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Overview of Partial Compliance

Overview of Partial Compliance

Stephen R. Marder, M.D.

A substantial proportion of patients with psychiatric and nonpsychiatric chronic illnesses fail to
take their medications as prescribed. A number of studies suggest that 50% or more of individuals
with schizophrenia are noncompliant with medications at some time during their illness. In most
cases, patients are partially compliant, taking only a portion of their prescribed medications. Noncom-
pliance is probably the most important element contributing to relapse in schizophrenia. Factors con-
tributing to the rate of noncompliance include medication side effects, the severity of psychotic symp-
toms, impaired cognition, and an inadequate understanding of the role of medication for preventing
relapse. In addition, both patients and clinicians overestimate patients’ compliance. Strategies for
managing partial compliance include the treatment of medication side effects, the education of pa-
tients about their illness, and the use of long-acting antipsychotic formulations.
(J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64[suppl 16]:3–9)

R esearch carried out during the 1970s and 1980s es-

tablished a number of principles of antipsychotic
treatment for long-term maintenance therapy. The first
patient’s behavior is consistent with medical advice.4 The
term adherence has been proposed as an alternative to
compliance since it emphasizes the role of the patient as a
principle is that antipsychotics are highly effective in pre- collaborator in decisions regarding treatment. This article
venting relapse in stable patients. A number of studies uses the terms interchangeably since both are commonly
have managed stabilized patients with schizophrenia with used.
either an antipsychotic or a placebo. Approximately 75%
of individuals relapse with placebo, whereas only about PREVALENCE OF
25% relapse with active drug.1 The second principle is that NONCOMPLIANCE AND PARTIAL COMPLIANCE
patients derive greater benefit from antipsychotic treat-
ment that is continuous rather than sporadic. Studies that The prevalence of noncompliance in schizophrenia
have compared intermittent or targeted antipsychotic should be evaluated in the context of noncompliance
treatment with continuous treatment have almost always in other medical conditions. A study by Cramer and
found that relapse rates were lower on continuous treat- Rosenheck5 reviewed studies of medication compliance
ment.2 The third principle is that patients who receive for both psychiatric and medical illnesses. Compliance in
guaranteed drug delivery through a long-acting depot these studies was estimated using a number of methods
route have lower relapse rates than patients who receive from the least reliable method, which is questioning pa-
oral medications.3 tients, to more reliable methods, such as urine testing and
These principles provide a context for looking at the microelectric monitoring. Unfortunately, studies of anti-
prevalence and impact of noncompliance in individuals psychotics tended to use the least reliable methods for
who are receiving antipsychotic medications for schizo- monitoring compliance. The mean levels of compliance
phrenia and other disorders. Definitions of compliance were 58% for antipsychotics and a slightly better 65% for
differ, but it can be considered to be the degree to which a antidepressants. The mean rate was 76% for medications
for nonpsychiatric conditions. Other studies in arthritis
and seizure disorders (reviewed by Fenton et al.6) have
found somewhat higher rates of noncompliance. The study
From the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System,
West Los Angeles Health Center, and the Department of of nonpsychiatric patients is informative, since noncom-
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of pliance in these individuals cannot be related to psychiat-
California, Los Angeles.
This article is derived from the teleconference
ric symptoms such as suspiciousness, lack of insight, or
“Partial Compliance: The Need for Long-Acting Atypical depression. In other words, nonadherence is prominent in
Antipsychotics,” which was held March 27, 2002, and nearly every condition in which a patient is told to take a
supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Janssen
Pharmaceutica, L.P. medication.
Corresponding author and reprints: Stephen R. Marder, Other studies in schizophrenia have found similar rates
M.D., MIRECC/210A, West L.A. VA Health Care Center,
11301 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90073 of noncompliance. Young and coworkers7,8 reviewed a
(e-mail: number of studies that assessed rates of compliance. They

2003;64 (supplP16)
Stephen R. Marder

reported a median noncompliance rate of 41% for oral Figure 1. Clinically Meaningful Noncompliance Measured by
medication and 25% for depot. Outpatients with schizo- MEMS Cap and the Clinician Rating Scalea
phrenia who were followed for 2 years after hospital dis-
charge had noncompliance rates of over 50%.6,9

Clinically Meaningful Noncompliance

The high rates of noncompliance in nonpsychiatric 60
conditions demonstrate the important point that a substan- 50

Patients (%) With

tial amount of irregular pill-taking is not attributable to the
psychiatric condition. Rather, nearly every individual who 40

is asked to take a pill every day for a prolonged period of 30

time will fail at one time or another to take his or her medi-
cation. Poor compliance is more common when patients
are taking medication for an illness that is not experienced 10
in active symptoms such as pain. That is, patients are more
likely to neglect taking medications for illnesses such MEMS Cap Clinician Rating Scale
as hypertension, for which there may be no symptomatic a
Adapted with permission from Byerly et al.14 The between-group
reminders. The situation is similar for the prevention of difference was significant at p < .0001.
relapse in stabilized patients with schizophrenia. That is, it Abbreviation: MEMS = Medication Event Monitoring System.
is particularly difficult for patients to remember to take
medication for an illness that they do not physically expe-
rience. In fact, these patients often initially feel better tients—perhaps the great majority—will stop taking their
when they neglect to take their medications—whether medication if the clinician waits long enough. A history of
antihypertensives or antipsychotics—since they are re- reliable pill-taking should not be considered as evidence
lieved of side effects. Relapse in schizophrenia may occur that the individual will not become partially compliant in
months after drug discontinuation, and the patient may fail the future, which suggests that clinicians should inquire
to appreciate that the 2 events are linked. about medication adherence on a regular basis.
Compliance is also broader than just pill-taking. It in-
PARTIAL COMPLIANCE IN SCHIZOPHRENIA cludes making clinic appointments, participating in psycho-
social treatment and rehabilitation, and other treatment-
An important contribution of the Cramer and related activities. Assessments of medication compliance
Rosenheck study5 is that patients are not simply catego- should include an evaluation of these other components of
rized as compliant or noncompliant. Rather, rates are ex- treatment.
pressed in terms such as the percentage of the recom- There is also evidence that clinicians consistently un-
mended dose that is taken. This approach emphasizes that derestimate the magnitude of noncompliance in their pa-
the typical behavior being studied is one in which patients tients.13 Byerly et al.14 recently monitored compliance once
take a portion of their prescribed medication rather than all a month during a 3-month study of 21 patients with schizo-
or none of it. This behavior is referred to as “partial com- phrenia (Figure 1). Compliance was assessed with elec-
pliance.” This practice is demonstrated in a review by tronic Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) caps
Oehl and colleagues,10 who reported that a third of patients that recorded how many times per day patients opened
reduce the dose of medication prescribed or take less than their pill bottles and by the Clinician Rating Scale, which
is actually prescribed. The concept of partial compliance is categorizes patients’ willingness to participate in treatment.
useful, since it permits patients to be classified on a con- On this rating scale, scores of 1 to 4 indicate reluctance or
tinuum from those who refuse to take any medication to refusal to participate, and scores of 5 to 7, passive accep-
those who take all of their medication. tance to active participation. Clinically meaningful non-
The level of partial adherence varies over time. Follow- compliance was defined as opening the pill bottle ≤ 70% of
ing a hospitalization or a recent exacerbation, patients are the required times during any month or receiving a
likely to take their medications relatively consistently. As score ≤ 4 on any of the monthly Clinician Rating Scale as-
time passes, the likelihood of noncompliance increases.11 sessments. Evaluation with MEMS caps was significantly
This increase is probably related to Barry Blackwell’s12 (p < .0001) more likely to detect clinically meaningful
observation that compliance is associated with the pa- noncompliance than was assessment with the Clinician
tient’s perceived need for medications, which decreases as Rating Scale (62% versus 5%). This evidence suggests that
time elapses following an episode in which the patient was psychiatrists may be unaware that patients are failing to
symptomatic. This viewpoint is supported by a study by take their medication and may assume that poor outcomes
Weiden et al.,9 who found that compliance with depot or psychotic relapses are related to an actual drug failure.
medication treatment tended to deteriorate over time. Patients also underestimate their level of noncompli-
These observations indicate that a large proportion of pa- ance. Because methods of measuring compliance, such as

J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64PRESS
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Overview of Partial Compliance

electronic monitoring and pill counting, can be costly or to be particularly important. Cuffel et al.19 found that cog-
invasive, physicians often rely on patient reports to assess nitive impairment was related to nonadherence. They also
medication compliance. However, Lam et al.15 found that found that patients with cognitive impairment tended to
patient reports were less likely to predict partial compli- report better adherence than actually occurred.
ance than were plasma drug concentration evaluations and Patients who experience side effects are less likely to
pill counting. For 3 months after being discharged from take their medications as prescribed.16 This is particularly
the hospital, 43 patients with schizophrenia were natural- true for side effects that are uncomfortable to the patient
istically followed to assess whether they were taking ris- and result in dysphoric responses. Van Putten et al.20 found
peridone or olanzapine as prescribed. Compliance was de- that a patient’s response to a single question a day or a
fined as having ≤ 30% difference between baseline and week following the start of medication, such as “How does
3-month plasma drug concentrations, taking ≥ 80% of this medication agree with you?” was a powerful predictor
one’s pills, and rating one’s compliance as 5 on a 5-point of whether patients would take their drugs and, therefore,
self-assessment of compliance, with 1 being the lowest whether treatment was effective. Van Putten and col-
level of compliance. Only 43.6% of patients were consid- leagues also found that mild side effects, such as mild sub-
ered compliant by pill counting and even fewer—25.6%— jective akathisia, could result in poor compliance when
by the plasma drug concentration evaluation. However, patients experience discomfort every waking hour. This
67.5% of patients rated themselves as compliant. Al- observation is important because it emphasizes that clini-
though all of these methods of measuring compliance have cians need to inquire about a range of side effects and how
a margin of error, patient reports appear to be the least reli- these effects are experienced by patients.
able method of measuring medication compliance. There is other evidence that a patient’s perception of his
or her medication can have an important influence on ad-
CAUSES OF PARTIAL COMPLIANCE herence. A study by Grunebaum et al.21 evaluated medica-
tion adherence in residential facilities. A negative view of
Partial compliance with treatment in schizophrenia or medication—one that is likely to have been derived from
any illness in medicine cannot be explained by any single side effects—was significantly related to the number of
factor. For schizophrenia, there are a number of explana- days in which patients failed to take medication.
tions. Weiden and colleagues13 have provided a structure Poor adherence can also occur when patients do not un-
for evaluating the domains of nonadherence in schizo- derstand the goals of drug treatment. This can be particu-
phrenia. In this model, nonadherence to treatment inter- larly important in long-term maintenance treatment where
ventions can be related to the disease features (e.g., suspi- patients may not understand that medication is taken for
ciousness regarding the treatment team), the treatment the prevention of relapse and should be continued even
system (e.g., the use of appointment reminders), the treat- when the individual is symptom-free. For example, Herz
ment itself (e.g., unpleasant side effects of medications), and Melville22 found that many patients believed that their
interactions between the patient and therapist, patient medication was not helping them because it failed to make
characteristics (e.g., substance abuse), psychosocial fac- them feel better. These patients failed to understand that
tors (e.g., the family’s attitude), and psychological factors the medications were prophylactic. Not surprisingly, Pyne
(e.g., the role of stigma). et al.23 found that patients who did not believe they were ill
Van Putten16 identified disease features in schizophre- were more likely to be nonadherent. Adams and Scott24
nia that were related to poor treatment adherence and re- found that patients who were noncompliant differed from
ported that patients who had pleasant delusions, particu- compliant patients in their understanding of the severity of
larly grandiose delusions, were more likely to refuse their their illness as well as their ability to control the outcome
medications. This finding suggests that, for these individu- of their disorder. These observations point to the likely
als, the world of their delusions was preferred to their real value of education as a means for improving medication
lives. The result was poor medication compliance or out- adherence.
right refusal of medications. The best approach to managing partial compliance may
There is also evidence that severity of psychopathology be to assume that, for any number of reasons, most pa-
can influence treatment adherence. In a study of consecu- tients receiving antipsychotics are likely to begin missing
tive admissions to a day care program in New York, the se- a portion of their medication if their clinician waits long
verity of psychotic symptoms was the strongest predictor enough. This suggests that adherence monitoring should
of medication noncompliance.17 This association is sup- be a component of every patient’s treatment. Blackwell12
ported by a study by Marder and coworkers,18 who fo- suggests asking about medication-taking behavior in a
cused on the related issue of medication refusal. In their manner that is nonthreatening to patients and that does
study, patients with more severe conceptual disorganiza- not result in a defensive response. For example, patients
tion, hostility, and suspiciousness were more likely to can be asked about problems they may have with remem-
refuse medication. The role of impaired cognition appears bering to take their medications. This nonjudgmental ap-

2003;64 (supplP16)
Stephen R. Marder

proach may be helpful in facilitating communication with son that lasted the longest26 found an advantage for depot.
patients about episodes of nonadherence as well as their In that study, relapse rates were similar for oral and depot
explanations of why doses are missed. medication during the first year following randomization,
but lower for depot during the second year. In a meta-
NONADHERENCE RATES WITH review from the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group, Adams
ORAL AND DEPOT MEDICATION and coworkers27 found a statistically significant advantage
for depot medications for global improvement, but not for
Nonadherence with depot medications differs in a other outcomes such as relapse and attrition. The authors
number of respects from nonadherence with oral medica- acknowledge that the studies may be biased against de-
tions. There is the obvious difference that patients receiv- pots, since few studies focused on the group of patients
ing depot medications are not required to remember to who are most likely to benefit from long-acting drugs, that
take their medications each day. Moreover, under some is, noncompliant or partially compliant patients. On the
conditions, patients are administered injections in their basis of a similar literature review, the Schizophrenia
own residence, eliminating the need for making clinic ap- Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT)28 concluded
pointments. In other words, important factors that can that there was an advantage for depot medications in pre-
lead to partial compliance are eliminated. In comparing venting relapse.
rates of adherence, it is also important to consider that pa- When taken together, these studies suggest that one of
tients are often assigned to a depot medication because of the best strategies for managing noncompliance is to
a history of noncompliance. change patients to a long-acting antipsychotic. As pointed
There is some evidence that managing patients with out by Fenton et al.,6 there can be a relatively high rate of
depot antipsychotics leads to higher rates of medication noncompliance in patients assigned to depot medication.
adherence. Young and coworkers7 reviewed 26 studies However, the treatment team can monitor whether patients
and found a mean default rate of 25% for depot medica- are receiving injections more easily than it can monitor
tions compared with 41% for oral antipsychotics. A study whether patients are taking their pills. Unfortunately,
of patients from urban and rural environments found the only depot antipsychotic agents currently available
compliance rates exceeding 90% for both settings.25 in the United States are haloperidol and fluphenazine
Weiden and colleagues9 found that inpatients with a his- decanoates. Patients are frequently reluctant to accept
tory of noncompliance who were switched to a depot these conventional antipsychotics, which are also referred
agent had higher rates of medication compliance at 1 to as first-generation antipsychotics, and clinicians who
month than patients who remained on treatment with oral are concerned about reversible drug-induced motor side
medication. However, this difference was not statistically effects, such as extrapyramidal symptoms and the risk for
significant by 6 and 12 months, which suggested to the persistent drug-induced movement disorders such as tar-
authors that switching to a long-acting program is prob- dive dyskinesia, may be reluctant to prescribe them. This
ably not sufficient for maintaining compliance in this has led to a gradual reduction in the proportion of patients
population. with schizophrenia who are being treated with depot medi-
The advantage of depot medications for assuring treat- cations. The introduction of atypical antipsychotics, also
ment adherence may explain their advantages for lower- called second-generation antipsychotics, that are available
ing rates of psychotic relapse. Open-label studies— in long-acting formulations may reverse this trend.
studies in which patients and clinicians were aware of the
drug that the patient received—found much larger differ- CHOICE OF MEDICATION
ences favoring depot over oral treatment. The difference
probably results from the types of patients who enter The introduction of atypical antipsychotics in the 1990s
these studies and the treatment conditions. Open-label raised the hope that the greater tolerability of these agents
studies usually take place in normal clinical settings and would result in higher rates of compliance. This hope is
include typical patients who may be unreliable pill-takers. supported by a study by Dolder and coworkers,29 who ana-
Double-blind studies usually include individuals who are lyzed prescription refill records for patients taking older
selected because they are cooperative and compliant. antipsychotics and atypical antipsychotics. Patients who
Also, double-blind studies tend to have enriched staffs, received older drugs were without medications for an av-
and they tend to provide a higher quality of clinical care. erage of 7 days per month compared with 4 days per
As a likely result of these differences, double-blind stud- month among those receiving newer drugs, suggesting a
ies are less conclusive. Nevertheless, in a review of 6 small advantage for the new drugs. In a Veterans Affairs
studies, Davis et al.3 found that the results favored depot Cooperative Study comparing clozapine and haloperidol,
treatment in 5 of the studies. When the results were Rosenheck and coworkers30 found significantly better
weighted for sample size, there was a statistically signifi- compliance among patients assigned to clozapine. Another
cant difference favoring depot. In addition, the compari- study failed to find a significant difference favoring atypi-

J Clin Psychiatry 2003;64PRESS
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Overview of Partial Compliance

Figure 2. Predicted Change in Positive and Negative substance abuse, was the most important factor related
Syndrome Scale (PANSS) Scores by Compliance Ratea to a need for rehospitalization, or the “revolving door”
The cost of partial compliance in schizophrenia is sub-
Predicted Change in

stantial. Weiden and Olfson35 found that nonadherence in


schizophrenia accounted for about 40% of the annual costs
of rehospitalization.
–15 Other studies indicated that patients who relapsed when
they were not taking their medications tended to have
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 more severe relapses than those who relapsed while they
Compliance Rate were taking medication.36 Those who relapsed while not
taking medications were more likely to require involun-
Adapted with permission from Docherty et al.32
tary hospitalization and were more likely to have at-
tempted suicide or to have committed a violent act. This
finding is supported by Swartz and coworkers,37 who
cal antipsychotics, although there was a nonsignificant found that the combination of noncompliance with medi-
advantage for the newer agents.31 cation and substance abuse was related to the risk for vio-
Unfortunately, there are no well-controlled trials com- lence in the community.
paring depot conventional antipsychotics and oral atypical The study by Johnson et al.36 also found that patients
antipsychotics. Establishing the benefits and drawbacks of with schizophrenia who experienced a relapse did not re-
depot conventional versus oral atypical drugs is a critical turn to their prerelapse level of social adjustment 1 year
need, given the number of individuals who have been tran- after recovery. This finding is important because it empha-
sitioned off treatment with long-acting agents. sizes that the cost of relapse is much greater than just the
cost of rehospitalization. The cost of relapse may be par-
IMPACT OF NONADHERENCE ticularly severe for patients with jobs and family responsi-
bilities since they have the most to lose.
Nonadherence with medication regimens is among the Other evidence indicates that remaining stable can
most common causes of psychotic relapse and the need for mean considerably more than just staying out of the hos-
rehospitalization. Fenton et al.6 reviewed 7 studies and pital. In a double-blind multisite study that compared oral
found that noncompliance rates were an average of 3.7 fluphenazine and fluphenazine decanoate for 2 years,
times higher in patients who were rated as noncompliant. Hogarty and coworkers26 found that patients who received
In a 1-year study of open-label treatment with conven- fluphenazine decanoate demonstrated a lower risk of re-
tional antipsychotics or risperidone, Docherty et al.32 lapse than those assigned to oral fluphenazine. Moreover,
found that 90.4% of the 565 patients were only partially the best outcomes were found for patients who received
compliant with their medication regimen. The group of fluphenazine decanoate supplemented by a form of social
patients with high compliance rates, i.e., ≥ 70%, had a therapy. In other words, protecting patients against relapse
greater reduction in schizophrenic symptoms than did with a depot drug may enhance their response to psycho-
those with low compliance rates, i.e., ≤ 69%. Patients with social treatments or rehabilitation.
high compliance had an 18.4-point decrease in Positive
and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) scores, but CLINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS
patients with low compliance had only an 11.8-point
decrease. Also, multiple regression analysis predicted a The failure of patients to reliably take their medications
0.16 change in the total PANSS score for every 1% vari- is the most important cause of psychotic relapse in schizo-
ance in compliance rates (Figure 2). For example, a 25% phrenia. As a result, managing partial compliance is an
decrease in a patient’s compliance rate results in a 4-point essential component of any long-term plan for managing
worsening in his or her PANSS score. Differences in com- schizophrenia. Moreover, partial compliance is a manage-
pliance and change in PANSS scores between conven- able problem with strategies that can be individualized for
tional antipsychotic– and risperidone-treated patients were many patients.
not significant. One of the most effective strategies for improving
Weiden and Glazer33 studied patients who were fre- medication adherence is to reduce medication side effects
quently readmitted to an inpatient unit in New York. Non- that are troubling to patients. The side effects that trouble
compliance with medication regimens was the most com- patients vary among individuals. For example, the lassi-
mon reason for rehospitalization, followed by nonresponse tude and difficulty initiating physical movement from aki-
to medications. Haywood and colleagues34 also found that nesia can be troubling to patients who are attending school
noncompliance with medications, along with alcohol and or working. Other patients who are concerned about their

2003;64 (supplP16)
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