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Microbiology 3rd theory lec.

Farah Rami

Growth curve of bacteria:

When bacteria are cultured in appropriate fluid media, there would be increase
in the size of bacteria without any multiplication for some time (lag phase).
This is followed by multiplication and increase in number of bacteria to extent
that media look turbid to the necked eye (log phase). After some time, growth rate
becomes stationary and later on decline.



Growth 6

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time (in hour)

Growth curve

Lag phase: during this phase, there occurs:

(1) Increase in size of cell.
(2) Increase in metabolic rate.

(3) Adaptation to new environment and necessary enzymes and intermediate
metabolites are built up for multiplication to proceed.

The length of this phase depends upon:

1- Type of bacteria.
2- Better medium shorten the lag phase.
3- The phase of culture from which inoculation is taken.
4- Size of the inoculum.
5- Environmental factors like temperature.

Log phase: following lag phase the cells start dividing and there number increase
(1) Bacteria have high rate of multiplication.
(2) Bacteria is more sensitive to antibiotics.

The long of this phase depend upon

1- Nature of bacteria
2- Temperature
3- The concentration of material in the medium
Stationary phase: after some time, stage comes when rate of multiplication and
death becomes almost equal. It may be due to
(1) Depletion of nutrient
(2) Accumulation of toxic product (sporulation may occur during this phase).
Decline phase: during this phase, population decrease due to death of cells.
Factors responsible of this phase are:
1- Nutritional exhaustion
2- Toxic accumulation
Survival phase: when most bacteria have died, a few survive for several months
or years.

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