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Q1: 18th-century hero Colonel William Prescott seen herein a state capital?

The crrect Answer is: Boston

Q2: It can mean a sudden burst of electricity & it rhymes with an electrical unit of measure?

The crrect Answer is: a jolt

Q3: Used to foretell the future, this game gets its name from the French & German words for

The crrect Answer is: <i>Ouija</i>

Q4: Always good to keep a box of pasta on hand, like this kind whose name means "little

The crrect Answer is: linguine

Q5: Rufus,the Silent,the Conqueror,of Orange?

The crrect Answer is: William

Q6: "Flupp Flupp Flupp" & "the Father of the Father of Nadd" are found within his "500

The crrect Answer is: Bartholomew (Cubbins)

Q7: Canada: Beginning in 2015?

The crrect Answer is: (Justin) Trudeau

Q8: (Dr. Joyce Brothers reads the clue.) Your daughter who's exhibiting this type of
kleptomania at Wal-Mart may be trying to get attention?

The crrect Answer is: shoplifting

Q9: XOM: This energy company?

The crrect Answer is: ExxonMobil

Q10: In 1994 at age 18, he became the youngest golfer to win the U.S. Amateur Golf

The crrect Answer is: Tiger Woods

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