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Based on the movie The Blind soldiers I realized that we are so lucky in today’s generation because we
didn’t experience being colonized and be part of the military to fight for our mother land, because now
we are independent country and one thing that is colonizing us rather dominating us is that the
technology and gadgets as of today’s generation. I also realized from the movie blind soldier that
education is very crucial because in the movie they highlight the Teduray’s who are illiterate and lack of
access to education, so we are so lucky in our present time because we are able to write, count and to
read. Education is free, it’s up to us now if we are going to grab that opportunity to be educated. One
thing I also appreciate in the movie is that they also show/highlight kindness, brotherhood,
camaraderie, patience and the beautiful culture/tradition of Mindanao. The story of the 5 Teduray's
shows our life back then and also a realization of our life today, we are very lucky and we must be
thankful for what we have now, and without their bravery i guess i can’t say that i'm proud to be pinoy
because i firmly believe that not only being hospitable Filipinos are known for but also being brave
because Filipinos are one of the strongest person who lived in this world, it is in our blood to be a great
fighters. So all i can say to the five Teduray’s the blind soldiers is that I salute them all.

Submitted by: John Lester C. Rebamontan

Submitted to: Ma’am. Ayreen Baquilod Elpedes

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