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12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.


19 reasons why you're not getting a job in

vfx, games or animation.
by Andrew McDonald 2 years ago 10 MIN READ

We all know it can be difficult to break into creative industries. Competition for
jobs is global, junior talent is strong and every month more and more artists
graduate and are competing for jobs. It's not all doom and gloom though.
There really are plenty of great jobs out there. The hard truth is that too many
of you are making simple mistakes that can be avoided. 1/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

In this article I have highlighted some of the most common reasons why
people don't get offered jobs and miss out on opportunities that can change
their lives.

Not understanding the job

You are not showing the recruiter you understand what the actual job
involves. The harsh truth is that you are not going to be creating the hero
character for a film as a junior artist. You are not going to be lighting or
compositing a complex battle sequence. You are not going to be animating an
entire action sequence by yourself. So stop trying to create this content in your
personal projects and falling short.

Instead of setting the bar so high, show skills that

will support the lead artists instead. Spend time
creating background assets and even props that the
hero characters might interact with.

Create background animation performance loops that are refined and subtle.
By doing these "less glamorous" projects you show your understanding of
what your job will start out as and that you can fit into any team.

You need to get some runs on the board

Applying to ILM, Weta Digital, Riot Games is not to be discouraged, but the
chances of getting hired at the top tier companies with no experience are very 2/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

slim. I get it, everyone wants to work at the big name companies, but it's
getting harder and harder to land those jobs as a junior artist.

Don't give up on these dreams, don't stop applying for the jobs and building
relationships with the recruiters. Make sure you also apply for jobs at smaller
local studios. Not only will this dramatically improve your portfolio, it will
strengthen your professional network and build your confidence which is
probably lacking a little right about now. Get some runs on the board and
applying for a job at your dream company will become a lot more achievable.

You are relying on a piece of paper too

I get it, you've spent all your money and time on a great course. You have a
shiny new diploma, certificate or degree and your school has been pumping
you up to apply for jobs. The problem is, a degree is no guarantee to getting a
job. It surely helps, but don't rely on too heavily on this piece of paper. Treat it
like an ace up your sleeve. It's there, it will come in handy one day but if your
portfolio is filled with tutorial based projects and half-finished renders you will
not be getting any job offers soon.

You have no solid foundation skills

It doesn't matter how nice that Zbrush detailing is on your dragon, if your base
mesh doesn't show any knowledge of anatomy or balance you are never going
to impress anyone.

There is nothing worse that seeing someone spending time on the final
touches of a project when the foundations are so weak. It's exactly why
engineers and construction workers spend so long creating foundations for 3/15
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buildings. It's where all the long hours are spent. It's where people see a big
hole in the ground and are not impressed. But without this foundation, the
building will never work.

I'm always more impressed with someone who

decides to model a hand in different poses and really
nails it, than someone who attempts to model a full
digital double with sausage fingers.

Spend time working on your own foundation skills before you get distracted
by all the nice tools at your disposal. Spend time truly understanding
anatomy, balance, light, composition and colour before you even think about
fine detail to any model, texture, animation or environment.

You are expecting recruiters to watch

It's a great feeling sitting back and watching your own demo reel and looking
over your portfolio. It's a time to reflect and congratulate yourself on how
much your skills have improved. However, don't expect a recruiter to have the
same passion for your work. Their job is to hire the best person for an open
position. They have a very keen eye for skills and are also on tight schedules
too, so don't expect them to watch a 5 minute demo reel or flick through
countless images.

It's been said a million times before, but make sure to only include your best
work. A demo reel with one good project is much more impressive that a
demo reel with one good project and a bunch of fluff. You are always 4/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

remembered for your weakest work, so don't give the recruiter a chance to see

You don't have a work Visa or a degree

This obviously doesn't relate to all jobs, but if you are applying for a job
overseas you will most likely need a visa and an accredited degree. Without
these you are really going to struggle even being considered for a job and you
are probably wasting your time with the application in the first place.

Getting yourself a degree is a requirement for many

countries and without it there is little to no chance
you will even be considered for a junior role.

Don't give up though, it means you should apply for a few local jobs, remote
freelance work, what ever it takes to get a few projects on your resume. This is
also another reason why getting a degree from a reputable school is

I know there is a huge financial overhead on this approach and it's not
obtainable to everyone but there are options out there. Take for example the
Rookie Awards, there are loads of Educational scholarships available each
year to help even out the playing field.

If you are not sure where to start in order to get a degree, there are also free
advisers you can speak to that can help find you a school based on location,
budget and career goals. Follow this link to speak to an independent school
adviser today. 5/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

You are showing the wrong style of

When applying for a job at a visual effects studio, don't show all your cartoony
style projects. You need to match your work to the studio. If the studios
creates photorealistic work for feature films, they are not going to be
impressed by someone who creates cute characters and environments. Sure,
it shows you can use 3D software and that you have some skill, but it also
shows you have no idea what work they create for clients.

If you are applying for a job with a Visual Effects studio, show photorealistic
work. Take photographs of objects and build them. Get footage of a dog and
roto animate to the footage. Create an explosion, but make sure it's integrated
into a live action plate. This goes the same for Games studios and Animation
Studios too. Match your work to their style and you will get a lot more job
offers in your inbox.

You are creating visually disturbing

This one happens all the time and it's an absolute red flag for so many
reasons. I get it, you have the tools to create anything you want on the

However, it doesn't mean you should create a

creature that could be used in a science fiction porn
movie. 6/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

If you enjoy creating content like this, that's fine. However, I strongly suggest
you spend time on other projects that use your new found anatomy skills on
something a studio can work with, and actually shows some variety.

You are showing you can't work to a

One of the most important skills any artist can have is the ability to work to a
schedule. Films and games often work to tight schedules and it's essential
that you can manage your own work and stick to a deadline.

So before you start your next project that involves creating four hero
characters, a complex performance and a highly detailed environment... take
a step back and set realistic goals. You need to make sure you have enough
time to actually complete your work and meet the brief you have set.
Otherwise you are going to have a demo reel filled with a bunch of half
finished content and a list of excuses that no one wants to hear.

You have never worked to a brief

There is nothing more frustrating to a recruiter than having an artist show
random works of art. You need to show projects that have been created with a
solid brief from someone other than yourself. Make it up if you must, but set
limitations to your project in terms of schedule, theme and technology. Enter
a contest if that helps, but just set yourself a brief.

Showing your finished project is great, but you will

have a lot more to talk about and discuss with a 7/15
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recruiter if you can explain the brief you worked

towards and the challenges you had to deal with.

You are showing you don't care enough

It might seem like a small thing, but presenting your work as playblasts or
poorly rendered content is not a good idea. To be honest it's actually wasting
people's time. If you can't take the time to properly present your work it
shows you won't take pride in presenting your work each day on the job.

So before you send off your new demo reel in a rush, spend the right amount
of time to present your work properly. This is actually a huge part of an artists
job. Every day you will be asked to present your work to your supervisor, lead
or team. So get used to it and show that you care about how you present your
work to others.

You wasted your time building a

If you have a WIX site, a Wordpress site or anything other than an Artstation or
Rookies portfolio, you are kidding yourself.

Firstly, you are not going to impress a recruiter with a fancy slideshow header,
or a nice spinning logo. It's just not going to happen. They want to see your
work that relates to them, not to a web development agency.

Secondly, it's highly likely that your site is slow and has a poor user
experience. Plus, recruiters are creatures of habit. They want to see work and
they want to action next steps. They simply don't have time to dig around your
website looking at slow loading videos and images. 8/15
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Your job application shows you are lazy

I can't tell you how many artists I've reviewed for jobs that have included a
half-baked message in their application. "Hey, this is me work. It's not
finished, but I really want this job. PM me!"

I know it's obvious to everyone why this isn't a good way to apply for a job, but
I have countless examples like this that happen all the time. Don't be one of
these people. Take your time, prepare your application carefully and please
use a dictionary, or even better, an app like Grammarly.

You are frustrating people before they

even see your work
This comment relates to demo reel videos, not digital portfolios. I totally
understand how proud it can feel to share your work but get to the point and
keep it simple.

Creating a demo reel with loads of great projects

doesn't mean it warrants a title sequence similar to
a James Bond film.

Ideally you only need your name and email address. Anything else is probably
overkill. However, if the title sequence is more than 15 seconds be warned.
The viewer is hovering over the timeline ready to scrub and you've effectively
annoyed them. It might be small, but you are trying to make a good first
impression so don't waste it on something so simple. 9/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

You haven't figured out what you are

good at
It's like the old saying goes "If you can't love yourself, how can anyone else?".
Well this goes the same for getting a job in visual effects, animation and
games. If you can't show what you love to do, no one else is going to spend
their time figuring that out for you.

There are always exceptions to the rule here, but please don't expect to get a
job showing a recruiter you can do everything at an OK level. You are going to
have a much better chance landing a job if you can specialise in one or two
skills and target your application to a specific department.

You are creating a showreel, not a demo

A showreel is typically what you'd see by a production studio who has loads of
finished projects. They are showing these as part of a sizzle reel to impress
future clients. But they are not actually demonstrating anything.

When you create a demo reel, make sure it's actually

a demo reel. This means you need to demonstrate
your skills. That's why it's called a demo reel.

If you are not including breakdowns and explaining what you did on a project,
then you are not doing yourself any favours. Sure, show finished renders and
illustrations but make sure to explain to the recruiter how you created it. Show
the decisions you made and the challenges you overcame. Let them see
behind the perfect glossy surface, that's what they really want to see. 10/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

You have poor communication skills

You might have amazing work, you might be available right now, but if you
can't sit down and explain to a recruiter who you are, what you want to do,
and elaborate on some of your personal projects you are always going to
struggle to get a job.

I've sat in interviews where people can't even explain who they are and why
they want to work in the industry. I get it, you are nervous, but recruiters are
simply wanting to know if you can hold a conversation. They want to know if a
supervisor gives you a task you will be able to ask questions, explain your
thoughts and highlight problems. It's that simple.

Before your next interview, prepare some answers to questions about yourself
and your work. Also, take a breath and congratulate yourself before you enter
the interview room. You have been invited in for an interview because you
actually really impressed someone, so the hard part has already been done.

You are not being patient enough

Things take time. Especially when it comes to learning visual effects,
animation and game design. So be patient. It's not going to happen straight
away. I know you want a job now and I know you have the talent, but you
need time to prove your skills and prepare yourself for your dream job. Keep
enjoying the process, enjoy your time learning new skills and the job will come
when you are ready.

You are not good enough yet 11/15
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Unfortunately it's likely you are not good enough yet. This does not mean you
won't get there. It does not mean you should stop trying. It just means that
you need to take a step back and give yourself more time to perfect your skills.

Instead of spending time applying for every job you see, compare yourself
against other people applying for these type of jobs. Look at their strengths,
look at your weaknesses and set some realistic goals on how to improve your

I would highly recommend taking some time, being brutally honest with
yourself and make sure you are not doing any of these right now, or in the
future. Getting a job in visual effects, animation and games is totally
achievable if you stay away from these common mistakes.

I would love to hear from people about any other mistakes they see, so please
share your advice and stories in the comments.

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12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.


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Bunchii Ysabel
the industry since I was 18. I keep hearing people tell me to “get in as quick as p
then you learn faster”...well, I’m almost 30. And I’m nowhere closer to getting in
when I was 18. And it’s hard. It’s hard staying motivated when I never get feedba
I’m doing wrong. It’s hard spending over 10+ years mulling over rejection and I c
was getting better, but it turns out I wasn’t. This put a lot in perspective for me. A
hurt looking at the ugly truth. I haven’t been good enough for over 10 years...and
be, but at least I know why...
Like · Reply · 1 · 42w

Nikita Nabanita
Hi Bunchii, Its is sad to know you have face this. I don't think you should
Can you please get in touch with me on LinkedIn. I can try helping you i
Like · Reply · 7w

Tristan Siler
First off, let my tell you this article is garbage. I'm 18 and I am a video editor and
artist and I manage to make a living though my career has only just started. This
that you cant do it, but you can. Referring to the comment below, you obviously
knowledgable in the industry to know where to go. You can't expect the job to fa
you must strive to get it. Any good visual effects artist has the ability to improvise
if you can't do that than yes, this career isn't for you. But I beleive in you, don't le
get to you. Don't let your dreams be dreams, strive to get to where you want.
Like · Reply · 1 · 40w

Ludovic Tgm
i'm agree with "You have no solid foundation skills ". that's why i would like to lea
you give me name's school where i'll learn the solid foundation ^^? (not in us ple
Like · Reply · 7w

Brady Adam Keil

I think your forgetting nowadays a person could make alot of money with a short
If it good enough it even has the chance to get picked up by a real company whe
a whole team to work on the Title.
Imo every good story should be written in Manga form first.
That by itself can be sold as well as being a highly descriptive Storyboard for yo
I don't think your taking the "times" into account.
There's companies popping up all over the World.
Anime is on a HUGE uptick and is a job that is in high demand as of just last we
If your really good you can make a decent living (Depending on what city you liv 13/15
12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.
If your really good you can make a decent living. (Depending on what city you liv
So basically...I disagree.
Like · Reply · 5w

Bhawna Lalwani
Thanks for sharing the useful information. It is true that inspite of doing course fr
institute, many students struggled to get a relevant job but I was lucky enough to
did the course from < a href = "">
Vivan</a> based in Ahmedabad. Their experienced faculties helped me in clear
and every doubt and also helped in placements.
Like · Reply · 1w

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Andrew McDonald
Andrew is the co-founder of The Rookies has been working in the visual effects industry since
2002. Most recently he was a CG Supervisor at Industrial Light & Magic.


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12/27/2020 19 reasons why you're not getting a job in vfx, games or animation.

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