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1. Rosuvastatin
2. Telmisartan
3. Amlodipine
4. Atorvastatin
5. Trimetazidine
6. Olanzapine
7. Cetirizine
8. Tamsulosin
9. Trajenta
10. Losartan
11. Clopidogrel
12. Apixaban
13. Metformin
14. Nevibolol
15. Levetiracetam
16. Tapdin
17. Montelukast
18. Ivabradine
19. Risperidone
20. Depakote
21. Celecoxib
22. Diltiazem
23. Enalapril
24. Acetazolamide
25. Paracetamol

INSTRUCTIONS: (October 23, 24, 25 Activity for Greenbreeze duty)

1. Using the drug study format given and uploaded, please choose only 10 among the 25
enumerated either generic or brand name of medications of patients in Greenbreeze and
write your drug study on a 5x8 index card individually per medication.
2. Please read and study how to administer the mini mental state examination
3. Please read all the handouts and be familiar on how to administer katz, lawton’s and
barthel index and scale
4. Review your fdar and soapie charting
5. Be ready for the orientation on Monday’s duty as we resume with an orientation and
wait for further announcements

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