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Ezequiel Martinez

Ms. Briones


November 1, 2023

(Center the title)

Peer Review Article: “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Education. Myth or Reality?”

Noureddine Elmqaddem wrote a paper titled "Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in

Education. Myth or Reality?" He is a researcher at Ecole des Sciences de Information (ESI),

Rabat, Morocco. His thesis is unknown. However, a reader may make an approximate thesis

about it. Past and Future Technologies lead to open answers for the able evolution process. He

explores the evolution of some technologies that are used in augmented reality (AR) or virtual

reality (VR), and he tries to verify whether VR and AR are a reality or myth.

What are virtual reality and augmented reality? Virtual reality is a technology that allows

us to immerse ourselves in an artificial world as a fictional world. It's used by the use of a helmet

with 360 degrees. Augmented reality is an enhanced version of the real physical world. It is for

seeing digital visual elements. For example, the man uses AR, and he sees small buildings on the

floor in the real physical world.

VR's the general public has been boosted by the arrival of helmets that are both more

efficient and affordable. The new rise of VR technology has promised real success this time by

Giants like Google, Facebook, HTC, and Sony (through their Cardboard, Oculus Rift, HTC

Vive, and PlayStation VR helmet) because VR has evolved experienced the last 5 years and is

possibly remarkable. Giants will see the next few years will be even more impressive (Abrash,

2016). Anyway, the fields of application of this technology are everything: architecture, surgical
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procedures, training with simulators, and various types of learning. VR makes learner feels more

active, more motivated better open-minded, and ready to learn and communicate with others. It

has proven learners' level of attention by 100% and improved test results by 30%. AR can make

films in the real world and inverts virtual objects, animations, sounds, and texts from the screen

of a computer, a tablet, and a pair of glasses as examples. It was expensive and the software

complicated, which made learner users unable to deal with, it in 1999. Later, it evolved and

became widespread through the accessibility of smartphones and tablets. Numerous studies have

revealed the positive effect of VR on the learning process because they want know see how AR

work is done as an effective tool. AR is effective as same as VR. The area of application of AR

affects entertainment (including video games) as well as tourism, architecture, medicine,

education, and industry (Noureddine Elmqaddem). It allows learners to step by step the guide in

real time. For example, medical students can manipulate and visualize the human body with high

precision without real-life risks. Why was this effective in helping convince readers? He

effectively convinces readers that both are not just myths but a reality in education.

In conclusion, AR and VR have evolved a lot, and are mature enough to be integrated

into education programs. Those will be reliable enough. Anyway, AR's radical changes and new

teaching should satisfy the needs of the learner of the 21st century for no longer think it will be

the same 20 or 19 centuries. It is the same thing as VR. Plus, Giants consider both because those

are interesting fields for investment that promise a bright future. That means both requires a lot

of improvements and change by engineers, experts, teacher, and all persons related to the field of

education and are more comfortable and accessible. Long use of the VR and AR headsets

proposed for now causes some discomfort, so they must deploy more forward education

programs that fit well with the nature of these technologies and fulfill the needs of the learner
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(Noureddine Elmqaddem). In the future, it will be widely adopted in all domains, so it will no

longer be a myth but a reality. As a surprise, it is just scratching the surface of what they will

allow us to do shortly the author mentioned.

The essay is good I like it but you have to much of first person like him, he. Change that

to the author named and it would be more words

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Works Cited

Elmqaddem, Noureddine. “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Education. Myth or

Reality?” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), vol. 14, no.

3, 2019, pp. 234–42,

[Accessed 10/31/2023]

(Center the word cited)

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