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The beautiful paradise

There was once a calm cold place where the sun never shawn.In this place,where trees lay like
corpses on the hard rocky ground, was a house.It was a small house, with rooftops falling.And
in that house lived a old women.Her eyes were black,her legs were old with her wrinkles
etched in her face.

By day, she dreamt to get out of that old cracked house full of mouse holes and the ground
next to her house lay with plastic, metal scraps , rubbish and litter .By night, she dreamt of a
nice cozy home full of flowers and with credulous tropical waterfull’s surrounding her.But
when she awoke, the same thing always happened.

One day, she dreamt of having a house full of dogs, cats and chickens.Tropical waterfull’s was
what she most dreamt of and flowers for her was a prodigius design.The flowers she mostly
wanted was a type of flowers called roses and were as red as blood.But her wish unfortunately
never happened.

One evening,something shining caught her old framed eyes.When she walked miserably out
of her cracked house she saw that a young beautiful chick layed a nest on top of her old
ancient roof.

The chick never left and actually the next day her familly was there.With a enormous sight she
saw that the chick asked her familly to come.The old women never thought a miracle would

Until one morning, the chick and her familly led gone.She eried searching in her roof,
basement,kitchen and her living room but she could never find them.The silence continued
while she lay in bed wondering if the nice adorable chick would ever come back to her.
That evening, she sat alone and made a wish.

The very next day, she woke up and heard the sound of chicks porking, was going through her
old red ears.When she glanced outside, she saw that her chick was back.She dreamt full of
hapiness and many more birds where there and many more animals.

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