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Natasya Dilla1

Student of the Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University

Dr. Osly Usman, M. Bus2

Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University



This research uses qualitative research methods that test several theories that have been
carried out by previous researchers. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there
is an influence between price, product reviews, and security on purchasing decisions. The
number of samples conducted in this study was 100 student respondents at the State
University of Jakarta. The data collection technique was done using a Likert scale
questionnaire with 5 scores. Researchers tested several tests using SPSS 23, namely the Test
Requirements Test, Classical Assumption Test, and Hypothesis Test. From these calculations,
it is obtained Multiple Regression Analysis Ŷ = 3.876 + 0.591X + 0.208 X + 0.041 X then
1 2 3

obtained F > F namely 20.471> 2.70. Price Variables (X1) and Product Reviews (X2)
count table,

have a value greater than 1.66 which can be said that the Price Variables and Product
Reviews have a partial effect on Purchasing Decisions. While Security has a value lower or
less than 1.66 which can be said that the Security Variable does not partially affect the
Purchase Decision.

Keywords: Price, Product Reviews, Security, and Purchase Decisions

A. Introduction
Life is growing, lifestyle changes, and develops. This is also supported by the era of
globalization which has changed people's lives to be 180 degrees different from usual.
Why is that? Because in this era of globalization, the level of introduction to the
technology is getting higher. This applies throughout the world, including Indonesia.
Even children under 5 years of age already know and even understand what a
smartphone is. Therefore, it cannot be denied that internet users are increasing.
Based on information obtained about technology users around the world in 2019, 3.49
billion people use the internet. Statistical data shows that Indonesia is one of the 10

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largest internet user countries in the world. With a population that ranks 4th from all over
the world after China, India, and the United States making 143 million of the 268 million
people in Indonesia use the internet. Quite a lot, right? Not surprisingly, Indonesia
occupies 10 countries with the largest internet users. More than half of Indonesia's
population who use the internet the most are vulnerable aged 15-19 years, followed by
those aged 20-24 years and aged 25 years and over. Ages 15-24 are teenagers who are
more responsive and understand more about the internet. They use the internet for their
interests in terms of education, entertainment, work, communication between colleagues
and others.
The presence of the internet during life has made some people more creative, namely
by utilizing the internet as a business platform. Often we encounter on social media,
many people do business online. The online business they run, not only on their social
accounts but also they try to open a business online through E-Commerce or
Marketplace. E-commerce is the distribution, purchase, sale, marketing of goods and
services through electronic means such as the internet or television, www, or other
computer networks. E-commerce can involve electronic fund transfers, electronic data
exchange, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection
systems. Amar Manzoor in his book says “E-commerce refers to the use of electronic
means and technologies to conduct commerce (sale, purchase, transfer, or exchange of
products, services, and/or information). including within business, business-to-business,
and business-to-consumer interactions. Delivery of product or service may occur over or
outside of the Internet (Whinston, Choi, & Stahl. 1997). " This means "E-commerce
refers to the use of electronic tools and technology to conduct trade (sale, purchase,
transfer or exchange of products, services, and/or information). including in business,
business-to-business-interruption, and business-to-consumer. Delivery of products or
services can take place over or outside the Internet (Whinston, Choi, & Stahl. 1997). "
Marketplace is one of the biggest players in the E-commerce business Indonesia's. The
activity of buying and selling online has indeed been on the rise in recent years. Online
trade transactions (E-Commerce) in Indonesia have a bright future. This is because the
transaction value has continued to increase over the past five years.
The popularity of E-Commerce in Indonesia has made some people worried. Because
with the times, E-Commerce is one part of a technology that is often visited by the
public. This of course makes some people who do not understand the technology and
have stores offline a little nervous because they are worried that their goods in stores will

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offline not sell because people today prefer to scroll their cellphones, then click order on
the application E-Commerce. and just wait at home until the item arrives.
In Indonesia, many applications of E-Commerce have become a public trust, one of
which is Shopee. Shopee itself is an E-Commerce or Marketplace which is very popular
among young and old people. Everyone knows E-Commerce with an orange logo that
was founded in December 2015. Public attention has now turned to Shopee. Because this
Shopee application provides facilities that can be felt by buyers and even sellers. Such as
ease of transactions, free shipping system, etc.
However, the Indonesian people in buying an item usually the buyer thinks of several
considerations including the price of the item, then product reviews provided by other
buyers, then the security guaranteed by the store or E-Commerce. Especially price, price
apart from being the main factor, price is also a sensitive matter for consumers.
Consumers before buying something, always look at the number label printed on the
product first. Because consumers will compare the price of a product with other similar
products. If he sees that it is cheaper, consumers will prefer products with these low
prices. If the price is a major and sensitive factor, product reviews are a supporting factor
for someone to buy goods at a store. The reason is, if a consumer wants to decide to buy
an item, he will take a look at whether the previous buyer gave a good review of the
item. Furthermore, regarding security, for security, usually a consumer will have a look
and find out more deeply whether the store has a high level of security so that consumers
can decide to buy goods at the store.
Therefore, this study as explained in the background of the problem above, the study
aims to determine whether there is an "Effect of Price, Product Reviews, and Security
on Purchasing Decisions in the SHOPEE Marketplace''. Researchers want to know
how much influence the independent variable price, product reviews, and safety have on
the dependent variable purchasing decisions.

B. Theory Study
1. Price
Price is the main factor for someone to buy an item. Usually, before people
purchase an item, they will check the number label printed on the item. Price is the
reason for consideration of the item being purchased by someone. By paying
attention to the price of an item, someone will find it easier to compare the items he

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will buy. If item A has a lower price than item B, then someone will automatically
prefer item A.
Laksana (2008) states that the price is the amount of money needed which can
be used as an exchange of products and/or services. In line with the above definition
opinion, according to Harjanto, price is an agreement of value that is used as one of
the conditions in exchange for a purchase transaction. Price is also defined as
something that the buyer must spend to receive the product. Then, according to
Daryanto (2013) price is the amount of money billed for a product or an amount of
value that is exchanged by consumers for the benefits of owning or using the product.
disclosing price is the value of a good / service in the currency in a country.
Therefore, the price is the amount of money needed to fulfill the exchange and the
exchange referred to here is carried out for goods accompanied by services.
In line with the expert's understanding above, Philip Kotler (2005) says that
price is an amount of money that must be paid by the customer for the product.
Meanwhile, Simamora (2003: 574) states that price is the amount of money charged
for a product or service. Then along with the opinion of previous experts, Jerome Mc
Carthy (2002) says the price is what is charged for something. Furthermore, Swasta
(2001: 89) states that the price is the amount of money needed to get some
combination of goods and services.
Based on some of the expert opinions above, it can be concluded that the price
is an amount of money given by someone to exchange the value of money with the
desired item as a result of exchanging products for goods/services. There are 3 price
indicators as stated by (Tjiptono, 2000, p. 152; Kotler & Armstrong, 2015, p. 76;
Sweeney & Soutar, 2001): (i) There is price worthiness, (ii) There is a price match
with product quality, (iii)discount or discount.
Kotler and Armstrong'swhich are translated by Alexander Sindoro and
Benyamin Molan (2012: 318) states that there are four detailed dimensions regarding
price, including price affordability, price compatibility with a product quality, price
compatibility with benefits, as well as the competitiveness.
a. Affordability of the price
The affordability of the price in question is that a buyer can reach a product
price that has been set by a service/goods company that produces the

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goods/services. Now, usually, a company provides a price for a product with a
certain range.
b. Price Conformity with the Quality of a Product
The price compatibility with the quality of a product in question is that a
buyer can reconsider the goods he will buy. Well, usually, a buyer often
determines whether the price issued by the production company matches the
quality of the product. Buyers often assume that the highest price indicates the
true quality of the product.
c. Price Match with Benefits Price
Compatibility with benefits means that in buying goods, a consumer pays
attention to how much benefit will be obtained from these goods. For example,
buying a jacket to travel abroad in winter. So whatever the price is high,
consumers will buy it because it is for their personal needs.
d. Price Competitiveness
The competitiveness in question is when buying a product, consumers usually
don't just look at one or two shops to consider the price of the product. Because it
could be in other stores, the price of these items is much cheaper than the
previous shop. Therefore, it is said to be price competitiveness.

2. Product Reviews
Product reviews can be said as one of the reasons someone buys a product on
a marketplace that is booming in the 21st century. This is because everyone doesn't
know what online shopping is. In the Marketplace, there is an Online Customer
Reviews (OCRs) feature which is commonly known as product reviews. In that
product review, it contains criticism, input, and suggestions from buyers for the
products they bought at the store online.
According to Lackermair, Kailer, & Kanmaz, product reviews are
features/sections in the Marketplace that are used to describe the advantages or
disadvantages of a product. Meanwhile, Filieri (2014) states that Online Customer
Reviews (OCRs) are a form of word-of-mouth communication in online sales. Then,
Mo, et, al. in Saripa (2019) reveals that reviews contain images that reflect the actual
quality of goods, such as color problems, inconsistent specifications, usage problems,
or high quality, and a good experience. Meanwhile, Spink in Nurul, et al. 2019
revealed that product reviews are reviews provided by customers on these products.

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Furthermore, agreeing with the experts above, according to Valant (2015),
online customer review is an opinion that arises from the experience that consumers
receive from a service or product from a business, which is then conveyed through
online media. Then quoting Mo (2015) who argues that Online Customer Reviews
can be found on websites where many retail sellers can help consumer needs as well
as websites that can meet the needs of consumers and producers. Furthermore,
Khammash (2008: 79) explains that this online consumer review is a medium for
consumers to see reviews from other consumers of a company's products, services,
and how a producer company is. Meanwhile, the opinion of Almana and Mirza
(2013: 23), also reveal that the Online Consumer Review is used as a means for
consumers to find and get information that will later influence purchasing decisions.
From some exposure to expert opinions regarding product reviews or online
customers reviews, it can be concluded that product reviews or online customers
reviews are one of the features contained in the Marketplace which is useful for
buyers to see the information provided by previous buyers by using additional
images, descriptions and criticism and suggestions regarding a product that will be
purchased by the next buyer.
There are four indicators for product reviews (Lackermair, Kailer, & Kanmaz,
2013, p. 2), including:
a. Awareness of Awareness
This means the buyer realizes that there is a product review feature to help
him consider buying the item because he sees the reviews provided by the seller.
b. Frequency or Frequency
Frequency here means that the buyer uses the product review feature as a tool
to find information about the product. Seek information from criticism given by
previous buyers.
c. Comparison.
The comparison here means that with a product review feature a buyer can
compare the product he will buy.
d. Influence or Effect
The influence here means that with the product review feature, a buyer will be
influenced to buy the product by looking at what other buyers have commented

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3. Security
Security is something everyone always wants. Today, many people find it
difficult to trust the security of their data because unwanted things often occur such
as cybercrime (Cyber Crime) which hacks other people's accounts for personal gain.
All people want their personal information to be properly protected and confidential.
So that the public can increase trust in the store online.
According to Andriyani (2014) security is the ability to protect potential
threats, namely protecting financial transactions and consumer information and data.
Security is the ability of online stores to control and maintain security for data
transactions. In line with previous expert thoughts, Harman Malau (2017: 345)
defines security as the ability of online stores to control and maintain security for
data transactions. Meanwhile, according to Sarno and Iffano (2014) security is an
effort to secure information assets against threats that may arise.
Continued by quoting Park and Kim (2006) according to him, security is the
ability of online stores to maintain the security of data and transactions that are being
carried out and carry out regular controls. Burhanuddin revealed that security is one
of the most substantial needs for humans, both individually and in groups. (Garfinkel
& Lipford, 2014) revealed that the definition of data security is an effort to protect
and guarantee the three most important aspects in cyberspace, namely: data
confidentiality, data integrity, data availability. Data confidentiality guarantees that
cyber users are protected by privacy, whether it's privacy on their personal
computers, handheld devices, or protected by their privacy data when doing various
internet browsing activities. Data integrity ensures that cyber users get complete and
correct data without being modified and changed by other parties in the middle of the
From some of the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that
security is a method or ability used by several parties to protect or maintain the
security of a data or transaction so that the information is safe from any threats.
According to Raman Arasu and Viswanathan A. (2011), security indicators
include (i) security assurance, (ii) data confidentiality. According to Lackermair,
Kailer, & Kanmaz. (2013: 2), there are four dimensions of security including:
a. Confidentiality
Confidentiality means being able to maintain or guarantee that data, especially
messages, transactions, orders, etc. cannot be reached by other people.

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b. Integrity
Integrity means ensuring the integrity of data. The data cannot be tampered
with or even changed by any party except yourself or yourself.
c. Availability
Availability means that it makes it easier for consumers to access information.
As well as selecting who can access that information.
d. Use of Legitimacy
The Use of legitimacy means ensuring consumer information is not hacked by
irresponsible parties and guarantees purchase transactions.

4. Purchasing Decisions
Buyers are often hesitant to buy an item because of many considerations. As to
whether this item can be useful for him, what about the quality of the item, then
whether the price is given is worth it and by the quality of the item. With so many
considerations, the buyer's decision to buy the item will be delayed.
Machfoedz (2005) suggests that decision-making is a process of assessing and
selecting various alternatives according to certain interests by determining an option
that is considered the most profitable. Furthermore, according to Kotler & Armstrong
(2004), the purchase decision is a stage in the buyer's decision-making process where
consumers buy. From the two definitions of these experts, we can conclude that the
purchase decision is the final stage of the appraisal and selection process in which
consumers will buy the item after many considerations.
According to Swastha (2007), there are five roles of individuals in buying
decisions, namely: (i) Taking the initiative (initiator), (ii) influencing people
(influencers), (iii) decision-makers (deciders), (iv) buyers (buyers), (v) Users (users).
There are 5 stages in the decision-making process starting with problem recognition,
information search, evaluating existing options (evaluations of alternatives), product
purchase, and post-purchase evaluation
a. Problem(recognition problem recognition)
b. Information search (information search)
c. Evaluating existing options (evaluations of alternatives)
d. Purchase of products (product purchase)
e. Post-Purchase Evaluation(post-purchase evaluation)

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C. Theoretical Framework
Price is one of the factors that make someone buy an item. The higher the price of an
item, the higher the price of an item, the longer the decision is made by someone to buy
the item. Price becomes the agreed value in a transaction. Research conducted by (Lubis,
2018) shows that price has a significant effect on the purchase decision of PT Suara
Barisan Hijau Harian Orbit Medan. Price is indeed the main target in the decision to buy
an item. Therefore, the price must be able to win the hearts of consumers for the benefit
of the company or store. Similar research was also conducted by (Zulaicha & Irawati,
2016) which revealed that there was a significant influence on purchasing decisions at
Morning Bakery Batam. Then, the same research was also carried out by (Polla,
Mananeke, & Taroreh, 2018) which stated that there was an effect of price on purchasing
decisions at Pt Indomaret Unit Jalan Sea. From the three previous studies, it proved that
price has a positive influence on consumer purchasing decisions. However, (Sudjatmika,
2017) states that price does not have a positive effect on purchasing decisions on
Then product reviews, product reviews are reviews given by consumers of goods
purchased at an online store or offline store. Before consumers buy an item in an online
shop, they will usually see reviews on product reviews provided by previous buyers.
Product reviews help a consumer to determine whether the item is right for purchase or
not. Research conducted by (Kanitra & Kusumawati, 2018) reveals that online consumer
reviews have a considerable influence on purchasing decisions. Consumers make the
reviews provided by other consumers as considerations for purchasing decisions for
Oppo smartphone products. Similar research was also conducted by (Latief & Ayustira,
2020) which revealed that online customer reviews have a positive influence on
purchasing decisions for cosmetic products at Sociolla. Product reviews are often used as
a benchmark by other consumers when buying a product. The reason is, product reviews
contain criticism, suggestions, and opinions about the products sold at the store. Thus,
many other consumers, before buying the item, look at the comments given by previous
buyers. Therefore, sellers at Shopee need to prioritize quality both in terms of products
and services. Because a little deficiency can disappoint consumers and will vent
dissatisfaction through reviews. If there is a bad review, of course, it has reduced
consumer confidence in the product. The same research was also conducted by Fadli
(2020). Online consumer reviews on YouTube have a significant effect on purchasing

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decisions, this is because Online Consumer reviews smartphones on Youtube make it
easy to find information, evaluate Samsung smartphones with other brands.
Security is something that is needed by consumers. When you want to buy an item,
make a transaction, consumers are anxious and afraid that their data will be misused or
hacked by irresponsible people. Research conducted by (HIDAYAH, 2018) reveals that
the security variable has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Then the
same research was also conducted by Nahla, et al. (2019) which revealed that the
security variable has a significant and positive influence on purchasing decisions in the
community. Bukalapak. However, research conducted by Randika, et al (2018) states that
it has a negative influence on purchasing decisions on Danbo Handicraft Products
Online. This is evidenced by the higher level of security provided by the Danbo Craft
House, it will reduce the number of purchases of Danbo handicraft products. Conversely,
if the security level is lowered, the number of sales will increase.

D. Hypothesis Research

Price (X1)
Product Purchasing
Reviews H2 Decisions (Y)

Based on the background description and the framework, the hypothesis proposed in
this study is as follows:
H1: Price (X1) has a significant effect on Purchasing Decisions (Y)
H2: Product Reviews (X2) have a significant effect on Purchasing Decisions ( Y)
H3: Security (X3) has a significant effect on Purchasing Decisions (Y)
H4: Price (X1), Product Reviews (X2), Security (X3) has a significant effect on
Purchasing Decisions (Y).

E. Research Methodology


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This research uses a research method with a quantitative approach. The quantitative
approach according to Sugiyono (2015: 14) is research based on the philosophy of
positivism to examine specific populations or samples and random or random sampling
by collecting data using analysis, statistical instruments. In this study, researchers
collected data and distributed questionnaires to find information and support research.
And this study was assisted by SPSS 23. This study aims to determine whether there is
an influence between Price, Product Reviews, and Security on Purchasing Decisions.
Retrieval of data using a questionnaire or questionnaire method in which the researcher
collects data from the respondents by distributing questionnaires given by the researcher.
This study obtained 100 respondents where they answered the items contained in the
questionnaire or questionnaire. In this study, the researcher used a questionnaire to get
the results that he would research with a closed questionnaire. Where the researchers
distributed questionnaires and respondents gave answers to the questionnaire. The
questionnaire uses a Likert scale with the guidelines "SS = Strongly Agree", "S =
Agree", "RR = Doubtful", "TS = Disagree", "STS = Strongly Disagree"

F. Variable Definition and Variable Operations

1. Definition of Variables
According to Sugiyono (2012), research variables are the nature or value of
people, objects, or activities that have certain variations that have been determined by
researchers to study and draw conclusions. In this study, it has been determined that
there are 2 kinds of variables, as follows:
a. Independent Variable
Sugiyono (2011) states that the independent or independent variable is the
variable that affects or causes the change or the emergence of the dependent
variable (dependent). In this study, the independent or independent variables are
Price (X1), Product Reviews (X2), and Security (X3)
b. Bound Variables or Dependent Variables
Sugiyono (2011) says that the dependent or dependent variable is the variable
that is influenced or becomes the result, because of the independent variable. In
this study, the dependent or free variable is the Purchase Decision (Y)
2. Operational Variables
Nazir (1983) revealed that operational variables are a definition given to a
variable by providing or specifying the activities needed to measure the variable.


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Variable Definition of Indicator Scale

Price(X1) price is one part that sticks to a 1. There is a price

product so that it becomes a cost eligibility
producer for sellers and fulfillment 2. There is a match
of needs, desires for consumers. between price and
product quality Ordinal
3. There is a discount or a

Product 1. Awareness ofof

Reviews Product reviews or OCRs are a Awareness
(X2) communication feature thatthat 2. Frequency or Frequency
functions to rate, describe, 3. Comparison of
criticize, and provide suggestions Comparison Ordinal
for a product sold in the storethe 4. Influence or Effect
store online.

Security Security is the ability to protect or 1. Security guarantee.

(X3) maintain the security of consumer 2. Data confidentiality.
data and information so that data
misuse does not occur. Ordinal


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Purchase A purchase decision is the final 1. Problem(recognition
Decision stage of the assessment and problem recognition)
(Y) selection process where consumers 2. Information search
will buy the item after many (information search)
considerations. 3. Evaluating the Existing Ordinal
Options (evaluations of
4. Purchase of products
(product purchase)
5. Post-Purchase
tpurchase evaluation)

G. Results and Discussion

1. Test Requirements Analysis
a. Normality Test
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statis Df Sig. Statis Df Sig.
tic tic
Prices ,081 100 ,103 ,982 100 ,203
Product Reviews ,086 100 ,065 ,983 100 ,210
Security ,082 100 ,098 ,982 100 ,198
Purchasing ,073 100 ,200 ,987 100 ,407
*Lilliefors Significance Correction


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Based on the output table above which is the result of calculations with SPSS
23, it can be obtained that the data is normally distributed. This is evidenced by
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance level of 0.103 for the Price variable, 0.065
for the Product Review variable, 0.098 for the Safety variable, and 0.200 for the
Purchase Decision variable. The level of significance obtained for achieving these
data is normally distributed or not is> 0.05. From the calculation of the normality
test, it was found that the four variables had a value> 0.05. So it can be said that
the four data are normally distributed.
This normality test is also proven from the P-Plot Normality Test image,
which means that if the data is normally distributed, the data will spread around
the diagonal line and follow the direction of the line. As in the image below, the
data spreads around the line and follows the direction. It can be concluded that
the data is normally distributed.

b. Reliability Test
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
,854 25

From the table above, the reliability test value of all variables seen from
Cronbach's Alpha is 0.854. Therefore, it can be concluded that 0.854> 0.7. So
from that, it can be said that all of these variables are declared reliable.


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c. Linearity Test

Uji Linearitas X1 terhadap Y
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Purcashing_Deci Between (Combined) 262,210 10 26,221 6,653 ,000
sion (Y) * Groups Linearity 56,77
223,763 1 223,763 ,000
Prices (X1) 3
from 38,447 9 4,272 1,084 ,383
Within Groups 350,780 89 3,941
Total 612,990 99

Uji Linearitas X2 Terhadap Y
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Purchasing_Dec Between (Combined) 113,187 8 14,148 2,576 ,014
ision (Y) * Groups Linearity 14,37
78,958 1 78,958 ,000
Product_Review 6
s (X2) Deviation
34,229 7 4,890 ,890 ,518
from Linearity
Within Groups 499,803 91 5,492
Total 612,990 99

Uji Linearitas X3 Terhadap Y
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Purchasing_Des Between (Combined) 120,094 14 8,578 1,479 ,137
cision(Y) * Groups Linearity 54,062 1 54,062 9,323 ,003
Security (X3) Deviation
66,032 13 5,079 ,876 ,581
from Linearity
Within Groups 492,896 85 5,799
Total 612,990 99

Test Linearity test is a test used to determine whether these variables have a
linear relationship. Judging from the significant test at linearity <0.05, these
variables have a linear relationship. Meanwhile, if> 0.05 then these variables do
not have a linear relationship. From the three tables above, it can be seen that the


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linearity table has a significant X1 0,000. Then significant X2 is worth 0.000 and
significantly X3 is worth 0.003. Therefore, it can be concluded that the three
tables are at linearity <0.05, which means that the three variables, namely Price,
Product Reviews, and Safety, have a linear relationship with Purchasing
2. Classical Assumption Test
a. Multicollinearity Test
Is a test that aims to test whether there is a correlation between Price, Product
Reviews, and Safety variables. This test is seen from the Tolerance value. 0.1 and
VIF value <10, then multicollinearity does not occur. The following is a
calculation using SPSS 23:
Model Unstandardized Standa t Sig Collinearity
Coefficients rdized . Statistics
B Std. Beta Tole VIF
Error ranc
1 (Constant) 3,876 2,598 1,4 ,13
92 9
Prices ,591 ,101 ,530 5,8 ,00 ,780 1,283
(X1) 69 0
Product_R ,208 ,115 ,156 1,8 ,07 ,850 1,177
eviews 03 5
Security ,041 ,075 ,048 ,54 ,58 ,827 1,209
(X3) 3 8
a. Dependent Variable: Purchasing_Decision(Y)

From the table above, it can be said that the Tolerance value of the three X
variables, namely Price 0.780, Product Reviews 0.850, and Security 0.827, where
the three variables have a value> 0.1 and a VIF value of 1.283, Product Reviews
1.177 and Security 1.209 where the three results are VIF, 10. Therefore, it can be
interpreted that there is no multicollinearity problem.
b. Heteroscedasticity Test


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The Heteroscedasticity test is a test in which there is an inequality of the
variants of the regression model. If the regression model is good, it does not
indicate a heteroscedasticity problem. This is where this can be proven by a
significance value> 0.05.
Unstandardized Coeffici
Coefficients ents
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 3,624 1,437 2,521 ,013
Prices (X1) -
-,063 ,056 -,125 ,262
,064 ,064 ,106 1,002 ,319
views (X2)
Security -
-,094 ,041 -,244 ,025
(X3) 2,270
a. Dependent Variable: RES2

The table above shows that the price has a significance value of 0.262. Then
Product Reviews have a significance value of 0.319. And the last one Security
has a significance value of 0.025. This means that the variables Price and Product
Reviews have a value greater than 0.05, which means that the two variables do
not occur heteroscedasticity problems. While the security variable has a value of
less than 0.05, which means there is a heteroscedasticity problem in the security
variable (X3).
Then, it is also strengthened by the image below which is the result of the
heteroscedasticity calculation test with SPSS 23, where the image below shows
that the dots are slightly irregular and spread out. So it can be said that there is no
heteroscedasticity problem.


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c. Multiple Regression Test
A test is a test conducted to determine a relationship between two or more
variables to determine the effect of the independent and dependent variables.
Below is the calculation of the results of SPSS 23 :
Unstandardized Coefficie Collinearity
Coefficients nts Statistics
Std. Tolera
Model B Error Beta T Sig. nce VIF
1 (Constant) 3,876 2,598 1,492 ,139
Prices (X1) ,591 ,101 ,530 5,869 ,000 ,780 1,283
,208 ,115 ,156 1,803 ,075 ,850 1,177
ews (X2)
Security (X3) ,041 ,075 ,048 ,543 ,588 ,827 1,209
a. Dependent Variable: Purchasing_Descision (Y)

Based on the table above, the regression equation is obtained, namely:

Ŷ = 3.876 + 0.591 X1 + 0.208 X2 + 0.041 X3
From these results it means that Price (X1), Product Reviews (X2) and
Security (X3) have value 0, then the value of the Purchase Decision (Y) is at a
value of 3.876. If the value of the X1 coefficient is 0.591, which means that the
price (X1) has increased by 1 point, the Purchase Decision (Y) has also increased
by 0.591 at a constant of 3.876, but X2 and X3 have a fixed or unchanged value.
This means that the X1 coefficient is positive, which means that there is a
positive influence between Price and Purchase Decision. This indicates that the
increasing price will affect the increase in Purchasing Decisions. Then for the X2


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coefficient, if it has a value of 0.208 which means Product Reviews (X2) have
increased by 1 point, the Purchase Decision (Y) has also increased by 0.208 at a
constant of 3.876 but X1 and X3 have a fixed or unchanged value. This means
that the X2 coefficient is positive, which means that there is a positive influence
between Product Reviews and Purchase Decisions. This indicates that an increase
in Product Reviews will affect an increase in Purchasing Decisions. Furthermore,
the X3 coefficient, if it has a value of 0.041, which means that Security (X3) has
increased by 1 point, the Purchase Decision (Y) has also increased to 0.041 at a
constant of 3.876 but X1 and X2 have a fixed or unchanged value. This means
that the X3 coefficient is positive, which means that there is a positive influence
between Security and Purchase Decisions. This indicates that the increase in
Security will affect the increase in the Purchase Decision.
3. Hypothesis Test
a. F test or Simultaneous
Test F test is used to determine whether there is a significant influence or not
between the independent variable and the dependent variable simultaneously and
whether there is something different or not between the tested variables. The table
below is a calculation table using SPSS 23
Sum of Mean
Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 239,155 3 79,718 20,471 ,000b
Residual 373,835 96 3,894
Total 612,990 99
a. Dependent Variable: Purchasing_Decision
b. Predictors: (Constant), Security, Product_Reviews, Prices

The table above shows that from the calculation results obtained F count is 20.471.
To determine the F , you must look at the statistical table with a significance of

0.05 df 1 (number of variables - 1) or 4 -1 = 3 and df 2, namely n - k - 1 (n

number of respondents, k number of independent variables, and 1 is an absolute
number) or 100 - 3 - 1 = 96. The F table is 2.70. So it can be concluded that Price,
Product Reviews, and Safety simultaneously influence Purchasing Decisions.
This is evidenced by F count >F
table, namely 20.471> 2.70.
b. T-test or Partial


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T-test is a test used to determine whether there is a partial influence of
independent variables on the dependent variable. The results below are calculated
using SPSS 23.
Unstandardized Coefficie
Coefficients nts
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 3,876 2,598 1,492 ,139
Prices (X1) ,591 ,101 ,530 5,869 ,000
,208 ,115 ,156 1,803 ,075
ews (X2)
Security (X3) ,041 ,075 ,048 ,543 ,588
a. Dependent Variable: Purchasing_Decision (Y)

The table above shows that the T count obtained through the results of the SPSS
calculation is Price (X1) 5.869, then Product Reviews (X2) 1.803, and finally
Security (X3) 0.543. To find T table , it can be seen from the calculation results at
significant 0.05 with df n - k - 1 or 100 - 4 - 1 = 95. Then the T table is 1.66. From
these results, it can be concluded that the Price Variable (X1) and Product
Reviews (X2) have a value greater than 1.66 which can be said that the Price
Variable and Product Reviews have a partial effect on Purchasing Decisions.
While Security has a value lower or less than 1.66 which can be said that the
Security Variable has no partial effect on Purchasing Decisions.
c. Coefficient of Determination
Calculate the coefficient of determination (R2)is used to calculate or measure
the predictive value of the variable. The calculation below is carried out using
SPSS 23.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 ,625 ,390 ,371 1,973
a. Predictors: (Constant), Security (X3), Product_Reviews
(X2), Prices (X1)


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In the table above, R2 is 0.390 which means the variable Price, Product
Reviews and Safety simultaneously is 39.0% while the remaining 61.0% is
influenced by variables, not in the calculation.
H. Conclusion
This study aims to examine the variables that affect the Purchase Decision with the
variables of Price, Product Reviews, and Security by processing the data conducted by
the researcher, describing the data, then analyzing and describing what the researcher has
done in the previous chapters. Therefore, researchers can conclude that together there is
an influence on Price, Product Reviews, and Safety on Purchasing Decisions in the
SHOPEE Marketplace (Case Study of Jakarta State University Students). based on the
research results, it was found that:
1. Price has a positive effect on purchasing decisions. The higher the price, the higher
the effect of purchasing decisions that will be made by buyers, and vice versa.
2. Product Reviews have a positive effect on Purchasing Decisions. The higher the
product reviews, the higher the influence of purchasing decisions that will be made
by buyers, and vice versa.
3. Security has a positive effect on Purchasing Decisions. The higher the security, the
higher the effect of purchasing decisions that will be made by buyers, and vice
4. There is a positive influence between Price, Product Reviews, and Safety on
Purchasing Decisions. If the price, product reviews, and safety are higher, the
higher the influence of purchasing decisions that will be made by buyers, and vice


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