior because
d. Professional of the individual’s desire to identify with the power source.

22.Which of the following are the two sources of personal power?

a. Amateur power and skilled power
b. Expert power and referent power
c. Political Power and referral power
d. Position power and experience power

23.What kind of system in organizational politics dictates what is to be done in

organizations and how work processes are to be coordinated and structured?
a. Certified System
b. Formal System
c. Informal System
d. Official System
24.What kind of system in organizational politics Patterns of activity and relationships that
arise in everyday activities as individuals and groups work to get things done?
a. Certified System
b. Formal System
c. Informal System
d. Official System

25.In which condition people of strong personal integrity and intelligence engage in
unethical and selfish behavior in the pinnacle or power?
a. Bathsheba Syndrome
b. Constructive Resistance
c. General Adaptation Syndrome
d. Grandiose illusion
26.Which of the following describes constructive resistance response resulting from
applied power influence in an organization?
a. Dependent on the organization size and power applied
b. No such response may have achieved from power application
c. The individuals ignore or dismiss the request of the influencing agent
d. The influencing agent challenge the individuals to rethink about the issue
27.Which of the following term involves ignoring or dismissing the request of the
influencing agent?
a. Compliance
b. Commitment
c. Constructive resistance
d. Dysfunctional Resistance

28.When an individual involves in a more passive form of non-compliance in which she/he

ignore or dismiss the request of the influencing agent is called?
a. Constructive resistance
b. Dysfunctional resistance
c. formal systems
d. informal systems
29.Which of the following terms defines knowledge, skills and intellectual assets
employees bring to the workplace?
a. Human capital
b. Personal power
c. Position power
d. Social capital -> The current or potential resources gained through one’s network.
30.Which of the following terms defines a lack of autonomy and participation?
a. Dependence
b. Inducement
c. Powerfulness
d. Powerlessness


1. Which of the following is known as the study of manager-subordinate relationship

a. Collective leadership
b. Follower role orientation
c. Leader-member exchange
d. Social constructive theory
2. Which of the following refers to the extent to which individual choose to assume
leadership training, roles, and responsibility?
a. Co-leadership
b. Distributed leadership
c. Motivation to lead
d. Romance of leadership
3. Which of the following refers to the tendency to attribute organizational outcomes to
the acts and doings of leaders?
a. Followership
b. Implicit leadership theories
c. Romance of leadership
d. Social construction theory
4. Which of the following describes tendency to attribute organizational outcomes (both
good and bad) to the acts and doing of leaders?

a. Constructive follower orientation

b. Follower role orientation
c. Power distance orientation
d. Romance of leadership
5. Which one of the following occurs when leadership is divided so that on one person has
not unilateral power to lead?
a. Co-Leadership
b. Collective leadership
c. Shared leadership
d. Distributed Leadership
6. Which one is the view of leadership not as a property of individuals and their behaviors
but as a social phenomenon constructed in interaction?
a. Collective leadership
b. Co-leadership
c. Distributed leadership
d. Shared leadership
7. Which of the following describes leadership is a dynamic, interactive influence process
among team members working to achieve goals?
a. Co leadership
b. Distributed leadership
c. Norm of reciprocity
d. Shared leadership
8. Which of the following refers to a process through which individuals choose how they
will engage with leaders to co-produce leadership and its outcomes?
a. Co leadership
b. Followership
c. Leadership
d. Romance of leadership
9. Which of the following is the capacity or willingness to follow a leader?
a. Followership
b. Identity construction
c. Implicit leadership
d. Romance of leadership
10.Which of the following reflects the belief that followers should act in ways that are
helpful, useful, and productive to leadership outcomes?
a. Constructive follower orientation
b. Follower role orientation
c. Leadership orientation
d. Power distance orientation

11.Which of the following terms refers to the extent to which one accepts that power in
institutions and organizations is distributed unequally?
a. Constructive Follower Orientation
b. Follower Role Orientation
c. Power Distance Orientation
d. Romance of leadership
12.Which of the following terms refers to Defined as the beliefs followers hold about the
way they should engage and interact with leaders to meet the needs of the work unit?
a. Constructive Follower Orientation
b. Follower Role Orientation
c. Power Distance Orientation
d. Romance of leadership
13.Which of the following refers to the actions people take to bestow an identity of a
leader or follower onto another person?
a. Granting
b. Claiming ->refers to actions people take to assert their identity as a leader or follower.
c. Following
d. Leading
14.When the actions people take to assert their identity as a leader or follower is called?
a. Claiming
b. Ciranting
c. Identity
d. Process
15.Which of the following term refers to the extent to which the amount of what is given
back is roughly the same as what was received?
a. Equivalence
b. Immediacy ->How quickly the repayment is made.
c. Interest -> The motive behind the exchange.
d. Idiosyncrasy Credits
16.In which of the following leadership is constructed and produced in social and relational
interactions among people acting in a context?
a. Collective leadership
b. Formal constructive leadership
c. Leadership identity construction
d. Socially constructed leadership
17.Which one of the following leaderships occurs when leaders within the organization
influence those at higher levels to create change?
a. Formal leadership
b. Informal leadership

c. Downward leadership
d. Upward leadership
18.Which of the following leadership is exerted by persons appointed or elected to
positions formal authority?
a. Downward leadership
b. formal leadership
c. Informal leadership
d. Upward leadership
19.Which of the following leadership is exerted by persons who become influential
because they have special skills that meet the resource needs of others?
a. Downward leadership
b. formal leadership
c. Informal leadership
d. Upward leadership


1. Which of the following views see leadership as the acts of great leaders who inspire and
motivate others to accomplish extraordinary things?
a. Cultural views
b. Heroic views
c. Perspective views
d. Standard views
2. Which of the following states that organizations should create economic value in a way
that also creates value for society?
a. Emergence
b. Ethical climate
c. Profit motive
d. Shared value
3. Which of the following leadership fuels innovation, adaptability, and change?
a. Adaptive leadership Administrative Leadership Occurs in formal, managerial roles and focuses
b. Administrative leadership on alignment and control aimed at driving business results.
c. Entrepreneurial leadership Adaptive Leadership Operates in the interface between the administrative
d. Ethical leadership and entrepreneurial systems fosters conditions for emergence.
4. Which of the following is a danger of charismatic leadership?
a. Power distance
b. Power distribution
c. Power orientation
d. Power wielders

5. Which of the following refers to a characteristic of servant leadership?

a. Leaders focus on alignment and control
b. Leaders focus on innovation, adaptability, and change
c. Leaders focus on inspirational relationships
d. leaders selflessly serve other first
6. Which of the following leadership involves a focus on exchanging valued goods in return
for something leaders want?
a. Management leadership
b. Technical leadership
c. Transactional leadership
d. Transformational leadership-> Involves inspirational relationships in which both
leaders and followers are positively transformed in the process.


1. What does organizational culture refer as in the business setting?

a. Corporate culture
b. External adaptation
c. Management
d. Working culture
2. Which of the following refers to any object, act, or event that serves to transmit cultural
meaning? + (i.e., the color brown and the nickname “Big Brown” is associated with UPS).
a. Cultural roles
b. Cultural niles
c. Cultural symbols
d. Organizational myths
3. Which of the following layers of cultural analysis shows the way things are done in an
a. Multi culture
b. National culture
c. Observable culture
d. Shared values
4. Which of the following defines unproven and often unstated beliefs that are accepted
a. Organizational believe
b. Organizational culture
c. Organizational myths
d. Organizational truth
5. Which of the following terms defines groups whose patterns of values and philosophies
outwardly reject those of the larger organization?

a. Counterculture
b. Observable culture
c. Shared values
d. Subculture
6. Which of the following are standardized and recurring activities used at special times to
influence the behaviors and understanding of organizational members?
a. Rites
b. Rituals-> are systems of rites.
c. Saga-> Heroic accounts of organizational accomplishments.
d. Stories


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