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Carlo Rocha 5030

¿what is greenwashing?
"Greenwashing" is a deceptive

practice where an /04

environmentally friendly or

sustainable image is presented to /07

hide less responsible or impactful


practices of a company/09

"Greenwashing" involves hiding illicit funds

behind investments in environmental or
sustainable projects to give an image of social
and environmental responsibility. This
phenomenon underlines the need for more
rigorous oversight in the financing of green
projects to prevent misuse of funds and ensure
that investments truly contribute to the well-
being of the environment
Loss of public confidence and damage to the credibility of

main consecuences companies. This phenomenon can lead to a lack of financial

support and possible legal sanctions. Furthermore,
greenwashing undermines genuine sustainability efforts by

of greenwashing diverting attention from authentic initiatives. As environmental

awareness increases, the social and economic repercussions of
these deceptive practices also tend to intensify, highlighting the
importance of transparency and accountability in environmental
Main solutions

rigorous regulate Transparency Consumer educati

Implement and enforce stricter Promote transparency in the information Promote consumer education so that
regulations on advertising and labeling provided by companies. Verifiable they can recognize and question
of sustainable products and business reporting on sustainable practices can sustainability claims. Awareness
practices. This can include significant help mitigate public mistrust campaigns can help empower
penalties for those who violate the consumers to make more informed
regulations decisions
Independent certifications
Encourage the use of independent third-party
certifications that authenticate sustainability claims.
These certifications can be more reliable and objective

Stakeholder engagement
Engage stakeholder groups, such as non-governmental
organizations and sustainability experts, to evaluate and
verify companies' sustainable practices
In short, greenwashing threatens trust and authenticity in
sustainability. Combating it requires stricter regulations,
verifiable transparency and consumer education to preserve
the integrity of genuine sustainable efforts
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