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Teacher: Cleyton Dias Rufato

1. Circle the verbs in the sentences below that indicate logical assumptions.
A. They play brilliantly. They must win.

B. They must be very rich. Look at the luxurious house.

C. They play brilliantly. They can’t lose.

D. They can’t be poor. Look at the luxurious house.

2. Read through these ten sentences and decide which form is needed:

2.1. I worked hard all day. Now I feel. A) tired B) tiring

2.2. She’s ___ of her job. She’s looking for another. A) bored B) boring

2.3. We were ______ to hear he’s 50. He looks much younger. A) surprised B) surprising

2.4. The book I’m reading in ____. A) interesting B) interested

2.5. You look ______. What’s wrong? A) worried B) worrying

2.6. We had a ______ time at the restaurant. The place is awful. A) shocked B) shocking

2.7. Some of his comments were _____. A) insulted B) insulting

2.8. My exam results were a little ______. A) disappointing B) disappointed

2.9. There’s nothing more ______ than riding on a rollercoaster. A) exciting B) excited

2.10. Did you see the magician? He was ______! A) amazed B) amazing

3. Write the sentences in the Passive Voice.

A. I have shown her the book many times.

B. When did you buy this card?


C. Would you make our hotel reservation?


D. No one has invited her to have dinner.


E. Someone is completing a research on the main importance of TV.


F. Where can I buy Italian shoes?


G. She must have given him my money.


H. People say the soil here is very fertile.



I. They will pull down this building next week.



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