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First Semester (:

November 19, 2023

Dear person reading this letter,

Hello from fourth semester! I can confidently say that I know what you are
feeling. I may not know what you had to go through to get to this point, but
I do know you should be proud. This next part of your journey will not be
easy, but it is worth it.
To suggest nursing school is a breeze would be a lie, but so would be saying
it was the worst/hardest thing ever. If I could give you any advice that I
truly hope you take is to not let it get the best of you. Do not stay up until 2
am working on something when you have clinical the next day. Sleep.
Actually take time for yourself. Sometimes you will have late nights but that
should not be prioritized. If you fail an exam, it’s not the end of the world.
Everyone gets one and I definitely took that opportunity every semester and
I am still here. If you’re not good at tests that doesn’t make you a failure
either. You trying your best is enough.
Make friends! The friends I made here are my friends forever. Your support
system gets you through the best and worst times. I hope all your dreams
come true. Good luck!

Samantha Kennepohl

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