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NGUYEN TH] THU HUE PRIMARY GRAMMAR NGU PHAP TIENG ANH THEO CHU DE Lép 4- Tap 1 NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI Primary Grammar O cap Tiéu hoc, khi cdc em méi chap ching nhting bai hoc dau tién vé ting Anh, ngoai viéc hoc phat dm, tir vung, mau cau... thi viéc nam ving nhting kién thirc ngir phdp co’ ban la v6 cing quan trong béi day la nén tang gitip cdc em trd nén thanh thao & ca bén ky nang: nghe, ndi, doc, viét va dé cling la ban dap virng chac gitip cdc em ty tin hon trén chang dung hoc ting Anh sau nay. Primary Grammar — Ngi phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé lop 4 dug bién soan nham gidp céc em hoc ngt phdp tiéng Anh dé dang, bai ban va tiép can dung phuong phap hoc chuan quéc té. BQ sdch duoc chia lam 2 tap. Mdi tap gdm cdc chu dé ngt phdp va cdc chi dé tir vyng thong dung. Phan cha diém ngér phap gidi thiéu cac khai niém ngt phdp co ban di kem biéu dé ng phdp don gidn trong mai bai. Phan thyc hanh cung cp da dang cac hoat déng, cdc dang bai tap phong phi, dua céc em tung buéc tiép can véi cdc quy tic ngir phap va str dung cdc quy tac dé mét cach chinh xac. Phan 6n tap sau vai chi diém ngir phdp sé la mét bai on tap. MGi phan 6n tap gém hai bai test dugc thiét ké tich hop cdc cht diém ngtr phdp da hoc gitip danh gid kha nang tiép thu kién thirc cla céc em. Cac bai hoc duge trinh bay ngan gon, suc tich, r6 rang kem nhiéu hinh anh sinh d6ng giup cdc em cam thay htrng tha trong méi bai hoc. BE 4 | nbasachminbthangva &,, Primary Grammar @ Unit 1: To be: present simple ....--..-- 225s -se rere 5 @ Unit 2: Regular plural nouns ...-..--+++22sseereeee 12 ° unit 3: Irregular plural nouns ......+-+-+-+seeee ree 19 @ Unit 4: Countable and uncountable nouns .......+-- 26 REVISION I: UNIT 2-4, cece reer eee eer ne ee 32 @ Unit 5: A—An—The @ Unit 6: Some — Any @ Unit 7: Possessive adjectives. .....+.-++eeesreeeeee 51 @ Unit 8: Possessive pronouns... .-.+.-eer rere reece 57 REVISION Hs UNIT5-8.......-60 2c eee reer terres 62 © Unit 9: Present simple (Affirmatives) .......+-++++++ 71 Unit 10: Present simple (Negatives).......+++++++++ 77 1g. 138 | shosachminbthangen Not phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4- Tap 1 | fi Unit 11: Present simple (Yes/ No questions) . . ® Unit 12: Present simple (What questions)........... 87 REVISION Ill: UNIT 9 - 12 VOCABULARY ... 0... c cece eee eee eee eee 100 Topic 1 Weather ...... 6.0.2 c cece cee teens 100 Topic 2 Sports 1.0.26... cece eet eee eee 101 Topic 3 Sports cece eee etree eee eee 102 Topic 4 Places .. Topic 5 Daily routines... ........- 00s sc eee eens 104 Topic 6 Free time activities Topic 7 Bathroom. ..... 06... eee eee eee eens 106 Topic 8 Kitchen ...... 6.6.6. c cree eee een eee e eens 107 Topic 9 Adjectives eee ce seen eee e eens 108 Topic 10 Adjectives 2.0... 66... seen eee e seen eens 109 KEY.. minbthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anb | 139 GRAMMAR FOCUS © Tobe (la, thi, &) © To be &hién tai: am/is/are © Tobe +N/Adj/ Prep. oe 5 ee 1 am am not. Yes, lam, No, 1am not. He, She, tt | is isnot Ishe/she/it...? | Yes, S+is. No, S+isn’t. You are are not Are you/we/ | Yes, S+are. We they... No, $+ aren’t. They Chéy: isnot viét tat: isn’t are not viét tat: aren’t Vidu: 1am a teacher. (T6i ld mt gido vién.) minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 5 BQ Primary Grammar They aren’t my friends. (Ho khéng phdi la ban cia téi.) Are you a doctor? (Ban cé phai Ia bac stkhéng?) No, 'm not. (Khong phdi.) 1. Circle the correct verb in brackets. 1. The tiger (is fare) in the forest. 2. She {isn’t /aren’t} my aunt. 3. Computers (isn’t / aren’t) cheap. 4. Come in. You {isn’t/ aren’t) late. 5. | (am/ are) not in the red team. 6. She (is/ are) good at Maths. 7. My mother (is/ are) at home. 8. They (are/ is) hungry. 9. My cats (is/ are) black and white. 10. My computer (am / is) new. 11. Hoa and Nga (is/ are) twelve years old. 12. Our teacher (are/ is) a nice woman. ll. Fill in “is, are, am” in the following sentences. 1.Tom in his new car. ap 2. Sam and Ben atthe stadium. Sesiaser BB 6 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4-Tap1 248 3. David a doctor at the hospital, o 4, The dog inthe boxnow, ~S@e> = 5. It very cold today. | don’t like it. et Sinai 6. The pupils in the school bus. RBS 5 7. Kate on the floor with her toys. 8.It my birthday cake. | ike it, GEEs2> 9. Mrs. Lan our English teacher. a 10. We very friendly. See 11. land my mum in the kitchen. fe a 12. Steve very sad. &. @ 13. David at the table at home, <8 14. Mike and Anna onthe top of the mountain, samme. 15. These flowers pink. They beautiful. we. minhthangbooks-Chuydn sich ting Aah | 7 8 Primary Grammar 16. There five candles on the birthday cake. es 2) ts 17. We in class 3A at Ba Dinh Primary School, 2 25-= 18. There a swing in the garden. eas 83 19. My brother surfing the Internet. © etd af 20. They reading newspapers. ll. Give the negative form of to be. 1. She my friend. 2. My mother a teacher in my school. 3. There any pens on the table. 4. My brother taller than me. © ft i) 5. The dog very small. wh 6. Anna at the airport. cs 7. They her grandparents. ak BE 8 | anosachminhthangva Now phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4- Tap 1 dogs + Véi cdc danh tir két thtic bang s, x, $s, ch, sh: ta thém “es” vao tan cing danh tir dé dé bign déi sang s6 nhiéu. fr nae sb ees {One Bx < a fox foxes Gli *B29-6 3 bus — buses * Véi cdc danh tir két thc bang f, fe: ta ddi “f, fe” thanh “v” sau do thérr “es” vao sau danh tir dé bién déi sang dang s6 nhiéu. O° awolf>wolves > kn jG 12 | nhasachminhthangva Ngirphap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4-Tap1 ., dial A ra bookshelf > bookshelves ei Véi cdc danh tir két thic bing “phy 4m + y”, ta chuyén “y” thanh “?” sau dé thém “es” vao sau danh tir dé bign d6i sang dang sé nhigu. ae ayer acandy -» candies PSDe V6i danh tiv két bang “nguyén am (a, e, |, 0, u) + y” khi sang s6 nhigu ta chithém “s”. & Om Rr a boy —> boys a me +s adolphin—> dolphins | a bird — birds 5,85, sh, ch, x24 es bus —> buses a glass — glasses a box—> boxes a match —> matches ffe>ves ~~ aknife—>knives —| aleaf— leaves a thief > thieves 3,e,i0,uty>s a toy toys a key > keys phy am +y > ies a puppy —> puppies a baby — babies minbthanghooks - Chuyén séch tigng Anh | 13 BE . Primary Grammar PRACTICE & & ‘done shoe two shoes 1. Fill in the plural as in the example. oN SE 3.a watch four wa 9. alady Eo 11.aclass tm | wigte 13.a bus 4 15. a witch BE | nnasacheinnuhong Ngér phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4- Tap 1 gh phat at | ‘17.achurch — three i ae acy 24. a wolf 29.4 k mosquito |. bench. | photo | wolf loaf glass chair key party banana tomato room wife sandwich story housewife | monkey country deaf. |. address. toy | radio mishthangbooks-Chuyen sich ng Ani | 15.3 Bis, , Primory Grammar li, Fill in the correct forms of the words. 1, Do you like (banana)? Gai < 2. How many (pen) do you have? we 3. Those are your (key). 4. Whose (book) are these? 5, When does your {bus) arrive? 6. How many, (star) can you see? 7. Can you see two (deer) there? 8. There are two (bookshelf) on the wall. 9. Do you collect autumn (leaf)? 10. Will you buy (potato)? 11. Ihave three (scarf) in my closet. 12. How many {box) have you got? BB 16 | IV. Change to the plural as in the example. 1, The dogis in the garden. —> The dogs are in the garden. 2. There is a bus in the school yard. —> 3. Itis a potato. = 4. Itis a beautiful dress. > 5. The glass is on the table. = 6. Itis a candy. 3 7. The baby is in the bedroom. > 8. This is a new computer. > 9. She is a housewife. > 10. It isa leaf. > 11. It is a monkey, > 12. The doll is nice. > \. Translate into English. 1. C6 nm cai h6p mau dd. 2. Ann cé hai cai gid séch trén tuéng, minhthangbooks - Chuyén sch tigng Anb | 17 BQ Primary Grammar 3. Téi co ba con dao. 4. C6 nam con burém trang. 5. Ho 6 mudi bic anh. 6. Cé sau cai ly & trén ban. 7. Bay la nhting cai vay dep. a 8, Nhiing c4i ld kia mau vang 9. Tom cé mudi hai cai rang. 10. Ong Nam cé hai ngéi nha. 11. Cé mudi hai cdi ghé bang dai trong 6p hoc 12. Nga co hai cdi dan piano. > GRAMMAR FOCUS rregular Plural Nouns - Danh tir s6 nhiéu (Bién d6i bat quy tac) Danh tir sé nhiéu 1a danh tir chi ngudi, dia diém, déng vat, sir vat... voi 6 lugng tt hai tré lén. Théng thu’gng, ta cé thé chuyén mét danh tir sé ft thanh danh tir sé nhigu theo quy tac thém “s” hoac “es” vao cudi danh tir. Tuy nhién cfing ton tai mot s6 danh tir bién adi khong theo bat ky quy tac nao. Voi truéng hgp bién d6i bat quy tac nay, danh tir s6 nhiéu va danh tir 36 it c6 thé duoc viét ging hét nhau, ho&c danh tir s6 nhiéu cé cach vit khdc hoan toan so véi danh tir sé it. minbthengbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 19 BG ., Primary Grammar a goose geese a person people asheep sheep adeer four deer AG 20 | ahasachminhthangn Noir phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4- Tap1 i 11. one deer minbthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 21 _ Primary Grammar Il. Look, count and write. woman child man ox goose tooth deer mouse goldfish I. Read, circle and write. 1. There isa = (woman/ women) 2. There are seven . (fish/ fishs) 3. There are twenty-five . (person/ people) 4. Thereisa - (goose/ geese) 5, My parents have four ____. (sheep/ sheeps) 6. The farmer has three » (ox/ oxen) 7. There are three . (mouse/ mice) 8. There is a in the room. (child/ children) 9. Their aren’t in those lorries. (wifes/ wives) 10. Those are our - (trolleys/ trollies) Ngtrphép tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4-Tap1 a3 IV. Look, read and correct. 1, There are three childs. There are three children. 2. There is a mice. 3. There are four person. 5. They have three fishs. Ly, 6. He has two ox. eee % * 7. There are three deers. BRE 9. These churchs are in my village. d i 10. Our rabbits are on the hutchs. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 23 , Primary Grammar V. Change to the plural as in the example. 1. This is an old man. —> These are old men, N . Her friend is playing chess with me. Eee eee eee eee eee cree eee eee eee w . lam a beautiful lady. See Ee eee Cee ee eee eee eee 4, There is a strong ox. 3 uw My grandfather is in the garden. aero a He is in an apartment with her. See eee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee x Its mouth is small. Seen eee eee eee cee eee eee eee Seer 2 This is a big louse. ganda ELC PEE BS 24 | Ngtphap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4- Tap1 & 9, There is a person in the school. > 10. It is a sharp knife. 4 11. 1am your teacher. 3 12. This goose is in the garden. > 13. Her glass is on the table next to the box. > 14, That beach is in my country. > 15. This happy child is sitting on the beach. = rinhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tgng Anh | 25 8 > GRAMMAR FOCUS Countable and uncountable nouns - Danh ti’ dém durgc va danh tir khang dém dugc 1. Danh tir dém dug * Danh tir dém dugc la nhiing danh tir chung ta cé thé sir dung vai sé dém one soo three soo BRR * Danh tir dém durgc c6 dang sé it va s6 nhiéu. Dang $6 it ¢6 thé str dung mao tir “a” hoac “an”. an orange oO * Déi voi danh tir dém dug sé nhiéu ta thurdng stv dung sé dém phic truéc cdc danh tir nay. three balls oe ‘two cars Gage 2. Danh tir khdng dém duoc acow © Danh tir khéng dém dug [a nhing danh tir ma chung ta khdng thé si dung voi sé dém BE 25 | Ngt phap tiéng Anh theo cht dé Lop 4- Tap 1 7 SL rice “bread . fruit + Danh tir khéng dém dug khéng phan biét sé it hay s6 nhigu nén khéng c6 dang s6 nhiéu. Do 46, khong bao gid’ str dyng danh tir khong dém dug véi cdc mao tir “a, an” hoc sé dém phia truéc. ee onerice ESM one cheese 3. Cac cum tir chi dinh lugng a bottle of milk mét chai site aslice of bread mot lit bénh my acan of coke m@tlon coca a glass of water acupoftea mat ce nuse mot téch tra 4 Es akilo of meat a bar of chocolate mét kg thit mot thanh s6 c6 la ajar of jam mot lo mat apiece of cheese mot migng bo minhthangbooks - Chuyén séch tigng Anh | 27 2 aloaf of bread mot cdi banh my a bowl of rice mt bét com a jug of water mot binh nut (a cOUNTABL, | yncounTAg, . i 22@3 Babe BUN SANDWICH APPLE ORANGE Sy Bw wow : So. Gla & COOKIES POTATOES BANANA COFFEE “SUGAR FLOUR—PASTA & 2 of 7D eS QQ FS er ee cannot woroos canoies || sar sour A aurren “ey & é. c Gg. ay SS Ga PEANUTS PANCAKES ONION | CHEESE © HONEY = WATER on, ; te || : Bee aZ2ve Fee warerution rea anaes cneenies | ciocoUNE MUSTARD SEAFOOD / "Bq 28 | 1. ___ elephants ae 3.__milk 2. ___ cheese. 4.___ children s 6,__ dresses aa oct x } 8. lions bs, | &e 9.__meat g 10. hats 5.___ bread li, Read and write. milk | cookie | homework | bread | —_umbrell minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 29 Sag Primary Grammar IV. Fill the gaps with “a, an, some, any”. 1. There is 2, There aren’t 3. There isn’t 4. There is 5. There aren’t 6. There isn’t 7. There is 8. There aren't 9. There is 10. There isn’t 11. There are 12. There is 13. There are 14. There isn’t \V. Read and correct. 30 1. They are orange. 2. Itis an rice. 3. Itis a money. 4, ttisa umbrella. 5. 1s it cookie? 6. Is it an orange juice? 7. They are bookselfs. 8. They are pianoes. apple. eggs. sandwich. pineapple juice. cakes. rice. jam. oranges. butter. milk. bananas. bread. tomatoes. cheese. AIP speee eee Hea Hee Hae tee a7 Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo cht dé Lop 4- Tap 1 VI. Fill in the correct word as in the example. | Bz 1.three__of water 2.two “of sugar 3. two of bread 4.two ofmilk 5.three__of bread 6. four__of chocolate a Sy ~ Ge ec- s' 7.two ofcake 8, two of coffee 9. three of beer (20. two_____ of jam. 1 three _ of meat 12, two ___ of fruit juice minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 31 BQ {. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb “to be”. 1. Mary my best friend. (+) 2 he a good footballer (?) 3. There three fountains in the park. (-) 4. My mum and! often in the garden in summer. We love it. (+) 5. These boys often naughty. (-) 6.We at the cinema right now. (+) 7. Mr. Richard your music teacher? (?) 8. Luke and Helen cousins. (+) 9. There a lamp in the bedroom. (-) 10. My friend and | tall and thin. (+) 11. those monkeys on the trees?(?) 12.1 an English teacher. (-) 13. You my favourite actress. (+) 14. Peter in grade three? (?) 15. An egg white and yellow. (+) BE 22 | mhasechminhthangen Ngts phaip tiéng Anh theo cht dé Lop 4-Tap1 7 I. Fill in “1, you, we, they, she, he, it”. 1. Lanis my best friend.___is eleven years old. 2. This is Tuan. is my brother. 3. Is Susan your sister? - Yes, is. 4, Let’s go to the park. is very nice in spring. 5. Where are the children? are in the yard. 6. Dan and Paula are my schoolmates. are in my class. 7. These are my pencils. are new. 8. Are your father and you from England? - No, aren't. 9. Where are your parents? - are in the kitchen. 10. Mary and Kate are teachers. are my friends. Ui. Fill in the correct plural forms of the words. 1. Isee three {woman) there. 2. There are two (knife) on the table. 3. My. (foot) aches. 4, There are a lot of (mouse) there. 5. There are ten (child) in our class. 6. There are many (tomato) in the salad. 7.1don't like (fish). 8. There are many (butterfly) here. minbthangbooks - Chuyén séch tigng Anh | 33 Be Primary Grammar 9. [have a lot of new (dress). 10. Look at those (bus). They are blue. 11. These (cherry) are sweet. 12. My (tooth) are white. IV. Write the words from the box in the correct column. bread lemon water woman cheese sugar meat Coke coffee room boy money table glass girl tea milk ees a V. Circle and write the correct quantifier. 1. Aslice/ bowl of pizza Aslice of pizza 2. Acup/ plate of tea 3. A piece/ bow! of cake 4, Acan / chunk of coke 5. Abag / slice of crisps 3G 34 | Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4-Tap1 6. A bottle / a piece of milk 7. Abar/ plate of chocolate 8. A bunch/ chunk of grapes 9. Ajar/ plate of honey 10. A glass/slice of lemonade 11. A box/ piece of cereal 12. A bowl/ slice of rice 13. A bag/ bottle of juice 14. A bowl/ bar of soup 15. A bunch/ can of flowers VI. Find and correct the mistakes. 1. There are three cat under the tree. 2, These pencil are mine. 3. P'matraid of dog. 4. | don’t like to eat salmons. 5. Those child are in my class, 6. Liz put three knife on the table. 7. These horse are beautiful. minhthengbooks - Chuy@n séch tigng Anh | 35 BQ = yGr Bt, Primary Grammar 8, Don’t take the balls. It is dirty. 9. You can see a lot of fishs here. 10. This boxes is empty. 11. Look at this babies. He is sleeping. 12. These toy are new and interesting. . Choose the uncountable noun in each group. 1. potato biscuit sugar cherry 2. coffee egg banana apple 3. carrot milk orange lemon 4. cake olive cheese strawberry 5. bread onion tomato watermelon 6.sandwich — cake pineapple meat I. Change to the plural. 1. My cat is black. > Our cats are black. 2. He is an old man. > 3. Itisadeer. in "Ag. 36 | nhasachminhthengyn Ngir phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4- Tap 1 lt 4. That is a knife. 5, This is a piano. 6. Itisa monkey. 7. That is a tooth. 8. You are a nice child. 9. She is a housewife. 10. The glass is on the table. 11. Itis a church. 12. This is a sheep. 13, That is a goldfish. 14, The goose is white. bvevvb vv vv vv 15. This is a big box. li. Circle the correct answer. 1. Ihave ten in my closet. A. scarf B. scarves C. scarfs 2. He brushes his in the morning. A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths 3. There are five in the tank. A.goldfish _B. fish gold C. goldfishs 4. How many are there in your family? A. child B. children C. childs 5. She at the cinema now. A,am Care iminhthengbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 37 , Primary Grammar 6. One man is wearing blue and two are wearing green. B. mans Cc. man 7. My grandmother has three A. radio 8. radios C.radioes 8.1 have many for Christmas. A, wishes B. wish C. wishs 9. Where my dictionary? Aare Bis Cam 10. The bike from my father. Aam Bis Care 1V. Complete the passage. Use verb “to be”. Hello! (1) Maria and | (2) from Madrid in Spain. (3) 11 years old and | love music. I've got two sisters and on brother. My brother (4) Tim. He (5) tall and thi and he loves computer games, My two sisters (6) younge than me and my brother. 1 (7) the oldest of my sisters. M sisters (8) 3 and 4 years old. They like playing with dolls. (9) very funny. | usually go out with my friends Lisa and Susa on Saturdays. They (10) 11 and 12 years old. My mum love cinema and my dad loves sport and nature. I (11) very happy BS 38 | nhasachminhthang.yn Ngir phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4- Tap 1 ci ll J, Put the words in the correct order. 1. clothes/ very colorful/ are/ your 2. good/ a/ Henry/ student/ is/ not 3. a/ there/ window/ is/ the wall/ on 4, my/ where/ are/ books? 5, your mother/ how/ is/ now? 6. home/ parents/ their/ not/ are/ at 7. the boys/ in the supermarket/are 8. the park/ near the theatre/ isn’t 9. the bears/ in the mountain/ are 10. you/ are/ English? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 39 > GRAMMAR FOCUS 1. Mae tir “a, an”. Danh tir dém durgc sé it thudng di cling mao tl “a” hoc “an” (hai mao tir nay du cé nghia la “mét”) + Mao tir“a” diing truéc danh tir bat dau bang phy am. * Mao tir “an” dimng tru danh tir bat dau bing nguyén am (a, 0, u, i, e! a+ phy am (b, ¢, d,h, j,k, m,n, p, a, 6S, t, VW, XY, 2) | acomputer « Uy achair T! an + nguyén am (a, @, i, 0, u) | anant | an 8 anumbrella an von BE 40 | nhosachminhthang.vo Nat phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4-Tép1 | 2. Mao tir “the”. 1, Truéc danh tir chi budi trong ngay the morning, the evening 2. Truée danh tir c6 tinh duy nhat the Earth, the Sun 3. Truc tén nhac cy the piano, the guitar 4. Trude s6 the ty. the first, the second 5, Truc tén dai dong, bién, day nui the Pacific Ocean (Thai Binh Duong) 6. Truc tinh tir dé chi mot nhém ngudi the rich, the old 7. Truéc céc tit: cinema, theatre, radio,... the cinema, the theatre .. * o)) ae 7 eae, “goose. elephant 6.___cup miahthangbooks - Chuy@r 14. ostrich 15. milk . w. 16. flowers 17. peach 18. rice Hi. Fillin “a, an, the”. 1. This is egg. 2. Where is post office? 3. Lucy is teacher. 4. Julie has got orange. 5.1s long way to office 6. bottle of beer, please! 7.have small dog. 8. He's got umbrella. 9. There is swing and tree. 10. Can | have small envelope? 42. | Ngtr phap ting Anh theo chu dé Lop 4-Tap1 8 Il. Choose the best answer. 1. have got two sandwiches and apple for lunch today. Aa C. the 2. Have you got brother? Aa C. the 3. Where are Himalayan Mountains? Aa C. the 4. \’ve got new watch for my birthday. Aa C. the 5. Have you ever seen elephant? Aa C. the 6. love going to 200. Aa C. the 7. Would you like egg for breakfast? Aa C. the 8. My daughter is learning to play violin at her school. Aa C. the 9. apple a day keeps the doctor away. AA B.An C. The 10.1 bought umbrella to go out in the rain. A.a C. the V. Complete the sentences using “a, an” or “the”. 1. Picasso was artist. 2. study at small university in London. minhthangbooks - Chuyén séch tigng Anh | 43 BQ ao ©, Primary Grammar To 3. We used to live in city centre. 4. Are you teacher? 5. It takes me hour to get to work. 6.My-cousinis___surgeon. 7. It looks like it’s going to rain. Do you have__ umbrella? 8. Is there petrol station near here? 9. She has got teddy bear. 10. Our neighbourshave___catand__dog. V. Circle the correct article in brackets. 1, Paris is (a / the) capital of France. 2. {A / The) Mekong River is very long. 3. They saw (the / an) exciting film at the cinema. 4. (The/ An} Internet has changed the way people live. Ca This is (an/ a) easy task. | saw (a /an) large elephant at the zoo. Mount Everest is in {a/ the) Himalayas. Can | have {a fan) orange, please? What is {the/ a) time? 10. (7he / A) weather is very fine today. 11. Can | borrow (a/an) pen, please? 12. Sam rode on {a/an) horse in India. a 3. Can you play {a/the) guitar? 14, My teacher is wearing {a/an) nice dress today. 15. Itis (a/an) exciting game. G44 | GRAMMAR FOCUS ¢ “Some” cé nghia “mat it, mét vai, mét chit” © “Any” cé nghia “mét it, mét vai, mét chut” * Some ding véi danh tir dém duge s6 nhiéu va danh tir khong dém duge. some rice some cars enc * Some ding trong cau khang dinh. She has some flowers. ap + Any ding véi danh tir khéng dm duge va danh tir dém duoc sé nhigu trong céu hdi va cau phi dinh, Does he have any dogs? a There aren’t any eggs in the fridge. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 45 1, Read and write. egg leaf chocolate bread goose : homework | salt. | child | watch clock hand book carrot some + countabl ne Ii. Fill in “some” or “any” as in the example. 1. Are there 2. Are there 3. There aren't. 4. Are there 5. There isn’t 6. There isn’t 7, There are BE 45 | nnasachminithangen rabbits in the garden? children in the class? chairs in the room. birds on the tree? money in the bag. coffee in the cup. policemen in the police station. Ngt phap tiéng Anh theo chi d@Lop4-Tap1 98 8, There are fish in the water. 9. Are there oranges in the basket? 10. There isn’t milk in the fridge. 11. There aren't cars in the street. 12. Are there cakes in the cupboard? 13. Are there people on the bus? 14, There is meat in the fridge. 15, There is paper on the desk. Il. Look at the pictures and write sentences as in the example. 1. Apples? Are there any apples? Yes, there are some apples, 2.Eggs?: 3. Meat? 4. Butter? 5. Bikes? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 47 3 Primary Grammar 6. Milk? a ~ |. Lemons? @ Potatoes? 9 Flowers? 10. Juice? Iv. Read and circle the correct answer. 1. l've got sweets in my bag. (any - some) 2. Are there hotels in this town? (some - any) 3. Has she got burgers? (some - any) 4, There are beautiful waterfalls here. (some - any) 5. Dina hasn't got water. (some - any) 3g. 48 | Ngirphap tiéng Anh theo cht dé Lép 4-Tap1 6. Has Tom got socks? (any - some) 7. There is chocolate in my box. (any - some) 8. Isthere lemonade is the kitchen? (some - any) 9, There are sandwiches in the kitchen. (some - any) 10. Have they got pencils in their pencil cases? (some - any) 11. There isn’t snow on the mountain. (some - any) 12. There isn’t tea in my cup. (some - any) 13. There are children in the park, (some - any) 14. Are there animals? (some - any) 15. have carrots. (some - any) illin “a, an, some, any”. 1. She wants to buy oranges for her mother. 2. Would you like egg for breakfast? 3, Can you bring me water, please? 4.1 don’t want sugar in the tea. 5. She has sandwiches for breakfast. 6. There is meat and rice for lunch. 7. Are there vegetables? 8. Ihave fruits for you. 9. He eats apple after his dinner. 10. Would you like water, please? minhthangbooks~ Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 49 Bi , Primary Grammar VI. Translate into English. 1, Khong 6 chut sta nao trong binh. 2. Nam an mét qua téo sau bita tdi. 3.Cé mét cd hanh trén ban. x . C6 &y thong mua mét vai cdi m&i mdi cho cdc con cilia cé ay. v Ho cé mét ngdi nha dat. 2 . Con it rau nao trong td lanh khéng? ~ C6 mat vai qua cam va chudi. 8. Toi khéng muén mét chit dubng nao trong tra ca. 9. Con mét it thit nao khong? 10. C6 dy An mét qua trimng cho bifa sang. 50 | nhasachminhthang va GRAMMAR FOCUS cia t6i cia ban ca anh ay clia c6 fy it its cha né we our clia ching ti they their cao * Tinh tir sd htru dugc dat phia truée danh tir dé thé hién danh tir dé thudc quyén sé hitu clia ai/ngudi nao a6. * Ta 06 thé thém’s sau danh tir dé bign déi danh tir dy v8 dang s8 hitu. * “Whose” la tir dé hdi vé quyén sé htfu trong cau nghi vn, theo sau 46 a danh tir va nghia la “... eda ai vay?” Vidu: This is my dog. My dog is white. This is your dog. Your dog is white. This is his dog. His dog is white. minthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh { 51 Primary Grammar This is her dog. Her dog is white. This is its toy. Its tay is white. This is their dog. Their dog is white. is our dog. Our dog is wh PRACTICE |. Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives. 1.1 have got a bike. (I) My bike is blue. 2. (She) brother is living in Hanoi. 3. They are (he) cousins. 4.Sheis(we)___aunt. 5.Heis(you)____uncle. 6. You are (they) brother. 7. That is (she)__ house. 8. Thatis(we)____ restaurant. 9. She is (they) daughter. 10. She is (he) wife and he is (she) husband. 11. Sheis (I) mumandheis(I)___ dad. 12. This is (you) sister. 13. It is (dog) bone. 14. (She) car is very old. 15. (1) pencil is very short. 8G 52 | nhusachminnthangvn Ngi phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4-Tap1 I, Write the correct possessive adjectives. 3. You and Mary 4. Your wife 5, The man and | 6. Bob, Tim and Sue 7.My watch 8. They git 10. We 11. The boy 12. The boys “bag _ pictures father “mother . dogs car battery | tail: team, bike balls minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 53 ,, Primary Grammar 13: My daughter shoes. 14.AnnandTom house 16.1 computer 17. Trang and | pencils 15. She : umbrella - iD -~ ” 18. My brother toys sak 19.Herdog . bed =) 20. Her friends chairs fof, Ml. Fill in the blanks. my your his her its our their 1. 1am a student. This is book. @ 2. We are boxers. These are gloves. af 3. The rabbit is white. tail is short. BR 54 | ahosachmiahthangen Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu déLop4-Tap1 af 4, You are a violinist. |s this violin? 1 5. He’s a policeman. That is uniform. f 6. She is my friend. name is Nancy. © 7. They are Sue and Jim. mother is a teacher. Ta 8. This isa lion. mouth is big. @, 9. They are my birds. cages are in the garden. ae 10. Where is my bag? bagis on the table. a) V. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 1. This is Susan and this is his boyfriend, Tom. 2. Is Paul in class 2A? No, it isn’t. 3. My parents have a nice car. It’s your car. 4. Is your father with you? Yes, you is. 5. Can you see Tina? She’s with his mother. 6. Sam and | are with Peter and Sue. We are our friends. 7. Where are the children? We are in the yard. 8. Is your father at home? No, she is at work. 9. The cat is a pet. It ears are black. 10. The girl is crying because she doll is dirty. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 55 Q Primary Grammer V. Complete the sentences using the possessive adjective. son A present. 1. | have got a dog. This is 2. You have got a present. This is 3. Tom has got a new bike. This is bike. oe 4. Mary has got a pink jacket. This is jacket. ite 5. A giraffe has got a long neck. leg is long, too. 6. We have got a new house. This is house. Cay Age 7. You are good singers. | like voices. & db 8. Elephants have got big ears. trunks are strong. 9. Ihave got long brown hair. _ hair is long and brown. 10. You have got a big room. BE 56 | nhaschainkthongen our ours their theirs Amy's Amy’s Dai ti’ sé hftu ding dé thay thé cho tinh tir thé hién quyén so hitu va cum danh tir (tinh tir s htru + danh tir) va mang nghia “cia ai do”. Tinh tir sé hifu khdc véi dai tty sé hivu {néu trén) & ché tinh tir sé heru bé nghia cho danh tir ding dng sau chit kh6ng thay thé cho danh tir. Goi l3 tinh tir sé hifu viné thé hién tinh chat sé hitu cua ngudi hodc vat d6i vdi danh tir di sau n6. Luu y, “its” khéng cé dai tir s& hitu, thay vao dé ta sé thém’s vao sau danh tir, Vidus This is my pen. = This pen is mine. This is your pen his pen is yours. rainhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng anh | 57 BG Primary Grammar This is his pen. = This pen is his. This is her pen. = This penis hers. This is our pen. = This pen is ours. This is Amy’s pen. = This pen is Amy's. PRACTICE 1. Look and write. . This is my camera. This camera is mine. nN . These are our bikes. These bikes are w . This is her house. This house is 5 . That is his car. That car is a Those are their candies. Those candies are 2 . These are your balloons. These balloons are B@ 38 | Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4-Tap1 ll, Read and change. 1. That is your bicycle, = That bicycle is yours. 2. This is my backpack. = This backpack is 3,These are his glasses, = These glasses are 4, Those are her crayons. = Those crayons are 5. That is their camera. = That camera is 6. These are our mittens. = These mittens are 7. This is Amy’s pencil case. = This pencil case is Il. Replace the underlined words with a possessive pronoun. 1. This isn’t my trumpet. 2. This is my water bottle, Where is your water bottle? 3. ve got my uniform. Where is his uniform? 4. V've got my recorder, but | haven’t got her recorder, 5. Whose CDs are these? - They're Gary and Tom’s CDs. 6. Those rackets aren’t mine and Leo's. minhthangbooks - Chuyén séch ting Anh | 59 Primary Grammar 7. The ice creams are yours and Billy’s. 8. They're nice instruments, Are they Anna and Zoe's? IV. Circle the correct answer. 1. That’s ours/ our favourite toy. 2. The little dog is her/ hers. 3. This T-shirt is your/ yours. 4, Some of the sweets are his/ his’s. 5. Those rucksacks are their/ theirs. 6. The ice cream is my/ mine. 7. 1s this CD yours/ your? 8. The DVD player is ours/ our. V. Complete the sentences. Use possessive pronouns. 1. Mum and Dad have got a trophy. The trophy is 2. Leo’s got a football. The football is 3. You and | have got a guitar. The guitar is 4, Katie’s got a plant. The plant is 5. You've got some trainers. The trainers are 6. Zoe and Kim have got a ladder. The ladder is 7. We've got a water bottle. The water bottle is 8. I've got a rucksack. The rucksack is BE 00 | shasschmiotthangrs Ngirphap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4-Tap1 98H WI. Circle the correct answer. 1. Where is schoolbag? {my - mine) 2. That is not rubber. (your — yours ) Itis . (my - mine) 3. hands are cold. (My - Mine) 4. (My/ Mine) room is bigger than (her - hers) 5, Poor my dog! leg is broken. (His - Its) 6.Canluse washing machine? (your - yours) is broken. (Our - Ours) 7. Do you want to stay at house? (our - ours) 8. Is that your camera or ? (her - hers) 9. This is my jacket. is on the chair. (Your - Yours) 10. Where is cat? (our - ours) 11. Don’t touch it. It’s . (my- mine) 12. Do you like new book? (her - hers) nntuhanghooks -Chuyén sich dng Anh | 61 B REVISION II: UNIT 5 - 8 s4y 9. bread 10. jam 11. milk 12. orange Ul, Fillin “some” or “any”, 1. There is cats in the garden. 2. There aren't tomatoes in the fridge. 3. Is there sugar in the jar? 4. There are children in the park. 5, There isn’t coke in the cupboard. 6. Are there books on the table? 7. There isn’t butter in the fridge. 8. There are boys in the classroom. 9. 1s there cakes in the cupboard? 62 | nbasachminhth Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chi'dé Lop 4-Tap1 2 10. There is beer in the glass. 11. There are girls in the classroom. 12. Are there birds on the trees? 13. 1s there milk in the fridge? 14. There is water in the glass. 15. There are glasses on the table. 16. John wants bananas. 17. Is there coffee left? 18. Have you got money? 19. | have bottles on the tables. 20. There are flowers in the vase. ll. Fillin “my, your, his, her, its, our” or “their”. 1. He's got a dog. It’s dog. 2. She's got flowers. They're flowers. 3, Jane's got an umbrella. It’s__ umbrella. 4, You've got some books. & They are books. 5, We've got shorts. ‘They are shorts. mninhthangbooks -Chuyén sich lng Anh | 63. 9 _. Primary Grammar 6. He’s got a banana. @ ws ee 7. Vve gota guitar. & It’s guitar, ¥ 8. They've got a TV. It’s Ww. Sat a 9. Hung has got a ball. It’s ball. 10. They have two dogs. ¢ : They are dogs. IV. Choose the correct answer. 1. That isn’t your coat. It’s B. mine C.our 2. That isn’t hat, it’s mine A. his B. theirs Chim 3. This is my coffee and that’ B. your C. yours 4. Can | listen to cD? A. them B. you C. your 5. She looks like sister. A his B. her C. your 6. It’s a great song. | love : Ait 8. him Cher 7. My sister works in Germany. | don’t see very often. A. their 8. them C.her BE 64 | nhoschminhehangn Ngtrphdp tiéng Anh theo chi déLop4-Tap1 4 8. Where are my keys? | can’t find ! A. them Bit C. him: 9. This exercise is very difficult. | can’t do A. their B. them Cit 10. Does use a laptop at home? Ajit B.he C.her V. Underline the mistake and correct it. 1.1 don’t have some money. 2. | want a egg for breakfast this morning. 3.1 don’t have some books. 4, I need a orange. 5, Do you have some friends in America? 6. Are there any picture on the wall? 7. |want to buy a rice. 8. There are any girls in the classroom. 9, My brother hates hamburgers. He never eatsit. 10. Does him like cooking? Yes, he does. vainhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéag Anh | 65 Primary Grammar VI. Translate into Engish. 1, Bay f& nhéing cudn tir dign cf cia t6i. 2. Con trai ctia chung t6i dang & trudng. 3. Gido vién tiéng Anh cla ho c mot chiéc 6 t6 mdi. 4, Con meo dang udng stta bay gid. 5. Téi cé thé sty dung may tinh cla ban duc khong? 6. S6 dign thoai ctia ban [a gl? 7. Téi thich ngéi nha mdi cia téi. 8, Mark va em gai cau 4y dang hoc bai. 9, Bon tré dang khéc bdi vi chung khéng tim thay dé choi cia chting. (find: tim) 10. Chung tdi dang an tru’a voi gia dinh cua chting tdi. GR 65 | Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4-Tap1 afl - Fillin “a, an”. 1. He has old car. 2. Her father is doctor. 3.Thave English dictionary. 4.Take umbrella. It’s raining! 5. America is large country. 6, We live in very big house. 7. Heis honest boy. 8. There is igloo. 9. My parents have black car. 10. | want to eat ‘egg and some bread. 1. Circle the correct article. 1, Did you bring (a, an, the) umbrella? 2. Are you looking for (a, an, the) shampoo? 3. checked (a, an, the) mailbox again. 4. Can | have (a, an, the) spoon, please? 5. | was born into (a, an, the) poor family. 6. She will come back in (a, an, the) hour. 7. Have you been to (a, an, the) Space Needle Tower in Seattle? 8. What (a, an, the) amazing view! 9. Sheis {a, an, the) prettiest girl in the school. 10. Please give me (a, an, the) cake which is on the counter. minhthanghooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 67 Q& , Primary Grammar Ill, Complete the sentences with “much” or “many”. 1. How. pizza is left? 2. How bottles of milk are there? 3. I've got books. 4. We have lessons today and an exam. 5, Sarah doesn’t have money. 6.1 don’t have time to clean my room. 7. You can see apples on the tree. 8. There isn’t coffee in the jar. 9. There aren’t potatoes left. 10, John has toys at home. IV. Fill in the correct possessive adjectives. 1. Susan, is that pen on the table? 2. What is name? My name is Tom. 3. Lan and Nga like new teacher. 4. Oh, no! I can’t find keys. 5. The children are crying because they can’t find toys. 6. The dog is eating food. 7. names are Long and Nam. They are my friends. 8. Robert and brother are here. 9. Mark and sister are studying maths. 10. They are doing homework. BE 68 | nhasachminhthangom Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4-Tap1 | 11. We are late. class begins at 7:30. 12. My school is modern. rooms are nice. v. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 1. There is a milk in the fridge. 2. Are-there some eggs in the basket?. 3. The boy likes her school. oe He always wear his uniform at school. wt Hoa often forgets his books at home. 6. We've got some strawberry. 7. Thomas is reading a interesting book. ~ . There are an elephant and some tiny mice in the cage. e . We haven’t got some bananas. in th basket? minhthangbooks - Chuyén séch tiéng Anh | 69 Big ms ft ,, Primary Grammar VI. Translate into English. 1. Chiing t6i mang nhiing cai bit chi ctia chiing t6i én lop. 2. Thay Tudn day Idp cia thay dy vao budi sang. 3. Anh trai ti khdng biét ndi tiéng Trung. 4. Khdng co cau bé nao trong gia dinh tdi. 5. Nhffng con voi cé nhitng cai tai to. Voi cla ching khoé. 6. Mat vai diva tré dang ngdi trong cng vién. 7. Khéng cd mét chut siva nao trong nha. 8. Khong c6 con méo nao & trong vudn. 9. Chting tdi cé hai dita con. Bon tré dang & London. 10. Em gai cla toi dang 6 trudng. Mai la ngay sinh nhat ctia c6 ay. BE 70 | nhascchminkshongn GRAMMAR FOCUS Present Simple (Affirmatives) - Thi hién tai don trong cdu khang dinh © Thi hién tai don durgc si dung khi néi vé su that hién nhién, thoi quen ho&c hanh déng mang tinh lp di lép lai. © Cau trac: 1, we, you, they +V He, she, it +V(s, es) cook dinner every day. John often rides a bike to school. (T6i nu bita t6i hang ngdy.) (John thuéng dap xe dén trvdng.) Cac trang tir chi thdi gian thudng di kem voi thi hién tai don always: luén luén once a week: mét tun mét lan usually: thudng twice a week: hai ln mét tuan often: thudng xuyén every day: hang ngay sometimes: thinh thoang at noon: buéi trura seldom: hiém khi in the evening: buéi téi never: khéng bao gid’ tninbthanghooks -Chuyén sich iéag Anh | 71.3 Primary Grammar * Cach thém s, es vao sau dong tir: - Véi hau hét cdc déng tir: ta thém “s” vao sau déng tir. drink — drinks piay > plays - Dang tir két thtic bing o, x, ss, sh, ch ta thém “es” vao dong tir. g0 —> goes teach — teaches - Dong tit két thc bang phy 4m + y: déi y thanh i va thém es vao déng tu. study —> studies fly > flies +s drink — drinks | eat — eats | play — plays 0,%,Ss,sh,ch +es | watch — watches brush — brushes go goes | phyam+y—ies | study studies cry > cries 1. mix mix mixes 2. catch ag 72 Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lép 4- Tap1 > = 3 3. take 4. ride 5. kiss 6.g0 7. dance 8. buy 9. listen 10. eat 11. cry 12. do 13. watch 14. wash 15. work |. Read and change. 1. They watch TV 2. The babies cry. 3. You read comic books. 4.1 goto school. > He watches TV. > The baby. > He > She 5. The monkeys have bananas. > It 6. We study English. 7. (ride a bike. 8. My parents cook dinner. 9. You fly a kite. > Sally > Tom, > My mother > The boy 10. Tom does his homework. 1 minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 73 Primary Grammar ill. Choose the answer. 1. My mother always food for my family. A. buys 8. buyes C.buies 2. His cat sometimes on its cushion. A. sleepes B. sleep C.sleeps 3.He his teeth every day. A, brush 8. brushs C. brushes 4. You ahorse. A. ride B. rides C.ridess 5.He to bed every night at 10.00 p.m. going B. goes C.go 6. My mother never the dishes. A. is washing B. washes C. wash A my homework every day. B. does doing 8. My brother up at 6 o'clock. A. gets B. get C. is getting 9. Her cousins English everyday. A. learning B. learn C. learns 10. Your uncle usually his car. A. repairs B. repair C. repaires BG 74 | nhasechnnin Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 4- Tap 1 | V. Put the verbs into the Simple Present. 2 ohn (vot na ark 2. Susan always (wash) the dishes after meal, 3. Your aunt often 4. The penguin never (fly) in the sky. 5. Her grandsons (paint) the fence every month. 6. loften (vacuum) the floor in the living room. on. 7. Your mother {iron) the clothes every day. Bs 8. Our son (clean) the window in the woning BD 9. His grandfather usually (do) the gardening. 2 6 10. Tom (take) out the rubbish every day. Ee 14. My nephew usually (study) hard at school. 12.1 (water) the plants every morning, sii#Z.t4% ce 13. Our daughter (brush) her teeth every morning. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 75 ig Primary Grammar 4 14. You and Mary often (hang) the pictures on the wall. Bf 15. Our teacher (teach) English every day. re | V. Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the box below, be | __ love clean go | sleep Mary (1) a teacher. She (2) French. The childre (3) her and they (4) alot from her. Mary(5)__ home at 3.00 and (6) lunch. Then she (7) for an hou In the afternoon she (8) shopping or she (9) he house. Sometimes she (10) her aunt and (11) te: She (12)___ English from Monday to Friday at Rose Primary Schoo VI. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 1. My cousin go fishing twice a week. 2. Nam and Lan has ten pencils. 3. My mother washs clothes everyday. 4, She walk to school with her friends. 5. Jame dos his homework after school. 6. My brother speak English well. 7. Mary usually watchs TV in the evening. 8. Tom tidys his room everyday. 9. Babies usually cries when they are hungry. 10. My sister make lunch at 11 o'clock. hminhthangva aegis NEGATIVES) GRAMMAR FOCUS >resent Simple (Negatives) - Thi hién tai don trong cau phi dinh Thi hién tai don duc st? dung khi ndi vé sy that hién nhién, théi quen hodc hanh déng mang tinh lap dilép lal. © G thi hién dai don, néu chi ngt la “4, You, We, They” hodc danh tir s6 nhiéu thi cu phi dinh dugc tao nén bang cach thém don’t (= do not) vao sau chu ngif va theo sau la déng tir nguyén thé. * O thi hién tal don, n&u chi: ngit la “He, She, It” ho&c danh tir s6 ft thi cu phi dinh dug tao nén bang céch thém doesn’t (= does not) vio sau chil ngt? va theo sau [a déng tir nguyén thé. 1, We, You, They + donot +V He She,It+doesn’t+V | don’t doesn’t | I don’t go to school on Sunday. She doesn’t play the piano. (T6i khng dén truréng vao Chi nhét.) | (C6 dy khéng choi dan piano.) minhthangbooks - Chuyén séch tiéng Anh | 77 Bi Primary Grammar PRACTICE 1, Complete the sentences as in the example. 1. We do not like fish. We don’t tke fish. 2,She eat fish. She eat fish. 31 ride a horse. \ ride a horse 4.They____play football They play football. 5. You live in England. You live in England 6.He_____ go swimming. He go swimming. 7. Harry have a car, Harry_____ havea car. 8.Susan_____eat meat. Susan eat meat. ll. Look and write. 1. She the piano. She the flute. 2.Lan coffee. She milk. 3. You to an art class. You to the park. 4. They their faces. They their feet. BG 75 | shosachrinh Ngi phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4-Tap1 3% 5. Amy afish. Amy a ball, English. Chinese. il. Circle the correct answer. 1. She (do/ does) her homework. 2. He (washs/ washes) the clothes after school. 3. Nga (doesn’t read/ does read) books. 4, They (play/ plays) with friends. 5, Lan (takes/ take) a shower after school. 6. He (don’t wash/ doesn’t wash) the dishes. 7. My father and his son (drives/ drive} to work. 8. We (don’t/ doesn’t) do our homework. 9, My mother (clean/ cleans) the floor on Sunday. 10. He (don’t cook/ doesn’t cook} lunch. 11. They (go/ goes) swimming every Saturday. 12.1 (visit/ visits) my grandmother. 13. She (has/ have) got a music lesson today. 14, Billy (don’t play/ doesn’t play) with a robot. 15. Rosy and Billy (walk/ walks) to school. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 79 Primary Grammar IV, Write negative sentences as in the example. 1, The cat/not/drink milk. The cat doesn't drink milk. 2. The children/not/do/their homework. 3. I/not/ listen/to the radio. 4. You/ not/ watch/ TV. 5. We/ not/ go/ to the cinema. 6, Jim/not/clean/the house. 7. Mary/not/write/a letter. 8, They/ not/ work/ in the garden. 9. He/not/play/in the yard. 10. Tom and Jane/not/sing/ a song. 11. He / not / fly a kite BG 60 | shosechminbonng vn Ng phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 4- Tap 1 12. She/ not / ride a bike. 13. My parents/ not / sleep. 14. You/ not / play tennis. 15, They/ not/ often/ clean/ the floor. J. Read and unscramble. 1, study/ they/ don’t/ French/./ 2, doesn’t/ a car/ he/ drive/./ 3. my parents/ coffee/ don’t/ drink/./ 4, he/ clean/ his room/ doesn’t/./ 5. at night/ doesn’t/ bark/ the dog/./ 6. play/ we/ basketball/ don’t/./ minhthngbooks - Chuyén séch ting Anb | 81 § Reto Primary Grammar _— Vi. Read and correct. 1. | doesn’t read comic books. 2. You don’t listens to music. 3. We doesn’t play soccer. 4. Lisa don’t have a brother. 5. We don’t goes to the park. 6. The giraffe don’t eat carrots. 7. Ann doesn’t gets up at 6 o'clock. 8. She often wear her white dress. 9. Tom and Jimmy doesn’t like chocolate. 10. He often eat a sandwich at lunchtime. GRAMMAR FOCUS >resent Simple (Yes/No Questions) - Thi hign tai don trong cau nghi van * Trong cdu nghi van & hién tai don, néu chu gir [a “I, you, we, they” hoc danh tir s6 nhigu thi thém “Do” vao dau cdu. © Néu chi ngif [a “he, she, it” hodc danh tir sé ft thi thém “Does” vao dau cau. L,we, you, they He, she, it Do+S+V (nguyén thé)? Does +S +V (nguyén thé)? Yes, Sdo. Yes, S does. No, S don’t. No, S doesn’t. Do you read comic books? (Ban co doc truyén tranh khéng?) No, I don’t. (Khéng, minh khéng.) Does she watch TV.everyday? (Cé dy c6 xem TV hang ngay khéng?) Yes, she does. (C6, 06 dy 06) rninhtbangbooks-Chuyén sich fog Anh 183 QE Primary Grammar PRACTICE 1. Complete the questions with “Do” or “Does”. 1 she read magazines after school? you help your mother with the housework? the dogs like bones? Lan and Nam watch TV after school? your brother listen to music in the evening? the mouse eat cheese? she drive to work everyday? they play tennis with his friends? Bee Eee neem e EEE eee Eee Eee your cat like fish? 10 Tom walk to school every day? 1. we have English lessons on Friday? 12, Mrs. Jones wash the dishes? il. Complete the questions, then answer them. 1, Do the girls like football? No, they don’t. 2. Jim eat beef burgers? Yes, 3. you go to school? Yes, 4. she drink lemonade? No, 5. he help his mother? No, they walk to school? Yes, 7. fish live in the water? Yes, Be 84 | nhasachminht gon

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