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A Research

Presentend to the Faculty of

Senior High School Intergrate

National High School

Siniloan, Laguna

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirments for the

High School Applied Research Course


Chapter 1



This creation and innovation of bamboo shoots can marks a fascinating journey

in the field of both agriculture and food processing. Due to its adaptability and

nutritional benefits, bamboo shoot powder made from young bamboo shoots can

attracted much attention. This invention can not only changes the way bamboo is

consumed, but also helps promote environmentally beneficial behaviors and

conserve bamboo supplies.

The process of developing bamboo shoots includes many different processes,

from harvesting and cleaning bamboo shoots to processing into fine, versatile

powder. This innovation addresses the challenges of bamboo's limited shelf life and

seasonality by providing a convenient, sustainable product that retains the nutritional

value and flavor of fresh bamboo shoots.

In addition to convenience, bamboo shoots are also consistent with the trend

of increasingly focusing on sustainability and environmental protection. Bamboo is a

highly renewable resource and by using bamboo shoots in various forms, it reduces

pressure on other resources and forests. This innovation contributes to sustainable

agriculture and environmentally friendly practices. Bamboo shoot are frequently use

in numerous recipes providing a crunchy texture and gentle earthy taste as a

seasoning to various dishes. The researcher’s intention to transform it into a powder

form could enhance its accessibility and acceptability as a beneficial tool, not just for

the intended participants, but for everyone.

Adherence, Bamboo shoot powder may also use in many different creative

dishes, from soups and drinks to viand and porridge. Its nutritional profile, including

fiber, vitamins and minerals, makes it a valuable ingredient for health-conscious


Moreover, bamboo shoot powder is not only convenient; it is a source of

nutrition and flavor. This versatile ingredient contains fiber, essential vitamins, and

important minerals. These nutritional attributes have the potential to enrich the diets

of those seeking a more healthy, balanced diet. Its culinary uses are diverse, from

enhancing soups, bread, and more to being a main ingredient in many snacks,

seasonings and recipes. This versatility invites experimentation and culinary

creativity, crossing the boundaries between traditional and modern cuisine.

The development and innovation of bamboo shoots is a multifaceted journey,

spanning the worlds of cooking, sustainability to agriculture. This innovation

promises to make bamboo a more meaningful and accessible resource, ensuring its

benefits more with people while promoting practices that respect the planet. As the

researchers delve deeper into the chapters that follow, the researchers will explore

the intricate details of this transformative journey and its profound impact on culinary

experiences and environment.

The development and innovation of bamboo shoots has created a paradigm

shift in the culinary world. Traditional bamboo shoots are known for its delicate flavor

and unique texture, but seasonal availability and perishability limit the widespread

consumption. By turning it into a convenient, shelf-stable powder, the researchers

expanded the reach of this delicious ingredient, making it accessible to a wider

Moreover, the growth and innovation of bamboo shoots reflects the continuing

evolution in understanding food sustainability and the potential of bamboo shoot as a

versatile and valuable resource. As this innovation continues to grow, it will open the

door to new culinary experiences, promote sustainable practices and provide an

exciting glimpse into the future of food processing. And as the researchers dig

deeper into the chapters that follow, the researchers will explore the intricacies of

this revolutionary innovation and its profound impact on the way an individual eat,

produces, and thinks about food. This trip promises to revolutionize not only the

plates but also the approach to sustainable living and ecological awareness.

Background of the Study

Bamboo Shoot (Phyllostachys edulis) also known as labong has been known

for its naturally occurring nutrients. In this study, the researchers aim to explore the

benefits of bamboo shoots (Phyllostachys edulis) or 'labong' that are used as an

ingredient in various dishes. The acceptability of bamboo shoots (Phyllostachys

edulis) on Siniloan could be underrated, so this study focused on getting the best

regards for bamboo shoots as a helping health tool for the elderly. Developing and

innovating the benefits it gives and provides.

Many potential individuals may not be aware of the existence of bamboo shoot

potential benefits. Lack of awareness can prevent its acceptance and consumption.

In areas where bamboo is traditionally used as fresh shoots, there may be opposition to

the use of bamboo shoot powder due to entrenched culinary traditions. However, the

context of culinary preferences is deeply rooted in some cultures. So, if bamboo powder

does not match local tastes and culinary traditions, it may meet with resistance that may

affect the acceptability of developed and innovated bamboo shoot powder

(Phyllostachys edulis).
According to Roehlano M. Briones, researcher at the Philippine Institute for

Development Studies (PIDS), “bamboo shoots can become an export product if there

are appropriate regulations.” Following these principles, researchers strive to give

people the opportunity to appreciate the importance of bamboo shoots in a variety of

ways that people may not be aware of. The bamboo industry has the potential to

become an alternative construction material due to its sustainability and the minimal

investment time required by farmers to grow this crop.

Bamboo, often celebrated for its remarkable strength and versatile uses, has

long played a central role in many different cultures around the world. In addition to its

uses in construction, textiles and crafts, bamboo is also prized for its culinary potential,

with bamboo shoots being a delicacy in many different cuisines.

However, the use of fresh bamboo shoots is limited in the community due to its

seasonality and perishability, limiting its availability and convenience. To address these

limitations and exploit the full potential of this abundant and renewable resource, the

development and innovation of bamboo shoots has become an inspired culinary


Bamboo Shoot Powder is a product derived from young bamboo shoots that have

been carefully harvested, processed and processed into a multi-purpose powder with

stable shelf life. This innovation not only expands the culinary applications of bamboo,

but also helps promote sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly practices. It

symbolizes the evolving relationship between traditional practices, culinary innovation

and the imperative for more sustainable food production.

This study aims to delve deeper into the multifaceted aspects of bamboo shoot

development and innovation, from production methods and nutritional properties to

culinary applications, environmental sustainability implications market, economic

opportunities and its global importance. By exploring these aspects, the researchers

aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of this revolutionary innovation, highlighting

its potential to redefine the culinary landscape and promote sustainable and

environmentally friendly. And in this study, the researchers will explore the complexities

of bamboo shoots and its transformative impact on the worlds of food processing, and

sustainability. Through exploring its historical context, cultural significance, and the

many opportunities it offers, the researchers aim to provide insight into the past,

present, and future of remarkable culinary innovation in this idea.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to develop and innovate bamboo shoot (Phyllostachys edulis)


Specifically, it will sought answer to the following question;

1.What is the profile of elderly respondents?

1.1 sex;

1.2 age;

1.3 weight; and

1.4 location?

2. What is the acceptability of develop bamboo shoot powder in terms of;

2.1 texture;

2.2 smell; and

2.3 absorbency?

3.What is the acceptability of bamboo shoot in terms of;

3.1 bread;

3.2 porridge;

3.3 drinks; and

3.4 viand?

4.Is there significance in accepting the development of bamboo shoot powder and foods

with bamboo shoot powder when grouped according to profile?

5.Is there a significant difference on the level of acceptability of bamboo shoot products

when grouped according to profile?


The following null hypothesis will be tested;

1. There is no significant acceptability of developing bamboo shoot powder and foods

with bamboo shoot powder when grouped according to profile. And;

2. There is no significant difference on the level of acceptability of bamboo shoot

products when grouped according to profile.

Scope and Limitation

This study is only focus on acceptability of bamboo shoots powder. The study will

be conducted in some barangays in Siniloan, Laguna in the school year 2023-2024 and

taking only 10 participants each selected Barangays. The researcher will use the

residence of Barangay Buhay, Gen. Luna, Wawa, Halayhayin, and Pandeño a

respondent that will answer the following questions given by the researchers. In

gathering data, the researchers will use checklist and questionnaires as research

design. It is to identify and develop the acceptability of bamboo shoot powder

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical underpinning of this research centers on Sustainable

Development Theory, informed by the seminal principles articulated by the Brundtland

Commission. At its core, this theory posits that development should not only meet the

present needs of society but should also safeguard the capacity of future generations to

meet the own needs. The integration of social, economic, and environmental

dimensions becomes pivotal, guiding the exploration of how bamboo shoot powder can

serve as a sustainable solution. This involves a comprehensive examination of

cultivation practices, economic viability, and ecological conservation throughout the

entire value chain.

And the second theory is Innovation Diffusion Theory. Everett Rogers’ Innovation

Diffusion Theory provides a lens to comprehend the process through which new ideas

or technologies, in this case, bamboo shoot powder, permeate within a society. It delves

into the factors influencing the acceptance and utilization of this innovation among a

spectrum of stakeholders — from visionary farmers and entrepreneurs to discerning

consumers. This theory aids in identifying critical elements that facilitate or impede the

seamless integration of bamboo shoot powder into existing agricultural systems, local

economies, and dietary practices.

Significance of the Study

Community. The study holds profound significance for local communities

engaged in or impacted by bamboo shoot powder development. By exploring

sustainable cultivation practices and economic opportunities associated with bamboo

shoot powder, the research aims to empower communities. It provides insights into

potential income diversification, fostering economic resilience. Additionally,

understanding the socio-cultural dimensions can contribute to community well-being,

preserving local traditions and enhancing community cohesion.

Society. At the societal level, the research addresses pressing issues such as

food security, environmental sustainability, and economic development. The sustainable

cultivation and processing of bamboo shoot powder offer a potential solution to

nutritional challenges while promoting eco-friendly practices. By fostering an innovative

and sustainable industry, the study contributes to broader societal goals, aligning with

the principles of responsible resource use and equitable economic development.

School. The study’s implications for schools are manifold. It can serve as an

educational resource, providing valuable insights into sustainable agricultural practices

and innovations. Schools can integrate the findings into curricula, fostering

environmental awareness and entrepreneurship among students. Moreover, the

research offers a practical lens for understanding the intersection of agriculture,

innovation, and sustainability, enriching educational experiences.

Caregivers, particularly those involved in agricultural activities, stand to benefit

from the study’s insights. The research provides information on cultivating bamboo for

shoot powder, offering an alternative crop that may enhance income. Additionally,

understanding the nutritional benefits contributes to caregivers’ knowledge about dietary

diversity, potentially impacting the health and well-being of families. Insights into

sustainable practices also align with caregivers’ role as stewards of the environment.

Researchers. For researchers, the study contributes to the existing body of

knowledge on sustainable agriculture and innovative food products. It opens avenues

for further investigation into the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of

bamboo shoot powder development. Researchers can build upon these findings to

explore related topics, introducing novel food products into diverse markets. The study,

thus, serves as a catalyst for continued scholarly inquiry and advancements in

sustainable agribusiness.
Definition of Terms

The following terminologies is defined operationally and conceptually :

Absorbency. The quality or state of being absorbent. (Merriam Webster)

Age. A period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually marked by a

certain stage or degree of mental or physical development and involving legal

responsibility and capacity. (unabridged dictionary)

Bread. A usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent

is flour or meal. (Merriam Webster)

Drink. A liquid that can be swallowed as refreshment or nourishment.

Gender. Refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as

norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men.

Location. A location is the place where a particular point or object exists. (National


Porridge (Lugaw). A Filipino glutinous rice dish or porridge.

Smell. To perceive the odor or scent of through stimuli affecting the olfactory nerves :

get the odor or scent of with the nose.(Merriam Webster)

Sex. Sex refers to the different biological and physiological characteristics of males and

females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.

Soup. A liquid dish, typically made by boiling

Texture. Is the physical feel of something — smooth, rough, fuzzy, slimy, and lots of

textures something in between.(vocabulary)

Viand. An item of food.

Weight. A measure of the heaviness of an object or something. (William collins


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